What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Ramor

    Ramor Lieutenant

    Aug 14, 2015
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    I tried to build a Rifter class SV (from Eve), but i cant finish the front... em... radiators? because the block i'd need is not implemented yet.
    So instead im building an imperial guard style (from WH 40k) base on akua.
    Rafe Andedare likes this.
  2. Rafe Andedare

    Rafe Andedare Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2015
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    I restart.
  3. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Added another large section onto my CV, along with a racing stripe (because I'm too lazy to paint the whole ship).

    Also, doubled the number of thrusters, and made the opening for the docking bay a little smaller. And furnished the bridge and officer's quarters.


    Update: Went a little crazy and added a bunch of turrets, plus pilot-controlled guns.


    Took it over near the Alien Station, flew out in my SV, and wrecked the place up. Removed most of the "expensive" bits and stuck them in the constructor.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
    hutchynet.sv73 likes this.
  4. Roadie

    Roadie Ensign

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Good stuff here guys n gals!.

    I have been kinda following the game for awhile and just got the game 2 weeks ago and loving it. Even got the game for my two friends a week ago and they already put in 40+ hours.
    I did a fresh map on Akura the other day, built a HV and a extra core right away. By the eve of the next day I got my HV built, locked and loaded and took over a factory then took out the drone base.

    My little set up.
    Now i'm 1/2 way threw building a heavy duty SV for my journey to the ice planet to make a permanent home, Hoth style.

    Yes no matter what survival game I play I always seem to ignore my hunger par untill the alerts go off. =p
    Slam Jones likes this.
  5. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Still workin on the same big ol CV. Parked it in front of Ningues so I could make quick runs to the surface to acquire meat and milk, and been slowly adding more stuff. Added a sleeping quarters section, made up of 4 rooms inside a larger room, each with it's own separate door/amenities. Also furnished the Mess Deck and the Crew Lounge.

    Interior shots in spoiler.


    Main Bridge

    Officer's Lounge / Backup Bridge

    Mess Hall (before furnishing)

    Crew Lounge (before furnishing)
    hutchynet.sv73 and Mac like this.
  6. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    MORE HULL BLOCKS! Of all kinds! You can cut back on the round ones if you decide to go angular, or vice versa if you decide to go round, but trust me, you never have as much as you need.

    By your list, you're going very small for a CV. 6 grow pots? You're going to need more than that just to make a few cans of veggie soup. And in space, there's no meat, so ham for e-rats is out, and you can't make canned meat either.

    Rule of thumb, always balance your thrusters. If you have one large thruster in back, you're going to want one large thruster (or a bunch of regular thrusters) in front. Otherwise your ship will continue to go forward (hello inertia!) after you let off the gas. This goes for strafing and vertical thrusts as well. Right now, there's no changing how fast you can go. It caps out at 110 M/s. Adding extra thrusters helps your acceleration though. The bigger the ship, the slower it gets to that 110 M/s. Of course, more thrusters means more energy consumption. Find that balance.

    Also lights and refrigerators consume a lot of energy, so I always easy on them. (Also, too many lights will drop your FPS, check out my Police Call box, if you want any ideas of what happens after about 30 lights in a smallish area)

    Interior hull blocks! They'll reduce your weight (and therefore energy consumption) drastically. If you're going for a multi storied ship, use them instead of regular hull blocks for the floors between the exterior of your ship.

    Lastly, PRACTICE! Practice your build in creative. It'll save a LOT of headache and wasted time/resources. :D
    Slam Jones likes this.
  7. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Good advice, thanks! I ended up actually with 20 grow plots, for all the essential veggies for most recipes. I went kinda crazy on the fridges... at least 15 or so... :p But I kinda like making food and stocking the fridges. Usually park near Ningues and make runs to the surface to slaughter some Lizard Mules and steal their insides.

    All told, I think I've used 2000 blocks total at this point. Oh, and at rest, I've got about 400+ minutes of electricity. :)

    Built a separate constructor just to handle making batteries. Got an extra stock of 200 I carry with me.

    Oh, and I only just started using interior hull blocks... I prefer it to be as solid as possible in case of attack.

    Update: Also added some more furnishings to the interior.






    (Replaced O2 tank in bottom pic for several more fridges)
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2015
    Otterbear likes this.
  8. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Building a in the mountain side bunker in a new survival world. I like the idea using a mountain to add protection against drones forcing them to only attack the front entrance. And if they decide to shoot the mountain they got a lot of rock to get through first which you can repair later with a filler tool. Though you need a lot of drill clips and flattener clips to drill out a chamber inside to plob a base down inside.
  9. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Started a station in Ningues orbit, designed to hold many many vessels and people. It's been proving to be a huge project... thousands of blocks already and it's nowhere near done :p

    All done in survival, btw. Pics in spoiler.

    First built the central intersection

    Added a bit more to the forward-facing arm, and filled in a few walls to get a better gauge of the space inside. For reference, the lights on the ceiling and floor are 6 spaces apart from each other, and I believe both top and bottom are 7 wide, inside dimension. I could fit probably several dozen of my current SV in the parking deck (upper section).

    The bottom deck, where the people go, basically. Will have furniture, rooms, machinery, etc. The roof is windows, so players can look up and see the craft parked above, on the parking deck.

    The parking deck. Currently the only entrance is at the front, but that might change (originally you could enter from any of the 4 arms). Can fit many, many craft in here, and will have more than double (maybe triple) the capacity when it's done :D

    Also, I put a large control tower/bridge on top, but it actually looks much uglier than I expected. Might strip it and change up the design a bit. All I know is it'll take a lot of remove tool clips to get it done lol.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
    Otterbear and Mac like this.
  10. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Your dedication to doing this all in survival is commendable. I'd have no issues if the developers put your ship in the game.
    Otterbear and Slam Jones like this.
  11. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    High praise, thank you :D I never quite finished the stern of the ship, but once I do I'll put up the blueprint :)

    Update: Did what I said above. Posted in Blueprints section :)
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
  12. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Got fed up with the amount of hills, mountains and whatnot on Akua... So, gathering my stuff, and moving to Ningues... THE fav planet of mine ♥
  13. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Well today, I finished a SV that I have been working on for 3 days. Went hunting and returned to a shell that USED to be my SV. AGAIN!

    I don't understand how I'm supposed to do anything, if I can't leave my SV unguarded. :(

    I can't wait, till I get to come home to a destroyed base. So far I've been OK. Base defense weapons still need work I gather, so that will be another challenge.
  14. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Today I made a "new" HV trying some things I read on this forum. Works... better. But I still prefer SVs over HVs. (Actually I recycled my current HV as I'm in survival). 2015-10-25_00003-1.jpg 2015-10-25_00003-2.jpg . And I built my first real farm. It's 9x9 pots. Took forever getting the grow pots because I ran out of fiber after about 50 pots. Took the new HV around killing some Audriites and picking it too 2015-10-25_00001.jpg
  15. VShane

    VShane Ensign

    Oct 4, 2015
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    so nice guys ! cool stuff. I haven't played since the update, I just have trouble maintaining steam in solo worlds. excellent designs though
  16. Roadie

    Roadie Ensign

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Took over a refinery on the snow world and moved in. Now I am breaking ground on the mountain side for a hanger in my future mountain base.
  17. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Started a brand new game... On Omicron... ugh :S

    It is ALWAYS night, when i am ready to go do things... min... build... hunt ... soooo typical :oops:
    Otterbear likes this.
  18. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Only played once on the weekend and finished up the basics on my creative build CV (outer hull, engines, fuel, generators). It's taken over 6 continuous hours so far and isn't even half done...

    EDIT: I would be really happy if we had some pyramid blocks, like 90 degree sloped corners.
  19. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I finally got into orbit last night (after almost mining Akua dry) and built a new compact version of my interplanetary CV. Took about 2 hours ( I built a work platform first with an O2 station and a basic SV with a lighting rig). Single landing bay and minimal garden on the CV, super easy to make in survival (well it was until I added a few connecting lifts and whatnot). Tonight I might make the engine/fuel section bigger (not as much reserve power as I'd like) and pretty up the directional thrusters, then upload it to the Blueprint thread.
  20. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    To update the above post. I prettied up my CV (as much as possible, it is a quick survival build after all). And added a landing pad to my orbital build base (super quick and simple, again - survival)

    Attached Files:

    Otterbear likes this.

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