The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration SINGLE PLAYER Scenario.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I downloaded version from Dropbox, and started to play it few days ago...
    I suppose it is better (& recommended) to delete that and to play new Steam Scenario version?
  2. frantech1

    frantech1 Lieutenant

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Hey, I think all the teleporters on Venus are broken. They don't teleport, I just hear the station in the background and then have to quit and restart back at Venus station.
  3. Rebelizor

    Rebelizor Ensign

    Aug 29, 2016
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    no, i tried it from different positions with the same result :(

    but ok, then i have to try with a new setup on the server
  4. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Not sure why your teleporters are not working there working when I use them, but it would be best to use the STEAM version, I have updated it today to correct a couple of wormhole bugs stopping travel, and I have added a new space playfield where a planet was destroyed, but I have not had time this afternoon to set all playfields to PvP yet, but if you feel up to it you can open 100 odd YAML files and up the top of the file just delete false and write true to convert the playfield to PvP before you start the game.
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Only if you choose a different starting location in SINGLE PLAYER version, so yes this version, theres a few different starts but the overall goal / mission missions are the same.
  6. frantech1

    frantech1 Lieutenant

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I'm having a great time playing with this on single player. So beautiful and so dangerous all at the same time.
    Needleship, rainyday and piddlefoot like this.
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Found a major bug in a couple of Teleporters on the Earth Trade Stations and also the Venus Trade Station, they have been corrected and the POIs have been modified to correct the problem, the Sector file had a couple problems with wormholes not functioning correctly, they have been corrected also, it is now possible to actually leave the Asteroid Field for example, and last but not least the SP version has now got all of its planets set to PvP and most Space playfields are also PvP but there are a few I didn't get time for in space so there are still a few PvE space playfields in the SP version.

    This with luck will be the last update for a while on this scenario.

    Link in first post has also been updated.
    rainyday likes this.
  8. Dencarion

    Dencarion Ensign

    Apr 7, 2017
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    DL'ed it yesterday and started to play...
    Landed on Amara
    OK, what now?
    No instructions, no tasks or quests?
    Am I missing something? Nothing on the PDA, so not sure what to do :)
    Would be cool to find out as I'm very interested in this scenario.
  9. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    The default PDA only works with Akua, the Default original planets as they were designed and built around those planets it really only functions properly if you have them planets in your scenario, I didn't use Akua in the scenario so I did not have time to learn how the PDA system works in time, the scenario took around 3 months to build as it was just from a raw amount of planets and playfields I had to create, and I did them all by hand the old fashion way, no generator created anything in this scenario, I didn't have time to learn them either and there in development and I don't trust them much yet for this scale of a project.
    So the scenario doesn't really have a tutorial set of customized PDA mission, this scenario is much harder than that.
    You are literally on your own here, its completely up to you to survive, so if you are brand new to Empyrion, this is more like the MC version where you get dropped in a world and good luck buddy ! Bye ! Sort of thing....

    So your goal in the scenario, I am not sure if you read the story to it, is to find the Spookabar Spy ship to find the location of the secret Lucian/Ziraxus base and I cant tell you what you find there or lest it ruin the surprise for you.

    Survival is brutally hard on some of the starters, the scenario wasn't designed with new players to Empyrion in mind, it was designed around players that have played for a long time, so the assumption that most of you can survive without the PDA was made.

    Im not even sure I could create a custom PDA for this scenario, got a lot of learning to do for that.

    Im not a programmer in anyway, code just looks like mumbo Jumbo to me, if its not in the log in English, Im humped.
    Anyway sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear, I do apologise if its not up to scratch for new players.
    ButtonPusher and Dencarion like this.
  10. Dencarion

    Dencarion Ensign

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Naw, that's fine :)
    Thanks for answering.
    So I just shot down the planet patrol vessel and captured a civilian base to get started - I have about 350 hours under my belt, so no complete Freshling :D
    I'll see if I can find the Spookabar - lots of night creatures on Amy (yes, started again since I wasn't sure if I screwed up)
  11. Gobarg

    Gobarg Commander

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I'm going to try this out I reckon.

    I bought this game and started playing mid April this year so that makes me VERY new to the game!
    I do however have over 500 hours ingame so I guess that makes me VERY good at being a NOOB!

    We'll do this by the seat of our pants I guess. ;)

    Many thanks for your work Piddlefoot
    Dencarion likes this.
  12. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Getting an error trying to update the scenario, I have an update that addresses no Erestrum on Mercury and the trader error at the multigate but I cant upload it for some reason, the bug has been reported so with luck the next day or two we can get it updated or I will do a manual dropbox update and leave really detailed instructions on how to swap out the 2 files needed to be replaced. We hope it doesn't come to that though.
  13. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    Devs need to really pay attention to these large projects that the community is doing. I am testing these scenarios and some of the work being done here is so impressive, I believe some of it should be in the game proper as a selectable scenario (with extensive updates and fixes applied in turn of course).

    Thank you for your work Piddlefoot and thank you testers, I join you in pioneering this new content for the game and I hope you all see the potential this type of work has to open doors and make this game ever more expansive and entertaining to explore.
  14. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Content creation is a massive time sink at this stage. Piddle says he spent over 3 months putting this together. I don't doubt that at all. I've toyed with scenarios myself, and during alpha / EA, it's almost impossible to keep up with tweaks, new features, and fixes.

    I suspect that is part of the reason the content in the game is scarce right now. Every time new stuff comes out or gets changed (daily), someone has to go through and update all the content. The more there is, the longer it takes. If Piddle's scenario goes into the game, Eleon will have to dedicate more resources to providing support to players, bug fixing, and updating that scenario, instead of developing the core game.

    It's a good thing right now to have content creation and maintenance in the player's hands. Leave it up to the creators to maintain and update what they've built.
  15. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    I can agree with that sentiment as well Jack, I am not saying throw something this big in and support it heavily right now, oh no, that's yeah, a waste of time and resources that can be spent on the game dev. Out of the scenarios in the game this one would be longer, require more updates, yes, and game updates would bork all of that. I don't expect the game devs to support this scenario this early on. I am just saying to keep one eye on this project, because when the galaxy map comes along, and this big boy needs to update to that... things are gonna get interesting.. and this scenario would be prime candidate for pre-beta material that the devs might wanna support at that time.

    I also think that the steam workshop is great and all, but it's currently crappy to use for scenarios, an update pushed through the clients and server downloads would be more reliable.. i would have to ask Piddlefoot for updated files since i don't even know if the ones on Steam are updated or not, and he's apparently having issues getting them updated, so i'm testing and working with files that don't allow edits (or i'm doing it wrong), and i can't even reliably update them. A "testing scenario" section would be cool, in-game selectable, with his pushed updates straight from Eleon... but would I expect that to actually happen? No, I'm not asking for that, but it'd be cool and more user-friendly, it would be easier to test updated material from the community. ( i.e. , downloading a ship or a base is fine, it works, but this is a bit more complicated and a pain to install, configure, update, etc.)

    but yeah, i ain't trying to argue with you Jack, you're cool, i just think there's a better way, or things with the workshop are just a pain in my butt is all, i'm just trying to turn a few things off but having difficulty doing so (PvP, disallowing CVs on planets, the trees boogie-ing all over the place horribly, mob spawns that are way jacked up high, nothing major that really needs full support from the devs)
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  16. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    In anycase Im not going anywhere, so I can keep the scenario updated for the most, short of hard coded bugs.

    The devs built a customizable scenario system, to tap into players imaginations to get the most out of the game and its current assets.
    I would say that idea is working pretty good for them so far, and the more and better they make the tools for players to mod files the more popular I believe the game will become, slow and steady wins the race, kinda like MC did, though Notch did go holidaying for a bit there !
    ButtonPusher and Captain Jack II like this.
  17. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    Fair enough, my edits aren't working (see the other post for that) , I don't really want to use the full-blown "Hardcore PvP" MP version for larger population servers. I don't know whether or not to even use this SP version here since it seems that it's outdated compared to the MP version, so i went and installed that version of this content pack but I'm having troubles with playfield regeneration and editing the yamls (for easier play / co-op , no PvP, allowing CVs on planets etc.).
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  18. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    You get hung up on something, send me the YAML, I might be able to help. Edit... er better yet, the whole scenario.
    ButtonPusher likes this.
  19. was WOW

    was WOW Lieutenant

    Nov 22, 2016
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    200 playing fields does this mean 200 planets?
  20. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    Planets, moons, instances and the space systems where said planets and moons are are considered playfields.

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