Can't get creatures to spawn on a planet

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Jackall, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. Jackall

    Jackall Commander

    May 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I have a planet called FireFly. I have very few creatures spawn on it. I think I might have found 1.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Here's my playfield.yaml:

    # Playfield Configuration
    # IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs - tab indentation is forbidden:
    # For more detailed explanations of the different parameters, see examples in Empyrion\Content\Playfields\ExamplePlanet and ExampleSpace
    # Please do not use long comments here because in a multiplayer game the yaml file has to be sent from server to client
    # Playfield Characteristics
    RealRadius: 1303.797294
    ScaledRadius: 1300 
    Gravity: -8.25               
    AtmosphereDensity: 1.05
    AtmosphereO2: 0.2
    AtmosphereBreathable: True
    TemperatureDay: 35 
    TemperatureNight: 10           
    # Music: desert
    Music: default
    Radiation: 0
    DayLength: 24   
    PlanetType: Temperate
    Moons: 1       
    Water: WaterBlue
    SeaLevel: 23
    PvP: False
    #Seed: 123456
    #UseFixed: False
    # Playfield difficulty
    Difficulty: 5
    # Planet or Space
    PlayfieldType: Planet
    Description: "Difficulty:[c][FFFFFF] Easy[-][/c]    Origin:[c][FFFFFF] %Origin%[-][/c]
      FireFly is a temperate planet with vast oceans, volcanic islands and large continents with mountain ranges. It has a breathable atmosphere. The average temperature is 23°C and gravity amounts to 0.84g.
      Start: [c][FFFFFF]Escape Pod[-][/c]"
    # Sun
    SunFlare: EnvironmentalEffects/SunFlareBlue
    # Atmosphere and Sky
    AtmosphereEnabled: True 
    AtmosphereColor: "0.19, 0.26, 0.35"
    SkyColor: "1, 1, 1"
    SkyHorizonColor: "1, 0.5, 0" 
    # Light
    DayLightIntensity: 1.4   
    NightLightIntensity: 0.65 
    DayShadowStrength: 0.95 
    # Fog
    AtmosphereFog: 0.5 
    FogCloudIntensity: 1 
    FogIntensity: 0.1   
    FogStartDistance: 400
    GroundFogIntensity: 0 
    GroundFogHeight: 0   
    # Clouds
    CloudsDensity: 0.5   
    CloudsSharpness: 0.35 
    CloudsBrightness: 0.7 
    CloudsOpacity: 0.95 
    CloudsZenithColor: "0.87, 0.92, 1"
    CloudsHorizonColor: "1, 0.3, 0" 
    # Wind Speed
    WindSpeed: 3
    # Special Effects
      - Name: DandelionsFew
        Biome: [ OpenPlains, Water ]
        Time: Day
        MaxHeight: 55
      - Name: Butterflies
        Biome: [ TropicalForest ]
        Time: Day
        MaxHeight: 50
        FollowPlayerY: True
      - Name: FireFliesOrange
        Biome: [ TropicalForest ]
        Time: Night
        MaxHeight: 50
    # Weather
      - Name: Clear
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 0   
        Delay: 2
        Lifetime: 1200
      - Name: CloudsLight
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 0   
        Delay: 2
        Lifetime: 1200
      - Name: CloudsMedium
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 0   
        Delay: 2
        Lifetime: 1200
      - Name: Clouds
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 10   
        Delay: 5
        Lifetime: 1000
      - Name: Fog
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 24
        Delay: 12   
        Lifetime: 1000 
      - Name: Wind
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 24   
        Delay: 12
        Lifetime: 600
      - Name: RainMedium
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 24   
        Delay: 12         
        Lifetime: 600     
      - Name: RainHeavy
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 48 
        Delay: 24         
        Lifetime: 600     
      - Name: Storm
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 48   
        Delay: 24         
        Lifetime: 600   
    # Global Effect
      - Name: BirdFlocksCrows
        Biome: [ OpenPlains, Water, TropicalForest ]
        Time: Day
        InitialDelay: 1
        Delay: 4
        Lifetime: 600
        PlyDist: 100
        SpawnY: 30
        Struct: True
    ### Terrain and Decorations
    # Terrain and Local Decoration
        Name: TemperateNew2
        PoleLevel: 30   
        NoiseStrength: 0.2
            YFadeCenter: 80
            YFadeRange: 40
            YFadeMin: 0
            YFadeMax: 0
            - [ Cliff, 5 ]
            - [ Cliff, 0 ]
            - [ BedrockLava, 2 ]
            - [ RocksmallA02, 0.001 ]
        - Altitude: 22
            - [ SeaGround02, 20 ]
        - Altitude: 27
            - [ Cliff, 25 ]
            - [ SandBeach01, 1 ]
        - Altitude: 42
            - [ Cliff, 40 ]
            - [ Grass02Cliff, 1 ]
        - Altitude: 66
            - [ Cliff, 64 ]
            - [ Grass02Cliff, 1 ]
            - [ RocksmallA02, 0.1 ]
        - Altitude: 86
            - [ Cliff, 84 ]
            - [ RocksmallA02, 0.1 ]
        - Altitude: 255
            - [ Cliff, 253 ]
            - [ Snow08Cliff, 1 ]
         - Biome: 2
           From: Grass02Cliff
           To: Grass05Cliff
         - Biome: 5
           From: Grass02Cliff
           To: RockGrassCliff
    # Biome Definition and Main Decoration
    # Water Area
       - Altitude: [ 1, 12 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 5 ]
             - Name: "Water"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ CoralBig01, 2]
                   - [ CoralBig08, 2]
                   - [ FingerSponge03-01, 1]
                   - [ CoralStone03-05, 2]
                   - [ Hydrilla2, 2]
                   - [ SeaWeed02-04, 3]
                   - [ RealRock1Water, 1]
                   - [ RealRock5Water, 1]
                   - [ CrystalStraight, 1]
                   - [ PromethiumStone, 1]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen01"
                     Density: 1200
                     YScale: 1
                     Preset: "GrassDense"
                   - Name: "GrassGreen01"
                     Density: 500
                     YScale: 1.5
                     Preset: "GrassPatches"
             - Name: "Water"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 10
               NbOfClusters: 10
                   - [ SeaWeed02-04, 20]
                   - [ Hydrilla2, 10]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen01"
                     Density: 1200
                     YScale: 1
                     Preset: "GrassDense"
                   - Name: "GrassGreen01"
                     Density: 500
                     YScale: 1.5
                     Preset: "GrassPatches"
       - Altitude: [ 1, 23 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 15 ]
             - Name: "Water"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ CoralBig01, 0]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen01"
                     Density: 600
                     YScale: 1
                     Preset: "GrassDense"
       - Altitude: [ 1, 24 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Water"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ CoralBig01, 0]
    # Forest
       - Altitude: [ 28, 52 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 12 ]
             - Name: "TropicalForest"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 250
               NbOfClusters: 11
                   - [ WhiteOak, 0.6]
                   - [ RiverBirch, 0.2]
                   - [ UmbrellaTree, 0.25]
                   - [ AkuaPalm, 0.15]
                   - [ AkuaPlant, 0.2]
                   - [ AkuaPlant2, 0.3]
                   - [ Rainforest, 0.1]
                   - [ BigFlower, 0.3]
                   - [ ElderberryBush, 0.7]
                   - [ MushroomBellBrown01, 0.4]
                   - [ CattailWinter, 0.8]
                   - [ PixieStalks, 0.4]
                   - [ InsanityPepper, 0.15]
                   - [ AkuaFern, 1]
                   - [ AkuaBushGreen, 1]
                   - [ AlienPlant07, 0.3]
                   - [ AlienPlant14, 0.2]
                   - [ DeadTree01, 0.1]
                   - [ DeadTree02b, 0.1]
                   - [ RealRock2, 0.15]
                   - [ RealRock1, 0.15]
                   - [ CobraLeavesPlant, 0.5]
                   - [ DimpleDome, 0.2]
                   - [ AlienPlantWorm1, 0.2]
                   - [ AlienPlant11, 0.7]
                   - [ SkeletonWhaleFull, 0.05]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen04"
                     Density: 2000
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassDense3"
                   - Name: "GrassGreen03"
                     Density: 1000
                     YScale: 1.2
                     Preset: "GrassPatches2"
                   - Name: "Plant01"
                     Density: 250
                     YScale: 1.15
                     Preset: "GrassPatches3"
    # Open Plains
             - Name: "OpenPlains"
               Id: 5
               ClusterSize: 60
               NbOfClusters: 5
                   - [ RealRock10, 8]
                   - [ RealRock3, 6]
                   - [ RealRock4, 8]
                   - [ RealRock5, 7]
                   - [ RealRock8, 4]
                   - [ RealRock9, 5]
                   - [ DesertPlant20, 10]
                   - [ PixieStalks, 2]
                   - [ Snakeweed, 5]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen06"
                     Density: 200
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassDense3"
             - Name: "OpenPlains"
               Id: 3
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ BushGreen01, 0.1]
                   - [ BushGreen02, 0.1]
                   - [ ElderberryBush, 0.15]
                   - [ AmericanElm, 0.1]
                   - [ AkuaBush1, 0.1]
                   - [ CornDogBush, 0.3]
                   - [ Snakeweed, 0.5]
                   - [ DesertPlant20, 0.25]
                   - [ CattailWinter, 0.5]
                   - [ RealRock10, 0.005]
                   - [ RealRock3, 0.005]
                   - [ RealRock4, 0.005]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.005]
                   - [ RealRock8, 0.02]    # large rock
                   - [ RealRock9, 0.02]    # large rock
                   - [ BulbShroom, 0.1]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen06"
                     Density: 2000
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassDense3"
                   - Name: "Flower01"
                     Density: 1000
                     YScale: 0.9
                     Preset: "GrassPatches2a"
                   - Name: "Flower02"
                     Density: 70
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassPatches2"
       - Altitude: [ 28, 55 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 20 ]
             - Name: "OpenPlains"
               Id: 3
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock1, 0]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen06"
                     Density: 2000
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassDense3"
                   - Name: "Plant01"
                     Density: 250
                     YScale: 1.5
                     Preset: "GrassPatches3a"
       - Altitude: [ 24, 55 ]   # 24 and not 28 to make sure water sound is not played on dry land
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "OpenPlains"
               Id: 3
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ CoralBig01, 0]
       - Altitude: [ 55, 66 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 20 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ CornDogBush, 5]
                   - [ Snakeweed, 10]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen06"
                     Density: 2000
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassDense3"
                   - Name: "Plant01"
                     Density: 250
                     YScale: 1.5
                     Preset: "GrassPatches3a"
       - Altitude: [ 55, 66 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 27 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock1, 0]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen06"
                     Density: 2000
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassDense3"
                   - Name: "Plant01"
                     Density: 250
                     YScale: 1.5
                     Preset: "GrassPatches3a"
       - Altitude: [ 66, 86 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 15 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock4, 0.4]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.4]
                   - [ RealRock6, 0.4]
       - Altitude: [ 86, 180 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 15 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock1Snow, 0.3]
                   - [ RealRock10Snow, 0.3]
       - Altitude: [ 28, 180 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock1, 0]
    ### Resource Deposits
        - Name: IronResource
          CountMinMax: [ 6, 7 ] 
          SizeMinMax: [ 8, 14 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ]
          DroneProb: 0.2
          MaxDroneCount: 1
        - Name: CobaltResource
          CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 6, 14 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ]
          DroneProb: 0.2
        - Name: CopperResource
          CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 6, 13 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ]
          DroneProb: 0.3
        - Name: SiliconResource
          CountMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 6, 13 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 0.3
        - Name: PromethiumResource
          CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 8, 12 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 2 ]
          DroneProb: 0.4
        - Name: MagnesiumResource
          CountMinMax: [ 6, 7 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 7, 9 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ]
          DroneProb: 0.3
    ### Resource Asteroids
        - Name: IronResource
          Threshold: 1.0
          Amount: 0.9
        - Name: CobaltResource
          Threshold: 1.0
          Amount: 0.9
        - Name: CopperResource
          Threshold: 1.0
          Amount: 0.9
        - Name: SiliconResource
          Threshold: 1.0
          Amount: 0.9   
        - Name: PromethiumResource
          Threshold: 1.0
          Amount: 0.9
        - Name: MagnesiumResource
          Threshold: 1.0
          Amount: 0.9
    ### POIs
            - GroupName: DroneBaseAkua
              DroneBaseSetup: DroneBaseSetup
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              DroneProb: 1 
              DronesMinMax: [ 2, 3 ] 
              ReserveCount: 3   
                - Key: Music
                  Value: DarkSoundscape   
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720       
            # Spawn TS Akua and close to it some weakly defended civil settlements
            - GroupName: TS_Akua
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              DroneProb: 0
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              ReserveCount: 1
              TroopTransport: False     
              SpawnPOIAvoid: [DroneBaseAkua] 
              POIDistance: 1000   
              SpawnResource: ["PromethiumResource:0-2"]
              ResourceDistance: 300 
                - Key: Music
                  Value: SunnySkies
            # Spawn mine with some weakly defended tribal villages
            - GroupName: AbandonedMine
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              DroneProb: 0.1
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              ReserveCount: 1
              TroopTransport: False 
              SpawnPOIAvoid: [TS_Akua]
              POIDistance: 1300
              SpawnResource: ["IronResource:0-2","CobaltResource:0-2","MagnesiumResource:0-1"]
              ResourceDistance: 300
                - Key: Music
                  Value: DarkSoundscape     
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720             
            # Weakly defended Civil Settlements close to TS Akua
            - GroupName: CivilSettlement
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              DroneProb: 0.5
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              ReserveCount: 2
              TroopTransport: False   
              SpawnPOINear: [TS_Akua]
              POIDistance: 500
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720           
            # Spawn strong defended civil settlements randomly
            - GroupName: CivilSettlement
              CountMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]
              DroneProb: 0.9
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              ReserveCount: 2
              TroopTransport: False 
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720             
            # Tribal villages close to Abandoned Mine
            - GroupName: TribalVillage
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              DroneProb: 0.8
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              ReserveCount: 0
              TroopTransport: False
              SpawnPOINear: [AbandonedMine]
              POIDistance: 500
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720       
            # Spawn crashed Talos
            - GroupName: CrashedTalosMid      # Do not use regeneration with burried POIs
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              DroneProb: 0.8
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              ReserveCount: 3
              TroopTransport: True
            - GroupName: CrashedTalosFront      # Do not use regeneration with burried POIs
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              DroneProb: 0.6
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              ReserveCount: 3
              TroopTransport: False
              SpawnPOINear: [CrashedTalosMid]
              POIDistance: 1000
            - GroupName: CrashedTalosBack      # Do not use regeneration with burried POIs
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              DroneProb: 0.9
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              ReserveCount: 3
              TroopTransport: False
              SpawnPOINear: [CrashedTalosFront]
              POIDistance: 1000
            # Spawn military POIs close to Drone Base
            - GroupName: EpsilonTierI
              CountMinMax: [ 2, 4 ]         
              DroneProb: 1.0               
              DronesMinMax: [ 2, 4 ]       
              ReserveCount: 3
              TroopTransport: True
              SpawnPOINear: [DroneBaseAkua]
              SpawnPOIAvoid: [TS_Akua]
              POIDistance: 600
              SpawnResource: ["PromethiumResource:0-1"]
              ResourceDistance: 300
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720             
            # Spawn military POIs randomly
            - GroupName: EpsilonTierI
              CountMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]         
              DroneProb: 1.0               
              DronesMinMax: [ 2, 4 ]       
              ReserveCount: 3
              TroopTransport: True
              SpawnPOIAvoid: [TS_Akua]
              POIDistance: 1000
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720             
            - Mode: Survival
              Spawn: EscapePod
              Armor: ArmorLight
              Items: [ "Pistol, 50Caliber:250, Medikit02:10, AntidotePills:3, WaterBottle:10, EnergyCell:25, DrillT2:1, IronIngot:800, CobaltIngot:800, SiliconIngot:800, CopperIngot:800, MagnesiumPowder:800, PromethiumPellets:800, PlasticMaterial:200, NightVision:1, OxygenBottleSmall:10, OxygenBottleLarge:10, EmergencyRations:10, DrillCharge:20, AssaultRifle:1, 5.8mmBullet:500, EVABoost:1, RadiationBoost:1, PlayerBikeKit:1, AutoMiningDeviceT1:5, ConstructorSurvival", "Pistol, 50Caliber:250, Medikit02:10, AntidotePills:3, WaterBottle:10, EnergyCell:25, DrillT2:1, IronIngot:800, CobaltIngot:800, SiliconIngot:800, CopperIngot:800, MagnesiumPowder:800, PromethiumPellets:800, PlasticMaterial:200, NightVision:1, OxygenBottleSmall:10, OxygenBottleLarge:10, EmergencyRations:10, DrillCharge:20, AssaultRifle:1, 5.8mmBullet:500, EVABoost:1, RadiationBoost:1, PlayerBikeKit:1, AutoMiningDeviceT1:5, ConstructorSurvival", "Pistol, 50Caliber:250, Medikit02:10, AntidotePills:3, WaterBottle:10, EnergyCell:25, DrillT2:1, IronIngot:800, CobaltIngot:800, SiliconIngot:800, CopperIngot:800, MagnesiumPowder:800, PromethiumPellets:800, PlasticMaterial:200, NightVision:1, OxygenBottleSmall:10, OxygenBottleLarge:10, EmergencyRations:10, DrillCharge:20, AssaultRifle:1, 5.8mmBullet:500, EVABoost:1, RadiationBoost:1, PlayerBikeKit:1, AutoMiningDeviceT1:5, ConstructorSurvival", "#FreshStart: Pistol, 50Caliber:250, Medikit02:10, AntidotePills:3, WaterBottle:10, EnergyCell:25, DrillT2:1, IronIngot:800, CobaltIngot:800, SiliconIngot:800, CopperIngot:800, MagnesiumPowder:800, PromethiumPellets:800, PlasticMaterial:200, NightVision:1, OxygenBottleSmall:10, OxygenBottleLarge:10, EmergencyRations:10, DrillCharge:20, AssaultRifle:1, 5.8mmBullet:500, EVABoost:1, RadiationBoost:1, PlayerBikeKit:1, AutoMiningDeviceT1:5, ConstructorSurvival" ]
    ### Drones
            - GroupName: DroneBaseSetup
              DronesMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]       
              ReserveCount: 3               
              DroneProb: 1.0               
              Difficulty: 5                 
              PresetStyle: 2               
              # BaseAttack: DroneSmallAttackBase
                  - Name: DroneSmallFast01Rocket 
                    Amount: 100                   
                    Extra: 1                     
                  - Name: DroneSmallFast01Minigun
                    Amount: 300
                    Extra: 1
                  - Name: DroneSmallSlow01Cannon
                    Amount: 200
                    Extra: 1
                  - Name: DroneSmallAttackBase   
                    Amount: Infinite
                    Extra: 3                 
                  - Name: DroneTroopsTransport
                    Amount: Infinite
                    Extra: 2
                  - Name: ZiraxMale
                    Amount: 500
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: ZiraxRocket
                    Amount: 500
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: Crawler
                    Amount: 150
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: AlienAssassinGrey
                    Amount: 300
                    Extra: 3
    # Patrol drones on whole planet
    # Type determined by stock of drone base
            - DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ]   
              CenterX: -2500             
            - DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ]
              CenterX: 2500
    ### Creatures
        - Biome: Water
            - Name: Slimes
              Period: Day             
              Amount: 70
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 40, 70 ]
            - Name: PlantMonsters
              Period: Night
              Amount: 30
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 10, 40 ]
        - Biome: TropicalForest
            - Name: Hexapods
              Period: Night
              Amount: 40
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 10, 40 ]
            - Name: Spiders01
              Period: Always
              Amount: 60
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 40, 60 ]
            - Name: Triceratopses
              Period: Day
              Amount: 50
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 30, 50 ]
            - Name: TalonGuardianHerd
              Period: Always
              Amount: 60
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 40, 60 ]
        - Biome: OpenPlains
            - Name: LizardMuleHerd
              Period: Day
              Amount: 50
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 30, 50 ]
            - Name: RaptorHerd
              Period: Day
              Amount: 40
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 20, 40 ]
            - Name: RaptorsNight
              Period: Night
              Amount: 60
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 50, 60 ]
            - Name: TalonGuardianHerd
              Period: Night
              Amount: 60
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 40, 60 ]
            - Name: PlantMonsters
              Period: Night
              Amount: 60
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 50, 60 ]
            - Name: AlienBugs01
              Period: Always
              Amount: 60
              Delay: 0
              RestrictYMinMax: [ 50, 60 ]
    Build: 1076
    Thanks for the help!
  2. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
    Likes Received:

    I didn't go all through for now, but you've got a couple of problems here: :)

    • First off, you have way too many entities set in your 'Amount':
      Max. is 5
    • You are using RestrictYMinMax:
      If you use that feature, you have to make sure that the selected Biome's (e.g. OpenPlains) altitude range covers your entire 'RestrictYMinMax' setting.
      E.g. Biome's Altitude Range is set to 28-52, RestrictYMinMax is set to 30-40.
    • So you can't create a biome, whose altitude range is only set to 28-52 and then you restrict creatures to spawn only in the range of 50-60.
      Even if that worked, you would really narrow down the range that creatures could spawn in. So the chance of creatures spawning is very low.
    • I would try removing the restrict feature for testing purposes completely on all creatures and try again.
    But there are also some errors in your Biome configuration anyway. Did you copy that from an existing ingame playfield. If so, which one? I would have to check, if that was created by the devs or not?

    You have set up a dummy biome as suggested by the devs, but you set the slope range of the dummy biome smaller than 0-90 (your setting is 0-27) in Mountains. Secondly, you are using grass in the dummy biome, which is not wise.

    The whole reason for using a dummy biome in the first place is to create a slope definition for all the previously undefined slope ranges. And also, that you widen up the space, creatures can spawn.

    Your Code:
       - Altitude: [ 55, 66 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 20 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ CornDogBush, 5]
                   - [ Snakeweed, 10]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen06"
                     Density: 2000
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassDense3"
                   - Name: "Plant01"
                     Density: 250
                     YScale: 1.5
                     Preset: "GrassPatches3a"
       - Altitude: [ 55, 66 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 27 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock1, 0]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen06"
                     Density: 2000
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassDense3"
                   - Name: "Plant01"
                     Density: 250
                     YScale: 1.5
                     Preset: "GrassPatches3a"
    It should look like this:

       - Altitude: [ 55, 66 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 20 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               ClusterSize: 60 # Can be set to desired size
               NbOfClusters: 10 # Can be set to desired amount. depends somewhat on set size
                   - [ CornDogBush, 5]
                   - [ Snakeweed, 10]
                   - Name: "GrassGreen06"
                     Density: 2000
                     YScale: 0.8
                     Preset: "GrassDense3"
                   - Name: "Plant01"
                     Density: 250
                     YScale: 1.5
                     Preset: "GrassPatches3a"
    # Dummy Biome
       - Altitude: [ 55, 66 ] # Same AltitudeRange as above
         Slope: [ 0, 90 ] # SlopeRange is always 0-90 in Dummy Biome
             - Name: "Mountains" # Same as above
               Id: 4 # Same as above
               ClusterSize: 0 # Always 0
               NbOfClusters: 0 # Always 0
                   - [ RealRock1, 0] # Always RealRock1, Density always 0 in Dummy Biome
    # No grass at all in Dummy Biome!!

    Maybe this helps a bit.

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017

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