v1.8 Experimental I

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pantera, May 17, 2022.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists!

    Welcome to the first round in the new Experimental version! As always, Experimental 1.8 will be divided into several phases. In the first stage we have a version for you, which mainly release the integration of the new features for testing, such as the new game start, the new tutorial and various technical functions, including to the PDA, servers and more!

    You can find a list of the current contents of Experimental Phase 1 in the changelog below!

    Please note that we have created specific areas for bugs as well as feedback in the Experimental forums linked below. Please use the pinned topics in the Feedback section to provide your feedback on specific new game features in Verison 1.8. This will help us tremendously in the ongoing evaluation and implementation of your suggestions!


    As always please note:
    Report bugs and issues right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.34/
    Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

    We thank you already for your participation and all your feedback!

    Eleon Dev Team

    Version 1.8 will not be a savegame break BUT as always we recommend starting a new game in the Experimental Version. Although we try to avoid this, starting a new game may be necessary again in the next phases of the Experimental Version.

    Because we added the new decoration to more planets, all our Official Servers will be wiped on the Public Release.

    Important note for modders: You have to update Unity to v2021.3.2f1


    New default scenario start:


    We don't want to spoil too much here, so let's just say that the new game start has been completely reworked and may be very different from the previous game experience in the default scenario. Especially for players who have been in the game for a while, there might be some new strategies that can be pursued on the way up into space. Without giving too much away, it can be said that the starting playfield will not be limited to just one celestial body and that exploration will play a more important role than in the previous game start versions. However, as always, there are shortcuts for those who want to quickly launch into the galaxy.
    The primary test focus of this first phase is about the content of the new tutorial (please see the notes below!) as well as the content of the planets (poi, quests, etc) on the Temperate Moon named Akua.
    All other starter moons are playable in principle, but not yet tuned for survivability. HOWEVER, we also look forward to your play experience on the Snow, Barren, and Alien Swamp starter moons. Maybe their current setup is already interesting? Let us know!
    Stay open minded and have fun! We are looking forward to your feedback!


    Debugging notes:

    The PDA list in the tutorial and story tab has MANY entries visible! Do not get confused by them as they are merely for debugging and will vanish in the final version. That being said, when you are STUCK in a mission, like something in the PDA list on the right is not “closing”, open the PDA and take a screenshot of the list and the mission that is stuck/not resolving and add it to your feedback. Thx in advance!

    Known issues:

    • You CAN start on Snow, Barren and Alien Swamp starter moons BUT they are not yet fully set up for “survivability” in terms of resources, animals etc. Would be great to hear your feedback (and suggestions!) about their CURRENT state anyways! :)
    • The first Tales of Tash log you find is possibly too low in volume and in german language. This is for EXP and for all non-english players to test if the text displayed can help to understand EVEN if you cannot follow the text that is voiced over! (Will be changed in the final version, though.)
    • There are videos and pictures marked with WiP or visible not finalized. Will be changed.
    • Quest item found messages might sometimes not be correct. (often happens when more than one quest is active on the same POI)
    • FPS visible on game start video. Ignore. (All video and sound materials are added to show different art directions that can be explored for different situations, e.g. if you like different voices more than others or different visual experiences. Let us know!!)
    • PDA tutorial tab has a lot of entries. Ignore. All of these are just visible for testing to see where things might break. All of them will be hidden in the final version (see ‘Debugging Notes’ above!).
    • All pickup-missions are active even when declining help at game start. This is set for testing in EXP so you can send in more feedback. See ‘Debugging Notes’ above!

    PDA Changes:
    - Enhanced PDA: Added new Check 'BiomeChanged' to check for entered or left biomes
    - PDA: Added new Checks "PlayerLevelUp" and "PlayerStatChanged" to compare player stats with a specified value. How to use:

    Setup of PDA Check "PlayerLevelUp":
    - use "Value" parameter to specify the level the player has to reach so that the Action gets completed
    - example: Value: 5

    Setup of PDA Check "PlayerStatChanged":
    - use "Names" parameter to specify an expression in the form "stat-name comparison-operator compare-value"
    - the action gets completed when the respective stat value changes from a "condition not satisfied" value to a "condition satisfied" value
    - this prevents the action from insta-completing if at the moment the Check becomes active the value is already "condition satisfied"
    - example: Names: [ Food < 100 ]
    - as soon as the player's Food value decreases from 100 or above (condition not satisfied) to below 100 (condition satisfied) the Action gets completed
    - supported stat-names: Health, Food, Oxygen (1), ArmorO2 (2), Radiation, Temperature (3)
    (1) this is the player's personal little oxygen reserve to not immediately have the "No Oxygen" alarm when, e.g. going under water
    (2) this is the oxygen in the armor suit the player has equipped (as displayed in the life stats UI)
    (3) this is the player's body temperature
    - supported comparison-operators: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=

    More info:
    Setup of PDA Check "DayNightChange":
    - use "Names" parameter to specify "Sunset" or "Sunrise"
    - example: Names: [ Sunset ]

    Setup of PDA Checks "PlayfieldLeft" and "PlayfieldTypeLeft":
    - identical to "PlayfieldEntered" and "PlayfieldTypeEntered":
    - respectively specify the playfield name or the playfield type name (from "PlanetType" in playfield yaml)
    - example for PlayfieldTypeLeft: Names: [ Temperate ]

    - PDA: Added new Checks "StatusEffectApplied" and "StatusEffectRemoved" (setup via Names parameter)
    - PDA: Added new Check "PlantHarvested" (setup like ItemsPickedUp)

    Config file changes:

    - Implementation of supporting a "_PoiGroupsConfig.yaml" file in Prefabs folders.
    (see _PoiGroupsConfig_example.yaml in ../Content/Configuration)
    - DialogueSystem: Update function OpenHtmlWindow & added CloseHtmlWindow()
    (see Dialogues-config-and-examples.txt in ../Content/Configuration)
    - Added new config file DamageMultiplierConfig.ecf to allow grouping damage multipliers in one file
    (see DamageMultiplierConfig.ecf in ../Content/Configuration)
    - DamageMultiplierConfig.ecf: added console command parameter "reloaddata dm" to reload the DamageMultiplierConfig.ecf
    - Templates.ecf: Simplified templates & replaced Iron components with PlasticMaterial components for some basic devices and tools (ArmorLight, Chainsaw, small SV/HV generator, Small BA generator,Player Bike,Deco Blocks, Core, Flashlight, Survival Tent); Preparing introduction of Carbon as a dedicated resource.
    - Templates.ecf: slightly modified templates (simplified) for medical items following the new progression
    - Factions.ecf: now outputting an error message on startup when a faction name contains an illegal character
    - DialogueSystem: added variable type dbglobalpoi_int to be globally valid for a poi/npc

    Status effects & medical item changes:
    - On screen messages for Mitigation & Cures for Status effects updated


    - Changed: Split/added new health packs: Health pack small (restoring 75HP), medium (restoring 250HP) and large (restoring 450HP); Adjusted templates.
    - Changed: First Aid Kit now restores up to 250 HP; Detox/Decon Kit do not restore HP anymore. Health Pack does not cure Open Wound anymore
    - Changes to Medical items in ItemConfig:

    • Removed negative buffs from all of them except:
    1. RadImmunityShot = unchanged
    2. EnergyPills - Positive buff chance from 0.8 to 1
      - BadTrip chance from 0.1 to 0.35
      - PoisonFood chance from 0 to 0.1
    3. AdrenalineShot - BadTrip chance from 0 to 0.2
    - Updated unity to 2021.3.2f1
    - Core handling logic change: now if the LAST core gets removed, the structure is set to NoFaction (old: if any core was removed). This allows POIs with more than 1 core for higher difficulty.
    - Added console cmd "rd bp" to reload the blueprint headers + poi config yaml files
    - Added a warning to the changemode console command
    - Added Detector (handheld) as physical device


    - New resource rock models: ROCKS.png

    - Now it is possible to equip light armor and boosters from inventory without an armor locker.
    - Implemented a Join Queue system for MP servers (example can found found in the stock dedicated.yaml or paste this in to a current dedicated.yaml):
    ### Number of players that will be put into a waiting queue if the server is full
    PlayerLoginFullServerQueueCount: 10
    ### If specified, the number of parallel logins to a server are restricted to this number. This is important when you expect a big number of people to login at the same time
    PlayerLoginParallelCount: 5
    ### Add steam ids for preferred players that will get a better position in the login queue
    PlayerLoginVipNames: "steamID1,steamID2,steamID3"
    - Optimisations have been done for for the oxygen system. With this you should notice less lag spikes when deconstructing a structure like what was reported here https://empyriononline.com/threads/...akage-previously-named-heidleberg-8164.98851/
    - ModAPI: Added function IStructure.SetColorOfBlocks(list-of-data) for setting colors of multiple blocks with one function call (and also only one network transfer)


    - 00024: Distant warp lines not showing after map is open
    - 07167: Taking off armor with the jetpack still enabled doesn't disable jetpack ability.
    - 00023: Firing sound plays on loop on death of player.
    - 07634: Vessel toolbar doesn't update what attached devices have been destroyed until exiting.
    - Fixed: Teleporters in trading station BAO_Waystation-02 were set to off
    - Missing icons "Datapads", "ExplorerToken" etc
    - Avatar animation glitch after switching from 1PV to 3PV camera. See here https://empyriononline.com/threads/player-pinwheels-in-3rd-person-7178.91846/
    - 'NoSkip: True' doesn't work with Description set for chapter start anymore
    - 00055: Setting up a door with a motion sensor that requires a Token does not block the door
    - 07993: Possible to get damaged whilst in a cockpit with shields enabled
    - BP Group menu: Tags are cleared when POI is saved again

    Invader vs Defender:
    - Added "TalonCrossbowPlayer" to "TalonBasicsAndCommodities"
    - Added new Decoration on Mato, Itaka, Taldor and Korro
    - Player Start always in Crash Site on Atlon, Mato, Itaka, Taldor and Korro
    - Player request: Added deposits back to the Void
    - Player request: Changed resources in Cygnus System
    - Player request: Reduced deposits on all PvE planets

    - Fixed bbcode color tags visible in dialogue window on Traders
    - Fixed Wildlife Cam & Weaponized Negotiations Mission
    - Fixed Taldor not showing on the System Map
    - Fixed Cygnus System couldnt be selected on the Galaxy Map for Warp
    - Fixed reward not been given when player completed "The Gold Freighter Mission" successful
    - Fixed strange GroundFog on Merdar due to water update
    - Fixed spawners on TSO_Polaris01 (wrong faction)
    - Fixed typo in Void description
    - Fixed typo in Polaris Distillery POIs
    - Fixed asteroid names in Golden Phoenix Asteroid Field
    - Fixed white sector icons in Cygnus System

    - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full
    Sofianinho, Thorwine, Pach and 14 others like this.
  2. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    "Core handling logic change: now if the LAST core gets removed, the structure is set to NoFaction (old: if any core was removed). This allows POIs with more than 1 core for higher difficulty." Is this going to have a max core limit per blueprint? Or I may be free to build i.e. a nice big POI with 50 cores all over the place and let the player find them?

    "Updated unity to 2021.3.2f1" Any plans to support AMD's FSR?

    New visual look yummy. Would love to see the new changes on medical armor boosters etc. Mot sure how I feel about the damage system changes. All fixes are welcome.

  3. Endless Shogun

    Endless Shogun Ensign

    Jan 13, 2017
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    I expected more.
    A lot more.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    To open the old modding template/ project (with all our custom stuff) in the new Unity version we have to uninstall the old Unity version and delete the Assembly-CSharp.csproj and Assembly-CSharp-Editor.csproj from the old project folder. We also have to create a new project in the new Unity version (ex. 3d basic template) then from within this new project we can open the old BlockModding project. Unity will then upgrade the project to the new version, and it is a one-way process, so the project will not open anymore in an older version so make a back-up before doing this.

    Trying to open the BlockModding project from the Unity Hub by simply choosing the new Unity version will only throw an error, or it will open it in the old Unity version (if not uninstalled).

    Last edited: May 17, 2022
    Pach likes this.
  5. sumatrandagross

    sumatrandagross Ensign

    Apr 26, 2018
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    I really do not like the new start...
    Unfortunately, the hud still doesn't match the game or the Sci Fi setting. In addition, you get too much information at the beginning, especially new players are overwhelmed. I, as a new player, want to discover the game and find out things by myself and not be shown everything beforehand. In my opinion, less is more.

    I also don't understand why the start has to be changed all the time. The time and energy that goes into it could be much better invested in other things.
    Scimarad likes this.
  6. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Great to see the continued development. (That cannot be taken for granted)

    I think the new medical status screen are very welcome (and needed).

    Improvements to graphical quality are always positive.

    Multiple cores is a surprise, but could be good - it is a new tool for POI and scenario designers to innovate with. Possibly these may work with some fancy signal logic (if core "x" not present, power on led/lights. Or perhaps imagine a POI that you blow the primary core , triggering flashing light, warning LED's and then a timer to trigger a whole series of exploding blocks that also take out the final core. You still have a dead POI at the end- but it would have a SPECTACULAR! movie like end...!:)). I'm all in favour of tools for creators - they can really move the game forward...

    I'll be interested to see what the new start is like - perhaps it will be a revelation, but until I see it not much to say.

    No doubt there will be more features unveiled as the experimental period continue (there normally are).

    (oh course I would love a major game mechanic* introduction as well - but to be fair this new version was signposted pretty well in the prior year roadmap. So kudos for following through with that.)

    * for me it is a replacement for the techtree "science by shooting/harvesting" - but we all have our own personal wish list - don't we? ;)
    Sofianinho likes this.
  7. TK85

    TK85 Captain

    Jan 26, 2016
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    I will test the changes and then give my feedback!

    It's one of the changes I'm most looking forward to.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. Jawatraders

    Jawatraders Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2016
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    I really like the new deco system, it definitely makes the new planets feel much more alive. I also like how all the starter planets have slightly different "starts" to them that makes them feel unique. Although I will say, Masperon feels the most 'generic' to me so far. Looking forward to more experimental versions.

    Voice wise, I think adding some voice acting to at least some of the dialogue will be a big positive for the game. I know it mentioned all the lines were temporary, but is the plan to use a computer generated voice or have someone speak and then modify it to sound like a computer?
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    A Voice Actor has to receive Payment while a Computer...:NewWink:
    TK85 likes this.
  10. Scimarad

    Scimarad Ensign

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Okay, I admit this is my first gut reaction based on what I personally want from that game but...

    I really don't like this new start scenario with the 4 moons around the gas giant. For one thing, at the moment I can start on a desert planet and try to survive, build a base and eventually get of the planet but even then there aren't any planets with a breathable atmosphere. That makes trying to find a nice temperate planet with a breathable atmosphere a nice fairly longish term goal requiring me to build a long range warp drive.

    It seems that with every update you are making it easier and easier to survive and want to make the story a more central part of the game. It seems that way I want to play the game is getting increasingly incompatible with game as everything you could want seems a short trip away and surviving to get there seems pretty trivial.

    Okay, this is an experimental branch and the new look is very pretty but please, please include the default random start option when this ceases to be experimental as this new scenario is rapidly going to make me lose interest in the game. This update really feels like it's removing player choice and that's never a positive thing.
    Sofianinho and VPanda like this.
  11. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    For those players there is an option to skip it once you landed and continue on your own
    Pach and Germanicus like this.
  12. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Seems more there is something wrong in your project. In non of our projects i ever had to use those steps.
    Simple switch in Unity Hub > Delete the Library Folder and your good to go
    TK85 and Germanicus like this.
  13. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Thats not something thats on our radar atm
    TK85 and Germanicus like this.
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    This is only Phase 1 there 2 more phases planned where some of the new NPCs will be added IF they turn out fine internally
  15. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I'm crossing all my fingers and toes!! :D
    Fractalite, Pach, TK85 and 1 other person like this.
  16. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Thank you. Would be awesome if you guys consider it in the future.
  17. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I'm sure I don't use the same setup as you guys use since you all work as a team. I don't use Visual Studio, and these 2 scripts seem to be looking for dependencies that were never setup on my machine.

    So of course you will not experience the same behavior. But for all players who just mod the game and not "compile" it on a regular basis, the only instructions we had were how to setup the project in a specific version of Unity. And I'm not the only one who encountered that problem (opening an old project in a new Unity version) so I had to check on forums to see that this happens frequently.

    I also had problems with upgrading to the new Hub v3.0 so I reverted back to my previous version (was not alone in that case either). The v3.0 hub kept asking me to log in (and I was already logged) and did not show me the projects list - no options other than "log in" and could only access my profile page on Unity website...

    In case players experience similar issues this workaround I explained is working.
  18. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    No clue what depedency's you mean but the 2 scripts are not looking for any other then System.X and UnityEngine
    System.X is standard .net any computer has.

    I just booted the project that is provided to the public and the same steps as i said in my first message work there fine.
    Germanicus likes this.
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    The new surface rocks and deco items look great, however, I wonder if they perhaps have a collision mesh problem? I appear to be constantly getting stuck on various items when travelling at speed in an HV. I'm not visibly colliding with anything, my first indication being that noise things make when they break, combined with my HV spinning out of control with way too much physics going on. By the time I get oriented again, whatever it was I hit (and broke) has despawned, as I see nothing.

    Note that this is occurring on otherwise flat terrain (Grasslands currently) and the HV is travelling level at the full 3 metres hover height.

    I did just impact one of the new "Carbon" rocks as I was deliberately aiming for it at speed. It "broke" like impacting a tree would - same sound effect - then despawned. The HV spun around several times after the impact, despite not even being remotely close to actually hitting it. It's not all rocks / deco by any means, but it happens frequently when travelling fast (full 50m/s) and full hover height in a Grassland biome on the starting planet.
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Both scripts are pointing at the wrong folder :

    <CscToolPath>C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Tools\RoslynScripts</CscToolPath>

    This was where the old Unity version was installed. The new version is simply in C:\Program Files\Unity 2021.3.2f1. So when trying to open the old project with the new Unity version it kept opening it with the old version. Trying to open the project from within the new Unity version only gave an error, until I removed the 2 scripts.

    Happy to see you did not have this problem, but as I said if anyone does not have your setup it is likely that these 2 scripts will point to the same old version.

    What am I missing here ?
    Last edited: May 19, 2022
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