Alpha 11 Dedicated Server Setup....Help Please

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Nixion, Nov 25, 2019.

  1. Nixion

    Nixion Ensign

    Nov 25, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I have rented a Server on and want now setup a game for me and friends.
    We try to play abit around with configs in the, so called "Server Config" at there webinterface. This changes there seems to effect the "Dedicated.yaml" on the FTP from the installed game on the server. the past it works, it change waht we want to change, and we was able to play together in the "Deafault Akua-Omicron" scenario.
    NOW it wont changes, and a other scenario got load in. I not understand why. Its not Akua where we can start...just the planets "Stetell" or "Vioralis", i don't know wich scenario that is.

    i give you our you can look if i do a mistake please,

    ### Dedicated server settings
    ### To use your own dedicated.yaml (e.g., "MyDedicatedConfig.yaml"), add "-dedicated MyDedicatedConfig.yaml" to the corresponding batch file

    Srv_Port: 30000
    Srv_Name: ???????? ( its a nmae there....)
    Srv_Password: ??????
    Srv_MaxPlayers: 8

    # Idle playfield servers held in reserve. For busy public servers, we recommend at least 2 (default = 1)
    # Valid range: 0..10
    Srv_ReservePlayfields: 1

    ### Server description shown in Server Browser
    ### max 127 chars: "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    # Srv_Description: "Server info, can contain bold text or a link."

    ### Set the following parameter to false (or comment the line out) if you want to hide your server in the Server Browser
    ### If server is not visible you can connect via IP or via joining a friend's game.
    Srv_Public: true

    ### All playfield servers will be automatically stopped every <n> real time hours. Players will get some warning messages before
    # Srv_StopPeriod: 48

    ### Activate Telnet server
    Tel_Enabled: true # Activate Telnet server
    Tel_Port: Wird automatisch gesetzt #Gameserver Port +1
    Tel_Pwd: Wird automatisch gesetzt #FTP-Passwort

    ### Activate Easy Anti Cheat (clients have to enable EAC via Options -> Misc to connect to a EAC protected server)
    EACActive: true

    ### Location of save game folder
    SaveDirectory: Saves

    ### Restrict allowed Blueprint size class: restricted types are not allowed to be produced or spawned
    # 1 = allow only small blueprints, ... , 10 = allow very large blueprints, ..., 50 = allow gigantic blueprints, ... , 0 = no limits
    ### Warning: large blueprints can have very strong performance impact!
    MaxAllowedSizeClass: 0

    ### Restrict Blueprint types allowed for production in factory
    ### None = Blueprint system completely disabled
    ### StockOnly = only stock blueprints can be produced
    ### All = all types allowed (default)
    AllowedBlueprints: All

    ### Timeout in seconds after which a playfield server process will be killed (and all players on it disconnected) if it does no longer send heartbeat messages to the dedi
    ### Set 0 to disable this feature
    HeartbeatServer: 15

    ### Timeout in seconds after which a client will be disconnected if it does no longer send heartbeat messages to the dedi
    ### Set 0 to disable this feature
    # HeartbeatClient: 30

    ### Enable extra log outputs (for debugging purposes)
    ### Defined flags: (add together the values if more than one group should be active at the same time)
    ### 1 = EAC
    ### 2 = EAC_all_details (includes EAC - Note: this generates a lot of log lines)
    LogFlags: 1

    ### Uncomment the following line if you want to prohibit Steam Family Sharers playing (only the game owner can then play)
    # DisableSteamFamilySharing: True

    ### Players with a ping higher than the value specified below will be locked out of the game. We recommend to not allow too high pings as this can result in player cheating
    # KickPlayerWithPing: 300

    # Monitors booting playfield server processes, kills them if they time out (time in seconds, 0 = disabled)
    # Note: This is a conservative default, for faster servers 60 seconds should be ok
    TimeoutBootingPfServer: 90

    GameName: NewGame_0 # Determines name of the save game
    Mode: Survival # Survival or Creative
    Seed: 5162473 # The seed determines how the world is procedurally generated - the same seed means the same world
    CustomScenario: Default Akua-Omicron # Enable custom scenario. Name of custom scenario from folder Content\Scenarios
    #(Dawn of Galaxy , Default Akua-Omicron , Default Random , Invader vs Defender , Shadows of Starlight )

    AntiGriefOresDistance: 0
    AntiGriefOresZone: All
    AutoMinerDepletion: False
    GroundedStructureSpawn: False
    DiffEscapePodContent: Easy
    DiffAmountOfOre: Rich
    DiffNumberOfDeposits: Plenty
    DiffDroneBaseAttack: Hard
    DiffDronePresence: High
    DiffDegradationSpeed: Low
    DiffRadiationTemperature: Normal
    DiffEnemySpawnRate: Normal
    DiffAttackStrength: Medium
    DiffConstrCraftTime: Faster
    DiffBpProdTime: Faster
    DiffPlayerProgression: Faster

    this all is written in the so called "Server Config" at there webinterface. This changes there seems to effect the "Dedicated.yaml" on the FTP from the installed game on the server.

    Please help. Thanks.
    Ephoie likes this.
  2. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I run a server atm. I can help.
    You got Discord?
  3. Nixion

    Nixion Ensign

    Nov 25, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Hello....i have discord yes...ut my spoken english isn't good...i prefer to have a solution written down.
  4. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    So, this server is being hosted by a server hosting service.
    Can you remote into the computer, or do you have to ask them to upload the files themselves?
  5. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Have you checked the server version, and made sure its up to date?
    Also, a straight re-installation might be a quick fix, if there is no custom file yet made.
    If there are custom files, make sure to make back-ups, maybe on drop box, google drive or a USB drive.... Whatever is clever..... But having a back-up is crucial in terms of time saving.
  6. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I think there is an issue with the default scenario
    The sector map is the new format, but, the devs have rolled back the galactic map to the old format, without adjusting the sector file back to the old format,

    Here Check the below post.....
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  7. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Default Akua-Omicron Sector file
    Alpha 10.5.1
    # Sectors MP
    # IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs:
    # Default starter planets on a Dedicated Server are Akua, Omicron, Ningues and Masperon. 'Origin:Number' behind playfield template sets starter planet [ "0, 0, 0", Akua, Temperate, 'Human:1' ]
    # Allow and Deny lists: If “Allow” is set, sectors that are given in list are accessible in addition to those that are close enough. If “Deny” is set, sectors that are given in list are not accessible.
    Build: 1585
      - Coordinates: [0, 30, 0]
        SectorMapType: None
        - ['0, 0, 0', Sun, Sun]
      - Coordinates: [-162, -4, 11]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Sienna Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Aestus, Lava]     
        - ['0, 0, 0', Aestus Orbit, SpaceOrbit]
      - Coordinates: [189, 1, -300]
        SectorMapType: Station
        - ['0, 0, 0', Alien Outpost, SpaceAsteroidField]
      - Coordinates: [203, 1, 206]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Ningues Orbit, Trading Outpost]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Skillon, Barren]     
        - ['8000, 5000, 12000', Skillon Moon, MoonDesert] 
        - ['0, 0, 0', Skillon Orbit, SpaceOrbit]     
      - Coordinates: [6, 21, 149]
        SectorMapType: Station
        Deny: [Asteroid Field, Masperon Orbit, Ningues Orbit, Skillon Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Trading Outpost, SpaceTradingStation]
      - Coordinates: [93, 1, 117]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Oscutune Orbit, Aitis Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Akua, TemperateStarter, 'Human:1'] 
        - ['-9500, 5000, 9500', Akua Moon, MoonStarter]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Akua Orbit, SpaceOrbitStarter]
      - Coordinates: [150, 2, -164]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Masperon Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Tallodar, TemperateStarter, 'Explorer:2']     
        - ['-2000, -7000, 10000', Tallodar Moon, MoonStarter]     
        - ['0, 0, 0', Tallodar Orbit, SpaceOrbitStarter]
      - Coordinates: [-101, -7, -124]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Ningues Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Omicron, Arid]
        - ['2000, 8000, -12000', Omicron Moon, MoonLava]     
        - ['0, 0, 0', Omicron Orbit, SpaceOrbitStarter]   
      - Coordinates: [128, 1, -26]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Skillon Orbit, Aitis Orbit, Omicron Orbit, Trading Outpost]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Ningues, Snow]     
        - ['0, 0, 0', Ningues Orbit, SpaceOrbit]
      - Coordinates: [315, -1, 31]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Akua Orbit, Ningues Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Aitis, BarrenMetal]     
        - ['0, 0, 0', Aitis Orbit, SpaceOrbit]
      - Coordinates: [-136, -6, 246]
        SectorMapType: AsteroidField
        Deny: [Trading Outpost]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Asteroid Field, SpaceAsteroidField]
      - Coordinates: [2, -7, -196]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Roggery Orbit, Sienna Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Zeyhines, Desert]     
        - ['0, 0, 0', Zeyhines Orbit, SpaceOrbit]
      - Coordinates: [337, 1, -182]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Allow: [Trading Outpost]
        Deny: [Tallodar Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Masperon, Alien] 
        - ['8000, -4000, 12000', Masperon Moon, MoonLava2]   
        - ['0, 0, 0', Masperon Orbit, SpaceOrbit]
      - Coordinates: [45, 0, 356]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Akua Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Oscutune, Temperate] 
        - ['0, 0, 0', Oscutune Orbit, SpaceOrbit]
      - Coordinates: [-210, -2, -181]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Zeyhines Orbit, Aestus Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Sienna, Snow] 
        - ['-8000, 5000, -12000', Sienna Moon, MoonIce]     
        - ['0, 0, 0', Sienna Orbit, SpaceOrbitStarter]
      - Coordinates: [-102, -2, -283]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Deny: [Zeyhines Orbit]
        - ['0, 0, 0', Roggery, TemperateSwamp]   
        - ['0, 0, 0', Roggery Orbit, SpaceOrbit]
      - Coordinates: [66, -4, -23]
        SectorMapType: Station
        - ['0, 0, 0', Instance, +InstanceTaipane]   
        - ['0, 0, 0', Instance Orbit, SpaceOrbit]
      - Coordinates: [-40, 2, -59]
        SectorMapType: Station
        - ['0, 0, 0', Elemental Space Race Mission, +Elemental Space Race Mission]
      - Coordinates: [-23, -3, 71]
        SectorMapType: Station
        - ['0, 0, 0', Top Gun Mission, +Top Gun Mission]

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