
Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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  2. Quarior

    Quarior Commander

    Sep 30, 2016
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    It is possible in the next update if unfortunately you delete all strutures and inventory that the planets resemble those of our solar system (Earth, Moon, Mars, Venus,...) ? I know gas giant (Jupiter, Saturn) and ice giant (Uranus, Neptune) is no implemented for this moment but at least the planets/rocky moons.
  3. Narpason

    Narpason Lieutenant

    Apr 26, 2017
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    My Feedback (EU server):

    Lava on Mercury behaves like water (outside of orange glow). Below a picture of hydrogen generator placed in 'lava'. Not sure if this is intended or not, but it does take away much of the challenge from the planet.

    Another thing I noticed is a dire shortage of Pentaxid in Milky Way, mostly due to people building bases on top of crystal fields on the Moon (don't have screenshots as I left the starting planets).

    Otherwise a pleasant place to play.

    Attached Files:

  4. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks for your feedback!

    It was intended since it is a cool glowing water effect. In 6.0 we can speak again of "environment challenges" ;)

    Yeah I know. The contribution of pentaxid will be increased in 6.0. However - people building stuff on PvE only to grief / block resources will get punished. If you have a screenshot + coordinates + structure ID (type "di" in console) we will take care of it.
  5. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    ... what a sad, SAD, saaaad little end I had on EU server after 'dont have a clue how many hours' long play there - crashed & killed by playfield entering game-bug, then stuck in the nothingness of Pandoras 'ozone layer', and then in the silliness of it all - locked in constant loop of being killed over & over my my own HV tanks on the ground... and everything happen literary on my very last big mission, before probably leaving server for good. Maybe I will came back on new Alpha 6 server... maybe not...

    Are we going to have some better rules & limitations in next version, or even some type of semi-active 'game master' on next EU server - or is it going to be same as it was on v.5, but with new 'stuff'?

    PS. You people REALLY need to fix planets... few of the major bugs in this current 'temporary' type of fake-planets have reached its extreme limits... c'mon Devs, you know you can do it... lets go - next Alpha 7 = really good, bigger & bugs free NEW PLANETS!
  6. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks for the feedback I guess but... what is this all about? Never heard of it and you didn't describe it in detail. Do you have a video or logs of that "big mission"?
    Otherwise I don't know what to address to the devs to fix.

    Anyways see you in 6.0 or later.

  7. frank walls

    frank walls Commander

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Wondering why you guys keep using the same planet seeds? Seems kind of pointless having procedurally generated planets if you keep putting up the same terrain over and over. I understand POI's are different, and the type (but not position of resources) change, but playing on the same terrain is kind of boring. Or is this some sort of test by Eleon to test certain features or seeds?
  8. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey frank,

    good point actually and something I did not think about. I used some terrain .dll here and there so it shouldn't be exactly the same look and feel but on certain planets this would be the case.
    On some planets I liked the current seed regarding arrangements but yeah I will make sure to use a different one next time - sorry for that.
    frank walls likes this.
  9. frank walls

    frank walls Commander

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Thanks for the quick reply Rex. I'm on M32 and as I was exploring I recognized the area where I had built a base way back when the server first launched, haha. There were even 2 Iron Ore deposits exactly where they were before.

    Other than that you guys have done a great job with the server. Many Thanks!
    RexXxuS likes this.
  10. Kazzam33

    Kazzam33 Ensign

    Feb 18, 2017
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    I know u want to make the game intersting (official public server) but since when have hostile npc been able to float on water? i have been killed twice now within the last 48 hours and have lost most of what i had to start of with ( i did notice that there was no start of resources and the motorbike bp is gone).
  11. Lurkey

    Lurkey Ensign

    May 8, 2017
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    So I have been playing empyrion for plenty of hours Single player, I figured join a multiplayer game for 6.0 On the official eu server.

    After a lot of hours, I Warped out of the Starting system, trying to get different resources that you can find in the starting system,(not counting loot in containers) Only to find out later that you can't go back, There are some workarounds to this, I'll explain at the end of this post

    I think this is terrible design, and it does not prevent people from out mining and destroying everything on the starting planet anyway. new people joining will eventually do that. or people that just won't leave because of not beeing able to go back,
    there are better ways to handle this, like meteors already solve the mining problem for one.

    But what bugs me the most is Why is there no proper warning Before actually warping out of Starting sector?
    This is terrible, A BIG POPUP warning you can't warp back and all your stuff will be left behind. is the least it should do.

    A small orange text in the map is not a good enough warning its a terrible spot to put it. half the people playing won't read that Including myself obvious :D i felt stupid for it tho.

    So lost hours of work put into getting resources and building my base in the starting system.( wich I wanted to leave eventual and put my main base on another planet ) but to just plain simple not allow people to warp back or giving a clear warning before hitting the warp button. is terrible design in my eyes.

    We all that beeing said, there is a "workaround"

    The thing is you can just do "destroyme" in the console or kill yourself walking into a base. press the Start over button or respawn in the home if you still have your home set up in starting system to get back there.

    So really what's the point of not allowing people to warp back? I don't get it from a design point of view. what good it actually does in its current form at least, maybe with some big adjustments to it.

    For example, something you could do is only allow small bases on the starting zone, max 10x10x10 or whatever the empyrion team thinks is a good starting base size. This would be incentive enough to push people to build in other systems.

    Anyway just my 2 cents :)
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  12. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hello and thanks for your feedback.
    Since I implemented this idea (and many other servers followed) it has it's advantages, well and maybe disadvantages too.

    At the moment a lot is handled by text. Text text text everywhere and I know, who reads text, right? But same as in real life this does not prevent you from dealing with the consequences. With our EAH tool we can set playfield specific messages what I will do but still it is text.
    I spent a lot of time putting it in the playfield info if you press M at the bottom right, but it is still text.

    On HWS we even made videos about it, hey, no text but you guess it: people still failed.

    So in the end there is no "good" way rather than "lessons learned" for that.

    About the idea behind it:
    Starters are starters. Period. Easy as that.
    But in more detail:
    If a guy joining a server the first impression is very important. For example:
    How much resources are left?
    How many meteorites are on the planet?
    Is the planet already drilled to cheese or is it a nice, almost untouched experience I can discover?
    Are there too many structures or even big CVs which will cause low FPS?
    And so on.

    All this can be at the moment done with
    a) One way warps
    b) Regular wipes
    (or c) with indestructible terrain and other fancy setups)

    So sure you can click fresh start whenever you want and go back and spawn your big ship to show people what you have reached so far but it is combined with circumstances nobody will do all the time. Especially since the universe is built in such a way that you can get the resources and everything you had on the starters also on other playfields.
    So again: there IS just no point in returning.

    And by the way it was always the nature of human kind to settle somewhere, grab everything what they could in terms of resources nearby and pack again their barrows and move on to the next location (of course by taking everything with them again and not leaving all their stuff at the previous location).

    Bit long but I hope the understand of that method keeps spreading and become common sense.

  13. Lurkey

    Lurkey Ensign

    May 8, 2017
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    I do agree the First impression is very important,
    Its no fun at all for new people that join the server, if the starting zone becomes unplayable for them.
    Because there are giant buildings al over the planet has be cleaned of resources and PoIs and holes everywhere etc.

    I do understand you don't want this in the starting sector.

    There are many ways to solve this but probably not technically possible atm. or to permanent like wipes.
    A few examples i can come up with but again not sure if technicly possible atm, and they are just ideas :p

    1 Regenerating PoIs is a good thing maybe they do regenerate a bit too fast atm tho.

    2 Holes made that are outside of player base radius could be automatically filled up after time perhaps

    3 Resources could respawn after a certain time or at least partially to like say 50% or so

    4 Restrict based building to max 1 base and limit the size you can make it perhaps. (only in the starting system ofcourse)

    5 The biggest thing you can do, to be honest, is have incentive to actually leave the starting system if you prefer PVE

    I feel tho is there is no real incentive to actually leave the starting planet if you prefer to PVE mostly.
    ( i do enjoy pvp from time to time and risk vs reward etc)

    But from a PVE perspective, People want to set up a base on a nice planet/system and play from there and have a place to fall back on, have a go at pvping explore other systems etc. (atleast i do)

    Since the 2 connecting sectors from the starting zone are PVE people want to setup their bases here.
    The thing is tho they are very unattractive systems to get your base upon.

    Meldo is a lava planet do i need to say more? could at least add a moon into the system to make it more interesting.
    Valea is decent and the only option currently but lacks more in the system itself again the least you can do is add a moon.
    But another green or snow planet would be nice aswell.

    The invader planets i did not fully explore but as far as i understand its 2 Barren planets not really attractive either.

    Anyway i hope this feedback helps :)
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I agree that that scenario doesn't really suit the server well.

    Lets run mine !

    LOL !

    Be exploring for weeks !
  15. demolish50

    demolish50 Commander

    Dec 8, 2015
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    I know you know but I want to play and since I cant I'm just going to post. Server needs updating.
  16. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    @RexXxuS is very bussy and barly has any personal time left. If he finds some time he will prob do something about the scenario
  17. Pino

    Pino Lieutenant

    Sep 18, 2015
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    35 players is very low for an official server. With that, there will be no new players... I planned to move things in orbit for things to not be wiped, but I can't even login... so, many players that started recently will lose everything. 5 days warning for wipe is enough, but limiting players more during these 5 days...
  18. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    For the wipe I can increase it. However get used to that number since this is the limit of the hardware.
  19. frank walls

    frank walls Commander

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Been playing on Trader Residence for about a week now. Why is this a starting planet? There's no moon, asteroids, space station, or other planet around it. The planet has no life on it anymore (animals/enemies), and you can't level up unless you drill for resources, pick plants, or attack the few alien bases left. Terrible starting planet.

    Anyway, after losing everything in the last wipe, and struggling for a week to just build a crappy a SV only to find out there's nothing in space I think I'm done with the official server for awhile. My feedback/advice would be to really think about the gameplay when you're creating these planets/scenarios. I've played on this server since it launched, and for an official server it seems very amateurish.
  20. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks for the feedback.

    True, Wrong, Wrong, True (duplicate of your first point).

    So I saw people built a Class 12 base on Trader Residence and you ask also why it is a starter planet.
    Here is the thing:
    because it is a *start* planet. You have / get everything you need to leave. All starters shares this concept. Trying to settle there or seeking for the greater good is not the idea.
    From before: you have a space station and lots of asteroids (space and planet). People are just lazy to search I see.
    The yaml playfield has one of the most animals of the starters set; so yeah.. I think you just want to complain and insult me of a "amateurish" scenario.
    Well then.

    Have fun else where.

    Taelyn likes this.

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