Experimental v1.5 released!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pantera, May 19, 2021.

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  1. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists!

    Welcome to version 1.5 Experimental phase! As we detailed in the announcement and the blog posts, this is a code-heavy release, but it has a lot of nice additions to offer for builders, explorers, mission runners and beyond. Check out the version 1.5 Dev Blogs over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/news-announcements.6/


    Without further ado, please carefully read through the changelog below.

    More info and specifically set up feedback threads can be found stickied in the EXP feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/experimental-features-discussion.35/

    As always please note:
    Report bugs and issues right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.34/
    Fixed bugs for the Experimental branch can be found here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/tracking-filed.91/
    Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

    For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the Experimental Feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/experimental-features-discussion.35/

    Have fun testing! :)
    Empyrion Dev Team.

    Mandatory maintenance: Due to changes in the game configs (additions, changes,..) everyone using CUSTOM config files (locally or for published scenarios) needs to update their custom files to these changes!

    IMPORTANT: Scenario/local versions of ItemsConfig.ecf require at least the settings of the following entry to be added, otherwise scenarios might not start: “+Item Id: 549, Name: MeleeHunter”

    Change log:



    Patch: 2021-06-07 v1.5 (Build 3376)

    - DialogueSystem: added workaround for strange compiler errors in some use cases
    - Added Color Tool (old) and Texture Tool (old) to be usable in Creative mode only

    - 07982: Exception when killing a telluropod NPC


    Patch: 2021-06-04 v1.5 (Build 3375)


    - Updated: Added story POI to swamp starter planet
    - Changed: removed some loading screens & adjusted texts
    - Changed: Ilmarinen > swapped infected Zirax for infected Alien soldiers
    - Changed: Tutorial scenario (standalone) now using fixed position escape pod

    - Exception spam when shooting a troop transport
    - Fixed: action 'Leave system' did not work in 'Wins and Losses' mission
    - The projectile the 'Otyugh' fires is invisible
    - Fixed: Sanctuary not set to Polaris on Arid and Snow starter (Known Issue: Swamp starter not offering all story POI yet)
    - Fixed: Ilmarinen > sentry on lvl7 not destroyable
    - Fixed: Ilmarinen (Ancient Revelations) > 'Find Warp Control Room' triggered too early
    - Fixed: Tutorial scenario (standalone) > removed references to opening escape pod


    Patch: 2021-06-02 v1.5 (Build 3373)

    - Added 'DropOnDeath' property to BlocksConfig.ecf, ItemsConfig.ecf and TokenConfig.ecf. If set to 'False' then this item is not dropped on player death. Use for important story items that players shall not lose on death. Default is set to 'True'.
    - small improvements to fullscreen loading pics: removed default background pic between two pictures and interpreting "\n" as newline char
    - Added new loading screenshots (removed old ones) + added new loading screenshot texts
    - Added: new model for Color Texture Tool
    - Updated: Loading screen descriptions
    - Dialogue System: Added 'OpenDevicePos' to get the block position (inside the structure) of the device whose window is currently open
    - Added: Farr Archive added to Farr Homeworld (set near Temple/CrashSite; unique; thx to sulusdacor); PLEASE check FPS at that area!
    - Added: GAL subfaction OPVs and BAOs (Warlord; thx to sulusdacor)
    - Added: Eagle Claw Outpost ( space dock, Warlord, Thx to Tim88 & Escarli)
    - Added: Tresari orbital defense (thx to Escarli)
    - Added: ARC Splinter & Planetary defense towers ( Warlord, thx to HeckenDiver)
    - Added Stock Blueprint: T2 Rocket Tank (L10) (Thx to sulusdacor)
    - Updated: Quin Merac and Deadmaw (Pirates OPV, thx to suluscador & ravien_ff)
    - Updated: Xenu Fortress P1 now has signal logic for destroying the admin core (thx to Escarli)
    - Updated: Kriel Subjugator OPV (thx to Escarli)
    - Updated Stock Blueprints: Blue Dart, HV Tier 1a, HV Tier 6c, KVE Aetheria LTS, Polaris Scout, SV Tier 3a, SV Tier 5 (thx to sulusdacor)
    - Changed: SV Prefab T5c renamed Manta Dropship
    - Changed: SV Prefab T6 renamed to Revolution Overture One
    - Changed: HV Tier 3 renamed to Walker
    - Changed: HV Prefab T1a renamed to Blue Mist
    - Changed: HV Prefab 6 renamed to Boxer Tank
    - Changed: HV Prefab 6b renamed to UCH Sentinel
    - Changed: HV Prefab 6c renamed to Desert Cat
    - Changed: (Crashed Birds) reduced detection trigger distance for commander Carver to not get triggered too early (and the marker vanishing)
    - Updated: Added info about new parameter 'DropOnDeath' to BlocksConfig, ItemsConfig and TokenConfig
    - Changed: Removed Minigun/Rocket drones and Raptors from standalone Tutorial scenario
    - Changed: Sanctuary (Starter Planet) > swapped TraderPaxPurgatory to Bertrams (+Flamethrower fuel)
    - Changed: Trading station (Starter System), Inferno Club & TOP Distillery changed to Colonists faction.
    - Changed: Escape alternatives in UCH Heidelberg updated
    - Changed: Blocked 2nd route on Ilmarien Level 7

    - Fix for an issue found with AI becoming ‘Frozen’
    - (Ancient Revelation) exit could be triggered too early on the Maintenance Deck.
    - Teleporting to certain systems leads to CoQ
    - example files for SolarSstemConfig_Defines missing
    - Activating godmode in some in situations can reposition the player underground
    - Player avatar becomes invisible when dialogue pops up while player is in 3rd person
    - Picking up quest items sometimes does not complete related PDA tasks. PLZ retest the following: Getting the Technical Artifact (Crashed Birds > Burial Chamber), Buying a beer (TOP > Orbital Trade Station); retrieving Technical Artifact (Unexpected Allies > Excavation Site)
    - Small Vessel Tutorial did not trigger on approach (after playing 'Crashed Birds')
    - Open Wound affliction description changed from Antibiotic Ointment to AntibioticPills
    - Colliding with a surface in zero-g causes the player to orient incorrectly
    - PDA exception when warping into a mission playfield
    - Prevent any button (except ESC) to close Dialogues
    - Damaged Hover Vessel tutorial activated unintentionally
    - Removed unnecessary entries in Tales of the Past (yellow error messages in console. Please RETEST with fresh savegame!)


    Change log:

    Patch: 2021-05-26 v1.5 (Build 3366)

    - NOTE: all changes made related to playfields, POI and missions require to start a new savegame as active savegames are not updated!
    - Added: Example files on how to use SolarSystemConfig_Defines (check folder ...\Content\RandomPresets )
    - Changed: (Starter Temperate) Heavy and rocket drones shall not appear around the Heidelberg wreckage anymore
    - Changed: (Starter Temperate) Increased safety zone around Damaged Com Stationa a bit more (Alien Insect spawns pushed a bit further away)
    - Changed: (Starter Temperate) Sanctuary is now Polaris property
    - Changed: (Crashed Birds) IDA and Kezzel will now remind you to bring the Space Anomalies report with you when entering the Sanctuary. (Otherwise Kezzel will not respond to you)
    - Changed: Set AlienBug01V2 (Alien Insect) to Predator faction
    - Changed: Drones in Ilmarinen Orbit now set to Pirates (chance to not get attacked when stranding is still ok)
    - Changed: Added additional color highlight to the Dialogue at the end of Robinson Protocol II to better indicate where the story continues/starts with Tales of the Past after the RP has finished.
    - Changed: (A Glacial Grave) Increased trigger display range on Radar Station for Core Room and 2nd Teleporter Room to avoid confusion on where to the mission continues.
    - Changed: (Crashed Birds) Swapped large spiders in Burial Chamber with smaller ones.
    - Changed: (UCH Heidelber) Added destroyable walls and jump platforms for rooms you cannot get out without jetpack
    - Changed: Removed "PlantHarvest" and "PlantDestroy" from Talon reputation matrix (relates to terrain-deco, not to plants picked in their villages!)
    - Changed: Added 'Prelude' story mission chapter for manual activating the story after rejecting Robinson Protocol.
    - Changed: (Tales of the Past) Removed trapdoor hatch on Ancient Tower to allow re-entering the tower when dying inside. (Exit was blocked before)
    - Small optimization for the wipeinfo file: now the entities are read only if a wipeinfo file is present (please retest quickly if wipe still works)
    - Added better error message when there is an entity named wrong in EGroupsConfig.ecf
    - PDA - for mission creators: when in Logistics window the fuel or O2 tank is opened in the right grid the PDA can check for WindowOpened, use name as in Logistics window's dropdown (e.g. "[Fuel]")

    - GameAnalytics validation fail with custom scenario
    - Fixed PDA ChapterComplete GameAnalytics event
    - 07924: Unban issue with short session monitoring
    - Fixed: When rejecting the Robinson Protocol a marker was placed that did not vanish.
    - Fixed: (Starter Temperate) Talon/Troopers in some starter POI were set to a too high level for the temperate starter planet
    - Fixed (Starter Temperate) warning sign in sanctuary was active although alert was not triggered
    - Fixed: (Robinson Protocol I) Apollon log were not made visible in Journeybook (F1)
    - Fixed: (Tales of the Past) medical ingredients were given twice
    - Fixed text issues on mission and tutorial dialogues
    - Fixed: (Uncertain Outcomes) debriefing set player to Trading Station instead of Waystation
    - Fixed: (Crashed Birds) Burial chamber wooden door not breakable
    - Fixed an exploit with traders
    - SpaceMap: fixed ring around planet being too dark
    - SpaceMap: fixed problem that icon of structures disappeared when you approached a POI and then it got DSL'ed after travelling away from it again
    - 07927: Sector info class data is corrupted
    - 07919: Drones are missing their destroyed state

    - https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full


    Hotfix: 2021-05-21 v1.5 (Build 3362)

    - Fixed 07904: Auto grouping devices turns on AI in creative mode
    - 07913: Trade station console missing graphics
    - Fix for "EngineSS01" PF log exception <- Please make sure sure to update your dedi servers to fix this


    v1.5 (Build 3360)

    AI Changes:

    - Updated: Temperate Starter now uses new AI for Raptors, Alien Insect and Parasaur + new behavior for alien creatures in radiated & radiated fog biomes.

    New start:

    The following currently only relates to Temperate Starter.
    - Escape Pod now lands automatically (You can still look around)
    - Items and devices removed from Escape Pod and Player inventory; Survival Tool and Flashlight are dropped around the Escape Pod.
    - Added (skippable) tutorial mission (Robinson Protocol I + II) auto-activating on game start, helping new players to learn basic survival and building mechanics

    Global Changes on game start and related settings:
    - Escape Pod can be set to land automatically in the playfield_static.yaml (FixedPlayerStart section); Uses new particle and impact effects as well.
    - Items can be set to be dropped around the Escape Pod in the playfield_static.yaml (FixedPlayerStart section)
    - Removed player ability to sleep in the Escape Pod
    - Survival Tent (and all beds) can now be used for sleeping at any time of the day
    - Survival Tool now automatically picks up mined ores to the player inventory
    - Survival Tool Resources mode can harvest plants and trees for fiber and wood logs (before this function was tied to Defense mode)

    Weapon Reworks:
    - New models for Pistol, Assault Rifle & Shotgun

    PDA Additions:
    - PDA: Added optional and ordered Actions
    - PDA: removed "Cannot activate chapter because..." message for not activatable chapters with chapter activation set up
    - Added PDA playfield op "StructPower"
    - PDA UI: Improved ordered action text by showing the ">" char next to the checkbox (not fixed on left side as before)
    - PDA clr <chapter-num> now also removes chapter from rewarded chapters

    - Added: Brotherhood of Farr faction, POIs and vessels (initial integration. More tbd; thx to a LOT of builders + spanj!)
    - Added: Farr Homeworld
    - Added: Interest planets: Arid/Desert are MAIN interest worlds (large settlements/presence); Temperate/TemperatePlateau/TemperateSwamp/Barren nare SECONDARY interest worlds (lower presence)
    - Changed: reconfigured naming of internal folders of npc faction homeworlds and related playfields
    - Updated playfield example files with info about new parameter 'FactionTerritory'
    - Added 'FactionTerritory' (list of strings) to playfield.yaml and space_dynamic.yaml to allow specifying a list of faction territories a POI can spawn in.
    - Changed: Legacy laser turrets changed to proper green variant (TurretAlien)
    - Added new turret color and projectile variants for NPC factions diversification.
    - Added Posters now available at the GIN Store (Available at each GIN console in trading stations and alike)

    - Story: Updated Tales of the Past (new tasks/locations/dialogues)
    - Story: Updated Crashed Birds (formerly Human Remains) with new story elements, directions and tasks
    - Story: Updated Totally Overpowered (changed mission start)
    - Story: Updated A Glacial Grave (formerly Offworld Grave) with certain details and bugfixes
    - Story: Updated Ancient Revelations (added proper guiding to mission; updated POI to make it easier to navigate; nerved the enemy count a bit)
    - Story: Updated Uncertain Outcomes (smaller task flow changes)
    - Story missions are now spread over the starter system.
    - Story: Updated story chapters 1-6 PDA (F1) detail info with info on how to proceed (clarified/updated info given)
    - Changed: Sigma Fulcrum approach dialogue now points towards speaking to traders instead of barkeepers (only speaking to traders will advance the search for Yarod)
    - Sigma Fulcrum (mission) station is now civilian and all NPC with a gun will now shoot at you (easier to identify the threats + accidentally shooting other NPC does not lead to the station turning against you anymore)
    - Sigma Fulcrum (station) now has a GIN console. Being neutral ground there is now a way to turn in credibility seals at any time at the SF station.
    - Updated Story POI: Ilmarinen, Sigma Fulcrum (thx to ravien & escarli)
    - Updated: Updated Story POI on Arid and Snow starter. PLEASE retest story chapter 1+2 on those starters (Robinson Protocol will not work there)

    - Added Farr: Temple Prime and Farr Crash Site to Farr Homeworld (unique POIs; thx to spanj & Co)
    - Added Satellites: Deep Space Telescope, NavSat17 (thx to don2k7, -AKEVA-BANSHEE-)
    - Added UCH Trading Station , Protea Station (thx to don2k7, -AKEVA-BANSHEE-)
    - Added new Tribal Defense Tower for Talon (thx to vermillion; added around Tribal Ziggurat)
    - Added Colonist OPV '[JLN] MAC Cargo' (thx to RtBucco)
    - Updated: Tribal Ziggurat (Talon), Xenu Spaceports (Starter and normal version), Theta Labs (adjusted starter version); thx to vermillion
    - Added: Colonist Trading Station (thx to JupiterVesselCorp)
    - Updated: Abandoned Bunker (vermillion), FarrHQ (spanj)
    - Updated Solar Plant (Pirates; thx to suluscacor)
    - Added: Com, Exploration & Spy Satellites (Mechastophiles/Germanicus/Arthmoor)
    - Added Colonists: Legionaire (RtBucco), Polar Outpost & Procyon Lab (-AKEVA-BANSHEE-)
    - Added UCH: Trading station (-AKEVA-BANSHEE-)
    - Added Pirates: Satellite Uplink stations & Water Purification Plant (oldladysheck; updated by sulusdacor)
    - Change: Trading Stations (planet and space) are set to regenerate (for MP; no effect in SP default)
    - Added: TESCH Tracker (OPV) and Pentaxid Defense (BAO) ; thx to Escarli
    - Added Tugboats to Junkard AsteroidFields (thx to Robot Shark & others)
    - Added more OPV & POIs to Brotherhood of Farr + some updates (thx to spanj & others)
    - Added Tresari orbital defense and Skaar ground defense (both Warlord faction; thx to Escarli)
    - Updated Abandoned Dojo (thx to vermillion), Croesus HQ (thx to Kaeser & ravien)
    - Added: Brotherhood of Farr > Drone Base, Castle of Farr, updated Bank of Farr; thx to Don2k7, Semp_, goldwingknight)
    - Added: Pirates > Orbital Bar & Base Type 101 (thx to sulusdacor)
    - Added: Various com/mil/science satellites (thx to DarkestWarrior, Don2k7, stubert812)
    - Added: UCH > Jensons Hope (thx to -AKEVA-BANSHEE-)
    - Added Warlord OPV: Hoplite, Kasagi, Tianlong
    - Added Abyssal POI: Resource Nexus, Floating Defense T3
    - Added Pirates POI: Hyper City, Solar Plant
    - Added Tesch OPV/POI: Defense T1, Utility S6
    - Thanks to contributors: HeckenDiver, 鯨鯨鯨, styLmntz, TiwBras, Fractalite, sulusdacor, Escarli
    - Added: SandCrawler base (Pirates), thx to theScriptHD
    - Added: Magpie (OPVWarlord > Helios Foundation [HF]), thx to Kithid (modified by Escarli)
    - Added TESCH faction OPVs: Formatter (Battleship) and Resetter (Dreadnought), thx to Escarli
    - Added: OPV Rutile (Warlord faction) thx to Finsterwolf, modified by Escarli
    - Added: OPV Advanced Vector (Tesch faction) thx to Escarli
    - Updated/added: Epsilon Hangar, Serdu Defense I-III (thx to vermillion)
    - Updated: Kriel Subjugator (thx to Siege Inc.)
    - Added/updated Legacy OPVS: Decimator, Devastator, Eradicator (thx to vermillion)
    - Added new TESCH OPV: Spike (thx to Escarli)
    - Added new Warlord OPV: Eternal Torment (Tresari faction; thx to Escarli)
    - Added: AbandonedDojo (BA)
    - Added: Kriel Nexus (BAO)
    - Added: New set of Epsilon T0 POIs (BA)
    - Added OPVs: Val'ruun Courser (Pirates), Skaar-Scimitar (Warlord), Skaar-Makar (Warlord), Outrunner (Warlord; original creator: Vreenak), Valiant (Warlord; original creator: Dadrick), Dreadmaw (Pirates; original creator: Triconflict)
    - Updated Small Settlement (Talon) with new Player POI Spawner
    - Thx to all creators & contributors: filbertfarmer, theScriptHD, Fractalite, Escarli, sulusdacor
    - Updated: POI group updates on Test Scenario.
    - Updated Warlord, Tesch and Pirate faction OPVs
    - Fixed several Pirate OPVs (thx to sulusdacor)
    - Fixes on BP prefabs DD Lokrum and Velebit Luxuries bases
    - Upd: Removed Abyssal Small Science vessel from spawngroups for now.

    Models & Devices:
    - Added separate glass material copies for use with heavy windows - assigned them to the heavy windows. Changed the Inv/inside window tint opacity to make sure it's more transparent.- Added: Talon charged laser crossbow
    - Added Non-device Player Spawner for BA-POIs (has no model so it can be fit wherever you want; Preview mode like for NPC Spawner)
    - Added: Heavy Windows (patterned); No preview-icons yet. PLEASE TEST for symmetry, painting etc.
    - Added: Toilet (modern) available from deco furnishings group (no preview icon yet)
    - Shield can now be active again when warping
    - Changed: reduced range of handheld detector to 650m/1250m (planet/space)

    Invader vs Defender update:
    - Merged Dialogues.ecf & Dialogues.csv with Default SinglePlayer
    - Merged TokenConfig.ecf with Default SinglePlayer
    - Merged TraderNPCConfig.ecf with Default SinglePlayer
    - Add RepMatrix to DefRepuration.ecf
    - Removed Default PDA Pictures as they are read from Default Content Directory
    - Set Sun to SunRandom in Sectors.yaml
    - Update PDA > Add new Empyrionpedia Entries about the Game
    - Updated Many Space Playfields to new AI Vessel & Drone Config
    - Reworked BlackHole from FixedGen to RandomGen
    - Added ErestrumResource to Terrain.ecf on Alpol
    - Reworked Alpol from FixedGeneration to RandomGenenration
    - Reworked AtlonSector from FixedGen to RandomGen
    - Removed GrassGreen02D from Playfields due to Grass v2
    - Add Containers.ecf
    - Add CredibilitySeals as very Low Drop to some NPCs due to not haveing Default SinglePlayer Missions

    - SinglePlayer mode: protect player while a dialog window is open by deactivating/pausing the following game mechanics:
    - player status drop (food, health, etc.)
    - environmental hazards (effect of temperature, radiation)
    - timed affliction (buff) progress
    - AI (NPCs/creatures/turrets don't attack)
    - Added: BlocksConfig/Dialogues documentation about using Skills in dialogues and in conjunction with modifying available block/device parameters
    - Added: BlocksConfig parameters > Added info about 'ExecuteOnActivate: YourDialogState' and 'ExecuteOnCollide: YourDialogState' to head area of blocksconfig.ecf
    - Added: Dialogue function > Added info about new function 'CallLater(Seconds,FunctionName)' to head area of dialogues-config-and-examples.txt
    - Dialogue System: Added 'OpenDevice' to easily access the device whose window is currently open
    - Dialogue System: Added IModApi's IApplication, use Application.xyz to use its functionality

    Console & Configs:
    - Add property 'RepairToTemplate' to BlocksConfig.ecf to allow excluding (rare or special) blocks from repairing to template to avoid exploits.
    - Updated StatusEffects.ecf with new parameter 'NextIsWorse' for status effects that get worse (indicate a direction)
    - Added file name to error message if space dynamic yaml has syntax errors.
    - Console command 'destroy': added '-dead' as 2nd parameter to show death model, if not specified the entity will get removed immediately
    - Added possibility to load a playfield from a scenario using console command "lpf <template name> -scenario '<scenario name>'".
    - Updated BlocksConfig.ecf and ItemsConfig.ecf inline docu about new parameter 'ShieldMultiplier' and weapons damage in general
    - Added server-side anti-cheat feature "short session monitoring" - this is configurable in dedicated.yaml under "ServerConfig":
        ShortSessionMinutes: 0 #how many minutes of a client play session are regarded as "short session" (0 = disable short session feature completely)
        ShortSessionCountToLog: 0 #after how many consecutive short sessions write a warning line in server log (0 = disable log feature)
        ShortSessionCountToBan: 0 #after how many consecutive short sessions ban the player (0 = disable ban feature)

    Solar System and Playfields:
    - Playfield.yaml: added property AllowSavingBlueprints (default True) to disallow saving of BPs in playfields (f.e. in PvP playfields)
    - SolarSystemGen: added possibility to have solar systems with two stars (2nd star only decoration) by specifying a "CompanionStarClass" (f.e. CompanionStarClass: M) in GalaxyConfig.ecf
    - Solar System Generation Space: added possibility to specify a GroupName for space_dynamic.yaml POIs (instead of only a POI list); if a GroupName is specified and no DisplayName then the DisplayName is taken from the blueprint's DisplayName
    - Added entity 'Generic' to allow specifying decoration entities, f.e. gas clouds in space playfields (also for modders, will post information how to use it soon on the forums)
    - Added ShowInDistance and LOD0Distance to playfield yaml and dynamic space yaml to allow drawing decoration entities in the distance as well (more information will come soon)
    - Updated +ExampleSpace with new setting for AI space vessels avoiding area configuration.
    - Planets without atmosphere now use the same sun color as its orbit (only if OrbitUsesLightColor is NOT set) to make orbit/planet transition closer
    - Planet outside view: improvements for sharper visuals (f.e. on moons)
    - Grass: if YScale is specified, the XZScale now uses the exact same scaling
    - Set splat map stamps in tga format to not compressed as the alternative tga loader wants it that way
    - Added PfServerWeight to space_dynamic.yaml to be copied over to playfield.yaml

    - Added IModAPI.IApplication.GetBlockAndItemMapping() - returns a dict with name to id mapping (especially important for the dynamically assigned block ids)- XRefActivate now supports negative logic for enabling a GameObject if device gets disabled

    - Exception when using projectiles loaded from an asset bundle, returning to main menu and resuming the game
    - Small fix to thruster particles so that particles do not stop from time to time without reason
    - Mounted weapons exploit
    - Fix for resource asteroids being transparent
    - Fixed: Credibility missions could not be completed, although destroyed cores were counted.
    - Fixed: Blocksmap.dat was not written in MP games, leading to problems if the order for blocks that have no id in the BlocksConfig.ecf changes
    - Possible fix for "temp allocator" warning message
    - Fix for harvesting is not putting items directly into inventory
    - Fixed: Ambassador Hyzanis vessel did not spawn in asteroid field
    - Fix for being able to use 'Proximity Log' button in registry although it was not allowed
    - SSG: fixed CoQ when the new resources (aluminium, ice, platin) were used
    - Truss blocks have no shadows
    - Fix for modded crosshairs bundle not getting loaded if vanilla game was loaded before
    - Driller: fixed problem that items got dropped twice when using the "retrieve blocks mode"
    - Fixed Sigma Fulcrum: Hostile Salurian troops now are using warlord faction instead of alien.
    - Console cmd lpf: small fix when used ingame
    - Items crafted in the survival constructor don't get stacked in the output cells
    - Fixed: issues with dialogues for GER loca.
    - Fixed Sigma Fulcrum: Hostile Salurian troops now are using warlord faction instead of alien.
    - Fixed issues of dialogues in GERMAN loca sometimes leading to a CoQ/Exception
    - Fixed: Thruster M (T2) only had 100 HP
    - Fixed: issues in dialogues config and csv leading to CoQ
    - Fixed: TSO_Variant2 had alien spawns (now "same as base")
    - Potential fix for modding API Event_Player_Info not sending ping information (please give feedback if it works)
    - Fixed “Explosive devices” not giving damage to shields


    Attached Files:

    Cased, TK85, Wellingtoon and 17 others like this.
  2. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
    Likes Received:
    TK85, xerxes86, rebuilthk47 and 3 others like this.
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Slurp slurp .. :p
    KRanKO5 and Germanicus like this.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Some exciting changes there!
    TK85, Sofianinho, KRanKO5 and 2 others like this.

    FUE DENIS Commander

    Sep 15, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Comment on enlève le menu Welcome, commander dans la vue interne d'un cockpits.

    How to remove the Welcome menu, order in the internal view of a cockpit.

    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
    Likes Received:

    Uhm...could that be a projection and only have to remove the projector that sits somewhere outside or is it rally a script?
    Needleship and ravien_ff like this.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Turn off or remove the LCD projector on the ship.
    Needleship and Germanicus like this.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Love the new Escape Pod crash sequence, very nice...amazed I survived, that was some impact! :)

    Wouldn't it be amazing if we could salvage the Pod for some early-game resources....

    Edit: and the Survival Tool picks up the Ore from surface rocks. Bliss!

    Last edited: May 19, 2021
    Avenger, TK85, rebuilthk47 and 6 others like this.
  9. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Was looking forward to experimental. I have tried loads of seeds with arid start but starter area in most of them is half or mostly in Talon area. Did I miss something ? Is the arid start meant to be like this?
    Fractalite and Germanicus like this.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
    Likes Received:
    It's an intentional Starting Area. They are your first Contact. Given it may be a pain in the Ar... for some reasons but its the Way PDA Missions work with V1.5 now.
  11. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Thank you for replying. Young lad thought that was what it was but I just like to get on and play without missions, so if possible will just get on and play my usual style.
    Myrmidon and Germanicus like this.
  12. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Commander

    May 24, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the heads up on Arid. If I start that way, I better NOT be picking plant stuff and knocking down trees right away. I'll make an enemy within the first 5 minutes of landing, haha.
    Myrmidon and elmo like this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    AS long as you don't have DISCOVERED the Talon by Pointing on a POI or Trooper you can pick and Grab whatever you want, it will not count against the Reputation. ONLY Discovered Faction take count.
    Just check your Faction Standing with them before you loose RP.
    Spoon, Space Ghost and elmo like this.
  14. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Yeah, that is one of the best changes. It is the little things...
    TK85 and elmo like this.
  15. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Try it on small Bushes, Plants and Trees in Harvest Mode;)
  16. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
    Likes Received:
    So much awesomeness. OMG! Thank you! :D

    Could someone please give me an example? Like using it inside an Execute_1 to get LocalPlayer data?

    Something like this?
    Execute_1: "IPlayer player = Application.LocalPlayer;"
    Germanicus likes this.
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It really does make the early-game gathering experience so much better. Trying to pick up a dropped chunk from a surface rock never worked right for me. I'd often have to tap the key to pick them up multiple times, if there was even the slightest bit of mouse movement, the pick up would fail for me. Glad it's gone.

    I did, I like this change too.

    Also, the "Satisfied" status is back when you stuff your face. Welcome back! Got used to that with the Reforged Eden Scenario, so glad it's returned to vanilla.

    This experimental release is going swimmingly compared to the Elite Dangerous Odyssey launch....

  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    One weird thing I have noticed is sleeping is different. It says "Sleep 8 Hours" at my tent, but this doesn't translate into game "hours" at all. I.e. I go to sleep at nightfall, wake up and it's still four Empyrion Hours until dawn. I sleep again and it's 7 in the morning - well, dawn, with a full day ahead of me, you know what I mean.

    If sleep a little late, say the sun went down a couple of game hours ago, then I'll wake at something like two hours to sunrise, but sleeping yet again to skip the rest of the night, see me wake with a chunk of the day gone.

    Letting us sleep in the day can be useful to pass time (waiting for crafting queue to complete for example) or to heal up, which is great. However, purely skipping the night doesn't work so well. Options (via the new dialogue UI?) to "Sleep until dawn", "Sleep 8 hrs", "Sleep 4 hrs", "Rest until healed" sort of thing might be nicer. Sure, it's adding extra mouse clicks, but it's only every now and again.

    I tend to sleep more during the early-game when I really want to avoid going out at night. Later in the game when I'm better equipped / driving an HV etc., sleep isn't something I do so regularly.

  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You seem to suffer from typical insomnia. Try to avoid Dino Stew and similar fancy meals just before going to bed.
  20. SuyanBasun

    SuyanBasun Ensign

    May 18, 2021
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    Good , May I copy The Picture to our country's web and translation ?
    I'm From Taiwan, And I love This Game So Much.
    I will Post To the https://www.gamer.com.tw/
    Annimar Telesh and Fractalite like this.
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