Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    I agree.

    But to implement a button currently with the switch if you just cant wait - put the signal through a 1 sec delay, and then an XOR gate with the original signal.
    zztong likes this.
  2. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    It would be nice to have a sensor that says if the ship is either in space or not.
    In order to get my ramps to NOT go down in space i made a signal on the main tab, but this seems like something that could be sensed.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
  3. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Perhaps the Core could generate signals for "Entered Space" and "Entered Atmosphere" as well as "Breathable Atmosphere" and "Unbreathable Atmosphere." Then you might be able to get the Core to turn on/off Oxygen, or turn on/off weapons that only work in Space.
  4. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I like the switches, but I came across an issue. If I assign a Tx signal to 2 hanger doors, I can use a 2x OR to control an LED panel in the flight deck telling me that either of my hanger doors are open.
    This works.
    But If I want to add a switch to close the doors from the flight deck, I cannot because at the doors, when you use the dropdown Open/Close, to connect from the switch, the Tx Signal goes away, meaning you cannot have a switch that controls the doors, and the doors control a LED panel.

    I cannot get around this with gates because the doors are always activated manually, unless there is some way to shut off the manual operation and only have them switched. Because the logic gets messed up.

    Having the doors not respond to motion if a switch is attached would fix this, but you'd have to do it with shutter doors, and ramps too.
    Atola likes this.
  5. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    I agree entirely, but for some reason fill the need to point out that ramps do not respond to motion unless you add it. Meaning that at the moment they are the only "door" type thing we can fully control the automation of. Which I guess in a way is nice to have ONE thing we can fully control.
  6. Shepard89

    Shepard89 Ensign

    Jul 29, 2017
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    is it possible by entering a SV cockpit to trigger a singnal, for Ramps to extend and Thruster to power up ?
    GauHelldragon likes this.
  7. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    You could use a motion sensor but I think it turns off when you get into the chair because it doesn't see you any more. I can test this easily.
    But you could use a latching circuit that stays on after you trip it. Then you'd have to shut it off manually when you got out of the chair or have one some where's else to cancel it.
  8. Shepard89

    Shepard89 Ensign

    Jul 29, 2017
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    i had that idea too ^^ but SV's got no sensors . So we need Cockpits with Sensor Trigger
  9. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    No I was thinking about using a motion sensor
  10. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Doors require a airtight and a not airtight version of each of the doors or a checkbox when you construct it and we also need an auto and manual version for each of the doors or again another checkbox.
    Ballard likes this.
  11. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    OR a door that is not airtight, that you build as such, and also an upgrade door that uses plastic, which is airtight.
  12. joulle

    joulle Ensign

    Aug 15, 2017
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    Enable signal logic to work with ship weapons, even the ones not automated, or in fact, you could make it so that everything (signal logic related) could be put to a ship's hotbar for easy access of certain ship features.

    When it comes to firing, say a small vessel's laser weapons, they all are fired at the same time which to me seems a tad boring and more so when you miss, every other weapon misses too. There's not second chance until you've reloaded every weapon. Instead you could set an order or such to be triggered by using the signal logic and keep executing the signal order as long as the player holds left mouse button for example.
  13. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    After doing a lot with singal logic, I can say that I enjoy this feature very much. Thank you for this great feature.
    While building and tinkering around with the tools I found a few things that I would like to have added to the game.

    A silent motion sensor
    - For thos who like to automate their ships and bases and use... um... "a lot" of sensors...
    - For those who want to build POIs with traps that do not announce themselves to the player

    A sensor that detects if an area is oxygenated or not
    - For... lets call it "making POIs more interesting"
    - Ok, for punishing players that blast holes in POIs...

    A sensor that detects gravity (so we can know if we are in space or on a planet)
    - For automating CVs

    A sensor that detects if its day or night
    - For making intelligent lighting systems, no need to switch the light on during the day

    A sensor that detects if a structures core is active
    - For making POIs

    A motion sensor that only detects player entities
    - Might come in handy when automating SV/HVs

    A light barrier sensor that can detect ground/terrain
    - For automating SV/CV landing gear

    A light that has an integrated motion sensor
    - For making intelligent lighting easier
    - Should have an external input signal used to switch the whole thing off
    - Should also have an output signal to control a second light

    A "self destroy" signal for loot containers that destroys them and their content
    - For making POIs. I like to put purple containers in awkward places and let players jump through hoops to get them. But this is rather pointless if a player simply decores a POI and then uses the multitool to get the loot. Loot must disappear in such a case.

    LCDs that can change their text based on an input signal

    - for interactive LCD displays. Like a switch with a label: "Landing gear DOWN" and not just "Landing gear"

    Lights that change their setup (color, brightness) based on an input signal
    - for wow effects. and combined with an oxygen sensor can lead to immersive red-lighting if a hull breach happens

    A switch with an integrated LCD
    - So we can build control centers that do not need to be hangar sized.
    - Even 2x2m for a switch and a sign is quite generous space-wise.

    A sign that displays text even if power is off.

    - For ruin building
    - For those who actually like stone age tech.

    Doors that do not react to players if they have logic signals configured
    - For my sanity

    The ability to define logic subroutines and then call them as one "custom gate" with input and output signals.
    - Would make complex logic circuits handlable.
    - Will also increase logic complexity and possibly add performance drain.
  14. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Thanks @Dinkelsen for a good list, great suggestions.

    After reading the first one...

    ... I already knew it was going to be a good list :D I am not sure why a motion sensor needs to have a sound in the first place...
  15. ldog

    ldog Commander

    Oct 13, 2015
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    I like all of them except that. You need to make more hoops to get to the core instead of punishing the player for taking the easiest solution. :p
    Mortlath likes this.
  16. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Right now you can just just put your core into a POI and then then purple containers show up in the console. Don't even have to find them.
  17. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    But then, where would the players choice be? I bet knowing that you will lose the epic if you rush the base is more tormenting than 10 Zirax firing simultaneously.

    Oh 'finding' is the easy part. I have a POI where the epic loot is shown when you go in. But deactivating the bomb that blows it up is the harder part.
  18. Mortlath

    Mortlath Commander

    Jul 26, 2017
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    How can the epic loot not be easier to get than the core if the player has it right there? If they want to blow up the blocks protecting the loot, they can get it without deactivating the bomb...
  19. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    I think I need to describe that a little better. Also @Atola, I just read your post more dilligently and found a word I missed previously.

    There are 2 use cases where I'd like a self-destruct.

    1.) A hidden epic loot container. This container is hidden behind secret doors, air vents or whatever. It might also be hard to get since you would need an upgraded jetpack and can't wear heavy armor. This container needs to be destroyed before the player reaches the core - currently done with a motion sensor and an explosive block. A container will be destroyed and no contents will fall out if it is destroyed by SI (structural integrity) If you just blow the container up the contents will fall out. But with SI destruction, the whole thing is gone.

    So before placing your own core you need to destroy the alien core and before doing that the loot container will be destroyed. You need to find it before that happens.

    2.) An easy to reach epic loot container that is rigged with the same motion sensor and explosive block as above. The player has to go to a terminal and flip a switch to deactivate the logic that triggers the bomb. The loot is visible and maybe even easily reachable but if you go near, it self-destructs. All easy access paths to the core are rigged with motion sensors that destroy the loot, so you have to find a way around, go through secret doors, use air vents... Sadly, the method isn't foolproof yet, thats why I wanted some of the sensors I mentioned in the list. Like an oxygen-sensor to detect if an SV levels the building.
  20. paddster7

    paddster7 Ensign

    Aug 6, 2017
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    I have a CV with an elevated hanger. I have to use ramps to get my HV's up into it. I set up a motion sensor to lower the ramps and open the hanger doors as I come into range of the CV. All that worked great. Unfortunately, my enemies can now walk up to my CV and the ramps and doors dutifully open up for them and let them right into my ship. Sure would be nice to have the sensors not work for them. Please add a function to sensors that make them Private, Public or Faction. Thanks!
    Atola likes this.

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