Custom terrains (.xml) (OUTDATED)

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by Needleship, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Note to EGS Alpha 10+
    XML terrain generation is outdated!

    (I still would like to build with it, though ;) Was like a puzzle.
    Or check it out on the bigger planets we now have.

    Custom terrain is now heightmap-based, and is generated by biome and stamp placement.:)


    Note: How to apply custom terrains to a save game
    (Tested in EGS 7.4)

    1. Get the program 'Notepad++'
    It's free, and super useful for changing a lot of things in Empyrion. (The windows Notepad wants to break stuff. ;) )

    2. Prepare a game save to modify:

    Either start a new game session and quit it afterwards. Or, if you want to edit in the planet to an existing game, please copy your save beforehand and tinker with that copy.
    (This save game will be named here for sake of clarity 'MyCustomSave')

    3. Edit that save game for a new planet

    - Locate the 'sectors.yaml'- file of your save game:
    Program files/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion – Galactic survival/saves/games/('MyCustomSave')/sectors

    - Open this 'sectors.yaml' with Notepad++

    - Find a suitable planet entry to copy: e.g. Akua:

    (The following is all that is part of a single planet's definition. Important sections are highlighted in colours: )
    - Coordinates: [92, 5, 117]
    Color: 0.04, 0.3, 0.37
    Icon: Circle
    OrbitLine: True
    Deny: [Oscutune Orbit, Aitis Orbit]

    - ['0, 0, 0', Akua Orbit, SpaceAsteroidFieldRingAkua]

    - ['0, 0, 0', Akua, NewTemperate, 'Human:1'] <Also possible 'NewTemperateV2'
    - ['-6500, 5000, 6500', Akua Moon, NewMoon2] <Also possible 'NewMoonV2
    # - ['0, 0, 0', Akua, Temperate, 'Human:1'] < These lines are turned 'off' with the '#' symbol. Ignore.
    # - ['-6500, 5000, 6500', Akua Moon, Moon]

    The orange part reads:
    [(location in orbit playfield), (In-game name of object), (folder name of object in '/templates'), (and optional: faction)]

    > Copy and paste this part right back into the document...
    (Maybe right at the top, at that empty line under the green text block. That way you find it faster, later.)

    > ! Careful! Yamls are very sensitive. Don't add even a single extra space!
    A slight error will prevent the game from loading. It won't break anything permanently, though.

    ! Make sure that your added entry looks exactly like the other ones regarding structure and position of elements. (Pressing 'return' after a line often leads to an unwanted offset.)

    - What you have to edit of this duplicate for a custom planet:

    - Change the sector coordinates to prevent an overlap with the original.
    - Rename the “Akua Orbit” into something else, e.g. “CustomPlanetOrbit”.
    - Rename the “Akua” into something else, e.g. “CustomPlanet”
    - Rename the “NewTemperate” into something else, e.g. “CustomPlanetTemplate
    - Rename the “Akua Moon” into something else, e.g. “CustomPlanetMoon
    (The 'NewMoon' folder can stay as it is- Unless you want a custom made moon, too.)

    - Save the modified “sectors.yaml” file

    - Open the folder in your savegame:
    Program files/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion – Galactic survival/saves/games/('MyCustomSave')/templates

    - Create in there a new folder called “CustomPlanetTemplate”

    - Put in that new folder the 'playfield.yaml' of the xml planet that you want to insert.

    - Open the folder: Program files/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion – Galactic survival/content/terrains
    Drop in there the .xml-terrain file.
    e.g. 'MoonSekmet.xml'.

    That should do it! :)


    If you want to visit that new planet directly:
    - Open game console (US keyboard layout: Should be '~', in german layout it's the 'ö'.
    - type in the console: 'teleport CustomPlanet'

    Original post:

    The moons are so boring in this game. So I made a better one.

    Sekmet (Moon) v1

    MoonBuilding_2017-06-27_14-05-49.jpg MoonBuilding_2017-06-27_14-04-15.jpg MoonBuilding_2017-06-27_14-00-37.jpg

    Terrain features:
    Dunes / mountains, flat fields, collapsed medium craters, fresh medium craters, huge craters with optional central bulge and inner ring. Usually Pentaxid spawns only in these, turning them into some kind of arena.
    Very low gravity makes walking fun!

    43 modules in the .xml.
    - Modules: 0-5: Base terrain, 6-10 Large crater main; 12-16 medi craters; 17-27 Large crater deco, 28-42 medi craters collapsed.
    - Chain ends: Add4 (base terrain), Terrace16 (medi craters), Add23 (crater huge (Add22 crater teeth/crater centre)), scaleBias42 (collapsed medi craters),
    - Combiners: Select15: (Terrace16&Add4) >Select11: (Select15&Add23) >Add43: (Select11&ScaleBias42)
    - Const20 is a NULL value and used multiple times, please don't change.

    Before loading the xml in the Terrain Generator: Turn the resolution of the TG down and turn off auto refresh! I used 6 Voronoi in there.

    Maybe I create a spreadsheet with the modules, but not now. ;)

    How to do round medium size to huge craters:
    Voronoi>ScaleBias>Clamp>Exponent or Terrace. Then Add to overlay (=collapsed) or Selector to flatten everything.

    Files are below. Playfield is standard, only slightly changed due to higher altitude messing with the crystal spawning and a little less radiation, so that you can have a little moon walk.

    Planning to do more terrains. This is massive fun! :D
    - Thanks Eleon for the terrain generator!
    (I'm working on an improved documentation for that, too)

    Edit: Tech is outdated for EGS 10+ ! Use stamps and biomes to build your custom world. :)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2019
    Ephoie, Ichaft, SacredGlade and 10 others like this.
  2. ECubed

    ECubed Commander

    Sep 29, 2016
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    Awesome work Needleship!
  3. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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  4. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Uh, long post. But pretty pics and a terrain...

    1. Piratey Beach






    If you want to check it out: My Zeyhines 'playfield' test file is below.
    - The .xml: '_PirateyBeach', Version 0.9 (19 modules)
    - A much simpler, lightweight version, only with the beach and some standard mountains is in the 'Just_a_Beach' folder (10 modules) - It's also named '_PirateyBeach', for the playfield file.

    Word of warning:
    - At sea level 25, the terrain is too rugged and too small to have a lot of POI spawning.
    In my first test game I only saw the Rados Power Sation and one Rados Defence. Use with caution. This would need the teenie-tiniest drone base ever.

    - Here's what sea level 23 looks like, and still 2 POIs are missing. Man, this game is picky.
    (Because of that the .xml is v0.9)


    If you choose to do something with this terrain, I would be really happy - and even more if you show some pictures :D
    - I'm a beginner with the playfield.yaml and too squeamish to click the false-positive Antivir warning for the EPD away.

    2. Careful with the Voronoi gen
    So sad. This not only slows down the terrain generator, it has an impact in the game, too.
    Successive modules based on a Voronoi seem to tax much more than isolated ones. And complex ones like the 'select'-selector seem to have their part in this. - My laptop overheats when flying.

    - Rule of thumb: If your modded Zeyhines savegame takes close to a minute to load, then you went overboard with your terrain features. ;)
    If only that module weren't so darned useful. Because of it's closed and regular shape, you can easily control placement of nearly anything.

    3. How to do a continent with beach
    - Create a continental shape base:
    Voronoi1 Perlin1, Turbulence2. Scale it up with the ScaleBias sliders of the turbulence.
    - Add mountain peaks on top of base: Ridged3, Add4 (ridged3, turb2, scale ridged up)
    - Create a continental shelf: Clamp6 (at least the upper) of add4
    - Move mountains through the shelf: Max7 (add4, clamp6, move with the right ScaleBias slider)
    - Build and test your beach in a separate file. Write them down, then apply the modules with a selector: SelectX (input0: max7 input1: ((YourBeachX)), input: clamp6) that catches the shape of the continental shelf. Scale with the selector that your beach fits the given space., apply falloff. Then use the 'HeightBias/HeightScale' sliders in the main window to fit everything to your water level.

    Scaling options:
    - Larger continents or islands: Perlin Frequency/ Turbulence sliders
    - Mountain height / beach size: Max7 ScaleBias sliders of the add4.
    - Deeper oceans: Scale the Perlin in the turbulence, and scale and move your mountains in Max7. (You might have to re-fit your beach)

    Attached Files:

  5. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    1. Ice Frontier

    01 PlanetaryBuilding_Ice_2017-07-08_01-50-09.jpg

    03 PlanetaryBuilding_Ice_2017-07-08_01-13-11.jpg

    04 PlanetaryBuilding_Ice_2017-07-08_02-08-47.jpg

    30 PlanetaryBuilding_Ice_2017-07-08_01-17-29.jpg

    40 PlanetaryBuilding_Ice_2017-07-08_01-23-42.jpg

    50 PlanetaryBuilding_Ice_2017-07-08_01-19-24.jpg

    55 PlanetaryBuilding_Ice_2017-07-08_01-20-57.jpg

    70 PlanetaryBuilding_Ice_2017-07-08_12-05-52.jpg

    99 Ice Frontier.jpg

    Terrain features:
    + Glacier plain with crevasses, poked by sharp mountains. Difficult to traverse.
    + Glacier edge: Steep cliffs and deep chasms with hidden water, alternating with hills and iceberg-like blocks.
    + Low plains: Slightly in the mist, easy to travel, close to sea level.
    Sea placed at the poles and unreachable, for now.
    17 modules in the .xml.

    >Download in attachment. Slightly altered Ningues as example playfield.

    ...I really wish I could include an iceberg-dotted sea here, too. But our planets are yet too small for this, and I don't know how CPU-intensive this terrain will be. Maybe as a different planet.

    Attached Files:

  6. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Nice Guys added to my scenario for 7.0
    Needleship likes this.
  7. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    @piddlefoot :
    I'm actually playing your work, so this makes me a happy camper :D
  8. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    neat looking.
  9. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    Those are some cool terrains :)
  10. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    @Requiemfang , @Keith Hovey

    Thanks for the positive feedback! :)


    Cradle of life

    10 PlanetaryBuilding_2017-07-10_03-03-54.jpg

    20 PlanetaryBuilding_A_2017-07-11_22-04-53.jpg
    30 PlanetaryBuilding_A_2017-07-11_21-55-44.jpg

    40 PlanetaryBuilding_2017-07-11_02-12-11.jpg

    50 PlanetaryBuilding_A_2017-07-11_21-04-58.jpg

    60 PlanetaryBuilding_A_2017-07-11_20-45-16.jpg

    70 PlanetaryBuilding_A_2017-07-11_21-27-20.jpg

    80 PlanetaryBuilding_A_2017-07-11_21-30-02.jpg

    99 CradleOfLife.jpg

    Terrain features:
    + Volcanic pools with bacteria
    + Micro meteorite scarred and washed out 'plains', which are extremely hard to traverse
    + Eroded mountains with active volcanoes

    A primordial planet shrouded in an atmosphere that still contains the water for it's yet-to-settle oceans; just about ready to get the Great Game started.
    - The only lifeforms you'll find here are bacteria in the ponds and grass from the chinks of Zirax jackboots.

    This is a terrain in dire need of an SV. The POI spawn all fine.

    Attached Files:

    Ephoie, Ichaft, banksman45 and 5 others like this.
  11. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Cliffs of Akub
    10 PlanetaryBuilding_Dover_2017-07-19_14-34-48.jpg

    20 PlanetaryBuilding_Dover_2017-07-19_15-10-45.jpg

    30 PlanetaryBuilding_Dover_2017-07-19_14-17-06.jpg

    40 PlanetaryBuilding_Dover_2017-07-19_15-13-29.jpg

    50 PlanetaryBuilding_Dover_2017-07-19_15-23-25.jpg

    60 PlanetaryBuilding_Dover_2017-07-19_15-32-12.jpg

    70 PlanetaryBuilding_Dover_2017-07-19_15-04-01.jpg

    99 terrain CliffsOfAkub2.jpg

    Bored with your starter planet being all same-y again?
    Wanna have a little bit of fun? To enjoy nice beach strolls while being hunted by a raptor?
    Then this is for you! - Yes, YOU!

    Terrain features:
    + Oceans- You will need your starter HV.
    + Cliffs alternating with beaches
    + Flat plains
    + High mountains in the centre of the continent

    xml: 16 mods used (plus one unused, but the game seems to ignore these)
    All POIs spawn fine. Had even a drone base in the high mountains.
    Slightly altered playfield is in the zip.

    Note: Info is outdated! Please see first post for the current method

    Create a new savegame.
    (When starting on Akua, land with your escape pod on low ground and loot it.)
    Exit the game session, and...

    >Add the terrain: Drop the '_CliffsOfAkub.xml' into the folder: (steam)/Empyrion – Galactic survival/Content /terrains/xml.
    >Point the savegame to new terrain: Locate your save game's folder '(yourSave)/templates/temperate' and overwrite the playfield.yaml with the one provided here.
    >Reset planetary map & POIs: Locate your savegame's folder '(yourSave)/playfields', find the folder 'Akua' and delete it. (Removes all player built bases and ships, too. If you want to keep your ship, fly to orbit beforehand.)

    ... Reload your save and hope you don't have to swim to the shore ;) )

    - Scratching at the edge of the terrain level of detail here. I'm not too happy with it.
    The cliffs have some glaring pop up, especially at noon. The shadows get applied a little bit too harshly. Could turn up Selector4's edge falloff to soften this, but then your cliffs are mostly gone...

    Edit: 07.01.'18: Changed warning of outdated method

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
  12. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    The Oven


    20 _PlanetaryBuilding_Lava_2017-07-22_15-43-08.jpg





    99 The Oven.jpg

    A freshly formed planet, even younger than the Cradle.
    Continents get churned by the intense heat.

    Terrain features:
    + Lava flows with bubbles, holes and some big chunks of rock floating above
    + Half-solid continents drifting on tectonic plates with cooled lava fields and peaking mountains
    + Meteorite impact 'craters', mostly hidden by fluid

    35 mods & one unused (Abs11).
    POI spawn fine.

    ...Wasn't sure how much features I can stack here. My poor laptop behaves as if it is right at home on this planet. But loading time suggest this is still a kind of 'slim' design; don't know yet how much effect the atmospheric scattering has on gpu heat.

    Note: Info is outdated! Please see first post for the current method

    Really not recommended as a starter planet. ;) Use Aestus instead.

    Create a new savegame. Then exit the game session, and...

    Add the terrain:
    Drop the '_TheOven.xml' into the folder: (steam)/Empyrion – Galactic survival/Content /terrains/xml.

    Choose a planet to overwrite. Example: Aestus
    >Point the savegame to new terrain: Create a folder in your save game: '(yourSave)/templates/Lava' and and drop the playfield.yaml there. If you have this folder already in your save game, overwrite the playfield.yaml there.

    (You could also edit the sectors.yaml file of your savegame to add another planet, but that is too complicated to explain here)

    Reset planetary map & POIs: Locate your savegame's folder '(yourSave)/playfields', find the folder 'Aestus' and delete it. You'll lose all bases and ships on that planet, so be careful.

    Based on Aestus.
    Slightly modified playfield in the .zip. (Height adjustment, removed out of place standing rocks.)

    Edit: 07.01.'18: Inserted warning of outdated method

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
    Quarior, Ephoie, wildboy and 8 others like this.
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Im loving this thread guys, added pretty much all of these to the scenario for 7.0, some very cool new base terrains coming out of here, keep em coming, and if anyone wants to attempt it, I have tried and tried and cant get it to work without an error, a landscape that's dead flat with just one very unique mountain in the middle of the map, surrounded by a level of flat ground then a drop into water, which needs to surround the mountain Island. No other Islands at all.

    Or a map with caves ! Though that might not be possible without the devs adding some hard coded code for it.
    banksman45 likes this.
  14. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Great work guys....

    Shame we still can't use these in servers......
    martian101 and Keith Hovey like this.
  15. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Hi all!


    @Kaeser :
    .... yet.



    The game uses a terrain height map. Caves need major changes to the code...

    You'll have to use a fixed seed for the playfield, maybe '0', since that's the default one of creative mode- good for testing.
    Most of the problem is to tinker until you get only one peak. The view that you have in the terrain generator 3D window does NOT show the actual planet. It just gives you a hint about pattern distribution. Rule of thumb: Half of the main view is equal to the planet surface.

    - Create a basic pattern (voronoi, perlin...) and build your desired feature out of that. Then scale to the correct size in TG.
    - Check which of the 99 possible pattern seeds available is the one you seek.

    So load save game, check map, exit session, delete folder with map data (omicron: (YourSavegame)/playfields/omicron)
    Then try another seed in the editor for the basic pattern you are using as your continent/island (voronoi/perlin...), load up save, check map, exit session, delete folder, rinse and repeat...

    I did this for the Sekmet moon, to check if enough of the big craters show up.

    To prevent error/crashes:
    Clamp: Up bound not lower than -0.99
    The black line is the lowest possible level. The highest level is somewhere hidden in the red parts that follow white. Undercutting /overdoing this will result in map height errors.

    Slow computing version, but better to control:
    Voronoi1 (really low freq, Disp has to be zero) >Clamp2>ScaleBias3>invert4>Terrace5>Turbulence6 (>Exponent maybe? Don't know, how you want your mountain)
    This can get very slow if you build lots of features on this base.

    Or, a faster version, but probably multiple peaks:
    Const0, Perlin1 or Billow1 (really low freq, )>ScaleBias2>Clamp3
    Max4(Clamp3 / Const0 or Clamp3 / Perlin1 or Billow1)
    With Clamp & Max you can get your beach, if you scale in Max the island/continent through it's own base.

    See examples.

    Attached Files:

    martian101 and piddlefoot like this.
  16. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    1. Lil' stove (Moon)
    Edit: Improved version of Stove >Page 3

    The last planet was lacking it's companion. So here it is.



    - It's always faster to modify an existing design.

    30 _POI_test_2017-07-23_13-00-55.jpg
    Flat as a stove plate. There's nothing down here. Please move along.

    40 _POI_test_2017-07-23_12-57-22.jpg
    ----- Plan ----
    Step1 : Build station on thin lava crust

    Step2 : ?????

    Step 3 : Profit!

    This terrain is just intended as some orbit decoration...
    - Until someone manages to make some crystals spawn here? Collecting those things in 200°C ambient temperature would surely be fun! ;)

    Terrain features:
    + Lava flows with bubbles.
    + Young, round impact craters
    + Old craters deformed by currents
    + Splattered micro craters

    31 mods +1 (Abs11 unused)
    I changed the internal seeds of the terrain pattern generators, so trenches and craters on planet and moon will appear differently.
    This is a heavy weight in computation time. Your map buildup could lag.

    At the shown lava level, POIs spawn rarely, if at all. No ores spawn.

    2. Sun experiment

    50 _PlanetaryBuilding_Lava_2017-07-23_05-35-53.jpg

    60 _PlanetaryBuilding_Lava_2017-07-23_05-40-07.jpg

    80 _PlanetaryBuilding_Lava_2017-07-23_05-39-39.jpg
    No emissive textures for the playfield map :(

    15 mods+1 (Abs11 unused)
    Tried to experiment with it, but the results are somewhat disappointing.
    Still, it's also in the zip.

    Edit: 07.01.'18: Inserted warning of outdated method

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
    Quarior, Sofianinho, zztong and 4 others like this.
  17. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Well you have a much better understanding of it than me, thanks for the tips champ.
  18. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    *I really should work on my on my job applications. Instead I'm doing this. - Procrastination, ftw. :cool:

    Also: Hi @piddlefoot.

    Hermit's kingdom

    An isolated spot to put down your alien palaces or temples.

    10 AkuaHermitTest_2017-07-24_17-34-13.jpg


    30 AkuaHermitTest_2017-07-24_17-34-32.jpg

    40 AkuaHermitTest_2017-07-24_17-41-52.jpg

    50 AkuaHermitTest_2017-07-24_17-37-27.jpg

    60 AkuaHermitTest_2017-07-24_17-48-53.jpg

    Doesn't look as much, but there was quite some tinkering involved for this to happen.

    Terrain features:
    + Only one island on the whole planet (If playfield seed is zero, or 123456)
    + low, mostly flat island base as CV 'parking lot'
    + high-peaked mountain with flat top
    + Reef around most of the island

    14 mods.

    At least one POI could spawn down on the island base. About 2-3 resource nodes pop up, and some few mobs spawn, too.

    If the Akua playfield is used, for seed 0 you'll have to swim about 5 minutes to reach the island, where you'll find everything you need to get to space- But no seaweed or Pentaxid crystals. You'll have to tweak the playfield for that, or be really resource efficient.

    Since this depends on fixed planetary seed, you might want to change some stuff.
    Turbulence 4: Sliders for overall island shape
    Max6, upper sliders: Control the height of the central mountain
    Min5, upper sliders: Control height of island base level.
    Perlin13: Base level hill shapes
    Ridged12: Base level and reef depressions
    Selector10: Lower right vertical sliders, and horizontal sliders: Reef width; lower left vertical sliders: Reef height.

    Stack end: Clamp7. Activate this before saving.
    (Playfield.yaml - -seed: 0 (zero), or 123456. Others might work, too, but you must find them first.
    Creative uses seed 0 as a standard.)

    ! Please leave the sliders from Clamp7 alone. It's your only safeguard against map errors due to excessive terrain height. If you want the highest peak not to be flat, move the whole mountain a little bit down with Max6.

    Random seed warning: Due to the rarity of the terrain features you may end up with more islands, or none at all.

    Note: Part of this info is outdated. Please check the first post on this thread.
    Create a new savegame. (When starting on Akua, land with your escape pod on low ground and loot it.) Exit the game session, and...
    >Add the terrain: Drop the '_HermitKingdom.xml' into the folder: (steam)/Empyrion – Galactic survival/Content /terrains/xml.
    >Point the savegame to new terrain: Locate your save game's folder '(yourSave)/templates/temperate' and overwrite the playfield.yaml with the one provided here.
    >Reset planetary map & POIs: Locate your savegame's folder '(yourSave)/playfields', find the folder 'Akua' and delete it.
    ... Reload your save and swim to the island. Will take about 5 minutes, with sprint/jump-combo.)

    The zip contains the terrain, playfield and development steps, in case you want to build your own version.

    Edit: 07.01.'18: Inserted warning of outdated method

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
    Quarior, Ephoie, banksman45 and 7 others like this.
  19. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    /deserves a STICKY
  20. Agent0024

    Agent0024 Commander

    Jun 4, 2016
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    Thes are fantastic! I hope those cliffs find their way into 7.0!! Keep up the great work!!
    Ephoie likes this.

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