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Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by EleonGameStudios, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    This subforum is closed for new threads.
    I have a dedicated server question, server runs, can connect to, but is not "published" and telnet is set to
    Tel_Enabled: true # Activate Telnet server
    Tel_Port: 30004
    Tel_Pwd: xxxxx
    Cannot connect to that port, there is no trace in the logs indicating that the server is even listening on that port
    Netstat only shows
    TCP conradb-PC:0 LISTENING

    Where do we post questions like this?
  2. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    Well you can ask your questions wherever you want I guess and we'll try to help.

    You wouldn't happen to be double natted would you? Like you have a modem with router software running on it and then you have another router you connect your server to? If so you will need to port forward from your modem/router device to your other internal router. That's all I got for you at the moment. I'll give it some thought.

    P.s. there is a dedicated server section where people with more experience running personal servers can help you.
  3. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    I have a Virgin Media box, in "modem" or passthrough mode and a TPLINK wifi router behind it. THe crazy thing is that creating 2 forwaring rules for port 30004 and another for 30000-30003 and rebooting then trying a telnet connwct via my public ip is also not working. going to disable my firewall for a moment even though I enabled all the Empyrion dedicated server+Client exe's explicitly (Windows 10 - wow the junk in the windows 10 configuration screens is just mind blowing, they have rules for every piece of M$ junk in there.)
    Ah, that bloody worked. Windows firewall rules dialogs are clearly a bit broken. I had to hit the OK button, WTH! Microsoft need to have an "Apply" button standard..... /rant
    medicineman likes this.
  4. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Next question about sectors.yaml
    # Default starter planets on a Dedicated Server are Akua and Omicron. 'true' behind playfield template sets starter planet [ "0, 0, 0", Akua, Temperate, true ]

    Now we added origins and Masperon as a start, so this note is out of date, and the file states this:
    - ['0, 0, 0', Akua Orbit, SpaceAsteroidFieldRing]
    - ['0, 0, 0', Akua, Temperate, 'Human:1']
    - ['-6500, 5000, 6500', Akua Moon, Moon]
    does "true" come after the 'Human:1' argument? can I set it to false, since it seems to be getting a default from some other place for this argument.

    Further, who ever edits this page probably needs to do an edit unless there is a newer canonical source?
  5. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    Weird I thought Masperon was a default starter planet now.

    Anyway I don't think 'human1' is a true or false statement. I haven't messed with this yet but if I were to guess I would say that if you want to change origin you just change origin right there at the 'human1' section. My guess would be you change 'human1' to reflect an alien origin.

    I'm mostly an SP gamer though and although I did play with these settings and run a server for a time it was mostly as a player.

    One thing your post is making clear to me though is that we need a centralized troubleshooting/knowledge base location. We need a place on the forums to post technical support issues and it doesn't seem to be in existence. There are a lot of people who know way more about this bit of Empyrion than I do. Once you get into touch with them your problem will be sorted easily.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  6. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Yep Medicineman. Thanks for the encouragement anyways. It is helping. I am sure the guys creating the server manager apps have this knowledge.

    Personally just wanting to get a personal server up so I can experiment with creating public POI's using the alien and the admin cores (so they never need power) and the alien defences which never need ammo. I am old enough to have the memory of a sieve, so I write everything down, out of habbit in a blog so I can come back. Hope to have some record of my travels but i'll be focusing on pushing the boundaries, not the mundane stuff that already works.
    Captain Jack II and medicineman like this.
  7. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    I'm pretty sure that is exactly what we need here. To the boundaries!!
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  8. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    The thing I love most about EGS is the no boundaries to your imagination part of it. I just wish I could bottle it and sell it. Oh no wait, that's what sandbox gaming is!
    Captain Jack II and medicineman like this.
  9. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Next question,
    1. I'm the only person to log into a fresh dedicated server and when in type initadmin in console it does not make me admin, why not? I can add myself in the config file, sure, but this command is supposed to work? right?
    2. What does the remoteex command do?
    3. Is there anything at all that describes how to create the AI freighters. there were some notes on it someplace, but I cannot seem to find the notes in the forums anyplace.
    4. If I use telnet session to set my player role to admin, I still cannot just spawn in blueprints without using the factory. I'm clearly missing something here, but it's not obvious enough to this small bear.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  10. Reytag

    Reytag Lieutenant

    Jun 8, 2016
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    In regards to Update v5.1
    Just recently got into content creation for a server.
    Two features that are lacking and would go a long way to be allowing us content creators to design galaxies the way we want.

    1. Allow us to deny building in certain playfields via a setting in the playfield.yaml file, simply give us an "AllowStructures: TRUE/FALSE" option.
    Why, because sometimes we want certain playfields for specific purposes whereby if it filled up with player structures it would negate the reason for that playfield.
    And yes, I know we as admins can make rules, put them in red and spam the chat with them and also remove said structures but just a simple option to prevent them from being able to be built in the first place would alleviate a lot of headaches all-round.

    2. Give us the option to decide as a server whether trading can be server-wide or just local to the specific trading station. By server wide I mean that players still have to visit a trading station but when they do so they can both make and view offers from all trading stations on the server, not just the one they are currently standing in.
    We can all pretend the goods are beamed via secure matter transfer subspace channel or whatever, lol. The current segregated market system via isolated trading stations is, well, to put it nicely not at all ideal for our server. I can go into detail why but there are lots of reasons.
    Again, just a simple "GlobalTrading: True/False" in the dedicated.yaml could accomplish this.

    Although I have entered only 4 custom origins in our sector.yaml there is a 5th "Explorer" origin showing up when you hit F4.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  11. Castiel

    Castiel Ensign

    Jan 14, 2017
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    There is no simple way? Direct connection like start a game and invite friends through steam, or friends join the game when click in my steam ico, join the game. Maybe a option to create a room with a interface in the game.
  12. dshumilo

    dshumilo Ensign

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Good time, I have a server they do not update, and after uninstalling and installing clean, it is still the old version, not even possible to connect to it, I am very disappointed and my players too.
  13. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

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    Jan 13, 2017
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    have you contacted them? its strange as my pvt nitrado server updates when I restart it if there is an update out
  14. dshumilo

    dshumilo Ensign

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Yes I want to know which company, I they do not respond, the server is not working and the money they received.


    Thank you for your support request.

    Your service will be updated automatically as our system pushes it out. The updates are tested on test servers before being release to our customers.

    the rest works and I have no more they do not answer

    all I have updated the server
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  15. Michlo

    Michlo Lieutenant

    Feb 5, 2017
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    if we play another Steam game other than Empyrion, does the server no longer allow people on? That is what seems to have happened tonight. I played a different game for the first time since setting up the server and my Clanmate was unable to log in. He could see the server but couldn't connect until I stopped my game. He has gone to bed now so I can't run any tests which is why I thought I'd ask here.

  16. dshumilo

    dshumilo Ensign

    Jan 26, 2016
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    My server, I play the event "attack of strangers", joined the faction to strangers, I can manage from buildings, I can not transfer my personal structures to other people's factions, the tools of strangers do not work for me on personal structures, in general, is it possible to create a ship with guns of strangers And enter it into the faction of strangers, [Fac No.

    Please excuse for clumsy English translator google
  17. SkulkLife

    SkulkLife Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Ryan C. Gordon looking for games to port on linux. A linux server would be awesome:
    <URL SNIP>
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2017
  18. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    I removed the URL. There is tons of people who will port the game to Linux for a fee. That being said if I recalled correctly it's not about it being ported to Linux being an issue but rather they are not ready for it to be ported. So many changes keep happening and major graphical rendering changes as well. They rather have a more complete game before looking to bring it to other operating systems.

    Please note that Linux would make a small fraction and Mac making a slightly bigger small fraction of total players. It be very costly to port it all now and maintain it with such frequency of the updates. In fact I would give a educated guess they would lose money in the long run with such a move at this point.

    I hope that clears thing up a bit.

    Please note this all my own personal opinions and not that of the devs.
  19. SkulkLife

    SkulkLife Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Sorry but you totaly don't understand me. I don't want to play on linux! I want to create a server on linux. 90% of the servers on the world are using Unix/linux or BSD systems. has only 2 windows system. In server world Linux is the number one. Managing a game server also much better on linux. I don't need GUI for a server CLI is the best. Graphical rendering for a server is useless and eats a lot of resource. Ryan C. Gordon is one of the best programmer in this field.

    I don't stop. Every succesful game needs succesful multiplayer. If we can't create normal servers, multiplayer will die. Clients can run the game and play on windows. You won't lost them.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  20. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    I'm pretty sure their plan is to get servers on Linux in the future.

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