Planets and the solar system.

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by JayCo, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. wllcapmax

    wllcapmax Ensign

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Add Venusian Planet Type:

    Wikipedia Quotes:
    1. The atmospheric pressure at the planet's (Venus) surface is 92 times that of Earth.

    Therefore, maybe Eleon can make "surface gravity" (meaning surface pressure) 90x (+/-) on surface but solar system mass/gravity the same as similar celestial bodies at the solar system level.

    2. Venus is by far the hottest planet in the Solar System. Venus is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light.

    First, this fact would mean that a Venusian planet-type will have constant colored clouds without any "visible sky". Second, due to the various issues at the surface level, I believe that this planet type is both difficult to colonize due to pressure/heat/acidity and would cause heavy wear over time to any structures built or vehicles present (including flying vehicles within atmosphere), immediate health damage when outside, and difficulty to jump, jetpack, hover. There are no points-of-interests on this planet type. Eleon could counter these downsides by making twice as many (or so) resources present on or close to the surface (meteors or surface deposits).
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. wllcapmax

    wllcapmax Ensign

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Add Planetary Collision Mechanism

    Make potential random collisions between celestial bodies which will affect gameplay on Larger Planet in collision in following ways:
    A mass extinction event (most plants/animals die)

    2. Make constant dark (brown, grey, etc.) cloud cover.

    3. This event would also require evacuation by the player (possibly with a countdown timer) before directly witnessing planetary collision from the surface. The downside to death ignoring planetary collision will be a spawn in the part of the world farthest from the impact zone and a loss of most pack items in recovery bag.

    4. All bases, objects, resources, etc. in impact zone immediately disappear and are inaccessible to the player.

    5. On the surface, post impact collision zone will be shown as a wall of very dark clouds (dark grey, black, etc.) and is inaccessible to the player.

    6. The collision could also be viewed from local space, after which the the planetary fragments are still visible in space.

    Affect gameplay on Smaller Planet/Moon/Large Asteroid in collision:
    1. Countdown timer also exists on this planet/body.

    1. Planet appears fractured into a bunch of jagged parts (like mountains with straight-line edges or asteroid pieces) and can only be seen from low flying or orbital level. No surface landing possible from now on.

    2. Collision Zone appears as a wall of dark clouds (grey, black, etc.) and nothing behind the dark cloud wall is visible to the player.

    3. All bases, vehicles, points-of-interest, water, plants, plant textures, resources etc. disappear from planet/object completely and only surface pallet colors (brown, grey, etc.) and rocks are left visible.

    4. Death on this planet will be followed by player respawned EVA orbital next to 1 flying vehicle they kept on planet. For multiple players dying, each player is given one of his/her flying vehicles from planet (hope they made enough!)

    5. Bases, vehicles, and items (as well as additional flying vehicles) left on planet are all instantly destroyed in collision.

    (Even if the contact between planets/planetoids can be a million to billion year process, it would be cool to see the effect within a few game hours)
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    It'd be a shame if it was impossible to save the Planet from the Collision, especially for Player Home Worlds... it'd be interesting if we could work hard to prevent the disaster, like pulling an Armageddon, building & installing something onto the Rogue Planet/Planetary Body that'd Warp Jump it away, amassing a huge Armada & just plain blowing the snot outta the threat till what's left can safely burn up in Atmosphere & become an Epic Light Show, or some such.

    I am sure I can't be alone in thinking that it'd suck to have nowhere we could build lest RNG could decide what we love & hold dear now has no choice but to die as punishment for getting unlucky. If we can fight back against this Threat, including in SP, even if it'd be an epic struggle or such, then this could be an interesting Mechanic in the game... but if this becomes a tool RNG could use to Instagib our stuff (Especially Bases) & Grief us while we can never do anything about it, this Feature could become a major fun killer.
  4. wllcapmax

    wllcapmax Ensign

    Jan 9, 2016
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    I should of specified that the Larger Planet and Smaller Planet/Asteroid are two halves of the same collision. Based on player choices of location on larger versus smaller planets/asteroids, there is always an very small chance that this event will occur. Remember that smaller planets/moons/asteroids are often easier to defend by singular or a small number of bases as there is less surface area, limiting the amount of players who can exploit these small bodies. This physical advantage should be countered by a small chance that player(s) who choose to entrench themselves on these celestial bodies can lose it all.

    On the larger planet side, the effect is fairly random. Most animals/plants die but if player has established base they don't need them anyway. The likelihood that player base will be in impact zone on the large surface area of a standard or larger planet is small.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Still... I really don't wanna have no choice but to lose stuff with no say in the matter cause RNGesus willed it. :(
    wllcapmax likes this.
  6. wllcapmax

    wllcapmax Ensign

    Jan 9, 2016
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    True, like every suggestion, there are definite drawbacks.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Ehta

    Ehta Commander

    Feb 10, 2016
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    I've been slightly avoiding this thread for awhile since there hasn't been any answers even "noted" on the ore one from devs, so I think I might have slightly too realistic approach :D So I'll just concentrate on the few obvious problems to help on feeding slightly more "realistic" parameters into the procedural planet generation.

    1. Star(s)
    -So far we have one star and no complaints about that.
    -Noteworthy is that lifespan of even most massive of the stars is sufficiently large for developing life, this is more dependent on the planets and on the game scale there's no need to really go into there, aside from creating stars that are in different phases of their life, which affects the distance of the "green zone" in the system
    -Green zone (zone where water can appear in liquid form on planetary surface) varies due to stars mass and phase of lifespan
    Here's two well known examples:


    2. Planets
    This is where it goes complicated. Generally rocky planets orbit closer to the stars than Gas giants, but in multiple star solar systems this has can vary. Planet can sustain atmosphere only if the mass of the planet is large enough, so either planet needs to have a huge core, be large enough or have some form of volcanic activity which can sustain atmosphere long enough for human scale.

    2.1 Planets & Moons
    -Current sizes are quite more than enough as soon as "no-go" zones are lifted and you can travel around whole planet.
    -Warming power of the star should vane as the distance from the star increases, so out of our current planets the Ice planet Ningues should be furthest out, where lava planets should either be orbiting gas giants as moons(gravitational pull keeps up the volcanism, as on Io) or extremely close to the star, where as Omicron, Masperon and Akua should be closely together since there's liquid water on each.
    -Amount of mineral deposits on each planet is currently extremely low
    -There's no base metals on the "harder" planets, which would be extremely unlikely, since formation process and materials for planetary formation should be quite similar (no objections on keeping fantasy ores limited to the certain planets)
    -Planets without companion ( twin planet, large moon, many small moons or planet itself orbiting the gas giant) have changing tilt in the rotation axis, which causes "fast" (every few million years) changes in climate, which makes extremely severe winters or summers and anything past simple plants and/or algae is VERY unlikely to be able to evolve. (There should be no life on planets if they have no companion)
    -Gas giants should be 10- 30x larger than current planets and could either be pure decoration or source of hydrogen for power
    -Moons orbiting gas giants can be size of the planet and in some cases able to support life
    -Planets can rotate in whatever direction so we should have both retrograde planets (like Venus) where sun sets on the east and rises from west, as well as slow rotation planets where day /night rhythm could be several days or even weeks.
    -Twin planets where two or more roughly equally sized objects rotate around common center of gravity are viable as well

    2.2 Atmospheres and effects
    -Color of the atmosphere is almost 100% dependent on the thickness of the said atmosphere
    -> extremely thin atmosphere (like most of the Jupiter and Saturns moons) sky looks greyish, it's barely noticeable that there's something in between black sky, can have visible very thin clouds
    -> thin atmosphere, (like Mars) sky looks considerably reddish-gray, even in the mid of the day (due to scattering of different wavelenghts of light when hitting atmosphere) here's a real pic from Mars rover.

    ->Medium dense atmosphere is what have in Earth where sky is considerably blue on midday
    -> really dense atmosphere like what Venus has should be towards extremely violet on midday, alas there's no real color pictures from the planet's surface yet (aside from few from Venera 13, which had cameras aimed at down so we don't really know)
    -Color of the clouds depends on the thickness of the atmosphere (general color of the light on the surface), composition of said clouds (sulfuric clouds upon Venus are generally thought to have greenish hue, we have no real proof though), thickness of the cloud layer (like on Earth storm clouds get darker due the thickness of the cloud layer so it blocks more light) and carried sedimentary load (like sandstorms on Sahara look yellowish to gray due to sand they carry and snowstorms on northern countries look extremely white due to snow they carry)
    -So green clouds on Masperon with breathable atmosphere? Not very likely
    -Size of the sun and amount of light should scale down depending on the distance from the star (for example currently "Sun" looks about as large in Masperon (5.something AU's away" as on Omicron (roughly 1Au), also daylight on both planets seems about as bright.

    For comparision: Sunset on Mars as seen by Spirit rover:

    Sunset over Sahara desert on similar conditions on Earth:
    Also notice that color of the sunset on Mars is blue instead of red, since thinner atmosphere scatters wavelenghts of light differently than our own.

    3. Asteroids
    -Asteroid belts are either
    1) Proto-planet that failed to gather enough material to form up one planet
    -As our current asteroid belt (very large belt but asteroids are very far from each other)
    2) Planetary accretion disks
    -As rings on Jupiter and Saturn (very dense disk of all sized particles, but mostly water ice)
    3) Broken proto-planet where another large planetary object smashed into planet disintegrating it
    -Usually ends up making several planetoids, like in Earth-Moon system, so coming across one is very unlikely in a system that is old enough to contain life
    -Composition of belt should vary according to it's birth process(which can both be concluded from it's location and density)
    1) can have all kinds of metals that planets can have, known deposits are usually much richer, since whole asteroid can be made of same metal
    2) metal poor, but good for harvesting ice for water and hydrogen, very rare to find any metal deposits
    3) same as 1)

    4. Other objects
    -Comets? Good for water & hydrogen, extremely dense tails but very little useful metals
    -Outer solar system objects, black holes and nebulae can be mainly decorations, since there's very little you could possibly do with them in a game

    5. Terraforming
    -On a planets which have liquid water and life, with the tech we have available in game itself, we should have possibility to alter the atmosphere of the planet enough to make it breathable, however this could require extreme amount of materials, building massive installations and be implemented as a long term goal later when the base game is done.
    -On Ice planet all you need is huge mirrors on the orbit to melt enough ice to form oceans and rise mean temperature of the planet, while massive coal or methane burning factories work on surface, mainly raising CO2 content of the atmosphere suitable for plants and algae. Then you get the planet into more temperate climate and just stick plants and algae everywhere to get the oxygen content right.
    -On desert planets it could involve either above two methods for Mars-like cold deserts with thin atmosphere or with hot deserts ferrying giant chunks of ice from outer parts of solar system and plummeting them through existing atmosphere to increase water content and cool down the mean temperature of the planet itself.

    TL/DR version:
    I'd hope our current solar system would be slightly more realistic and suggest a few small alterations which would help dev's to accomplish it.
    1. Stars

    -Make stars sizes and colors bound to the location of "green zone" (zone that can host liquid water on planetary bodies)

    2. Planets
    -Put planets that can sustain life in the star's green zone
    -Change planets climate to correspond with distance from the star (ie Ice planet should be further out than lava planet)
    -Increase amount of metal deposits on the planets (can lower the amount of ore in one if play-ability requires it)
    -Remove "No-go" zones
    -Even harder planets should host base metals
    -Change planets with no satellites to host only floral life even if it's on the green zone
    -Make some of the planets rotate in different direction and make different length day/night cycles.

    2.2 Atmospheres and effects
    -Color of "sky" in the planet should correspond with thickness of the atmosphere
    -Size of the visible sun and amount of light should correspond with the distance of the planet from the star(s)

    3. Asteroids
    -Asteroid belts should have all metals that planets do
    -Asteroid belts should differ in density of asteroids based on their location (~type)

    5. Terraforming
    -Add terraforming as a long scale goal to make non-hospitable planets have breathable atmosphere
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Agreed. This plus whole Galaxy of Planets will be ample Planet room imho. :)

    I'd LOVE a 100% Efficiency Machine Hydrogen Generator to be able to put in places like this to make lots of yummy super efficient Hydrogen Fuel Packs for super Fuel Efficiency! Bonus Points if Large Hydrogen Fuel Packs also get invented that's similar in superior efficiency per resource cost to the diff between Promethium Fuel Packs & Large Promethium Fuel Packs! :D

    *Imagines defeating a PvP Enemy then pushing them into the Black Hole...* > : D

    This would be epic! I could imagine pulling this as one of my 'Work Hats'! (Along with Warrior, Miner, & Builder.)

    Last I heard this was already on the To-Do List to get done before the game transitions to Alpha. Last I heard current Planets are rectangles with a Texture Map on that Rectangle serving as a sort of cheater band aid fix with a cheater band aid fix 'Magic Green Gas Barrier' connecting the Rectangle ends together & the Poles are off limits cause they would show this effect off real blatantly & it looks damn ugly. I know it looks damn ugly cause the 'Magic Barrier' doesn't stop ya from sitting in Orbit barely above the Planet Atmosphere above the middle of the Magic Barrier area & looking down at the Planet & beholding the ugliness of the band aid fix's effect on the Poles for yourself. :p

    It was intended that the Devs were eventually gonna start work on making the REAL Planets that would be an actual true Sphere & Spherical Map that would then give us 100% of a Planet & eventually render the 'Magic Barrier' no longer needed... & also possibly maybe get to a point where transition between Atmosphere & Space can become fully seamless. (& maybe also make stuff like digging deep down into a Planet then falling into eternal void a thing of the past as well.) This & the making of the Procedurally Generated Galaxy itself are the last 2 Major Projects of the Devs to complete the game's Pre-Alpha stage.

    Also, just thought of something... speakin of 'Voids'... it'd be cool to have something related to Voids in the game, maybe as a Homage to the Protoss of the Starcraft Series. :cool:
    Ehta likes this.
  9. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    I'm playing on omicron. Sometimes I look up in the sky and see an akua looking planet. This is in addition to the barren looking moon.

    This is making me crazy. A planetary object at the regular distance between planets in a solar system would pretty much demand that any other planets in the solar system would appear as DOTS maybe bright dots at night, but still dots. On earth you don't look up at Mars or Venus and see them as disks with clearly visible terrain features. If two planets were that close they would be impacting each other grammatically and no stable orbits could be achieved until these two bodies got far enough away from each other.

    Also if I look up in the sky and I see a planetery disk instead of a dot I should be able to fly there in my sv. I would prefer the planets never be this close but if they are going to be I should be able to take advantage of it.

    On this subject how come when I'm flying on omicron the objects in the sky wiz past so quickly? The movement of objects in the sky really doesn't correspond to the velocity of my craft or the objects on the ground. It's weird.
    Kerensky and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. {SB} Baron Von Beedy

    {SB} Baron Von Beedy Lieutenant

    Jun 9, 2016
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    Design very large and deep water worlds with spares archipelagos. Either make a ship class or make two new modules for an HV. One for buoyancy so ships can be created and the other a turret RING module so custom turrets using fixed guns can be made. This will require a new single large fixed cannon to be created for the HV so the turrets or turret less vehicles can have a greater punch from the driver's seat. The current artillery turret is great but has limited functionality. But with fixed guns and a turret ring module a single player can control the main weapon(s), drive and turn the turret all at once. Think WOT or WOS in 2749 AD on alien planets. This will work for both tanks and ships.

    Checkout my ship design in the workshop to inspire you.

    With deep water worlds submarines can be made. :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    We need crush depth.
    A space vessel constructed to resist 0 atmosphere of pressure is not necessarily designed for 100 atmospheres of pressure

    Also Sea monsters (Krakens, Leviathans, Sea Serpents)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Map terrain generator tweeks, caves snowy mountains on Akua etc.

    Space map meshing.
    Id like to see sub light space travel fixed.
    Scale of the solar system reduced so travel between planets at sublight speeds is possible, maps need to be meshed together with co-ordinates.
    Solar systems we should be capable of sub light travel at reasonable speeds in the 24th century if star trek is anything to go by ! LOL ! Thats a bad joke for those who take everything to seriously !
    PhiPhi and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  13. Cavadus

    Cavadus Commander

    May 11, 2016
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    I'd like to see a planet like Europa: ice crust, global ocean underneath.

    It would also be interesting to have some planets simply be more... alien, I guess. Larger temperature differentials, maybe the liquid on this planet is promethium instead of water, et cetera.

    Also, we need diggable asteroids. And more than just sathium asteroids as well. And where the heck is all of the ice???
  14. Guest

    Guest Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2016
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    The size of average planet seems fine, though I wouldn't mind occasional slightly bigger ones. On the other hand, once there will be no fenced-off area near the caps, what we have now will be just right.

    I'd like planets that use the same biomes as current ones but have subtle differences. Like Akua-like forest planet but with much many more species of fauna and flora of particular type in comparison to the other, more flat or mountainous terrain, with higher or lesser spawn rate and ratio od aggresive to non-aggresive creatures (affected and weighted heavily by server's spawning rate setting). I'd like for high temperature to increase percentage of stamina used for running and decreasing running speed on cold, snowy worlds (and, in case that temperature is extremely high/low, for it to damage non-indoors but helmet-less player character).

    As for ideas I'd like weather effects that matter. High-altitude thunderstorms that make flying above mountain ranges or atmosphere entering/planet-leaving somewhat dangerous on Akua or sandstorms that decrease creature spawn but make it harder to walk on foot, jump and see anything for the player. I'd like such events to be fairly rare though (minimum one in-game-time week with slightly increasing chance of happening each following day for the final result of such event happening on average every few weeks).

    In case of new planet ideas:

    I'd like gray, wasteland-ish, but not dry planet with dense cloud cover, slight fog and intereference making use of map tricky as well as infrequent emp storms (as rare as the above) randomly turning off for a few seconds machines that are not covered by some earth, concrete and the like (meaning harder exploration through use of vessels, outdoor bases and encouraging development of underground infrastructure).

    Another idea would a world that's desolated, covered by ruins one, but heavily defended both in orbit and in ground with leftover installations (up to the point of being overpowered, kind of end-game thing able to easily take out bigger, slower and less maneuverable CVs before they enter the atmosphere and ground installations able to quickly shoot down SVs flying around, requiring stuff like drop pod ships and exploration on foot) with an event where automatic dropships arrive or portals open and new such defensive installations appear all over the place, with their strength/stats depending on number of players attempting to enter lately or being on ground - thus making the planet always dangerous. The issue would be with making most of the turrets and other such installations to not be core dependant so they won't be farmable for resources.

    Lastly, a planet of acid. Corrosive atmosphere lower altitudes slowly eating away at vehicles and facilities not covered fully with higher-quality hull/plating, corrosive oceans where nothing lives. Only here and there there are small, but going deep into the acid islands, with natural resources, facilities underground, accessible by digging or already existing caves. Would need some additional mechanics though, with game recognizing when someone/something is underground somewhat away from corrosive, open air, tracking hull breaches etc - so it may be unsuitable, at least now, but worth consideration once the planned features for hermetic compartments and ships with breathable atmosphere will be in, if ever.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    I love the new weather effects. They are definitely a step in the right direction!
    Kerensky and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  16. gabtrat

    gabtrat Ensign

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I really miss being able to fly from planet to planet within a solar system with an SV. I think the Capital Ship should be the end goal that goes between different solar systems; and to build it would require visiting a lot of different planets and gathering a lot of different resources.

    The entire solar system should need to be mined to build your capital ship. For example; mining different types of resources from different planets; different moons; mining asteroids; a water planet (maybe need to build a floating base); gas giants (needs an orbiiting base), minerals from rings of planets, etc.

    This would enhance what makes the game so fun & exciting; starting with nothing and just trying to survive and ending up building the infrastructure to travel the universe.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    All of this. You can do pretty much everything without really needing to go anywhere anymore. :/

    It would be cool if the SV had a jump drive that lets you go about .25 AU per second, for intra-system travel, and you get there without a flash or loading screen, you just zoom through space as the target planet grows in front of you. (It's one thing NMS got right.)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Emperor Johnny

    Emperor Johnny Commander

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I agree with your suggestions. This game doesn't have much depth as is and it needs more. The Universe is extremely small. Its way too easy to feel like there is nothing left to explore after about 10-15 hours of game play. There is no feeling of trying to survive after about 20 hours in. Where are the sci-fi challenges? Where is the brain sucking parasite that slowly kills you without an antidote, or where is getting marooned on an alien world with no one to rescue you, or where is searching for pirate enclaves orbiting black holes?

    Its way to easy! Once they added blue prints and the ability to access everything from anywhere on your base/ship there isn't even a reason to move your character around anymore, except to harvest crops. Whats worse is that they downgraded the experience even more with the market place. They added currency, great, but now you don't even have to leave planet to get whatever you need. You can play the entire game without ever leaving your 2x2 hut.

    It barely feels like a survival game anymore. The game is all about designing now and that's pretty much it. Mine resources, make something cool from the work shop, fly to a planet you've been to a million times, glitch out, throw keyboard at wall, start over. The devs should change the game's name to Empyrion Galactic Designers.

    I think this game needs to rework some of its core concepts.
  19. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    I can't say that your suggestion is terrible. But honestly I really like my CV's. I like having a mobile base I can fly around. I don't want to have to mine the whole solar system to get that. It might be better to just raise the requirements for warp drive and warp fuel.

    Frankly the distance between planets is terribly unrealistically short and that really breaks the immersion for me. When you look up into the sky you should never see a planetary disk unless you are on a moon. All other objects should appear as dots in the sky. Being able to fly between planets in the SV would require that they remove the speed limit. Which frankly is ridiculous anyway. There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to accelerate to ridiculous velocity and then coast to another world if I have the power and then slow down into orbit around it.

    Frankly the current physics suck.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    You don't really need a jump drive. Just extra engines and that dumb speed limit to go away. You could then push yourself up to any velocity you want considering how the power matrix for running your engines works.

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