A6.0 Feedback: NEW GUI

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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  2. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Just had first experiance w new 6.0 GUI.
    1) Doesn't seem to be a way to access a BA Fuel tanks 'grid'; where you could see x number of slots & how many were filled.
    Even standing if front of tank and hitting 'F' I just see the percentage pic with it's Fill Fuel & Withdraw Fuel.
    -- Not good. Now in order to figure out how many fuel cells to carry for a 'full tank', players will have to "Do Math!?!"

    2) Not a fan of the new layout for Constructors/Food Processors.
    Going to 8 x 3 'widescreen' layout.. just doesn't seem like I can see as much as before (wasn't it 4x8 before?).
    I'd check a "use old GUI" button if it existed. (sorry, just being honest)
    To stay w New GUI design I'd strongly prefer if the constructor middle windows were;
    [Input] 8-wide by 5(or6) tall <--- could get to 6-tall by relocating "Off/On" button.
    [Output] 8-wide by 1-tall
    [Cons Queue] 8-wide by 1-tall

    3) Went to fill up O2 on a SV (standing on SV not in cockpit). Open Control Panel's Main, see zero O2 in O2 tanks, click Fill All, nothing.
    Double checked that I had large (200) O2 Bottles in Cargo Box inside SV, yep.
    I had to have the O2 Bottles in Player Inventory for the 'Fill All' to work; seems very counter intuitive.
    Maybe need an additional 'Fill from Player Inventory' button? (re-write existing one to pull from ship/base cargo boxes)
    Also, same as the Fuel Tanks, no way to view the four 'slots' that a SV O2 Tank has, again leading to players having to do math to figure out.

    4) I like seeing the actual draw in kW/MW superimposed over the percentage graphic for bases 'Power' in Main.
    Future idea: maybe have a pop-up (or tab) to just view devices that can (not just currently are) draw power?
    Someplace where you would see "Food Processor --- 20kW Active 200 watt Idle" "On/Off" <--- {hint hint; please let's get some idles}

    ??) Just a thought: maybe in future the GUI windows could be player customisable? Kind of like a phone screen?
  3. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I think it actually makes more sense then having cargo boxes integrated with O2 systems, which I think is what you're suggesting. Lets pretend you have a generator running your house, and it runs out of fuel. You have to go get more fuel and put it into the fuel tank. The extra fuel you have stored in your barn doesn't auto-magically transfer to the fuel tank of your generator.
    Frigidman likes this.
  4. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Right "Fill All" comes from YOU, not just anything within 100m. Theres been murmurs about internal-conveyance systems though as a feature, possibly, we hope.
  5. James Grayson

    James Grayson Lieutenant

    May 28, 2017
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    You're fine with electric power being routed through electric conduits you can't see in the hull blocks but not liquids and gasses sent through piping conduits you can't see?
  6. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I am fine with putting fuel into a tank that a generator uses to make lights come on. I'm also fine with putting O2 bottles into an O2 tank so that my ventilator works. That isn't quite the same thing as giving devices access to all containers and cargo boxes on a base or ship.
    Frigidman likes this.
  7. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    So I see, that would mean every cargo box, dresser drawer, and toilet vanity would need pipes and hookups for all the bottles of fuel and o2 you store in them, so they can then be transferred to the systems in your base/ship that need them.

    Captain Jack II likes this.
  8. James Grayson

    James Grayson Lieutenant

    May 28, 2017
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    I guess I misunderstood his point.
  9. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Yeah, a bit confusing really. Some other Space Sims use a bit more of an 'mechanical' system where you -must- "pipe" everything up; cargo boxes are where you store raw & "finished" things, like O2 & fuel, then, if piped up, generators and vents do their thing. So you typically don't manually have to fill each gene/vent/O2-producer.

    Guess what confused me was the "Fill All" bit. It does fill _all_ of the Fuel or O2 tanks in one go (from Main), so they are now actually 'automagically' connected, without the player having to run & stand in front of each one.

    humor: So now, really, we're being even -more- powerful "Space Wizards!" cause we can wave our magic mouse and teleport fuel & O2 all over our base or ship :D /humor
  10. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    @1: As fuel packs are taken out of the equation, you do not need to worry about your fuel tank size anymore. If you click on F you can see the total capacity of your structure.

    @3: Can not reproduce. Fill All workes from inventory and from toolbar. Is this a fresh 6.0 public game? (We hat this issue in one of the EXP builds, but this has been fixed)
  11. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    @Hummel-o-War Guess until Fuel Packs only come in one capacity it'll be confusing...

    -Example: just double checked this > If I fill a single Tier1 Fuel Tank with 'small' 30 unit Fuel Packs then on Withdraw they'll come out one small pack at a time if you use "30" or you'll get two smalls if you Withdraw "60", etc. Empty that tank then fill with Large Fuel Packs of 150, Withdraw only gives back small 30 unit packs (yes I used both "150" and "1200" always gives the small packs).

    Not sure if this is a bug but I put down two Tier1 Fuel Tanks, filled with any combo of 30's & 150's packs, Disassemble one Tank. Still shows as holding 2400 units, but can't withdraw any packs until I put back the other tank.

    For #3, sorry, confusing. Yes hitting the "Fill All" button -will- take Fuel Packs from first Player Inventory then Toolbar. What I _expected_ was that it would pull from Cargo Boxes on same grid. My bad.
  12. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    > Not a bug. Withdraw adds standard fuel packs. The withdraw amount always needs to be devidable by 30

    Added to bug tracking

    Does not work - maybe in future updates ;-)
  13. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Might be more intuitive if you would type in how many packs you want to withdraw. Now you have to do... maths o_O
  14. frank walls

    frank walls Commander

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Not sure if this would be considered feedback, a suggestion, or maybe a bit of both, but please do something about the chat text. On busier servers there's a constant wall of text that blocks the left side of the screen.

    I would suggest setting it up so if you aren't chatting you only see 3 to 4 lines of text, and when you open the chat window you can then see the wall of text.

    In addition, the ability to turn off chat text and change the opacity on it would be nice.

    At the very least being able to turn it off would be great short-term solution.

    Actually, I would love to turn it off, and then see a little blinking icon if someone uses my name in chat - almost like a direct message.
  15. Jieirn

    Jieirn Commander

    Sep 5, 2016
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    That toolbar at the bottom is very large. I actually preferred the vertical bar, it gave it a sense of being a real HUD instead of a Minecraft clone.
  16. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Thanks for filing the bug for me @Hummel-o-War :)

    Think I found another one but this also goes to my original #2 above so want to explain it first...

    2)(cont/update) Using an Advanced Constructor the "Construction Queue" displays as an 8w by 2tall grid, with a _sideways_ scroll bar below.

    Issue is that if you try to queue up more than eight items (filling the top row) it -doesn't- accept the 9th item (or 10th etc), not in the first box of the bottom row nor in the 9th box of the possibly hidden top row.

    Suggestion is to change the "Construction Queue" from an 8w by 2tall grid to a single, _displayed_ 8-wide row with existing sideways scrollbar that would allow, heck who knows how many we're supposed to be able to queue up? That many anyway :)

    Point is I believe the old GUI coding for the Cons Queue worked on a simple First-In, First-Out logic, so as soon as the current 'job' completed, that "box" disappeared and the next in line job took over "box 1" and started. Meaning these "boxes" were dynamic, not static like in the "Input" grid.

    I don't know about others, but for me if the middle grid, "Output" was also set up as a single 8-wide row with sideways scrollbar, well then the "Input" grid could be a nice fat 8-wide by 5-tall. But even if only the "Cons Queue" was shrunk by 1-tall, that could still make the "Input" grid one taller, and that'd be helpful.
  17. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Seems overall good to me, have to play some more, and right now not so important the GUI. Often easy to change later on.
    Main thing is that I like options, so able to arrange boxes (and size) of functions after my taste.
    Add a few more hotheys (remappable) to get to some of the main functions in Control Panel.
    Be able to link Vehicle toolbar positions to the custom ON/OFF and groups.
    Miss very much a "loot all" key (sometimes annoying to try hit the arrow), includes also the AoE "loot all close NPC/animals".
    A faster and more precise way to get stuff to the Toolbelt beside Shift-leftclick, that can be done by holding something (inventory views) or mouse over, then press the corresponding number key. If anything in the slot, then it do a swap.
    CTRL+SHIFT+rightclick to give option to type in a (get) number split of a stack of items, where also able to scrollbar.
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  18. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Making the UI user customizable like most other online games(LOTRO, Black Desert, etc.) Will fix most if not all UI Issues including chat window being way too obtrusive.
    A check box in the sttings for autoloot would make things a lot nicer too.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  19. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    4) If Player Inventory is full but there are open slots on the Toolbar then sometimes trying to pick up (or clicking arrow to transfer all) additional items fails; have to manually place items into toolbar slots.

    -- Fails to transfer meat from a carcass when only open slot is on toolbar and transfer all arrow is clicked.
    ++ Works if only open slot is on toolbar and hit 'F' to gather Cobra Leaves/Alien Honey/Pixie.
    -- Fails to automatically gather items when using Multitool(T1) and deconstructing a truss block; drops small white contaainer w 10 Steel Plates. ++Hitting F picks up plates into open toolbar slot.

    5) Placing all you have of an Ore into a Toolbar slot then continue mining; new gathered ore goes into Inventory (if there's an open slot) instead of stacking onto toolbar slot. If Player Inventory is full and Ore is in Toolbar & continue mining using T1 Drill, then hitting F does collect mined ore into toolbar slot. Note: haven't tested with a T2 Drill but guessing (based on Mutlitool failure above) it won't automatically stack into toolbar; but that's a guess.
  20. Extaz93

    Extaz93 Ensign

    Dec 30, 2016
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    I have to say that it's really annoying! Spent my day looting Poi's, had to manually place items on the toolbar hundred of times cause i had my inventory always full.

    About others GUI features, i think i like the way it is now, even if the fillig/withdrawing system is a bit weird (e.g : sometimes you can't fill your tanks because one fuel/o2 unit would be too much in percentage, so you have to wait until it gets lower...)

    The only thing i would like to is to get the constructor grid back as it was in term of square number. The input has one less line than before i think, and it is a bit boring. I like it when i can see barely all my input ressources in the constructor, to constantly have a global look on what i'll have to mine/loot in a near future. It Helps to make plans.

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