Feedback Required For the devs...Gameplay quality (FPS combat and inventory space)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by DareWilh, Oct 5, 2021.

  1. DareWilh

    DareWilh Ensign

    Jun 19, 2020
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    Hi devs,

    Im actually really frustated about fps combat and the small, medium and heavy resistance.

    The mobs hit you too much and sometimes you just can't riposte, the armors are like almost useless !

    I saw that you putted an update with new armors but the resistance is way too low ! (double, triple the resistance will be good and maybe more health !)

    Also the resistance of the mobs is too high in my point of view (when you have 2-3 mobs it's not fair), you can't tank them a bit...

    + you should up the the HV-SV cargo capacity it's way to low !

    And to finish Up the volume you can carry with your suits, for exemple 400-600 V more...

    It's really annoying change something pleaze ! :)

    PS: The baddest thing in this game is that you die too fast in fps combat otherwise the game is still good !
    I play on hws server RE maybe that's why they are quite tanky and deadly...

    Oh it will be great if you aim to a full multiplayer experience at terms with no offsets, fluidity with hundreds players !

    A big plus !
    Thank you
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2021

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