
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Goldschuss

    Goldschuss Lieutenant

    Sep 10, 2015
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    I'm really, really unhappy about handheld artillery weapons.
    The rocket launcher T1 especially says it has 180 dmg. Yeah, 180 dmg my ass, it's supposed to be strong against blocks, yet it deals only around 30 damage against an unarmored shatter block -_-

    My suggestion: lower the base damage of artillery weapons to 100 and give them double bonus damage against blocks, so we can actually destroy them, rather than wasting 50 rockets for one window.
    Morrigan and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. Khyber

    Khyber Lieutenant

    Jul 11, 2016
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    I think Lasers would be good to implement damage wise like the gatling gun, hitscan instant damage that occurs rapidly over small increments, just need a visual solid beam that indicates what you are hitting. However having to craft 10000s of ammo to shoot from a laser would be too tedious so why not use a system similar to how the multi tool and drill work? where 1 "ammo" fills up the weapon and it gets X shots from that 1 fill..it also gives a different feeling from the current weapons in that you wouldn't won't to be hitting reload at every lull in action as it would "waste" ammo.
  3. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I've Suggested before in the past of making the Capacitor Deco Block like a Energy Weapon equivalent of a Ammo Box... imagine if ya filled up Capacitors with Power then this Power spent on Laser Fire in a way similar to how Vehicle Power expended for T2 HV Mining Lasers during extended Lasering of the Rock/Ore...

    Also this way ya have separate Power for the Lasers & the Vehicle itself so that ya don't "Firin Mah Lazors" till your whole Vehicle is now out of power & helpless.
    Neal, cryo, Morrigan and 1 other person like this.
  4. En_Ma

    En_Ma Commander

    Aug 2, 2017
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    (This is about mining lasers and turrets, closest thread I could find, sorry if this is the wrong place)

    I only recently started playing, so please bear with me while I write down my impressions.

    Crashed on my pod, mucked around the starter planet a bit, finally built a small vessel, explored the initial system... and found an asteroid I could mine.

    What a great thing, let's strap some drills on my SV... oh, wait there are no drills for a SV. Ok, this I can understand, a small vessel is like a tie fighter or something. Not so strange a limit.

    Let's jump to creative... hey, *laser* drills... which works only on an HV (and are expensive as all hell). Ok, I can get this, hovers are the all purpose surface unit, it stands to reason only they have the drills.

    Ok, stay in creative, retrofit my HV with laser drills, build a platfom in front of my SV, dock HV, off to space again... and no, of course the HV does not work in space... because... ok, I can somewhat get this too, it probably needs gravity to operate or somesuch.

    Slowly getting miffed, but hey, there are mining turrets... for capital ships only. Ok, I can get this too. A CV can be a mining ship, right? ... But let's stay in creative for a moment because so far I hit a lot of unexpected roadblocks.

    Build a very small CV, find out the core orientation matters, build another small CV, put in a mining turret (why are there no fixed mining lasers anyway?) jump to space, everything works. Cool, I can use this to mine without fearing drones.

    Back on the planet, and ... this turret only works in space? WHY?

    I can get the limits on HV, I can get wanting to put the SV into a specific role, but why in the seven hells the exact same mining turret I have on my HV does not work on a planet if it's on a CV?
    I get it's probably a question of balance, so you cannot just sit there and have your auto turrets take care of drones... but we already get those too on HVs...

    tl;dr: mining turrets on CV being space only feels too much like shoehorning things into a specific direction.
    At least put in a giant scalable drill or something similar for CV's to use on a planet. (could be cool, 3x3 if you want a regular thing, 9x9 if you want to build a planet strip miner)
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    toast, rainyday and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *Drools at how delicious a thought this is...*

    A lot of the aspects of Balance in the game is in a very Band Aid Fix State atm. It has yet to be seen if in the future of the Game Development, entire Overhauls of Vehicle Class Dynamics &/or Roles may happen or not. (Especially in relation to CV vs Planetary Base Dynamics...)
    Morrigan likes this.
  6. Fienyx

    Fienyx Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Not really enjoying how the players weapons auto reload. I've gotten so used to using a reload button, I end up reloading twice, wasting time and have died a few times from that wasted time already. I personally like the reload button, as it add to the immersion. I'm not asking to have the auto reload removed, but perhaps make it a toggleable option. That way, those who like it would have just the auto reload and no button, and vice versa.
    Tyrax Lightning and En_Ma like this.
  7. Khyber

    Khyber Lieutenant

    Jul 11, 2016
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    Funny how i never noticed before that I had to manually reload, it just happened without me thinking about it...now that I don't have to think about reloading, I notice it a lot more.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    I think that's quite welcomed view of the game - after having clocked well over 1000 hours, it's easy to lose the perspective how the game feels if you're a new player.

    Good question! Those could be cool.

    Also, good question. It's a simple balancing thing, which Im not sure is necessary in this case. But there's certain distinction they want to make - HV's & SV's are for planet, CV is for space. Most of the CV turrets only work in space. For reasons. It's fast way of balancing things - a placeholder if you will - before the last pieces of the puzzle are laid down.

    So - HV mines in planets, CV mines in space. Good thing HV can dock onto CV - so you are always ready :) Happy mining!
    jmtc, Tyrax Lightning and En_Ma like this.
  9. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    For this post and others that are wondering, Eleon tends to work in a very checklist fashion based around what challenges they meet, they then add to the check list and work on them in that order. Pair that with the placeholder concept and the fact that they are a tiny team(only 4 - 6 of them :)) and this is part of the reason why they can appear to be a bit scattered with their updates or even slow. Weapon damages, types, priorities, tech level, etc. are on their checklist, just give it just bit longer. Trust me, it will be worth it. :)

    Edit: I can say "Trust me it will be worth it" because I was around 10 months ago when they improved the hover mechanics. It took months for them to get to it, but when they did, the hovercraft went from being frustrating and inoperable, to being astounding.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017
    jmtc and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    i want to be able to command all turrets in my ship at once. for example, even if you group the turrets, you cannot command all of them in your group. you have to go threw every single turret wich takes a lot of time. i usally group the turrets in 4 slots, one for the core, one for the thrusters, one for the weapons, one for the drones. i know you can use signals but what if you want to change all the turrets in turret slot to shot the core because the weapons are already down? you cannot do that with signals.
    rucky, Tyrax Lightning and vxsote like this.
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Agreed. Honestly the only time Commanding only a single Turret is of any real use is if it's a CV's lone Mining Drill Turret that ya are using to Drill an Asteroid... or an HV's Tank TurretArtillery Turret...
    rucky and Supercrab like this.
  12. Morrigan

    Morrigan Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    I want to be able to FIRE ALL WEAPONS. As it stands now, a SV is limited to a rather paltry amount of DPS no matter what guns it uses. Means there's really no reason to pack more than max guns on whatever your preferred weapon is (And maybe a situational backup like homing rockets). Why have a wide range of guns if you can't use them all at once?

    Also: Weapons batteries. What are weapons batteries? Simple. A special control seat linked to a cluster of turrets or stationary weapons- possibly a maximum of 4. An external block servers as the FoV, possibly with a 120-150 degree arc. Slaved turrets are linked to the External block (Possibly a new class of turret that can't be set to automatic fire) and gives passengers a REAL weapon to fight with as opposed to plinking away with a single turret. Given the targeting mechanics of the game, it's rather pointless for a player to take command of a single turret since the automatic setting is ALWAYS faster and more accurate. If a player could control multiple turrets, however, the ability to control them would give passengers something FUN to do in a fight. It'd certainly give players more agency while attempting to flee a system, for instance, without hampering the effectiveness of the ship's defenses.
    Tyrax Lightning and rucky like this.
  13. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Yes, we need the ability to do alpha strikes. Even better would be custom weapon groups (like MechWarrior has). This would work nicely with the idea of a fire control/battery computer. Each one you add to the ship would give you an additional custom weapon group and independent targeting of that group.
    Tyrax Lightning, rucky and Morrigan like this.
  14. Khyber

    Khyber Lieutenant

    Jul 11, 2016
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    Oddly I'm okay with only being able to fire 1 type of forward facing weapon at a time. How often would you really want to fire both rockets and Gatling gun at the same time, and if its only being used to up the pure DPS, then that's either unbalancing or a fault of the "max limit" of each type of weapon allowed. Though perhaps a firing system where one weapon type is bound to left click and another is bound to right click to enable quick and easy alternate firing would be a happy middle ground?
    That being said, there Needs to be a way to control multiple turrets, and of easily accessing groups of turrets. It should be as simple as setting a "master" turret in a group and whatever is in the cross-hair of that turret, all other turrets in the group attempt to fire at (not firing if unable due to Line of sight etc so you don't blast your own ship of course). When not directly controlled a group of turrets could be programed all at the same time just by programming the master turret (so easy to switch from targeting turrets to engines etc)
  15. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Lots of people said this already but yah, i really really really x infinity want beam weapons.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Yeessss laser+rocket shot will be awsome!!!! and i also want to change what the turets are going to shoot at the same time. for example, in multiplayer, you were shooting at drones and suddenly some other guy comes attacking you. And lets say you put a check off the "shoot other faction" box for all your turrets, so that means you have to go threw every single turret and check them on again.
    I also want that if you group turrets you can change what they are going to shoot from one area, not having to check boxes like crazy.
    Neal, Tyrax Lightning and cryo like this.
  17. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    I'd like to see turrets with less of a foot print, or make their foot print line up with the 1/2 block essentially making turrets a 2x2 mounting area, but offset to sit on a 3x3 block arrangement and or make some 2x2 foot print turrets.

    I would also like to see some shallow mounted guns, more "sci'fi". Currently everything is bulky and are hard to work around in regards to nice ship design. OF course retractable weapons would also work.
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I'm still hoping for more 24th Century in our 24th Century in regards to CV Turrets someday too. CV Turrets still try to fight in a 3D Battlefield using 2D Logic.
    Morrigan, Neal and Pyston like this.
  19. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    This would be absolutely awesome!
    With every ship i have ever build, i'm constantly struggeling with those huge, bulky looking turrets. They may suit to one special retro looking style. But to me, they are a annyoing obstacle i constantly try to avoid or hide. Also those long muzzles are a constant source of irritition to me. No matter how you place it they always look pretty bad.
    The fact that drill Turrets look the same doesn't make it better.
    Not everyone want's their ship to look like a WWII warship. Especially when it's supposed to have flowing lines, those turrets completely ruin it.

    I don't know if i have already mentioned this before, but a more smooth looking turret design would be highly appreciated.
    Just have them be a half shperical shape with a short muzzle sticking out. No fancy stuff needed at all.
    (Just imagine there's a small muzzle sticking out, that can fire higher than 45°. 90° would be optimal, of course)
    I'm not saying the devs should replace the existing models, but instead "just" add some simple, smooth looking alternatives.
    Having it being able to retract would make them perfect from a visual point of view.

    And why can't CV weapons not fire directly upwards, having a 360° /90° fireing angle? I mean come on, these things are build to work in space, aren't they?

    Regarding to their practival use, i would love to be able to lock on a target.
    Just have the mouse pointer free (just like when hitting "N") and let us click at the desired target and have the turrets fire at it.
    Also a small sidebar with target options, like attack the core, Grenerators or Engines would be nice too.
    Tyrax Lightning and Pyston like this.
  20. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    100% agreed.

    I imagine the devs understand this, even before we do but we have what we have until more time can be spent on art/3D objects.

    I too dislike the "battleship" approach to weapons. Why cant we get lasers that shoot out of three "dots" in an equilateral triangle configuration out of the fat end of a egg cut in half?!?! Think lasers like predators targeting system.
    Neal and Tyrax Lightning like this.

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