Project Screenshot

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Xango2000, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    I'd like help with a project to help playfield editors.

    I want to compile a gallery of screenshots of everything in game with each screenshot labeled with what it's called in the yaml files.

    I've started with textures so I'll keep going with that section. Hopefully I came get some of the people that read this post to help with

    Decorations (rocks, plants, trees, other)

    I plan to post all the screenshots somewhere on the web so that everyone can access them.

    Any volunteers?
  2. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Right... Well, I'm going to be writing a guide to creating planets and such... Would have been nice to get help with the screenshots
  3. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
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    This would be very helpful as I am trying to figure what things are now myself and searching for guides.

    Edit: Can you do a planet from scratch so a really good understanding of each piece of the yaml is understood and why things are done. It's easy to understand most of the config, but somethings still leave a little bit of a question around them.
  4. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Glad to see at least one person is interested.
  5. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
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    Just a followup, might help with your guide.
    What I currently running into, is ...

    What terrians are valid, how do we figure what names are accessible to us.

    What textures and decorations can we use for the Mainbiome, are these also all valid for sub biomes. (do a search on Emyprion biome decorations and you get nothing useful)

    What happens if there is no Biome section, will it use defaults calling from the terrian value.

    How do biome positions get set by the game when the playfield is created, random values determined by the seed? (all I see is an altitude adjustment, can we limit size of a biome). A little more info on clustersize and what it does would be awesome. (What does a cluster size of 0 (zero) do)

    POI's and mob generation are very straight forward and easy to follow, but is there anyway to use random and fixed POI locations? (Sometimes the random places the object in a very bad spot). Since seeds are used, if the amount of POI"s generate stays the same, will they always be in the same place on a refresh of the playfield. (meaning, same seed, same formula for placement is used)

    A lot more questions as I have just started creating some custom planets and it is a little frustrating guessing a lot of the time of the results you will get.

    I am trying to create a waterless planet, I have succeded in creating a planet with no water (snow on mountians though, I want that), but for some reason my map view shows bodies of water when there is no water there. I have succeeded once with the map view not showing any water, but I don't why that one time it was different and am not sure what I changed to achieve it. I have noticed my Z axis at the locations showing water in always 3 and they are very flat spots. Even on the map view that doesn't show bodies of water you can still tell when you fly over as it has a different texture. Right now it is guess work figuring out how to achieve what I want, it's a very slow process.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
  6. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    try this, it's not a complete list but I've been busy

    Cluster size zero means Infinite

    in the header section
    UseFixed: True # If set uses fixed POIs + resources

    how did you get rid of the water? this should work
    SeaLevel: 0 # Sea level of planet
    Osskey likes this.
  7. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
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    Spreadsheet: Thank you very much!

    Cluster: thank you

    Fixed: I was hoping for variation, meaning on a reset you don't know where they are but also the possiblity of making some POI's static for good placement with a certain seed. It would be nice to have both settings available, not one or the other.

    Water: (I used 0 for sealevel and also used -100 as a test, same effect)
    Question about the map graphic, is it cached somewhere?

    I didn't reset this time and created a new planet, the map view now shows no water. It's basically the same config just used for a fresh planet. No matter what I do with resets on the original planet I created (it had water at first) the map view always shows water now.

    Edit: was wondering if I used the same configs and planet name, wiped them, moved them a little in the sector file, would it create a new map image? (I might have to try that but need to move some stuff, I have a couple test worlds on my server that I use for testing, a little slower to achieve what I want but it's fun)

    I also used ... (testing to see what it looks like)
    RealRadius: 13037.972940 # Please don't change
    ScaledRadius: 13000 # Please don't change
    Oh man I love the larger planets it looks so good (I created the planet I want), is there any plan for them allowing this and having the scale work properly?

    Once I have creation down, almost there, I have been thinking of away to efficiently grab pics of the decorations to help out. Could be a long process, dev's need to make a model viewer ... lol
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2016
  8. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Probably not in the current iteration.
    I heard they are working on spherical planets that can be any size, at any angle and rotate at any speed. They have actually said there is a version in testing that has spherical planets.

    They didn't say anything more than that though.
  9. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
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    Follow up, water problem. There is something cached that is associated with the name. The only way I could get the Map Graphic (planet side) to change and show no water was to use another name and I also used fresh playfield configs, different name. Basically letting the game create a new system to ignore the old, that did create a lot of structures not associated to anything burning up hard drive space in the shared directory.

    Example ... (it looks really kewl when two moons come up on the horizon overlaping a little, the color is off but close to the original movie scene)
    - Coordinates: [ 85, 0, -375 ]
    Color: "0.37, 0.33, 0.04"
    Icon: "Circle"
    - [ "0, 0, 0", "NewTatoonie Orbit", TatNewSpaceAsteroidFieldRing ]
    - [ "0, 0, 0", NewTatoonie, TatNew ]
    - [ "1500, 3000, 4500", Ghomrassen, TatNewGhomrassenMoonOne ]
    - [ "2000, 5000, -7000", Guermessa, TatNewGuermessaMoonTwo ]
    - [ "2000, 8000, 7000", Chenini, TatNewCheniniMoonThree ]
  10. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
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    Now a couple of questions for you if you don't mind, how can I get MOB's running around on the moon ... lol ... think it would be a prefect place for golems and something fast also.

    Ghomrassen config included ...
    1) How to add mobs to the moon?
    2) Difficulty: 4 # 0..4 -> 0 = no drone attack base ... 4 = max difficulty level
    (can i use 7 here for unlimited drones waves?)

    This is just a copy of the moon template with a few adjustments, I tried to add mobs but wasn't successful with my first attempt.

    # Playfield Configuration
    # IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs - tab indentation is forbidden:

    # Playfield Characteristics
    RealRadius: 1303.797294 # Please don't change
    ScaledRadius: 1300 # Please don't change
    Gravity: -4.5 # Gravity on planet
    AtmosphereDensity: 0 # Please don't change
    AtmosphereO2: 0 # Oxygen level of atmosphere
    AtmosphereBreathable: False # If player can breathe without helmet
    Temperature: -22 # No functionality yet
    TemperatureDay: 85 # No functionality yet
    TemperatureNight: -105 # No functionality yet
    DayLength: 24 # No functionality yet
    PlanetType: Barren # No functionality yet
    Moons: 0 # No functionality yet
    PvP: False # Set to True to allow PvP in this playfield, default is False
    #Seed: 123456 # If set overwrites main Seed
    UseFixed: False # If set uses fixed POIs + resources

    # Playfield difficulty (has impact on experience gains)
    Difficulty: 5 # Between 2 and 5: larger values indicate higher difficulty

    # Planet or Space
    PlayfieldType: Moon # Please don't change

    # Sun # SunFlareBlue, SunFlareWhite, SunFlareWhite2, SunFlareWhite3, SunFlareYellow, SunFlarePurple
    SunFlare: EnvironmentalEffects/SunFlareWhiteMoon

    # Special Effects

    # Atmosphere and Sky
    AtmosphereEnabled: False # Atmosphere True or False

    # Light
    DayLightIntensity: 1.3 # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    NightLightIntensity: 0.25 # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    DayShadowStrength: 0.95 # Between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger

    # Fog

    # Clouds

    # Wind Speed

    ### Randomly distributed resources
    - Name: IronResource
    CountMinMax: [ 3, 4 ] # range of number of resources to distribute on planet
    SizeMinMax: [ 6, 12 ] # range of sizes of resource depots
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ] # Range of how deep to bury depots below terrain surface (e.g. 0 = partly visible, 3 = top of depot starts 3m below surface)
    DroneProb: 0.5 # probability that the resource is defended by drones
    MaxDroneCount: 3 # if at all, 1..n drones will defend the resource [default = 1]

    - Name: CobaltResource
    CountMinMax: [ 2, 4 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 7, 11 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ]
    DroneProb: 0.5
    MaxDroneCount: 3

    - Name: CopperResource
    CountMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 5, 9 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ]
    DroneProb: 0.6
    MaxDroneCount: 3

    - Name: SiliconResource
    CountMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 6, 11 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ]
    DroneProb: 0.7
    MaxDroneCount: 3

    - Name: NeodymiumResource
    CountMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 6, 10 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ]
    DroneProb: 0.8
    MaxDroneCount: 5

    - Name: SathiumResource
    CountMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 6, 10 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ]
    DroneProb: 0.8
    MaxDroneCount: 5

    - Name: PromethiumResource
    CountMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 9, 12 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ]
    DroneProb: 0.6
    MaxDroneCount: 5

    ### Resource Asteroids
    - Name: IronResource
    Threshold: 0.5
    Amount: 0.5

    - Name: CobaltResource
    Threshold: 0.4
    Amount: 0.2

    - Name: CopperResource
    Threshold: 0.5
    Amount: 0.2

    - Name: SiliconResource
    Threshold: 0.5
    Amount: 0.2

    - Name: NeodymiumResource
    Threshold: 0.5
    Amount: 0.2

    - Name: SathiumResource
    Threshold: 0.5
    Amount: 0.2

    - Name: PromethiumResource
    Threshold: 0.5
    Amount: 0.2

    ### Terrain and Decorations
    # Terrain and Local Decoration

    Name: Moonstone
    PoleLevel: 60 # Pole level of planet
    NoiseStrength: 0.1
    YFadeCenter: 60
    YFadeRange: 25
    YFadeMin: 0.2
    YFadeMax: -0.1

    - [ RockBlack, 3 ]
    - [ RockGrey08, 0 ]
    - [ BedrockLava, 2 ]

    - [ RocksmallA02, 1 ]
    - [ RocksmallC01, 1 ]
    - [ RockGreySmall02, 1 ]

    # Biome Definition and Main Decoration
    - Altitude: [ 30, 55 ]
    Slope: [ 0, 12 ]
    - ClusterSize: 30
    NbOfClusters: 4
    - [ CrystalStraight, 10]

    ### POIs
    - GroupName: CrashedShip
    CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
    DroneProb: 1.0
    DronesMinMax: [ 3, 5 ]
    ReserveCount: 4
    TroopTransport: True

    - GroupName: CivilSettlement
    CountMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
    DroneProb: 0.8
    DronesMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]
    ReserveCount: 3
    TroopTransport: True

    - GroupName: GhostRiderBase
    CountMinMax: [ 7, 9 ]
    DroneProb: 0.7
    DronesMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]
    ReserveCount: 2
    TroopTransport: True

    - GroupName: GhostRiderDefence
    CountMinMax: [ 7, 9 ]
    DroneProb: 0.7
    DronesMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]
    ReserveCount: 2
    TroopTransport: True

    ### Drones
    # PresetStyle:
    # -> 0 = no drone attack base,
    # 1 = day + 2 triggers,
    # 2 = night + 2 triggers,
    # 3 = at once + 2 triggers,
    # 4 = night + turret trigger
    - GroupName: DroneBaseAkua
    DronesMinMax: [ 3, 5 ] # range of number of drones that defend drone base
    ReserveCount: 3 # number of drones that will be replaced when defending drones got killed
    DroneProb: 1.0 # probability that drones will defend drone base
    Difficulty: 4 # 0..4 -> 0 = no drone attack base ... 4 = max difficulty level
    PresetStyle: 3 # 0..4 -> see comment above
    # BaseAttack: DroneSmallAttackBase
    - Name: DroneSmallFast01Rocket # Name of drone
    Amount: 500 # Amount of drones in stock
    Extra: 1 # Type of drone 0..3 -> see comment above

    - Name: DroneSmallFast01Minigun
    Amount: 500
    Extra: 1

    - Name: DroneLargeSlow01Minigun
    Amount: 500
    Extra: 1

    - Name: DroneSmallSlow01Cannon
    Amount: 500
    Extra: 1

    - Name: DroneSmallAttackBase
    Amount: 500
    Extra: 1

    - Name: DroneTroopsTransport
    Amount: 500
    Extra: 2

    - Name: ZiraxMale
    Amount: 500
    Extra: 3

    - Name: Crawler
    Amount: 500
    Extra: 3

    - DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ]
    CenterX: -2500
    Radius: 1500

    - DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ]
    CenterX: 2500
    Radius: 1500
  11. arg821

    arg821 Commander

    Sep 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    To add creatures roaming around you just need to create a biome, give it a name, assign a low and high altitude to it of your choice, then assign creatures to that biome. Quick example would be ;

    - Altitude: [ 15, 80 ]
    Slope: [ 0, 30 ]
    - Name: "MoonPlains"
    Id: 1
    ClusterSize: 0
    NbOfClusters: 0
    - [ RealRock1, 0]

    The above creates a biome, calls it "MoonPlains", and assigns every area on the moon between an altitude of 15 and 80 to be included in that biome. I have added only 1 type of rock, randomly placed, and will only appear if the slope is < 30 degrees in angle. The values of 0 simply means an infinite amount. So in between altitudes of 15-80 you'll see random rocks. Then we add creatures to it;

    - Biome: MoonPlains
    - Name: AlienBugs01
    Period: Day
    Amount: 3
    Delay: 0

    The above will spawn in groups of 3 Alienbugs, on the biome "MoonPlains", without delay. You can add more creatures, in various quantities, in day, night, or always to this section as well.

  12. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
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    Thank you Andy, I must've made a mistake with my first attempted moon biome, finished the planet now (the system is starting to look good) and moons are next to edit.
  13. arg821

    arg821 Commander

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Then, depending on how realistic you want to make it - you may want to add some fauna of some type to the biome....... Creatures in theory can't survive on nothing :) Up to you tho....

  14. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
    Likes Received:
    This is what I have come up with, see any flaws before I go live with it?

    - Altitude: [ 30, 55 ]
    Slope: [ 0, 12 ]
    - ClusterSize: 30
    NbOfClusters: 4
    - [ CrystalStraight, 10]
    - Altitude: [ 15, 80 ]
    Slope: [ 0, 30 ]
    - Name: "MoonPlains"
    Id: 1
    ClusterSize: 0
    NbOfClusters: 0
    - [ RealRock1, 0.05]
    - [ RealRock1Snow, 0.05]
    - [ DesertRockLarge, 0.03]

    (added to the end of the file)
    - Biome: MoonPlains
    - Name: GolemsIce
    Period: Always
    Amount: 3
    Delay: 0
    - Name: Otyughs
    Period: Night
    Amount: 1
    Delay: 0
    - Name: AlienBugs01
    Period: Always
    Amount: 3
    Delay: 0

    Edit: understand about the creatures not surviving in nothing, but hey there golems and space aliens .... lol

    Edit2: I guess what I am wondering, better words ... are decorations DLL dependent, or is it any decoration anywhere?
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  15. arg821

    arg821 Commander

    Sep 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Scott.Ward - check the formatting of the first biome section, as you have missed some crucial information (you need the Name and ID) - after BiomeClusterData:, and before ClusterSize:. The second biome data look ok.

    For your CreatureSpawning section, check the format as well. Make sure you insert "Entities:" after the biome name.

    Just bring it in, and test accordingly. Bring up the console, type DI so you have your altitudes and roam around checking the levels to see what you need to adjust.

  16. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
    Likes Received:
    the first part of the biome is the default biome, I didn't edit that, I just added to it, the second altitude.

    Starts with the first part no problem, but when theh second is added it won't ... kind of funny.
  17. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
    Likes Received:
    My Biome now ... (I removed the creature spawning section and it starts fine with this biome, something is wrong with the creature spawning)
    - Altitude: [ 30, 55 ]
    Slope: [ 0, 12 ]
    - Name: "MoonLowerPlains"
    Id: 1
    ClusterSize: 30
    NbOfClusters: 4
    - [ CrystalStraight, 10]
    - Altitude: [ 15, 80 ]
    Slope: [ 0, 30 ]
    - Name: "MoonPlains"
    Id: 5
    ClusterSize: 0
    NbOfClusters: 0
    - [ CrystalsPyramidBlue, 1]
  18. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
    Likes Received:
    THank you, so much for my double check, the entites solved the problem .. now to the moon ... lol

    This was my final configs (it worked) ...

    - Altitude: [ 30, 55 ]
    Slope: [ 0, 12 ]
    - Name: "MoonLowerPlains"
    Id: 1
    ClusterSize: 30
    NbOfClusters: 4
    - [ CrystalStraight, 10]
    - Altitude: [ 15, 80 ]
    Slope: [ 0, 30 ]
    - Name: "MoonPlains"
    Id: 5
    ClusterSize: 0
    NbOfClusters: 0
    - [ RealRock1, 0.05]
    - [ RealRock1Snow, 0.05]
    - [ DesertRockLarge, 0.03]

    - Biome: MoonPlains
    - Name: GolemsIce
    Period: Night
    Amount: 3
    Delay: 0
    - Name: Otyughs
    Period: Night
    Amount: 1
    Delay: 0
    - Name: AlienBugs01
    Period: Day
    Amount: 3
    Delay: 0
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  19. arg821

    arg821 Commander

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Glad its working. Yell out if you need other assistance with the YAMLs, there's plenty more you can customise. ....

  20. Scott.Ward

    Scott.Ward Commander

    Nov 24, 2016
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    This is fun, I made a hard moon, next one even harder ... lol ... question if you don't mind ... Under entites ... Amount: what is the available range 1 to ?

    Thanks again, two more moons to setup then a colorful Sol, I am having a blast with this creating custom POI's and custom planets, my NewTatoonie is starting to look good.

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