Fist of Nidmor - History of the Nidmorian Enclave

Discussion in 'Role-playing' started by Soliloquis, May 16, 2020.

  1. Soliloquis

    Soliloquis Lieutenant

    Jan 1, 2020
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    A lone Nidmorian, clothed in the robes of the Clerics of the Lord of Seas, strode briskly down the hall. A pace that indicated careful urgency, and rightfully so considering this Nid was carrying the nectars and oils necessary for a funeral. At the end of the hall was a door. The door, flanked on all sides by ornate stone sculpture, was of a heavy build and near completely metal. The robed Nidmorian cleric did not struggle with the door though and moved through the entrance into the room beyond with ease.

    In the room a lone and very elderly Nid lay on a couch wrapped in blankets. The Cleric took up a chair next to the couch and began applying the oils and feeding the elderly Nid the nectars. As the nectars hit the elderly Nids taste buds, it gained back a sliver of life before settling back down into it's sickly state.

    The Cleric then grabbed a device, placing it on the table, and pressed several buttons before uttering to the elderly one "Please, continue".

    "My jenloku(earned name) is Hexidus Braz" the elderly Nid struggled to say, " And these are my final statements. Testimonies of deeds done and knowledge that is not known by any but a few."

    "483 Hetrons (1 Hetron = 2.6 earth years) ago, there were eight elders that lead our people. Of those eight only seven remain. This is known. What is not known is the fate of the eighth elder." The elder coughed suddenly as the Cleric reached down for more nectar.

    "While it was reported to the Segepolia (people of all Nidmorian concern) that the eighth elder was killed aboard her Harborship by the ruthless and unforgiving Zirax, the truth is that the eighth elder did not die at all and her Harborship, as of the last reporting, is intact." The Cleric did not hesitate one bit in it's transcription. Though it knew the weight of what was being unveiled.

    "The eighth elder, a female of our species, was known by the jenloku of Grenna Romnus. Her Harborship was the famed Fist of Nidmor." The elder stopped to catch it's breathe and glanced at the Cleric before continuing to speak.

    "Elder Romnus… Elder Romnus grew ambitious, and sought to expand our realms beyond the Sea of Dust and into the Ocean of a Thousand Years. The Elders and the lesser council refused to listen to what she had to say. And after years of our willful ignorance, she up and left. Boarded the Fist of Nidmor in the midst of the Great Feast and ventured out never to be seen or heard from again." The Cleric looked up from it's writing and looked at the elderly Nid as it began to speak again and the Cleric quickly got back to writing.

    "Some 50 Hetrons after her departure, Elder Romnus made contact with the Elder Korrinus Trynt aboard his Harborship, The Crown of Nidmor, and informed him of a reality outside the Sea of Dust that was unlike anything we had ever heard of or seen before. During the visual transmission, Elder Romnus informed us that her fleet had disabled a vessel that was similar in shape to a Fedanimra (ocean dwelling creature with spiral shell) and that her crew was about to board it and take it a prize."

    After hearing this, the Cleric had become noticeably disturbed and the elder caught wind of it.

    "Don't falter now my boy" the elder said suddenly as it's eyes shifted to look the young Cleric over, "we're just getting started".

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