What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all, time for my daily update :)

    Today, I did a number of activities including taking down, and over the Thermica Station in Akua orbit. Got some OK loot, but left the station intact, powered and oxygenated just cos. I also took out an "Outpost" POI and got more loot, lots of Armour (yawn lol) but no Autominer Cores which would have been nice. Is it me, or are rockets MUCH more damaging now, or are POI Large Turrets simply weaker? It takes four normal unguided SV rockets per large turret now. POI's went down quickly, forgot my Heavy Armour again so had a couple of minor hairy moments lol.

    Anyway, the POI raids were just a distraction for the most part, though I ended up fully dismantling the Outpost POI for materials. Materials for what? Well, I wanted to continue my CV build today with the Warp Core room... but I over-stretched a little as you'll see :)

    Firstly I sketched out the basic box shape of the new room, connecting it to the exterior air lock after removing the ramp and sensor there. I next made a rather nice combat steel and glass enclosure for the Warp Core. I like having on display like this, but made sure no area I might stand is exposed to rads and heat. There is actually an upper floor to this room I forgot to take a shot of, it allows me to see the core - more window blocks - as well as access the Warp Fuel tank.

    01 Warp Core Room.png

    I sort of got the building bug as the Warp Core room turned out quite nicely, so I made a start - ahead of schedule - on the twin Hangar modules. However, I rapidly started to run out of materials for Combat Steel, so I made it a priority to sketch out the basic shape in blocks. The size is influenced by my desire to run pairs of Hangar Doors, for added space. Each door is a 9x5, for 9x10 in total per side.

    02 CV Hangars 1.png

    Another angle, showing the Hangar Doors.
    03 CV hangars 2.png

    As I type one of my Advanced Constructors continues to churn out Combat Steel blocks, though I suspect I will certainly run out of materials shortly. I'd really like a dedicated "block crafter" type constructor that specialises in creating all base block types very quickly, much like the Furnace processes most ores far faster.

    I suspect this CV will need some additional thrusters once I'm done if it feels a bit too sluggish. However, it's nimble enough for what it is currently, so I may be ok.

    So, there we are, that's what I've been doing this evening and will continue to do so :)

  2. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Nice, I did something similar on one of my builds, except I put the generators next to it as well.
    All of them mounted in the ceiling, where they will fry nobody.

  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Cool, I pretty much always make a feature out of the Warp Core, reckon it looks good. I've also got my generator and fuel tanks behind glass.

    I almost crafted enough blocks this evening to finish off the twin hangars on my CV. Almost but not quite. I have sorted out the stairs though and windowed a few places. I might do a little HV mining tomorrow to get some more Ores - those T1 AMiD's are dead slow - and pop into orbit for more Sathium. I could take the CV - it's perfectly space-ready & has a Mining Turret - but I'd prefer it be more complete first.

    Oh, I may well do a third hangar on top of the Warp Core room, so the CV will have three hangar pods in all, the upper one being exclusively for SV's with the other two able to take either. I suspect I'll build at least one more SV and HV each geared more towards combat than by current very light vessels.

    It's gotten a bit late here, so I'll post additional screens tomorrow.

  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    My apologies for the delay in response... a Referral Key for a game called "Fortnite" kinda sorta fell into my hands from a Pal of a Pal & has distracted me of late. Thus far my impression of the game has me thinking it's got a interesting idea for a Game, but how it's being gone about is awful 'Yellow Alert'... At least since the game was literally handed to me, it's risk free for me, but if the game flunks i'll feel bad for the pal of a pal who had spent the money on it. Anyway, with that said...

    Well, to be fair, stuff like the Potted Plants, Antennas, & such aren't short on Polygon Count for single objects...

    I've never heard of Lights being double counted, but can't be sure on it either.

    To be fair, Weapons can be considered as Devices that are specifically specialized toward the job of blowing the hell outta things. Windows on the other hand are Devices cause they affect performance significantly but at the same time technically have no machine/automated function so having them branded as Devices really does feel counter-intuitive even if they have a Fridge Logic reason for why it's so.

    Also a HELL of a lot of the Device Count on CVs can be RCS alone because of how many it can take to get adequate turning & rotating performance into ones CV Build. Hell, my old obsolete Tyrax Mining CV has RCS taking up an entire 2/3rd-ish of its Device Count to itself! :eek:

    Lights & Windows are especially a big deal on Performance cause they are an active part of need for the Game to run Calculations on the Light & how to have it go through or not go through stuff properly, which also Tolls one's CPU. (& this is with Light still being a Band Aid Fix that still does screwy things like Shine through some forms of Solid Objects just fine still...)

    Hold Ctrl to queue in Units of 100. ;)

    Actually just Ctrl + LMB. Shift + Ctrl is for combo with WASD for Max Speed Godmode Movement. ;)

    What about being able to be lazy & not care what order ya throw your Ores in, then manually prioritizing Build Order?

    I have never heard of this being Implemented... especially cause the max Stack Size of nigh everything in the game can't be higher then 999... the only exception I can recall off the top of my head being Credits on Moneycards.

    Smashing...? Those poor Buttons. Umm... ya do know Keyboards aren't exactly cheapo items to replace, right? :p

    Welcome back! :)

    Now I wanna DL that off iTunes for my own listening pleasure. :p

    My thoughts on that matter are... that stuff like that is sadly more then a little over my head. :(

    *Wonders why ya are using Normal Thrusters in an Inset Position instead of the Armored/Enclosed Thrusters specifically designed for this...* :confused:

    If I remember correctly, the 'Critical Strike Point' on Drones, large & small, is their "Eyeball". Small target to hit compared to Organic Life's entire Head, but better then nothing.

    ... The death of ONE Fuel Tank is gonna be the death of them all... o_O

    In 3.0, Turrets were completely incompetent at figuring out how to actually AIM at the Target, let alone having a clue how to Lead a Target.

    Again... there's gonna only ever be 2 outcomes for Fuel Tank Loss in this Scenario... 0 Tanks lost, or ALL Tanks lost... o_O

    It really does scream "Lazily rough-welded together then trying to pass itself off as 'Futuristic Brawn Quality', huh? :( (Not even gonna mention the Lines can't even competently connect together when it comes to Corner kinda Blocks too... Oh wait, I just did. :p)

    Ya sure that 'Lava' isn't just your Vehicle Spotlight shining on a spot of Bedrock REAL hard? Did ya go into it & see if it tried to roast ya alive?
    rucky, oojimaflip and Its Just Steve like this.
  5. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    @Tyrax Lightning
    Man, you spared no response with that one! You came back HARD!

    There are lots of things on that build simply acting as place holders for the moment. Too much to do, and now I started Piddlefoot's scenario so it's all a placeholder now! LOL
    rucky and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  6. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Yeah, when i'm away for a bit, stuff to respond to kinda builds up... plus I can be a bit ranty at times. :p

    It really seriously is a good idea to separate Fuel Tanks with at least 1 Layer of Combat Steel. (Or for the cheapCivilians, at least Hardened Steel. Normal Steel probably isn't good enough considering Fuel Tanks are 1st Place in Explosive Strength as best as I know.) Losing ALL your Fuel Holding Power & having a big Crater where a big part of your Ship used to be after ONE Fuel Tank is destroyed really does render a Design that allowed that to happen a awful non-sturdy Design.
    Robot Shark and rucky like this.
  7. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    What did I do in Empyrion today...?

    I ran away. ALOT. Mostly unsuccesffully and still trying.

    What have I learned thus far today? Survival constuctors will not help you build an HV/SV. Never tried but this scenario is ... different.
    Night rap...Aggressive dinosaurs cannot be eluded aside from diving in water. Where the flower heads will find and kill you.
    Going INTO the water will make you pause for a second. And you die.

    And finally, I learned mostly that I'm still very much a noob running around this planet with literally nothing trying to get my stuff back from my backpacks. At night. :eek:

    Update: reached backpack, died. Repeat a few times. Managed to get it far enough away from the 20 something dinos, plant monsters, spiders and big green dudes with a patrolling heavy drone. Yay.
    Got about 1km away aaaaaand oh hello patrol vessel. And more ground creatures of death.
    I'm not ashamed to say I'm restarting easier at an friendlier spawn planet in this scenario.

    IJS is still a big ol' Empyrion noob!
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
    Starwing6, rucky and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  8. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    One of ever present friends from tonight... They don't play fair.

  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    @Tyrax Lightning - oddly, I like building vulnerabilities into my ships. Not huge gaping hole in the side type things but more, hit here enough and you'll kill me type thing. That said, I will thicken up the floor armour once I have enough blocks crafted, however this CV isn't really designed for direct combat, but to defend its self from light attacks and run away.

    Heh, they really don't! Water should be a safe place from those guys, but I've had them follow me too. It is frustrating how we seem to freeze for a second, unable to move when entering the water. That's caused me some hairy moments for sure.

    I think the last time I started on Akua, the Raptors were a lot slower and the classic backwards jet-pack jump could keep them at a safe distance. Even running full pelt in light armour sees them catch me up now. Bike is actually really really useful early game, though I need to remember to stop putting away as it's near impossible to quickly access my backpack - I wish the default would be to pick up an item back into a hotbar slot if it was placed from a hotbar slot...

    With certain critters being fast and aggressive, I'd still like to see them launch themselves at my HV, or grounded SV, cockpit. Also, I do hope they plan to have critters react to players in vessels period. I mean, a giant - or even not so giant - CV would likely scare the poop out of most critters. Other dinos might react hostile vs. smallers HV's, with the otherwise passive triceratops considering one a rival. Also, as I'm early-morning not enough sleep pondering, how about seeing some epic sized dinos or hostile static plant-life. I recall being terrified of the plant with all the buzzing around it, avoiding it totally, until I realised it was harmless. Sarlak pit anyone?

    Waiting in for Openreach Engineer today, hopefully get to the bottom of my slower than expected connection...

  10. En_Ma

    En_Ma Commander

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Do you know the area of the explosion maybe? To know how far I should space them out without barriers in between.

    Also, any recommendation on the number of fuel tanks for a mid to big sized vessel?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Fuel Tanks in CVs.
    This is a good question.

    And I have an different opinion on it ;-)

    Now Bases, as they're similar, just bury them into the Ground, you can add tons of them, no spacers, no problem - if the enemy manage to explode one, than you're in some bigger problems anyway ;-)

    Back to CVs. Now, what's your CV about? Mobile Base? Then it should NOT go to a fight anyway, NEVER.
    My BasisStern (Base Star) still has a complete Set of ALL weapons and turrets, but I would never try to attack a Xeon star base or whatever with it. ANYTHING in it is of too much value to be lost!
    This is (same as Exploration-CVs) a Base, and it needs sustainable amounts of power to never stop working.

    Drones aren't a problem, even the planet fireable turrets are enough to keep you save. The PV? I hope you've killed that thing before you land your CV on that new planet, do you?!

    That means, on Exploration- and Base-CVs I always try to build as compact as possible, that means maximum devices in minimal space, so no filler blocks for me.

    Combat-CVs on the other hand are build for exactly this: Combat. You won't need too much Fuel. But you can get hit (and you will), and a (explosive/area effect) hit near fuel tanks is devastating!
    So for this scenario I fully agree with @Tyrax Lightning and others to keep them a) buried away and b) secured with spacing blocks (sometimes nothing (air) is even more helpful!)
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
  12. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Last night I worked on our space station some more. I was trying to oxygenate the place after following the tips from @rainyday but it just wasn't working. I went through the whole place three times, confirming that everything was sealed. Now I remember why I lost my patience with this place and shot out two sections of wall in one room and opened one corridor to space! ;)

    I got @Friendly Timo to have a look at the station and he also confirmed that everything was airtight and there's enough oxygen capacity. Then we decided to experiment, and he went back to Creative mode. I started putting walls and doors on corridors to figure out where the problem lies, and I ran out of blocks. I had to return to Omicron for supplies.


    I went to the constructor and queued up some steel blocks, doors, railings, etc and then a radiation storm came along and I really wanted to get some lightning pictures. I threw some radiation boosts on my armour and dashed outside.



    The storm ended before it even got started. :(

    Well, that just meant I had to go back to space and figure out what could possibly be wrong with the station. I was not loving the station at that time. lol I went back and started sealing things up. I began in the outer ring and it warmed up as soon as I sealed the corridors leading from there to the middle of the station.

    I moved on to block the opposite end of each corridor, to find which one causes the problem. I did not even complete the task but the oxygen and heat suddenly began to flow through the whole place, just like it should. o_O Clearly the oxygenating system does not like large open spaces, even with ample ventilators.

    It just means the common areas need renovations before Moonlight Station can receive guests. We want to expand the station anyway, so it's not a bad thing (aside from how ugly it is at the moment). :oops:
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    So, I took my CV into orbit today as I needed Sathium and Neodymium and CV's mine soooo much faster. No Drone encounters, I took all all four space drones in my SV previously, and they've not respawned yet. I did see the Carrier in orbit, got within about 1.3km but not enough to trigger it to launch its drones.

    Returning to Akua, I approached my landing site - no base there, it's just near where I have my O2, H2 and H2O deployables located. I was quite surprised to see a drone roaming the area as they had previously been zero drone presence here. My twin Minigun Turrets made short work of it but, again unexpectedly, this triggered three Troop Transports to head my way over the space of a few minutes. The Minigun Turrets took care of these too, so I got some extra loot :)

    Using the materials gathered, I created a 400 more Combat Steel blocks and plugged the remaining holes in my CV's Hangars. They're now all sealed up, but I need to add a few cosmetic bits so they look better. I'll get some screen shots up later, but Openreach Engineer is due imminently, so I'll wait until that's done.

  14. chrisb

    chrisb Lieutenant

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I had a look around in Emp today. Not played for quite a while. The game looks great, also larger than before. A couple of questions that I would appreciate anyone helping me with..

    Are there any plans to remove the artificial walls still on planets?
    Also how many planets are there now ?
    Appreciate any replies. :)

    I backed Emp when it was KS'ed, way back, then got in after email confirming the site was up and ordered there. I was very pleased the project didn't die.
    I hope the game has great things planned for the future. Its certainly looking a lot more fleshed out now. I'll probably have many more questions and there may be a section for these. But for now, I've dropped them here, simply because I was back in Emp today and the game looks good.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
  15. Friendly Timo

    Friendly Timo Captain

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Today I've been building my new CV. I've been building it for past couple of days vigorously as I got inspired by the magnitude of Ilmarinen -mining barge by @rainyday. I was honored to visit that barge with him giving a personal tour and somehow I still managed to get lost in the vastness of that ship with @Starwing6

    I figured I try to obsess over the basic frame and overall shape of the ship, think about the functionality of the layout and how to configure it to best serve the vessel crew. I have to go help get that damn Moonlight Station to work. We are getting really mysterious leaks all over its ring that seems hard to figure out. Me thinks of total overhaul on the ring.

    Yet unnamed ship that is going to be large / very large but a still not Size Class 21 as I believe Ilmarinen was:

  16. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Friendly Timo Oh my, that's a magnificent sight to behold! :eek:

    Functionality first - I am a strong advocate for that. Form follows function. That's how Ilmarinen was born. First, there was a ring... :D Oh and it's size class 28. But don't worry - once you start adding all the little things, devices and details - that's when the size class starts to go thru the roof. If my memory serves me right - the barebones hull of Ilmarinen is around size class 10.
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all :)

    Not an update but a question based on my current game...

    When I started my 6.3.1 game, I could have sworn that the Zirax and the like were actively targetting me when I was in my HV/SV. The Zirax in particular would regularly shoot up my cockpit, and I was grateful I didn't encounter any Rocketwielding Zirax. However, in my current game, started in 6.5.3, the Zirax just stand there when I enter the cockpit, despite being easily within range. So, the danger level on POI raids is lessened.

    Oh, I am liking the tougher Zirax, a full clip from the Pulse Rifle isn't enough to take down one Zirax, if you land mostly torso hits...plus, as I cannot switch to my secondary weapon thanks to the bloody forced auto-reload after the last bullet is fired, I have no choice but to retreat *Grumble*

    Btw: Zirax appear to have gained a ranged one shot ability... I think it's the Shotgun dudes, but they really shouldn't be that effective from a distance...

    I'm in SP as usual, vanilla game.

    Starwing6 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  18. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I hear that one, my warship has the fuel tanks in 4 separate sections of the hanger, nowhere near the generators and core.
    They also have 2 layers of combat steel between them and the outside of the ship.

    Two other notes when designing a warship, scatter RCS units throughout the ship, hide them all over so if one gets taken out the ship is still maneuverable. (my warship has 25 scattered throughout the ship.)

    The same rule applies to thrusters, have your big main engines, but scatter smaller ones all over the ship.
    banksman45 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    All excellent advice, and something I used to do myself. However, the more I've played the more I've realised that if I cannot pilot my non-combat CV out of danger then I'm doing something wrong. Obviously I'm talking Single Player PvE here, so can can be lazy with my designs for the most part. When the AI starts scouting using HV's and SV's I'll be a little more worried!

    With the AI largely attempting to shoot the Core of the ship, automagically knowing where it is due to the current targetting algorithm, you can situate that somewhere away from other devices and wrapped in layers of Combat Steel and be fairly safe. I often backup my save, then park my CV's - combat or mobile base - over a heavy POI to see how they last.

    But yeah, I'm well aware of the major vulnerabilities in my designs, but until the AI can take advantage of those - and not by automagically knowing where things are - I feel fairly safe vs. AI only opponents :)

    Starwing6, rucky, Robot Shark and 2 others like this.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Sorry, I had planned to do a further update with some screen shots of my largely complete CV. However, I'm totally wiped this eve, been one of those days.

    I do plan to do some cosmetic stuff for the CV, so some texturing. I know it'll upset @Kieve but I may well be replacing some of those epic Combat Steel textures here and there... we shall see :)

    Additionally, while I've avoided a fixed BA this game, well, apart from my short stay in the Titan Wreck Rear Sections, I'm actually pondering building something. I might kill the Drone Base first, so I can build unmolested. Maybe I'll try to build something actually designed, rather than evolved. I have a nice beach-front area to exploit where my deployables are placed, but would also like to have a landing pad for my CV, along with a Repair Pad.

    Anyway, night all.

    Kieve and Tyrax Lightning like this.

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