About card games

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Samoja, Jul 2, 2020.

  1. Samoja

    Samoja Commander

    Jun 6, 2019
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    Well, not that long ago Eleon asked us to post ideas about Andromeda card games, i am lead to believe no significant progress was made in that field, and i see no other thread discussing it, so i will post my thoughts here.

    Well for starters i would say it makes no sense for Andromeda civilizations to use standard earth decks of 54 or 32 cards respectively, so the first step should be for Eleon to design a deck for their game, there is no real rule here, it can be whatever you want, it just need to look consistent, so for example if you decide to make a deck depicting important events in the history of Andromeda species it would just need a consistent artstyle, for the rest you can pretty much let your imagination run, no reason why there would need to be 4 of every card in the deck either.

    now i am by no means a card person but when thinking about card games i noticed a simple pattern that seems to be consistent no matter the nature of the deck or the game, each card will be assigned a numerical value, sometimes it can be 0, or it can only have value in combination with other cards, but the one thing that seems consistent is that there will be a value. The objective of the game can go in several different ways, but it will generally always come down to getting a certain value of cards, sometimes the goal is to get the highest score possible, like in Poker, other times the goal is complete opposite, you want to get as low a score as possible, like in Uno, and sometimes, like in Blackjack your goal is to get as close to certain goal without going over it. I would say this covers at least 99% of all card games.

    I know this is not a straight up system but i hope i provided some general useful ideas that can at least help the devs start, in essence i would say create the deck first, and go from there, as one of my professors said, empty page is so overwhelming it's really hard to get creative, so just pick a theme and build a deck around it, once tou have that you can start thinking about making an actual game around it, at that point it should be much easier.

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