The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration Scenario - Over 200 playfields.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    i would say it's intentional perhaps for balance on MP servers with PvP enabled, as many of these playfields are set up that way, but i've found that altering this doesn't always work, especially for starter worlds, such as Mars. I cannot get the template yamls I've changed to make the scenario load my edits for some reason, Mars still doesn't allow a CV to enter with AllowCV: True, which means it's hardcoded into the planet's characteristics somehow, or I'm doing it wrong, or something. Perhaps I am supposed to delete the AllowCV: False entry instead. I would have to potentially ask piddlefoot how that works, I don't know for sure.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
  2. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    I was fiddling around in the playfields and found THAT is where the coding is for CV's on planets. I made the change on a few planets, will have to see if my changes worked....
  3. Loch

    Loch Lieutenant

    Nov 12, 2016
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    It looks like the folder this downloads to has now is in 947185338

    Also, got tired of FTPing this to my Dedicated server, i found that if you are using steamCMD to keep your servers up to date, you can also use it to keep your Workshop items current with a little work.

    This command will download the workshop content (note to change it to point to your steamCMD directory):
    C:\steamCMD\steamcmd +login anonymous +workshop_download_item 383120 947185338 +quit

    from there, it downloads into the steamCMD install directory into \steamapps\workshop\content\383120\947185338\

    you just need to move/copy the contents into your dedicated servers \Content\Scenarios\The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration\ directory
  4. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I will have to check the Allow CV line, there was a bug with it but Im not sure if that's been corrected yet by devs, theres also a known bug in the drones infinite setting, so we don't have infinite drones atm either.

    For games you have already started, you need to edit the YAML for that planet in the Saves folder or you wont see the changes in your current game.
    Template folder edits are only good for new games.
  5. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Oh, that would explain it. I edited the AllowCV from false to true in the playfields but it didn't work. I'll check the saved files. Thanks!

    Update: There doesn't seem to be playfield.yamal's in the saved files? Just lots of .dat and than the Areas folder with .area files in it.

    What am I missing?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
    ButtonPusher likes this.
  6. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    there aren't any yamls in the playfields folder inside the saves folder, just area files (.dats etc.) that i cannot edit

    only in the templates folder that resides inside the saves folder has any yamls, so i still do not know what to edit where, and why it is not taking any effect when i reload playfields, so i basically have to wipe the entire install just to change 1 thing (i'm new to this, so forgive my nubcake-ishness here, i'm just trying to tinker and nothing is working right for me)

    i edited over 150 playfield yamls in the scenario folder, went through each one specifically to disable PvP and allow CVs, turn down the wind speed, and cut mob spawns in half, that's all. I did not do this in the templates folder in the saves folder at first, because I wanted to edit the entire scenario and tailor it to my server's rule set... and they didn't do anything, even on playfields I had never loaded. I tried to edit the Mars template yaml to allow CV, didn't work. I tried to delete Mars, and regenerate it, still.. no allowed CV. I tried with the Earth yaml, reduced wind speed to 1, turned down mob spawns to half values, on both the scenario folder yaml and the template yaml, didn't work. I deleted Earth, then regenerated it, went there, wind speed still bucking trees everywhere, mob spawns still jacked up. I'm doing it wrong, or the yamls are just not being placed there in the saves folder for me to go edit.

    The only yamls i'm finding are in the templates folder, and the original set in the scenario/playfields folder

    I hope you can understand my frustration here when you say you have to go into the saves playfields folder to edit stuff... yet, it's not even there to edit. Do I have to put the file there? I again apologize for my noobish-ness here, I'm trying, I used to make Minecraft modpacks all the time, I have made some little mods in the Bethesda creation kit for Fallout 4. I can install games on a server, and this is running at least! I know how to do configs, I have Notepad++ in YAML language mode and I'm not entirely a *****. I'm just either doing something wrong and I don't know or something isn't working as intended.. I'm also a tester, so I'm trying to help, not cause any problems. xD
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Ok well I hate to say it but theres a known bug with the CV Allow code, the devs are fixing it as we speak, as for the rest, lets start with file location.

    OK first, when it comes to editing saved games, to create the folders in the saves folder you need, you have to go to that planet ingame, the game then creates the folder in the save folder.

    So if your an Admin on server, you just teleport to the playfield you want to mess with and it will create it in the save folder for you.
    Command for teleporting.
    sector Amara
    Will take you to Amara orbit.
    sector Earth
    Will take you to Earth

    Address to where these folders should be is here...

    C / steam / steamapps / common / Empyrion Dedicated Server / Saves / Games / YOUR GAME SAVE NAME. / Playfields

    And for manual editing of the game files Before you start a game are as below...

    C / steam / steamapps / common / Empyrion Dedicated Server / Content / Scenarios / The Lost City Of Sol / Playfields

    Steam should auto update scenarios if steam is set to auto update.

    You should not have to start a new game for an update.

    Keep in mind though, the droid bug where they shoot through walls can only be fixed with a new game at 6.2 according to the devs.

    Now ignore the Templates folder that's just in the Empyrion folder, its just for default games.
    The templates folder you want should be in the saves folder, remember to go in game and visit that planet to create its folder, or if its a new game you want to edit then the folder you want is in the scenario folder.

    Creating the folder manually doesn't seem to work for me.

    Make sure your in the correct saves folder, Empyrion Galactic Survival is different from Empyrion Dedicated Server folder.
  8. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    cheers man, i'll give it a shot and report any issues etc. , thanks a ton!
  9. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Is it a known issue Vyrdis planet is failing to load when you enter the planet? at least on the first load anyways
    Also it may appear a lot of the Patrol Vessels are failing to launch from the platform
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2017
  10. ButtonPusher

    ButtonPusher Captain

    Nov 8, 2016
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    yeah that's kinda a known thing i think, the whole POIs spawning on top of each other with the PV platform 20170628152300_1.jpg
  11. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yea its a known bug, the patrol CVs have also been flying into mountains and getting stuck inside them, from which you get sprayed from fire from turrets you cant see if you get to close, so stay right away from glitched CVs, when devs put a fix on it, it maybe the case that , that playfield may need to be renewed for it to effect that playfield.
    If your running a server, get all players to fly to orbit with everything they own before deleting the planet playfield.
    Then they can just fly back to it after you restart server and it will generate a brand new planet, and with luck absent of PV bugs.
    ButtonPusher likes this.
  12. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    ok, so Piddle has given me a go ahead to notify you guys of anything that causes the game to crash, which I have found one that is annoying: Some of the playfields have a small line of code that "Tries" spawns a resource node near POI's, this fails and causes POI's not to load, I don't remember what planets I ran into that had this issue, but should you see the symptom IE: No POI's spawn, and Crash on first load, This may be the reason. There may also be a few Pre-fabs that haven't gotten a Alien core, one I did find was the Albatross-Defence-Outpost, most of the other's I've came across have been fine, so just beware a few might not have the correct core.

    That is all, I'm still new to a lot of this, but I'm pointing out anything I notice that can affect everything across the board.
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Ive got a large update for this soon, just checking it all works today and will see about updating it, manually edited every playfield removing unwanted code lines from YAMLs like the wreckage on non starter planets for example things like that, found a couple of errors and a couple of poor design issues and am in the process of correcting them now.

    The update includes a few new POIs, 6 in total so far, BANKS on starter planets and starter moons for raiding / robbing, a new moonbase cant remember of hand the Workshop Builder but it was called Luna Outpost and is now a Luna Supply Station, the Banks are specialized POI with an Admin core which forces the player to use levers and switches to kill the POI.

    Im still testing the POI functions perfect in survival mode with luck I will have it all sorted today sometime.
    ButtonPusher likes this.
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    All ground Trade stations have been updated and had a few extra traders put in them for people to buy Warp Crystals , fuels food medical and some other bonuses in Trade stations too.
    There has been a few new POIs added also and 2 of the Zirax POIs removed due to sygnal logics messing up from an update that changed them.
    There are 2 new Instances , located on Starter planets, these are BANK RAID POIs with a specialized PINK Admin core , which means the turrets in this base WILL shoot you dead !
    Zirax Reserve Bank, Lanister Bank are complete, the third gate going to Caeser Treasury is functional and works but that POI is unfinished as of yet so going there is pointless at this stage but the other 2 are finished and ready to be raided, large Gold rewards in these POIs.
    Corrected some bugs that players pointed out to me, THANKS VERY MUCH TO THOSE PLAYERS.
    Special thanks to CREATIVE GAMING NETWORK Online Public Server for running the scenario and helping me track bugs down........Much Appreciated.
    Added new Jump gate Hub, the Bank Multigate for the Instanced Bank POIs / Missions.
    Bank Jump gate Hub added to Starter Planets.

    Modified Autominer Mission to an Admin Pink core, the reward is now actually Autominers and not random loot.
    Modified Power Up Mission to Admin Pink core , loot is now power ups and not random loot.
    Modified Medical Mission to Alien Red Core, and set loot room up with Bathroom sinks, as they spawn medical supplies.

    Traders have been adjusted on the station, there are now much more reasonable prices for items, a beef burger is no longer 3000 credits ! LOL ! There are 2 recourse Traders on Each GROUND ONLY Trade station on the STARTER Planets only.
    This is to allow players to purchase crystals as well as collect them, theres also some perks at the trade station I unlocked all containers and theres a few different Traders just engage each of them to see what there selling.


    On ALL of the STARTER planets in this scenario there is a MULTIGATE which has 3 destinations, the 3 destinations are designed around levels and player abilities , so, base one the zen base is for new players,
    and the second gate/ to base Rados is for medium level player, players with 100 odd hours or more, and the third gate / to base Xeno is for slightly insane players that enjoy a serious challenge.
    The Xeno base is a completely new custom POI I made, it is literally 4 times the size of the original Xeno fortress in the default game so it is NOT an easy walk through, players going there SHOULD expect to die
    more than once !

    All of these bases have been modified for this update.

    Zen Fortress = Smallish Fortress with a timer of roughly 1 hour.
    Rad Fortress = Medium sized, about same size as original default xenu fortress with a timer around 1.5 hours.
    Xenu Fortress = Very Large Fortress with a timer roughly 2.5 hours long.

    ALL instances are set so players can bring there inventory back with them.

    These 4 POIs are regenerating on the main map and are not seperate Instances.These are on some selected planets ,some starters some not.

    Group Name Description

    lan Lanister Bank - PINK CORE Admin Specialized POI
    penta PentaMaze
    fed Zirax Federal Reserve - PINK CORE Admin Specialized POI
    zirax x1 New set of Zirax POIs.Incomplete set.Estimate 10 in set when complete.Only the tested POI is in at this stage.

    These two POIs are Instanced.These are on all Starter planets.

    federal Federal Reserve - Instance POI
    bank1 Lanister Bank - Instance POI

    You must leave the starter system to enjoy most of the custom stuff in this scenario, but, all the starter planets themselves are custom made planets.
    The only place you will see the default playfields in this scenario is on moons, some moons use these
    default playfields and some moons use custom playfields.

    Some temperature adjustments to starter planets, Erestrum added to a few playfields as there was an issue finding that, and neody also added to some space playfields for the same reason.

    Some playfield YAML errors corrected, thanks again to players that pointed them out.

    My dedicated server has been down for a couple of weeks, and I have tested this all one the one system, so if theres any files out of order drop a note in here and I can correct them asap.

    Enjoy your gaming !
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2017
    rainyday and ButtonPusher like this.
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Just pushed a micro update out to correct a teleporter at the Multigate and Bank gate POIs.
  16. Jahulath

    Jahulath Ensign

    Jun 14, 2017
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    Hi, if anyone is interested I have rolled this awesome scenario out onto my small Nitrado server (10 Players).

    I like to play solo or coop with a friend, we're not chatty and we're less than helpful but if you would like a server to play on which is running this scenario then please feel free to join it, there are plenty of playfields to go round and you will be free to go about your business without interference.

    Server name; Jahulath


    High resource number and value
    High Drone presence/ base attack
    Everything else is Medium
    Wipes will only happen when forced by an update or with prior agreement.
  17. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I cant find it in server list ?
    Is server up ?

    ok found it !
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
    Jahulath likes this.
  18. Jahulath

    Jahulath Ensign

    Jun 14, 2017
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    I have to say the worlds I've seen so far have been lush, it feels like Asimovs post human civilisation (super high tech but almost no population hehe) with the terrorforming job on the other planets being so good - not that I've gotten far, only just made a CV but have checked out the teleporters. I couldn't help myself but to edit earth for CV access, I get why you set it so but for a 10 man server it's less relevant - the balance effects you've put in place make me wonder what a large population server running this would be like though, I think you have it well covered for a really balanced experience. Thanks for all the hours making it, I'm looking forward to spending a long time exploring :D
  19. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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    SP Can't enter Ziraxus playfield either as start or via SV. Could be same problem with Kepler. Also I can't find Erestrum. I have unsubscribed and subscribed. Also started new game. I thought from reading this thread that these issues were fixed? What am I doing wrong?
  20. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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