What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    No, I was talking about ALL turrets. I checked wikipedia, and the term refers to the protective shell around the gun / cannon (like "tourelle" in French = small tower). The whole assembly should really be called "mounted", the gun being fixed inside the rotating "hull" (or "turret") protecting it, which is itself "mounted" on something, moving or not. What we have in game are simply "mounted guns / cannons / etc".
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Huh... I didn't know about that before... interesting...
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I've been 1 minute smarter than you here ! Ha ! :p

    Didn't know either 2 minutes ago...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I decided to fly my new SV down to masperon Moon and show these Aliens who's boss. Well I forgot that I had turn up the difficult settings to hard in order to test somethings out. Well my SV didn't last long and was shot out of sv and landed in the swamp. With these guys waiting for me.
    Screenshot (248).png

    So after running LOL. I decided to use what bullets I had left.

    Screenshot (252).png

    I finally had to let the aliens kill me so I could respawn back to my CV and build another core and cockpit for my sv. Repairing your SV in swamp water and fog at night is interesting. lol
    Screenshot (254).png
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2017
    68plex, Iskar, Kassonnade and 4 others like this.
  5. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    I haven't been able to play all week, so I was really happy I managed 3 hours last night :D I spent most of the time working inside Kivutar, our combat CV that I've been decorating on the fly in our survival adventure. The entire vessel is almost finished but I'm just getting to the bridge now! We flew this ship around a few times now with a terribly rough and ugly bridge, so it's really time to stop that.

    The bridge has a great view, and my work was periodically interrupted by beautiful sights that made me stop and run outside to see it more clearly. I shot some local wildlife to practice landing headshots while sniping as well, but always went right back to work. I really hope I'll finally get her ready this weekend!

    Here are some of the scenic moments that made me run outside.



    Wild_XIII, rainyday, 68plex and 8 others like this.
  6. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    This game does make you want to take a lot of screen shots.
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  7. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    WOA!!!! HAMMERMÄßIG!!!!

    And some people still say Empyrion is low graphics game... pah!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Empyrion is really stunning already and they keep making it more beautiful all the time! :cool:
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Just a little update... edit: it got quite long... lol.

    I've spent most of today doing random things, first I did the rounds collecting Ores from my AMiD, I then replaced two Adv. Constructors I used for Ore crunching with a single Furnace now I have the level for it. I extended my Ore Processing area with another (underground) room to hold the excess Ore I'm now producing...one day we'll be able to automate processing, sorting and storing hopefully!

    My next project was extending my main underground hangar a bit more, with one SV (docked to a wall to save space) and two HV's things were a little cluttered. So, I popped a hangar door against one wall to keep the O2 in, then proceeded to knock down the wall now behind it. Once open, I jumped in my newest HV - equipped with T2 Mining Lasers - and made short work of the excavation. I then blocked the area in, added lights & removed the hangar door - all nice and air-tight. I then added two 4x4 shutter doors to close off this area, the new area is two block lower and I build a ramp (just concrete blocks) down to it. I then moved my HV's down there, out of the way.

    Next I decided it's about time I trigger some drone attacks, so I scouted out the Drone base location - I'd found it before, but it never marks on the map automatically any more, disappearing once I leave the area. Knowing which direction attacks would come from - East - I built an off-shoot of my main base to intercept them. It consisted of an air-tight room with reinforced glass window, O2 and Med Bay with four Cannon Turrets on the roof. Either side - to the North and South - I had two additional Cannon Turrets for good coverage. To the East of my base is a large hill, ideally I'd have built on top of this, but my base can't extend that far & I didn't want to place a new starter block. However, my plan was to have the turrets engage at fairly short-range, just as any attacking drones came over the hill. My hope was that any shot-down would roll to the bottom of the hill and closer to my base for easy collection. It worked beautifully, I can often send the Drone to collect ALL loot while I stand on this easterly branch of my Base. Nice. A single Sentry Turret targeting Predators keeps the ground safe for me if I need to venture out on foot to loot :)

    With a steady income of loot from drones, it's bolstered my production a bit. Another bonus is no "drones are coming" spam when you're away from your base now, so drone attacks are less of an annoyance - well, zero annoyance - when you're away doing other stuff. The only slight issue I have is the old target switching delay issue. Invariably, all six of my Cannon Turrets fire at the same drone at the same time, despite being spaced out. As you'd expect, six Cannon Turrets kill even Heavy Drones in a couple of seconds. However, there's then a five to six second delay before they switch to the next target. I was a bit concerned at this, however the drones appear to be making a bee-line for my main base, some 150+ metres further West, so they seem to ignore my Turrets...they could take a couple out potentially, but they're not trying.

    So, with a bit of building and playing done, I decided I wanted to secure two of the remaining three Magnesium deposits on the planet. Very Magnesium-poor is Masperon, with only very low-yield deposits bar these remaining three, only an asteroid in Orbit had helped me stay supplied. All three remaining deposits were right next to hostile POI's, two next to a Bio Lab I was planning to target...

    Using my light SV, armed with just a single Gatling and Rocket Launcher (unguided) I managed to take out the POI's heavy turrets. I then moved in to take out any visible light turrets (Sentries) guarding the inner compound, as well as a couple of spawners. This done, I broke in the main door and started to explore... I triggered a trap blowing the first inner door, but I was ready for it and took out the Sentry Turret that popped out from behind a trap-door. It got a couple of hits in though, which took a chunk of health even in Heavy Armour. No choice but to expose myself to fire to hit it, well, over-expose really, as we can't peek around corners well due to odd hit-box issues... classic, "I'm aiming directly at the target, there's direct LoS between the barrel of my gun and the target, but I appear to be hitting the block to my right" type thing. Ah well lol.

    Sending the Drone ahead to scout, it goes down a flight of stairs, revealing a bit of a cross-fire Zone with spawners churning out Zirax and Mechs. I'd not last five seconds down there! I try to draw off a Zirax or two and take them out - did I mention I made a Laser Rifle? - but more than one at a time and I'd be dead. I did have two come around opposite corners and while I took care of one, the other took half my health before I dodged behind a corner.

    Hmm, this isn't going to be easy alone. If I were in a team of at least two, this'd be easy as we could cover each other. Alone however, it'll always be the other Zirax that gets me. Hard is tough sometimes lol. So, if I can't take them head on, or find any vantage to snipe from I need to think outside the box. The box being the POI, and outside it involving a T2 Drill... Now, I've not seen this particular POI before (great job btw) but I thought if I could dig down the outside and blast my way in with explosives, that'd give me the edge. I head back to base to craft some...

    Returning to the POI, I dig down with the drone, while I stand on the roof of my SV, away from the various hostile critters...several of which drop into the hole...I'll not be going down there then! New plan, widen the hole & make it a slope so my SV can shoot some rockets down there. This done, I fire off a few clips of rockets, making a nice 2x2 hole in the Combat Armour wall. I scout down with the Drone...oh, that looks like the CORE in there...that was some luck. Widening the hole some more I drop down in my SV, and take out the Core. Nice.

    So, POI is dead, but the inhabitants are still very much alive...I hear more Zirax and Mechs prowling the halls - there were still several in that cross-fire room, so I daren't go down there. Cunning plan! I pop back to base, make a Core, ammo box and three Sentry Turrets + Ammo. Returning to the POI I set down my Core (MINE!!) add some fuel and place an ammo box + rounds. I next use the drone to head down to the cross-fire room, and deploy a Sentry Turret on the ceiling, covering both approaches. My drone appears to draw the Zirax and Mechs that were around the corner...directly into my Sentry Turret. Damn, those things pack a punch! Zirax dead in ONE shot - I presume head shots here - and Mechs down in two or three. They didn't even get a shot off...

    As I type this is where I am, the first floor down is secure, covered by my Sentry Turret, time to explore further, but I can always retreat to this point and let the Sentry take care of things.

    Yeah, I'm not so good at direct combat, but I'm ok thinking my way around things lol.

  10. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Enchantment Point.jpg
  11. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I'm back after finally getting a chance to get the latest updates. Wow, things have changed. I haven't been keeping up with the change log too closely. I read they added npc readers, but I'm pleasantly surprised how populated the civvy POI's are now. Interactions are limited but that's okay for now, I can just RP they're letting me take stuff because I'm fighting their oppressive overlords.

    Better yet, I'm just tickled defending base is now not as simple as dropping one cannon turret on the roof and running off to scavenge as I please, thinking I have a safe spot to return to. My first attempt to establish a foothold on Ningues, I needed two cannon turrets against the new big drones. I was pretty smug until the PV showed up and laid waste. My base was mostly buried buuut.... I was out of magnesium, and out of biofuel, and hadn't turned up the neodymium/adv. Cpu to make an advanced drill. Not enough bullets. /newstart.

    This time around I'm at the base building stage and most of the resources I know about are unfortunately right where the PV likes to patrol. I don't yet have the means to build an SV capable of taking it down, so I'm considering maaybe enough base turrets could do it. How much passive (BA turret only) defense does it take to be safe from a PV attack I wonder? If I don't take it out somehow I'm going to be awfully low on promethium worryingly soon.
  12. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    @Kyrt Malthorn, I can't tell you exactly how much defense you need. I can tell you that it helps your defense to set your AA guns to thrusters and/or turrets. FWIW, I usually go for the turrets because the PV doesn't get repaired. One thing, the PV has a bad habit of de-spawning before you can completely salvage it so grab the things you need first.
    rucky and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  13. Kyrt Malthorn

    Kyrt Malthorn Captain

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Thanks for the tips @binhthuy71 - targeting their weapons seems a good move. Those plasma cannons are what really hurt base defenses.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Yeah that's really a problem. Yesterday after seeing the second PV on that planet wandering around (they do respawn now? Excellent!), I killed his Turrets with my DroneHunter-Fighter and then.... still couldn't kill the Down-Thrusters... but still could fly like in godmode through it trying to shut down his power supply/generators. And I finally managed that. Now I indeed I got into godmode because I wanted to see how much I could loot before it despawns... I think I could get about 80-90%... in godmode... so how's that going in normal mode??

    It's definitive too fast despawning.
    On the other hand, the space carrier never despawned on me, I even could de-core and re-core it with my own... twice (different systems)...
    Is this a Bug?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Very nice thanks very much. Sadly, it disappeared into the "centre" of the planet and was no longer even visible.

    So I just moved the planet! LOL
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Absolutely Bug Report Worthy. I've had to make similar kinds of Bug Reports as well.
  17. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I'm still working on the city section for my space station. I counted up the rooms. Not including the merchant areas I have 52 rooms to decorate....and that's just the first half of the city. That also doesn't include the rest of the station I still have left to do. Merde.

    This would be a lot easier if all the deco pieces worked with the symmetry tool and the paint/texture tools did too. Would save me so much time.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2017
  18. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    As for me, I'm at the point in my current game that I want for nothing. I was hard pressed to find anything that needed doing, or that I even wanted to do, bringing to mind how important the current thread "Holding a player's attention long term" is. But I started thinking it would be good to have a CV Drop Ship... something to put all those ingots to use.

    So, because EGS is so good, even when you can barely think of what to do next, I've spent the whole weekend working on one, to the point now that my brain is in some kind of fugue state between fits of intense focus and utter, sleepless fatigue. Had plans to build something small and utilitarian... but as always, I got carried away. It's now in the 41000 iron, 11000 sathium range. Not a dreadnaught, but no small thing either.

    I'm not sure how I feel about this one... kind of went a little wacky with the nacelles :D... I do know one thing: This ship falls into the "Weird" category. But I can't tell you guys the level of fun I had tooling around with this build... even if it never merits a factory build in one of my survival games. Still lots of work to be done.
    space_base_test_2017-07-16_16-35-17.jpg space_base_test_2017-07-16_16-30-37.jpg
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Well that was new. I captured my second POI today - a Stealth Outpost - not too challenging and I made it mine. It's of strategic value as it's not too far from the last Magnesium deposit on Masperon, and a good staging area for the final assault on the Drone Base.

    While I'm on site at the Stealth Outpost, I get the "Drones are coming to attack your base alert, so I jump in my SV to head back to my main base, as this is the only one they've ever attacked - until now! Even though it's not on their flight path, the wing of Six mixed base attack and Heavy Plasma Drones made a bee-line for my newly captured POI. I fought them off as best as I could in my light SV, but a single Gatling and Rocket really don't cut it. At all. I did finally bring them down, but not before they'd blown a hole in the outer (added by me) and inner walls and taken out my Core, Fuel Tanks and one of the O2. Darn.

    Anyway, I patch up the holes, but am now back at my main base building some heavy guns...we'll see how I get on :)

    Damn...not ten minutes have gone by and I just got another Drone Attack alert...I wonder which base they're heading for? I'd better crack on and see!

    Heh, just encountered this wing heading for my main base....good luck drones lol.

  20. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ya really should do 6 Gatlings... ya'd be surprised how strong a DPS that is for basic weapons as long as ya keep the target in the Crosshairs. :)
    rucky, banksman45 and Kassonnade like this.

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