Fundamental questions about planet structure in connection with basic building. EA A12

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Jorgodan, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Hello folks,
    I'm new here in the forum but have always read.
    I have been playing empyrion since alpha 11 for about 800 hours.

    I hope that my questions are correct here. If not, please postpone it to the correct threat

    The background is the fact that I build objects with very long columns for the ocean planets. If I place such an object on a normal planet there is a risk that I will pierce the shell of the planetary core. That seems to override the calculation of structural integrity.
    Hence my questions about basic understanding.
    -Is the planetary nucleus always a sphere? Or does it follow the planet surface in a defined relation?
    -What is the defined minimum distance between the planet core and the voxel surface of the planet at the lowest point, if there is such a thing.
    Is the distance between a defined water surface and the surface of the planet core (not the planet surface) always constant per planet? (NN 0.00 level)
    Are there defined water level heights (above core surface) for each planet type?
    -Why is the calculation of the structural integrity not fundamentally, but only partially, when the planet core is penetrated?

    I am also very happy to read answers in German.

    Grundsatzfragen zum Planetenaufbau im Zusammenhang mit Basisbau. EA A12

    Ich hoffe dass ich mit meinen Fragen hier richtig bin. Wenn nicht verschiebt es bitte in den richtigen Threat

    Hintergrund ist die Tatsache dass ich Objekte mit sehr langen Säulen für die Ozeanplaneten baue. Wenn ich ein solches Objekt auf einem Normalplaneten platziere besteht die Gefahr, dass ich die Hülle des Planetenkerns durchstoße. Das scheint die Berechnung der strukturellen Integrität aufzuheben.

    Daher meine Fragen zum Grundverständnis.

    -Ist der Planetenkern immer eine Kugel? Oder folgt er der Planetenoberfläche in einer definierten Relation?

    -Wie groß ist der definierte Mindestabstand zwischen Planetenkern und Voxeloberfläche des Planeten am tiefsten Punkt, falls es sowas gibt.

    - Ist der Abstand zwischen einer definierten Wasseroberfläche und der Oberfläche des Planetenkernes (nicht der Planetenoberfläche) immer Konstant je Planet? (NN 0.00 level)

    Gibt es definierte Höhen des Wasserspiegels (über Kernoberfläche) je Planetentyp?

    -Warum wird die Berechnung der strukturellen Integrität beim durchstoßen des Planetenkerns nicht grundsätzlich sondern nur teilweise aufgehoben?
  2. tachyon

    tachyon Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    There is no core. The playfields are basically square fields. The sphere feeling is a fake. The square is rolled up and distordet to emulate a spherical map. What do you mean with "piericing the core"? There are limits on the demisions (afaik 125 Blocks in each direction from the core).
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The planet has no "core" like Earth, the playfields are made of different flat layers. At last, deepest layer is "lava". I never tried poking the lava with long sticks, I never found any usage for this. If blocks can't be placed somewhere, the game will tell you, simply.
    tachyon likes this.
  4. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    ok, when i go under the water surface (goodmode) which is a static layer, i reach the lake floor. This is the voxel-generated surface that covers the entire planet. (I will now call it the shell) If I penetrate it I will reach a last level. If it is not a core, it is the absolute 0 layer ..., the baking sheet ..., the origin of the coordinates ... or as the developers call this level. This layer will always have a different texture depending on the planet type. I have no idea about programming, I refer to the visible facts.
    Nothing is below this level. For me that was the core.
    When I place a building, structural integrity is calculated based on whether the blocks touch the "shell". I can also put them deep in the earth and build underground buildings.

    But if this "shell" is very close to the absolute zero level and my pillars pierce it, more or less all pillars suddenly turn red even though they touch the shell. So there must be conditions in the attributes and the calculations that lead to such results.

    my workshop objects are made for ocean planets. These have water depths of up to 60 m ?. That's 30 blocks. to reach the sea floor. If I place such an object in a "pond" that has only 20 m water depth and this is already the lowest point on the planet surface, I am probably only 10 m above the absolute 0 level. And then my pillars pierce everything. They are tests. I want to be able to tell the users of my objects what works with it and what doesn't. And if it doesn't work, I will tell you what you can do to make it work.

    So I don't want to know what the game says to me, but I want to know why it gives me exactly this answer in a certain situation and why it always turns out differently under the same conditions.
    We're here in the Creators Forum, aren't we?

    I'll post a few pictures here tonight for better understanding.

    Attached Files:

  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    The water and 0-layer distance can vary - there is not real "fixed" distance to this.

    But there is an easy solution to that: In a playfield yaml, one can set a parameter SI OFF and define the POI as "floating" on water. So in case you only do those pillars for SI-reasons, you do not need to. This can be handled by the aforementioned settings.
    Jorgodan and Kassonnade like this.
  6. Jorgodan

    Jorgodan Commander

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Thank you very much for this first information.

    The pillars are of course primarily necessary because of the structural integrity, because the normal players should use the objects in the game as a basis and should also be able to adapt them to their needs. But in the 2nd line, the columns also serve the realistic appearance of the objects.

    But I still have a lot of questions and hope you can answer me. I will divide the questions into the 2 use cases.

    1. Offshore objects for the workshop as a player base.

    - if there is no fixed height for the water level of the ocean planets, is there still a range in which the water level is set random when the planet surface is generated?
    e.g. Large ocean planet = 50 - 60 meters over 0 layers
    middle ocean planet = 40-50 meters above 0-layer

    - is the water surface constant inside the planet?

    - why is the structural integrity not calculated correctly if the structure also penetrates the 0-layer. Can you (Eleon) find a cause and fix it (patch) or is the problem too complex? It would of course be easiest if the problem did not exist.

    - is there a defined minimum distance of the voxel level (shell) above the 0-layer when the planet surface is generated?

    These questions primarily refer to the ocean planets if there are differences in the definition.

    2. Offshore objects as POI

    If the SI can be switched off for POIs, I will add floating tanks to the objects as in reality. These then swim a certain depth below the water surface. However, since the objects Have water hangars or platforms just above or below the water surface, I have to define at which point of the POI the water level should be.
    Is it enough to mark the row of blocks in color as before or do I have to add a parameter to the blueprint at a certain point? Somehow according to the principle: Local Z0 = - 5 m / blocks, based on the lowest block, or something like that?

    sorry that there is so much but I still have to understand a lot to be able to build the objects without errors.
    And sorry for my bad english. Most things have to be done by the translater.
    Thank you for your answers in advance.

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