Trouble adding asteroids to orbit...

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Christianholmes, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. Christianholmes

    Christianholmes Captain

    Jul 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hi, So I created a custom planet and added it to the sector file. I also added an orbit and just copied the playfield.yaml from the default Akua orbit to my scenerio.

    Now it works, I can fly to the orbit and the planet is there, but there are no asteroids.

    This is under POIs/Fixed:

    - Type: AsteroidFieldRing
    Name: Asteroid Field
    Pos: [0, 0, 0]
    Rot: [0, 0, 0]

    Why doesn't this work? Do I need to copy anything to my scenario to have asteroids show up?
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    From here it looks like theres no space after each 0, but it could be a Steam format thing.

    Anyway heres one of my space YAMLs from the scenario for you to compare, it works with the asteroid field, I have orbits with 3 asteroid fields set to different co-ords and they all show up so I can only assume a little error on YAML or something like that.

    # Playfield Configuration
    # IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs - tab indentation is forbidden:

    # Playfield Characteristics
    Gravity: 0 # Please don't change
    AtmosphereEnabled: False # Please don't change
    PvP: True # Set to True to allow PvP in this playfield, default is False
    UseFixed: True # If set uses fixed drones
    Radiation: 5.1
    TemperatureDay: -130
    Music: moonstone

    # Playfield difficulty (has impact on experience gains)
    Difficulty: 5 # Between 2 and 5: larger values indicate higher difficulty

    # Planet or Space
    PlayfieldType: Space # Please don't change
    Description: "[c][e0e020]Origin: %Origin%[-][/c]\n[c][d29818]Difficulty: Is that a brainfart soldier! Why yes it is sir!![-][/c]\nThis is a hard Orbit Start, here you start with some parts for an SV and NO ore at all, you will need to visit the planet to generate oxygen, so here its a race to the planet! Inexperienced brand new players to the game should NOT start here, the planets in this playfield are and PvP but space around these planets is PvE.This is a base start designed specifically for experienced players that want a space enviromental challenge. [c][e02020]EMPYRION newbies, choosing this place as the survival start is recommended for really experienced players, hard start.[-][/c]"

    PlanetType: Space # No functionality yet

    # Sun
    SunFlare: EnvironmentalEffects/SunFlareWhiteSpace

    # Stars
    Stars: SkyboxStarsPurple

    # Nebula
    Nebula: PrefabNebulaBluePinkRed

    ### POIs
    - Type: BA_Admin
    Prefab: run
    Mode: Survival
    Name: omgdoomed
    Pos: [ -8987, 1875, 305 ]
    Rot: [ 0, -50, 0 ]
    InitPower: True
    - Key: PersonalContainer
    Value: "Drill, BioFuel:9, ConstructorSurvival, OxygenGeneratorSmall, AutoMinerCore:5, Core, TomatoStage1, WheatStage1, CornStage1, PumpkinStage1, PearthingStage1, DurianRoot, RadiationPills, EVABoost"
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1

    - Type: BA_Alien
    Prefab: unknown
    Mode: Survival
    Name: unknown
    Pos: [ -8287, 1875, 255 ]
    Rot: [ 0, -50, 0 ]
    InitPower: True
    - Key: Music
    Value: DarkSoundscape
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1

    - Type: BA_Admin
    Prefab: TSO-Amy
    Mode: Survival
    Name: Trade-Amy
    Pos: [ -8500, 2000, 350 ]
    Rot: [ 0, -50, 0 ]
    InitPower: True
    - Key: Music
    Value: SunnySkies
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 2

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Copper
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Copper
    Name: Copper Asteroid
    Pos: [ -5000, 2073, 2000 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Cobalt
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Cobalt
    Name: Cobalt Asteroid
    Pos: [ 6302, 73, 2486 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Neodymium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Neodymium
    Name: Neodymium Asteroid
    Pos: [ 6038, -225, -2595 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel01Erestrum
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel01Erestrum
    Name: Promethium Asteroid
    Pos: [ 418, 91, 6507 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Sathium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Sathium
    Name: Sathium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -4270, -1, -2671 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Promethium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Promethium
    Name: Promethium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -318, 51, -6607 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Iron
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Iron
    Name: Iron Asteroid
    Pos: [ 3718, -11, -4086 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Promethium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Promethium
    Name: Promethium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -3718, 1011, -4086 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Iron
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Iron
    Name: Iron Asteroid
    Pos: [ 1000, 1011, 5000 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Magnesium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Magnesium
    Name: Magnesium Asteroid
    Pos: [ 500, -1011, -4000 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel01Sathium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel01Sathium
    Name: Sathium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6302, 73, -2486 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Neodymium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Neodymium
    Name: Neodymium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6038, -225, 2595 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel03Sathium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel03Sathium
    Name: Sathium Asteroid
    Pos: [ 4270, -1, 2671 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel01Promethium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel01Promethium
    Name: Promethium Asteroid
    Pos: [ 318, 51, 6607 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel03Sathium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel03Sathium
    Name: Sathium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -3718, -11, 4086 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel01Magnesium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel01Magnesium
    Name: Magnesium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6065, -220, -2515 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Copper
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Copper
    Name: Copper Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6034, -44, -2559 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Iron
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Iron
    Name: Iron Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6104, -104, -2459 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Cobalt
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Cobalt
    Name: Cobalt Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6050, -104, -2472 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel01Promethium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel01Promethium
    Name: Promethium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6018, 51, -2507 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel01Silicon
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel01Silicon
    Name: Silicon Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6116, 138, -2518 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel03Zascosium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel03Zascosium
    Name: Zascosium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6258, 118, -2474 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel01Pentaxid
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel01Pentaxid
    Name: Pentaxid Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6270, 184, -2463 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel01Sathium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel01Sathium
    Name: Sathium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6302, 73, -2486 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidVoxel02Neodymium
    Prefab: AsteroidVoxel02Neodymium
    Name: Neodymium Asteroid
    Pos: [ -6238, -125, -2595 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 1440
    - Key: MapDistance
    Value: 200

    - Type: AsteroidFieldRing
    Name: Asteroid Field
    Pos: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
    Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]

    - Mode: Debug # Creative or Survival
    Pos: [ -5000, 0, 5000 ] # position coordinates
    RotY: 0 # rotation angle around Y axis

    - Mode: Survival
    Spawn: Structure
    Structure: "omgdoomed"
    Armor: ArmorLight
    Items: [ "Pistol, 50Caliber:250", "Pistol, 50Caliber:250", "Pistol, 50Caliber:250", "#FreshStart: Drill, Pistol, 50Caliber:250" ]

    # Drones
    - Name: MainDroneBase
    Pos: [ 5000, 200, 5000 ] # position coordinates
    - Name: SpaceDroneLaser
    Pos: [ 4000, 200, 2000 ]
    Radius: 350
    - Name: SpaceDroneLaser
    Pos: [ -4000, -200, 2000 ]
    Radius: 350
    - Name: SpaceDroneLaser
    Pos: [ 4000, 200, -2000 ]
    Radius: 350
    - Name: SpaceDroneLaser
    Pos: [ -4000, -200, -2000 ]
    Radius: 350
    - Name: SpaceDronePlasma
    Pos: [ 6000, 200, 6000 ]
    Radius: 350
    - Name: SpaceDronePlasma
    Pos: [ -6000, -200, 6000 ]
    Radius: 350
    - Name: SpaceDronePlasma
    Pos: [ 6000, 200, -6000 ]
    Radius: 350
    - Name: SpaceDronePlasma
    Pos: [ -6000, -200, -6000 ]
    Radius: 350
    - Name: Freighter # Name of the prefab group or name of the prefab
    FixedMaxSpeed: 20
    Mission: Freighter # Mission among : {SpacePatrol}
    DelayBetweenRespawn: 600
    - [ 5000, 250, 5000 ]
    - [ 5000, 250, -2000 ]
    - [ -5000, 250, -5000 ]
    - Name: SpaceDronePlasma # Name of drone
    Amount: 5 # Amount of drones in stock
    Extra: 0 # Type of drone 0..3 -> see comment above
    - Name: Freighter # Name of the prefab group or name of the prefab
    FixedMaxSpeed: 20
    Mission: Freighter # Mission among : {SpacePatrol}
    DelayBetweenRespawn: 800
    - [ -7500, 250, -2000 ]
    - [ -4000, 250, 2000 ]
    - [ 7500, 250, 3000 ]
    - Name: SpaceDronePlasma # Name of drone
    Amount: 5 # Amount of drones in stock
    Extra: 0 # Type of drone 0..3 -> see comment above
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 2
    - Name: BAO_XenuSupplyStation
    FixedMaxSpeed: 20
    Mission: Immobile
    Position3D: [-5000, 250, 0]
    - Name: SpaceDronePlasma
    Amount: 20
    Extra: 0
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 2
    Ephoie likes this.
  3. Christianholmes

    Christianholmes Captain

    Jul 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Ok, I was able to get it to show up when starting a new game, but it would not show up when I just deleted the files like ents.dat, so I'm not sure what's happening. Should the "playfield" command relaod from the .yaml?

    Any seems to be working now. And anotherh thing- when you set the positions for the voxel asteroids- how do you know how/where to put them? Is there some tool that will let you drag them around so you can visually see them?
  4. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I just use the same map co ord system LIFTPIZZA made ages ago of Empyrion map co ords.
    Its like a visual map with co ords to give you an idea of how it works, but its not drop and drag at all.

    Heres a link to it on another page here on this site.

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