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Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by RexXxuS, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    I was able to work on HWS Connect today. Some new features and a lot of improvements were made. Check out the images or directly here: HWS Connect

    Added: Elemental Trading Station
    Added: Structure Commander
    Added: Elemental Bank
    Added: More Player Stats

    Fixed: Donator packages count

    That is the stable version before HWS Connect 2.0 comes out. There you can not only read your stats - you also can change stuff -> doing online banking, stock market, ...



  2. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    HWS 2.3 - Blueprint spawn limit

    Hey guys,

    just a quick information in the hope people read it and not call "admin admin" all the time in the chat.

    As you can read here: http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=383120
    They added the feature that we can limit the blueprint spawn size.

    We decided to go with the number 4 (500 < 1000 = 4 EXP) for now.

    It is still big enough but limits the monster 1 million turret ships in a certain way. This has 2 advantages:
    1. We hope the playfields are more stable now - especially the PvE ones

    2. People can't come with their planet-sized ships and lagg the enemy to death like some people intended to do

    The big ships must be focussed now of course [​IMG]
    But if 4 is still too big and we encounter still problems because of that we reduce it to 3.

    As always let us know what you think after some time.

    Jascha & RexXxuS
    NafreiuX likes this.
  3. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Sounds promising, hope it eases the server strain :)
  4. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    shortly we release the long announced Story 2.0 update and as a surprise the Auto Miner 2.0 update. Well not really a surprise: the poll was closed yesterday ( viewtopic.php?f=6&t=268 ) and jascha did an awesome job and reworked it for today.

    HWS Story 2.0 - so what is it about?
    HWS Story 2.0 should help us to have a better unique Story (Role Play) where it really matters in which faction you are. It should also balance the overall complain about PvE / PvP we hope.

    So now you have also the fa: command. Type fa:info for your proper faction information and fa:? for faction commands + following special commands:

    Each Day 100 Cr Income + (10 CR * Reputation)
    fa:scan - shows if an enemy is near 10k you in orbit

    Each Day 100 Cr + (10 CR * Reputation) if not died in 24hrs
    fa:supply - once per week a resource + ammo + weapon package

    fa:supply - once per week a resource package

    fa:supply - once per week a ammo + weapon package

    Lawless / No-Faction
    fa:survival - gives you one time 700 credits to overcome the 10% fee of marketplace

    Generally Reputation Points are very important. They give you for now a general boost in certain situations.
    The longer you stay in one faction the more profit you gain from it.
    We have no automatism for it but we set a general guideline that you can switch factions once per week (don't try to get all faction benefits in switching factions one by one - you only get your bonus from the first one you tried)

    Auto Miner 2.0
    For the new HWS 3.0 universe and regarding the overall feedback we adjusted the Auto Miner to a new level.

    1. We reduced the outcome of Ores
    Level 1
    Ore Outcome = 5
    Level 2
    Ore Outcome = 10
    Level 3
    Ore Outcome = 15
    Level 4
    Ore Outcome = 20
    Level 5
    Ore Outcome = 30
    Level 6
    Ore Outcome = 35
    Level 7
    Ore Outcome = 40
    Level 8
    Ore Outcome = 50
    Level 9
    Ore Outcome = 100
    Level 10
    Ore Outcome = 150

    For Sathium, Neodymium and Gold you have to devide these values by 3.
    All information will be updated in HWS Connect as soon as possible.

    2. We removed Erestrum and Zascosium Auto Miner. We want to encourage people to explore the universe. For now it was even on lvl 1 too easy and boring. Also the Trader faction lost many contracts because of that

    3. We added a max cargo space for all auto miners. You can only have a certain amount of Ores now depending on your auto miner level.
    Level 1
    Max Cargo Space 300
    Level 2
    Max Cargo Space 600
    Level 3
    Max Cargo Space 750
    Level 4
    Max Cargo Space 1200
    Level 5
    Max Cargo Space 1650
    Level 6
    Max Cargo Space 1950
    Level 7
    Max Cargo Space 2400
    Level 8
    Max Cargo Space 3000
    Level 9
    Max Cargo Space 6000
    Level 10
    Max Cargo Space 9000

    For the update Erestrum and Zascosium will be removed. So if you have some withdraw it now. All other Ores will be saved.

    Keep in mind: we will adjust some values here and there along the way. We are always happy about your feedback too of course!

    We hope you like it.

    Your HWS Team
    NafreiuX likes this.
  5. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    HWS big pre-3.0-update!

    Hey guys,

    even though the HWS 3.0 update is very large we were able to release a very big / important feature: the Orbital Cargo Drone (OCD).
    This not only will help you for the full 3.0 wipe it will also change the gameplay in a certain way.

    What is Orbital Cargo Drone (OCD)?
    Imagine that you have a orbital cargo ship / drone waiting for your orders to bring you items. What items? YOUR items. You can transfer the items you have in your hand slots (on the left side 1-9) to the OCD.

    So let me paste the information about the OCD you can also read on the HWS Connect information popup (Go to HWS Connect -> Choose Server -> Click the OCD card -> click on the green information button at the top/right)

    Orbital Cargo Drone Information
    The Orbital Cargo Drone is an ultimate feature to store stuff from your player into a virtual Cargo Box - the Orbital Cargo Drone. Your items are save there and you can get them at special conditions. There are five upgrade level and faction specific cooldown times. Also the slot count is limited to the upgrade levels. Read more below.

    To see the available OCD commands visit: HWS Commands ( http://empyrion-homeworld.net/hws-commands )

    Orbital Cargo Drone Level Prices
    OCD Level 1 - free
    OCD Level 2 - 125000 Credits
    OCD Level 3 - 300000 Credits
    OCD Level 4 - 600000 Credits
    OCD Level 5 - 7000000 Credits (Premium: Donator have already OCD to level 5)

    Orbital Cargo Drone Slot Count
    The higher your level the more slots your OCD has the more you can store:

    OCD Level 1 - 7 Slots
    OCD Level 2 - 15 Slots
    OCD Level 3 - 30 Slots
    OCD Level 4 - 70 Slots
    OCD Level 5 - 100 Slots (Premium: Donator have already OCD to level 5)

    Orbital Cargo Drone Slot Amount Limit
    Per slot and level you have a limit of items you can store in one slot:

    OCD Level 1 - 100 of one item
    OCD Level 2 - 500 of one item
    OCD Level 3 - 1000 of one item
    OCD Level 4 - 7000 of one item
    OCD Level 5 - 700000 of one item (Premium: Donator have already OCD to level 5)

    Orbital Cargo Drone Faction cooldowns
    Each faction has different cooldowns in getting items. (no cooldown in putting items to the OCD):

    Lawless / No-Faction: 24 hours
    Pirate: 12 hours
    Trader: No cooldown
    Hunter: 6 hours
    Alliance 1 hour

    Example: if you have 999 Large Fuel Packs in your hand-slot 1 and 500 Large Fuel Packs in your hand-slot 2 you can type ocd: put:1 and after a relog ocd: put:2. Then you can check here on HWS Connect that in your slot 1 of OCD you have 1499 Large Fuel Packs.

    Q: Are my items save?
    A: Yes!

    Q: Are my items save like by a full wipe?
    A: Yes! You better upgrade your OCD

    Q: What is OCD?
    A: Read above

    Q: You sure my items are save?
    A: Yes...

    Q: Where do I see my stored items?
    A: On HWS Connect!

    If you have any feedback / suggestions / questions let us know!

    We really hope you like it. We put a lot of work into it.

    Jascha & RexXxuS
  6. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Chatbot 2.0

    Hey guys,

    maybe a little patch you think but actually a monster big rework of our Chatbot.
    The whole process of the player handling was optimized.

    Now you won't get kicked anymore and possible exploit the kick-.ply.file bug.

    What happens now is you can queue your commands like you want. Payout, get auto miner ores, put items in ocd, get donator packages... everything in one session.
    -> Every action will now done as soon as you logged out (and waited 10 seconds before relogging - if you still login too fast, you have to relog).

    So that will not only reduce chat spam it also stop exploits!

    Thanks for Elfias for the idea and as always jascha for his great coding skills!

    Your HWS Team
  7. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    HWS 3.0!

    Hello dear HWS community, hello traveler,

    it is here: Alpha 3.0 and so HWS 3.0!!!
    For us it is again kind of revolution update and really big. Not because of the Alpha 3.0 patch notes, mostly because of what we achieved so far and what is coming now.

    Let me recap things a bit:
    • HWS 2.0 ran over 2 months now! With over 2000 new players, with Gigabytes of data and hundred of logs this is an overall amazing runtime and experience
    • with an average playercount of 20 and the max of 92 players online we see it is worth what we are doing
    • 2 Servers connected together and allowing people to play on botth servers was mostly successful and later even more fun if people see its potential
    • A lot of polls where the community took part in the creation of HWS. Hundreds of feedback and of course drama were handled.
    We also want to thank all of our supporters! You really showing us it is worth our over 2000 hours spent in HWS and keep building features here and there like OCD ;)

    So like always let me introduce the new features, universe and gameplay of HWS 3.0 - please make sure you read it / spread to others cause some important things changed:


    Features / Gameplay
    • a new feature rising: HWS Campaign! It is in alpha stage but that is what we improve over time to grant you a complete new fun game experience. As you join the server you can choose to start in the HWS Campaign Orbit! Fight your way through, best in a team and conquer the orbit + planet to be able to jump from there away to the rest of the HWS universe to be save from the 24 hours daily wipe! Have fun and please give us feedback on that
    • 2 planets switching periodically to PvP / PvE: Elemental Toll North / South. From Monday to Friday it is PvE. Over the weekend it is PvP to test your defence skills!
    • Elemental Blackmarket! A PvP orbit with a little different way of Trading Ships... this time whoever is selling his ship in the center of the orbit and manage to survive he gets per day a reward. The reward works following: You get so many credits like your ship has blocks. So selling a ship with 10000 blocks there you would get 10000 credits per day if it is still alive after 24 days.
    • NPC Trader! At least it is in progress and waits for jaschas comeback. You have the Economy NPC and Military NPC. You can buy proper materials there depending on your playtime!
    • Elemental Military Base! Try to build a fortress on that planet cause every week hundreds of hundreds aliens coming to crush you. It is like Surviving waves of aliens. Every wave will be harder / closer to your base / more aliens!

    • Offline Protection (OP) is turned off!! Keep that in mind!
    • A new rule comes into play! "Build and live on PvP playfields at your own risk! Except griefing everything is allowed here!". On the Rules page at the bottom we give important tips to still be able to survive on PvP playfields
    • Device Limitation regarding fights. You all know it: fighting in PvP don't make a lot of fun cause it is like play in g Te tr is. Laggs, laggs, bugs. So we reduce the global device limit even further to Class 3 blueprints (between 250 and 500 devices). Also on HWS we are able to limit the device even after you spawned the bp. Like now you will be warned and finally punished with the R6J - Rule 6 Justice faction. The device limit depends from playfield to playfield


    • HWS PvE Start has now 2 PvE start planets, 1 moon and 1 PvE orbit. Best chances for beginner to prepare for the big PvP party later on. Remember that the start planets will be still wiped every monday and friday and the pve orbit once per week on friday!
    • 4 Peacekeepers from old good days are back.
    • Peacekeeper 1-3 are PvE orbits to park your ships and 1 BA
    • Peacekeeper 4 is a PvE orbit but not parking ships / building ba BUT having 3 PvE planets in it which are PvE.
    • Global build restriction per player / faction on PvE playfields. So you can only build on one playfield now not on multiple playfields like earlier

    That's it for now! We hope this universe / gameplay will hold even longer and everyone of you will enjoy it! Of course it can change / balance here and there but we think it is one of the best universe we ever made.

    Little roadmap for the future
    • balancing Auto Miner
    • balancing OCD
    • implement / balancing NPC Trader
    • improve / balancing HWS Campaign
    • improve HWS Connect
    • and new crazy ideas like OCD are rising in my head... stay tuned guys! :)
    Thanks again for playing on HWS! What started as a "hm, let's try, why not" raised to such a great community / project!

    And as always if you have suggestions / feedback / wishes / complains visit the
    HWS Forum
    Eleon Forum
    Steam Forum
    Steam Group

    Your HWS Team
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
  8. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    It may not be mentioned here, but the work Rexxus and Jascha have put into this server is amazing, and is very impressive to see. It may not be the biggest or fastest server out there, but the innovate mods and ideas going into the server is pretty awesome.
  9. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    HWS Meta Patch Online!

    Welcome back on HWS!
    Sorry, the Patch took me 1 hour... read below why:


    * You have the PDA now INGAME without any download. Well almost. IF you want to have the HWS specific images please go [HERE] https://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/t/story-economy-and-more-in-your-game-pda/107 and download them :slight_smile:
    Just Press F1 in the game to see HWS Tutorial / HWS FAQ. More informations AND more missions coming the coming days :slight_smile:

    * Patched universe!

    * Added a beautiful new PvE Planet to Peacekeeper 1: Adiona! But warning, there are strong POIs to destroy first ;)

    * 10k block limit on PvE planets (CV+BA)

    * The maximum devices you can have everywhere is 700 for a BA and 500 for a CV

    * Gold Federation, Mercury, Desertworld and Homeworld got terrain wiped and adjusted resources. Worth to check them out. Oh by the way... Gold Federation mobilized some Aliens in Fortresses

    * Updated Reputation System: you will need at least 1 Reputation Point (RP) to be able to use fa:supply.

    * How and who get RP?
    ** Alliance passive 1RP per day and income salary of 1000 + 1000 credits * RP per day
    ** Lawless no RP
    ** Pirate 1RP per day if nothing in PvE
    ** Trader 1RP per day if warped at least one time within 24hours.
    ** Hunter 1RP per day if not died within 24 hours and getting then 1000 + 1000 credits * RP per day
    ** Read it also up in the ingame PDA or on the [Story Page] https://empyrion-homeworld.net/story

    * NPC Trader limits
    ** Lawless: can buy 2 NPC packages per day
    ** Pirate: can buy 5 NPC packages per day
    ** Hunter: can buy 10 NPC packages per day
    ** Alliance: can buy 5 NPC packages per day
    ** Trader: can buy 7 NPC + RP packages per day

    * New fa:supply packages

    * Offline Protection is activated again and set to 24hours!

    * Decay time is set to 3hours now and Wipe Time to 7 days!

    Read it in better quality in the forum please: http://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/t/hws-meta-patch-online/937
  10. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Important Announcement: coming full wipe!

    Hey guys,

    mentioned it in our forum but just in case some reading only here:

    Because more and more people asking I make it here very clear what will be saved and what won't be saved with the full wipe.

    After the full wipe HWS saves your...
    • Orbital Cargo Drone (OCD). Everything you have in the OCD stored is save and you can get the items back after the wipe from there
    • 250.000 credits. If you have more than 250.000 credits on your bank they will be gone. You have the option though to support us with a donation and get some more saved.
    • playtime.
    • Auto Miner Ores. But as mentioned: we will deactivate the AM for 4.0 for now. It is up to you if you want to sell the Auto Miners for 25% or keep them. We give the Eleon Auto Miner a chance, collect feedback and make them better. It could still be that we activate it somewhen. So it will just continue where it was left before 4.0
    After the full wipe HWS saves NOT your...
    • ships / bases. Every ship with everything inside is gone (due wrong compatibility)
    • ready to spawn ships in your blueprint factory. They are gone (due local storage, nothing we can fetch)
    • whole player. Level, Inventory credits, items, faction, etc. is gone. (due wrong compatibility)
    So prepare yourself. HWS 4.0 === Alpha 4.0 is coming soon...

    Remember that a complete new universe is in progress with a lot of changes regarding gameplay.

    Your HWS Team
  11. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    It is finally here! Empyrion Alpha 4.0 and HWS 4.0! After more than 2 months continuous runtime of HWS 3.0 it is a new big step for us.
    I think we can say that this patch is the biggest and best so far. We can't count how many hours we spent into making it, it would be too much. So we really hope you enjoy it! :slight_smile:

    # New features
    For people who don't know what went on behind the scenes here is a quick overview:

    * A complete new universe. All experience we have from running HWS over seven months now is worked into the new HWS 4.0 universe. We considered beginner, we considered experienced player, we considered PvE and PvP, we considered POIs and resources. Basically: it should fit for everyone in the best case ;)


    * The HWS Marketplace is back - better than ever before. It is fully player-driven now and granting more benefits. Check trades on HWS Connect, make massive trades without limitations you have in ingame marketplace and sell everything, anytime you want.

    * The HWS Story is now on a next level. Reputation Points influences now your whole gameplay and every decision you make will be reflected. For example dying is now a game factor. You will lose RP and money depending of your RP and faction. Also faction planets are now available. Only you can enter them and prepare your base for the next adventure. But keep in mind that living in heaven has always a price.

    * Taking the whole new gameplay, universe, alpha 4.0 patch into account we decided to not fully deactivated our beloved Auto Miner - instead we keep two resources available for auto mining: Gold aaaand Blue Crystals! But both only of a rate of 1/6 now, doubled buy prices and a complete new resource as fuel: Drill Charge. Yep, we think it fits the natural purpose better and you will need the Pentaxid for better stuff for sure... ;)

    * We present you a new feature addressing you - the community and the special ones: the Elemental Lottery! You always wanted that big ship? A XXL Penthouse? Paying Bounty Hunters to get rid of your problems? Play now ;)

    Last but not least we worked on a HWS Guide for you to have one resource to look everything up. We still working on it and complete it with every detail needed. Most of the new stuff are already done. Please let us know if you missing something.


    So we wish you a lot of fun in this saison and we hope everything works out like you and we decided together :slight_smile:

    Your HWS Team
  12. Darkwulf

    Darkwulf Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Help on your server.

    Player darkwulf and Goose. We merged into 1 ship and both lost connection. Unable to reconnect. We were in Mars playfield.
  13. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    are you guys still stuck after the restart? Just ping me and I unstuck you.
  14. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey travelers,

    little update of the current HWS state here. (the most updated actions are hold in our very active forum)

    All commands and more are now integrated into the game so you don't have to relog anymore and a lot can be done now smoothly.

    In the first step all HWS related content like your OCD, AM, Lottery etc. are only addressed to you to reduce chat spam. More is coming in the future like personal assistance (e.g. Attack Alarm)

    The four factions are more refined and will be even more patched in 5.0... also a new era begins where the Aliens are not longer observers or a running gag...

    We are now able to do better and more events. The last one was already successful done on both servers and with @Achilles help we created an even better event. It is running a period of time so you are welcome to participate.

    Once again thanks to the community and all your feedback! We think 5.0 will not only be addressed for beginner, veterans and casual gamer but also combining the last 9 month run time experience with the coming awesome features...

    Your HWS Team
    NafreiuX and Achilles like this.
  15. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey everyone,

    after a sleepless night and this whole day we want to present you HWS 5.0! So let's start with a teaser Video, made by Achilles :)

    Mordgier likes this.
  16. DS_Marine

    DS_Marine Commander

    Dec 1, 2016
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    I started playing your server like 3 weeks ago... so different from vanilla! No time to get bored.
    5.0 looks great...looking forward to test it.
    RexXxuS likes this.
  17. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    This is a really good server, there's a reason why it has the highest population, you get to experience the gameplay to the fullest extent. Always lots of stuff to do constantly. I recommend joining a decent faction if you roll here.
    RexXxuS likes this.
  18. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey everyone,

    finally a very long plan and wish of mine come true with the unbelievable help of @Achilles! Thank you so much!
    Here you have the best start you can get for HWS! Enjoy!

    Just use the drop down top left of video and select the tutorial you are looking for :slight_smile:

    More as usual in the forum:


    Your HWS Team
  19. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    also here a little summary in case you missed the forum posts.


    All information about HWS and more are now located in your game! Just press the F1 key on your keyboard and navigate to the very right top tab (FAQ).

    HWS Garage

    HWS Garage is now open in Elemental Marketplace. Buy very unique ships only there. It gives you a very cool new gameplay

    Read more: https://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/t/hws-garage-new-feature-and-structure-commander-upgrade/4552

    HWS Structure Commander
    We upgraded the Structure Commander in HWS Connect. You see now more details about your structures as Lights, Triangles, last visited and how much fuel.

    Especially how much fuel you have is a lot more comfortable than checking your Fuel Tanks in the Control Panel.
    We will push this even more very soon.

    Have fun till 6.0. The preparations are already ongoing and very big.

    Your HWS Team
  20. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey everyone,

    alright - after a very long time I am going to update this post. For now pushing the legacy away but with the final 6.0 release I try to update everyting. :)

    But for now just watch the 6.0 teaser and / or read more in our forum

    Have fun watching and stay tuned... a lot is coming soon :)

    Your HWS Team
    Taun Hawk likes this.

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