Fixed Enemies shoot through textures (stones, water) [7677]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by bbk.3164, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Multyplayer
    Repeatability - always
    v.1.2.2 3135
    SERVER NAME: Eleon Studios - Official Server|Vanilla|Default MP Scenario

    When my base was attacked - I was forced to hide IN THE WATER, but the drones continued to shoot at me even when I was UNDER WATER!

    Then - on land - I hid behind a stone, but the soldiers and drones (they were all on the other side of the stone) continued to shoot at me and inflict damage (!!!)

    ....... And also - ACID RAIN does damage to me - even when standing under solar panels (!)

    20201023232007_1.jpg 11.jpg 20201023234934_1.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
    Germanicus and Cluascorp like this.
  2. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    not sure what's up with the shooting; but I experienced simular things;

    was hiding for drones, they were able to shoot through the damaged POI we was hiding in, and also could shoot through rocks.
    my buddy who played it for first time; "this is some bullshit" kind of had to agree :p

    this was on a MP server with low ping btw.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2020
    Germanicus and Spoon like this.
  3. Drop Bear

    Drop Bear Ensign

    Oct 28, 2020
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    I have noticed a similar issue with drones. My team mate and I have a tactic for base attacks where we tunnel under POIs to avoid the big turrets. Drones will shoot at us through the ground. The shots don't seem to hit us, but we can see them whizzing past.
    I have also noticed as the OP mentioned, that you cannot hide behind rock structures from AI fire. Base turrets, drones and AI soldiers can shoot right through rock structures and kill me. However, they cannot shoot through destroyed drones, so I tend to use them as cover now.
    cmguardia likes this.
  4. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    It can be observed in SP that on some occasions the shots go through walls, blocks and stones. I never take damage that way but the shot can see. I didn't see gunshots underground.
    But they can't track or point behind anything anyway, they can't see. But when they attack a CV or a base the shots penetrate without damaging the character.

    Se puede observar en SP que en algunas ocaciones los disparos atraviesan paredes, bloques y piedras. Nunca recibo daño de esa manera pero el disparo de puede ver. No vi disparos bajo tierra.
    Pero de todos modos no pueden rastrear ni apuntar detras de nada, no pueden ver. Pero cuando atacan un CV o una base los disparos penetran sin hacer daño al personaje.
  5. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    First of all, sorry if this topic has been discussed already, I am new here, but I am sure that this has been asked before, because it is very evident, and annoying.

    I have more than 160 hours played now, and I have approached several Drone Bases POIs. In all these, I find that the best approach is going through a tunnel and blown away the shield with explosives from under the POI, correct me if I am wrong, but this is a strategy that I follow with success after trying several other different approaches that gave me worst results.

    The case is that, in all cases, the POI defenses are shooting me through the terrain, even when I am out of its sight and would be impossible. How is happening this? Does not the game calculates a ray cast to our avatar having into account the possible obstacles as terrain, rocks and so on? I think that something rare happens with the deformable terrain, to be more specific. Seems as if the POI can see trough the ground.

    I do not know if this was happening only to me, or if it is a bug or design decision affecting all of us. Anyway I have found this being annoying, if the approach of wining against a Drones Base by going under, and using explosives, was a game design decision, I do not understand why this would be difficulted having the POI seeing through. Is this a bug? Is happening to you too? Would be possible to change / fix it?

    Thanks to all. Anyway, I love the construction and survival tone of the game, and it is absorbing me too much, in a good way, I mean.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I did another play through, with a friend, different server. Again we both got shot and were taking damage(!!), right through rocks and trees that clearly should have provided cover. big issues. I played before, this is a new thing. and its absolutely game breaking.
    urge you guys to see again if you can do something about it.
    bbk.3164 likes this.
  7. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    tried another server.. guess what.. we got shot again through rocks.

    I am able to reproduce this bug on 3 different servers... it's not that hard.
  8. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    It is happening to me in single player, so I think it is not dependent on server configuration or its problems. To reproduce it: Simply dig a tunnel starting near a Drone Base, and approach the base through the tunnel. Yes, it is so easy, and happens always. I do not know about rocks or trees, but it is easy to check this from underground.
    Pear78 likes this.
  9. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Here it turns out STRANGE - I already shot on VIDEO - how the projectile flies through the stone at me, and made a SCREEN with the video - that EXACTLY CAPTURE THIS MOMENT .... and the developers say == >> "
    CURRENTLY not reproducible
    " ..... . you guys are strange (!)
    Spoon and Pear78 like this.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    As this problem does not happen to all Players, the Devs have to find a way to reproduce the issue to be able to fix it. IF it is a problem of the Game itself at all and not a performance issue of the local systems (which happens to be quite frequently the cause).

    I am talking here out of experience. I had until August 2020 a 8 year old Gaming Laptop which performed rather well but struggled with better graphic settings because of its Age and level of Development. Settings had been on FAST Preset and 30-40 FPS max.
    I now run the game on my PC with a newer CPU and a new Graphic Card. All Settings are on MAX and FPS is up to 180.

    I don't get shot through walls or Surface Rocks. (but I still cant crouch either)
  11. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    I have a computer capable or reach more than 120 FPS on the latest Doom, with all at higher settings, at 1920 x 1280. While I understand that not all games are made the same, and that specific technnics and requirements would be affecting this, I do not think that Empyrion being executed on a computer with this hardware...:

    Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor (8M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz)
    Avexir Tesla Raiden RED ROG-Certified 16 Gbytes (x2 8 Gb modules)
    MSI Gaming X GEFORCE 1080
    x3 HyperX SAVAGE 480 GBytes SSDs

    ... should to have any technical restriction producing game play inconsistencies. I am not referring me to being shoot through rocks or trees, I am talking about being shoot through the ground, that even is more 'offensive' if you ask me.

    Computers below specs, should produce slowness and minor frame rates, no game play inconsistencies. But hey, it is my opinion here, I do not know the simulation loop that Empyrion uses, nor I am an expert games programer.

    Anyway it is evident that this needs a deep review / check, because in many cases is game breaking.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2020
    Pear78 likes this.
  12. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    doesnt matter what the reason is really. a lot of people experience this, it's game breaking, its an old bug, it just needs fixing. I can hardly imagine it has to do with the system requirements.. but if it does.. just set those a bit higher would be a "fix" already ;)

    if you follow the story line you will get shot through stones within an hour of starting to play.. even 'led there' by the game.
    so it feels you can't avoid the drones in that trap mission.. and you cant avoid getting shot hiding behind a rock..
    (that mission is a 'level design' I dont get either, because basically death is inevitable and the game has survival in it's name)

    before I start listing all the things.. imo this issue should be fixed with a high priority.
    cmguardia, Khaleg and Germanicus like this.
  13. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    The only issue I can force to trigger here is being shot at through terrain deco (rocks & trees) by turrets which will be looked into.
    I cannot trigger drones firing underwater at my character.
    Pear78, Khaleg and Germanicus like this.
  14. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    Thanks a lot for looking into.
    Germanicus likes this.
  15. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    pls take a look at the first missions after crashing down, after a few easy ones the trap mission at the polaris teleporter spawns in drones that up to this point have been able to shoot me through rocks and trees on 3 different MP servers. if you cannot trigger this locally I suggest hopping on a random multiplayer server.

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