Fixed AI has gone completely crazy

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Dapawemu, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Dapawemu

    Dapawemu Ensign

    May 21, 2016
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    Since today the AI makes the game unplayable.

    After an attack on an armory the AI (Zirak-Mobs) starts to ignore blocks and terrain and still fires over >500m.
    They destroy there own installation but I also got hit through undamaged blocks.
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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  3. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Although this bug report has little to it, I have seen a couple times now during some POI testing where I was being mangled by something clearly no where in the same room.

    Once was a ZiraxCommander shooting me dead through a full block from another room.
    Another was a ArmoredGolem mashing me dead from a whole floor below in the Bio-Weapons Lab POI.

    Both situations were game breaking, as both situations I had yet even SEEN the npc's that were attacking me (I only knew what/where they are because I know the POI in question).

    Both cases though, I could NOT reproduce the specific attack/death from the same mob. So it seems entirely random.
  4. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Also know this bug (and already reported this in 7.0) for horrors (found in abandoned mine, factory). They attack through walls and even through the ceiling. Seems because they have this "belly mouth attack", that extends more than one block from the center of the NPC. There seems no check, if an obstacle is between the player and the NPC that should make the attack impossible.

    Update: with 9.2 the check if player can be attacked is even more broken, than it was before. It seems the check completely ignores the difference in the "Z" (height) axis. I had an alien bug 5 blocks below or 3 blocks above performing it's attack animation (you can also hear it) For some unknown reason it seems it could not hit me. But probably if the NPC has a long range attack, it can.

    Just enter an "abandoned alien POI" where these NPC spawn and you will soon notice.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
  5. Soyaro

    Soyaro Lieutenant

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Just had a similar experience. A drone attacked me while mining. I only noticed it because bullets hit my miner. The drone itself was way too high to even show on my map.
  6. Dapawemu

    Dapawemu Ensign

    May 21, 2016
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    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Singleplayer

    SERVER NAME: n/a
    SEED-ID: Do you mean this:
    Init: game=xxxx, mode firstUserData, global seed=840757, playfield=Bolon
    or this
    Playfield 'Bolon' with playfield seed 97847

    If applicable:
    No (at least I think so)

    Reproducibility: Yes (with small restrictions)
    Severity: Major

    Type: AI Mobs

    Summary: AI has gone mad


    Since today the AI makes the game unplayable.

    After an attack on an armory the AI (Zirak-Mobs) starts to ignore blocks and terrain and still fires over >500m.
    They destroy there own installation but I also got hit through undamaged blocks.

    Steps to Reproduce: (steps to reproduce the issue. This is ESSENTIAL for a bugfix!)

    - Startet new game
    - Created some Equipment and a Small Ship with the help of the Item Menu
    - Find a Zirax Armory on map
    - Fly to Armory, clear the environment around while avoiding to hit the Armory.
    - Aproach the Armory to under 50m (had no tape measure so may be as less than 20m :) ) on a side without the door.
    - Get shoot down throu the massiv Walls/Blocks.

    In this case the mobs stop shooting after getting out of range, thats the reason for the "reproducibility with small restrictions"

    Damage done the the Armory by the mobs. As they stop shooting after my toon gets out of range the damage ist moderate. When I first hit the bug the mobs keep shooting and destroyed nearly the whole ground floor.

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
  7. Dapawemu

    Dapawemu Ensign

    May 21, 2016
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    I did some more testing:

    I fly to a spaceport. Was able to run around it and when I thought: Okay, here it don't happen I board the SV and was killed in less than half a second.
    Okay, back to the Armory (by loading backup).

    Landing near the Armory, leave Cockpit, re-enter it and run ... er .. fly like hell.

    This time I managed to escape out of range and the mobs keeps firing.

    Here a part of a Screenshot where you can see they are firing throu the terrain.

    And here the Armory (gm iv) after a few minutes waiting:
  8. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Best is to upload the save game so we can provide it to the devs for checking
    with your character in the right position from where the AI is shooting
    through the blocks
  9. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I had similar problem in Alpha 9.0.5 with mad Zirax shooting from 'somewhere' in one of the POIs... and it wasnt from 'bad AI', but a bug with spawner placement (and it is still like this in same POI). Maybe there are few more 'bad' spawn points in other POIs with bad AI :)

    It is a "Support Base" made by Luke (BA_GhostSupport) with one spawner placed on the wall, so Zirax minigunners (few of them) are placed inside of the wall blocks and they can shoot you because they can see you. I played on MP server (so no godmode investigation) and I had to use rockets to crack walls & I was lucky not to destroy spawner.

    V36_A9_2019-01-05_19-27-55.jpg V36_A9_2019-01-05_19-28-27.jpg
    Furious Hellfire likes this.
  10. Elowan

    Elowan Ensign

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I've experienced this exact issue for the first time in this build (2163).

    I was attacking a small but fairly spawn-heavy POI (the Zirax Weapons Bunker). Taking out the external turrets worked as normal.

    However, when I landed my SV on the roof and got out, I started getting heavy minigun/laser fire from /inside the building/ (through the walls!)

    Taking off seemed to cause the entire complex to be able to target through the walls, even at distances far exceeding the normal firing ranges (e.g. 3-400m above ground, I was still being hit by a veritable column of minigun/laser fire, all from inside the complex).

    I eventually got far enough that they couldn't hit me, landed my SV, came back on foot, and they seemed to stop firing through walls. The damage to the interior was incredible, though. That POI has two basement levels, and NPCs had clearly been hitting me from the very bottom level, hard enough that they were shredding combat armor blocks (and doors / containers, elevators, etc.). Once I was back on foot, I didn't have any trouble with them firing /through/ blocks. They still were doing an enormous amount of physical damage to the base, though, while firing on me.

    The weirdest thing is that they were clearly firing through multiple walls to get to my SV, but /also/ steadily doing damage to interior blocks, e.g. they could hit me from the get-go, before they'd made any kind of hole in the wall, but they were still /doing damage/ to the inside.

    Sadly didn't take any screenshots. I will if I run into it again.
    Space Beagle and Frigidman like this.
  11. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    This POI is dead, and you should not be seeing it anymore in new games. Many of those old ghost POI had serious issues. Like, sideways spawners (which is a no-no).
    Space Beagle likes this.
  12. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Can you attach the save game here with your character left in the location from this screenshot ?
    When you load into it are they still firing here ?
    Is there any steps from loading into the save at this point that triggers them or do they just start firing at you right away or shortly after loading in without doing anything ?

    SP saves are found here:
    SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Games

    Right click on the save file & place your mouse cursor over 'Send to' create a compressed copy of it then drag & drop a copy in your reply box or use the upload a file option.
    If the file is too large use a file hosting site like mediafire, dropbox or google drive then add a share link to it.
  13. Reverendmeat

    Reverendmeat Ensign

    Jan 15, 2019
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    I've had the same issue while attacking a Drone Base ( Level 5) on the starter planet. It seems after I pull initial agro of ground mob AI then every single turret, mob, or hostile thing fires at me even through blocks. The focus fire absolutely melted my SV. Attacking defended hostile POIs is now impossible. This bug is overwhelming game breaking. I have complete confidence that it will get patched and I am so happy with this game. THanks for the support!
  14. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Ok, now I can confirm this AI bug playing on MP server - so no save game :)

    I'm with HV and I attacked 'Com Center' - took down few turrets & patrolling troops with HV turrets, jumped out on foot to enter base, then started shooting on first Zirax and 'whole hell break loose' from inside :D
    Barely managed to get back in HV cockpit but bullets & lasers was still hitting me & HV (damage was significant because they are shooting non-stop). They also made lots of damage on their POI.

    I got a feeling that some blocks/devices block them to initially see you, but once first one notice you and start shooting - everybody joins in. After I managed to escape first couple of times I returned to the POI corner with big hole in wall they made and room where there wasn't any Zirax left. No one was shooting and I even get inside, but soon as they 'detect' me they opened fire.

    It is a game breaking bug, so bust a hotfix hard on this one :cool:
  15. Elowan

    Elowan Ensign

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Just had this happen a second time (note: it doesn't happen with every single POI, at least for me!), and took a couple of videos.

    The order of operations is:

    1) Approach base as usual, engage turrets from inside SV.
    2) Once external defenses are down, approach base and set down for attack on foot. Here, I'm uncertain exactly what is needed - both times I encountered this bug, I've set my SV down /on top/ of the base, then got out.
    3) As soon as I'm noticed by something inside the base /while on foot/, most of the base opens fire, through walls, etc.

    In my first video (here), I jumped back into my SV, and flew over the base while taking fire from deep within the base, I then took off and tested the range of the attack -- they seem to continue to fire up to ~250-275m away. Btw, take note of the explosion sound that happens ~5-6 seconds into this video.

    Once I got out of range, they stopped, and I returned to the base and set down with no further 'attacks from inside.'

    The second video (here) is to show how much damage is done to the interior of the base. Note that I cleared the NPCs beforehand, but that's all I've done. The shooting only lasted ~75 seconds, but the damage is pretty severe. I also discover that the explosion sound that occurs at the beginning of the last video is actually the NPCs inside destroying their own core.
    Space Beagle likes this.
  16. Dapawemu

    Dapawemu Ensign

    May 21, 2016
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    Okay, here is the savegame.

    - Fly to the Armory right in front of you
    - Land with nose in contact with the Armory (a block lenghs work also)
    - Leave the Cockpit for a few seconds
    - Reenter the Cockpit
    Now they start shooting throu the walls. If you want the see the firing throu the terrain:
    - Return to the Position where startet.

    Attached Files:

  17. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thanks I'll check it out.
    Just looking at your steps though we may already have something internally fixed towards this but need to check first.
  18. Kiltdown

    Kiltdown Ensign

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Same experience but with missle silo POI. Reloaded multiple times, relaunched app, eventually got into POI to find that whatever had been firing had done serious damage to the base already. The first time it happened I died and spawned underground between the base and the terrain where I also took fire. I wonder if mobs were spawning in that area too.

    I remember a couple releases ago when the PVs would get trapped underground and be able to fire at underground bases within weapon range.

    In the current situation, the mob weapons fire continues at ranges approaching and possibly even exceeding 500m.

    Also, after clearing the POI, I got fired upon seemingly from many many mobs on as I lifted off, but I thought I’d cleared the whole base.
  19. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    I like how now it takes one shot from a Shotgun Zirax to blast away 'walkway blocks' (those metal grates)... yet takes about 12 full point blank blasts from a Shotgun T2 to do the same via player.

    And this was with "Level 1 Shotgun Zirax" ...

    So, add that overpowered lunacy with zirax blasting blocks in short order... and the crazy x-ray aiming they are doing... its no wonder whole POI are being shredded from the inside before the player even gets there.
  20. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    This just happened to us at an armory. 9.2.1 2166 in a local co-op game we just left. planning to disassemble the titan instead. because that is not fun. Even less fun than having every spawned enemy bunched in one area but at least with normal gunfire. well if you call getting one shotted by a shotgun zirex that it takes you 4-6 shots to kill with the "same" weapon and ammo fun.
    Atola likes this.

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