How do I add Muddy Ground to a Mountain

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by KnowItAllDM, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. KnowItAllDM

    KnowItAllDM Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    All I want to do is basically clone Aestus, and change the top part of mountains (from 250 Altitude Up) to muddy ground where you can place an O2 generator. I've tried for about 2 hours, and cannot seem to figure it out. I've been trying to add textures from various planets, even tried making to mountains capped in snow, but I can't seem to change any of the textures. Here's what I have:

    # AESTUS MP Playfield Configuration
    # IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs - tab indentation is forbidden:
    # For more detailed explanations of the different parameters, see examples in Empyrion\Content\Playfields\ExamplePlanet and ExampleSpace
    # Please do not use long comments here because in a multiplayer game the yaml file has to be sent from server to client
    # Playfield Characteristics
    RealRadius: 1303.797294             # Please don't change       
    ScaledRadius: 1300                  # Please don't change
    Gravity: -12.115                     # Gravity on planet
    AtmosphereDensity: 1.61            # Please don't change
    AtmosphereO2: 0.2                  # Oxygen level of atmosphere
    AtmosphereBreathable: False         # If player can breathe without helmet
    Temperature: 54                     # No functionality yet
    TemperatureDay: 91                  # No functionality yet
    TemperatureNight: 69                # No functionality yet       
    Music: Encryptor
    Radiation: 7.2
    DayLength: 24                       # No functionality yet
    PlanetType: Lava                    # No functionality yet
    Emissive: True                      # True if planet has emissive texture (e.g. Lava)
    PvP: True                           # Set to True to allow PvP in this playfield, default is False
    #Seed: 123456                       # If set overwrites main Seed
    #UseFixed: False                    # If set uses fixed POIs + resources
    # Playfield difficulty (has impact on experience gains)
    Difficulty: 3                       # Between 2 and 5: larger values indicate higher difficulty
    # Planet or Space
    PlayfieldType: Planet               # Please don't change
    Description: "Astiler is a volcanic planet with harsh conditions. The air is not breathable, but Some of the higher elevations have muddy patches which can be used to create oxygen and water."   
    # Sun                               # SunFlareBlue, SunFlareWhite, SunFlareWhite2, SunFlareWhite3, SunFlareYellow, SunFlarePurple
    SunFlare: EnvironmentalEffects/SunFlareYellow     
    # Atmosphere and Sky
    AtmosphereEnabled: True              # Atmosphere True or False
    AtmosphereColor: "0.3,0.3,0.3"       # Color of atmosphere seen in space, default is white "1,1,1"
    SkyColor: "0.39,0.39,0.39"           # Color of skybox, default is white "1,1,1"
    SkyHorizonColor: "1, 0.3, 0"         # Color of skybox if sun is on horizon, default is white "1,1,1"
    # LightZenithColor: "1, 0.95, 0.92"  # Color of light if sun is in zenith, default is almost white "1,0.95,0.92"
    LightHorizonColor: "1, 0.3, 0"     # Color of light if sun is on horizon, default is orange "1,0.6,0"
    # Light
    # DayLightIntensity: 0.5             # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    # NightLightIntensity: 0.45          # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    DayLightIntensity: 0.35             # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    NightLightIntensity: 0.75           # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
    DayShadowStrength: 0.95             # Between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    NightShadowStrength: 0.5            # Between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
    # Fog
    AtmosphereFog: 0.6       
    FogCloudIntensity: 1.0
    FogIntensity: 0.85       
    FogStartDistance: 400       
    GroundFogIntensity: 0     
    GroundFogHeight: 0 
    # Clouds
    CloudsDensity: 1                       # Between 0 and 1: larger values = more clouds (coverage)
    CloudsSharpness: 0.8                   # Between 0 and 1: larger values = less dense clouds
    CloudsBrightness: 0.5                  # Between 0 and 2: larger values = brighter clouds
    CloudsOpacity: 0.7                        # Between 0 and 1: larger values = more opaque, default is 0.9
    # CloudsZenithColor: "0.87, 0.92, 1"   # Color of clouds if sun is in zenith, default is light blue "0.87,0.92,1"
    CloudsHorizonColor: "1, 0.3, 0"  # Color of clouds if sun is on horizon, default is light orange "1,0.76,0.56"
    # Wind Speed
    WindSpeed: 3                        # Between 0 and 10: larger values = faster moving clouds
    # Special Effects                   # Please don't change
      - Name: Grime
        MaxHeight: 200
    # Special Effects                   # Please don't change
      - Name: Grime
        MaxHeight: 200
    # Weather
      - Name: CloudsDark
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 0
        Delay: 2 
        Lifetime: 1500
      - Name: CloudsMedium
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 0   
        Delay: 2         
        Lifetime: 1200
      - Name: CloudsLight
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 0   
        Delay: 10         
        Lifetime: 600
      - Name: HeatWave
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 12   
        Delay: 12         
        Lifetime: 1200
      - Name: Wind
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 0   
        Delay: 12         
        Lifetime: 600
      - Name: MeteorFireRain
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 48   
        Delay: 24         
        Lifetime: 300
      - Name: FireRain
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 48 
        Delay: 24         
        Lifetime: 300     
    # Global Effects
      - Name: MeteorShower
        Biome: [ Any ]
        Time: Day
        InitialDelay: 3.5   # in game hours
        Delay: 5
        Lifetime: 60
        PlyDist: 200
        SpawnY: 100
        Struct: Avoid
      - Name: ThunderAndLightningPurple
        Biome: [ Any ]
        Time: Night
        InitialDelay: 1.5   
        Delay: 4
        Lifetime: 300     
        PlyDist: 100
        SpawnY: 500
        Struct: Avoid
    ### Terrain and Decorations
    # Terrain and Local Decoration
    Water: RockLava03                   # Water / Lava
    SeaLevel: 55                        # Was 13 for terrain version e, altitude 300
        Name: NewLava
        PoleLevel: 28                       # Pole level of planet
        NoiseStrength: 0.8
            YFadeCenter: 80
            YFadeRange: 40
            YFadeMin: -0.05
            YFadeMax: 0
            - [ RockGrey08, 1 ]
            - [ RockLava05, 4 ]
            - [ RockLava04, 0 ] 
            - [ BedrockLava, 2 ]
    # Lava Area
       - Altitude: [ 0, 59 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Lava"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0           
               Temperature: 200
               Radiation: 3
                   - [ "AridRock01", 0]
    # Plains
       - Altitude: [ 59, 114 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 15 ]
             - Name: "LavaPlains"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 80
               NbOfClusters: 20
                   - [ "AlienPlant11", 0.2]
                   - [ "AlienPlantThorn2", 1.5]
                   # - [ "AridRock02", 0.2]
                   # - [ "AridRock03", 0.2]
                   # - [ "GasEmitter1", 0.02]
                   - [ "RealRock1Dark", 0.2]
                   - [ "RealRock2Dark", 0.05]
                   - [ "RealRock3Dark", 0.3]
                   - [ "RealRock4Dark", 0.3]
                   - [ "RealRock8Dark", 0.3]
                   - [ "RealRock10Dark", 0.3]   
             - Name: "LavaPlains"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "AlienPlantSpike1", 0.3]
                   - [ "AlienPlantMushroom2", 0.3]
                   - [ "ConfettiMoss", 0.2]
                   - [ "AlienPlantThorn2", 0.5]
                   - [ "AridRock01", 0.02]
                   - [ "AridRock02", 0.015]
                   - [ "AridRock03", 0.02]
                   - [ "GasEmitter1", 0.015]
                   - [ "RealRock1Dark", 0.03]
                   - [ "RealRock2Dark", 0.01]
                   - [ "RealRock3Dark", 0.03]
                   - [ "RealRock4Dark", 0.03]
                   - [ "RealRock8Dark", 0.03]
                   - [ "RealRock10Dark", 0.05]   
       - Altitude: [ 59, 114 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "LavaPlains"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "AridRock01", 0]
    # Mountains
       - Altitude: [ 114, 250 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 15 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 3
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "AlienPlantThorn2", 0.7]
                   - [ "GasEmitter2", 0.1] 
                   - [ "CrystalsPyramidBlue", 0.1]
       - Altitude: [ 114, 250 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 3
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "RealRock1", 0]
    # Muddy Mountains
       - Altitude: [ 250, 500  ]
         Slope: [ 0, 10 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               Splat1: [0, 0, 0, 0]
               Splat2: [1, 0, 0, 0]
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ "AlienPlantThorn2", 0.7]
                   - [ "GasEmitter2", 0.1] 
       - Altitude: [ 250, 500 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Mountains"
               Id: 4
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock1Water, 0]
    ### Resource Deposits
        - Name: PromethiumResource
          CountMinMax: [ 1, 3 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 6, 7 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 5 ]
          DroneProb: 0.4
            MaxRadius: 12
            YVariance: 10
        - Name: SiliconResource
          CountMinMax: [ 1, 4 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 6, 10 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 5 ]
          DroneProb: 0.4
            MaxRadius: 8
            YVariance: 10
        - Name: IronResource #rich
          CountMinMax: [ 4, 9 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 10, 15 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 5 ]
          DroneProb: 0.9
          MaxDroneCount: 5
            FreqDirChange: 0.5 
            DirChangeMagnitude: 0.2
            MaxLength: 50
            DeepnessType: 1
        - Name: CopperResource #rich
          CountMinMax: [ 4, 6 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 6, 10 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 5 ]
          DroneProb: 0.9
          MaxDroneCount: 4
            MaxRadius: 15
            YVariance: 15
        - Name: ErestrumResource
          CountMinMax: [ 1, 3 ]
          SizeMinMax: [ 3, 5 ]
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 5 ]
          DroneProb: 1
            MaxRadius: 13
            YVariance: 20
    ### Resource Asteroids
        - Name: IronResource
          Threshold: 0.6
          Amount: 0.4
        - Name: CopperResource
          Threshold: 0.6
          Amount: 0.4
        - Name: SiliconResource
          Threshold: 0.6
          Amount: 0.4
    ### POIs
            - GroupName: DroneBaseAestus
              DroneBaseSetup: DroneBaseSetup
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]     
              DroneProb: 1.0
              DronesMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]
              ReserveCount: 6   
              SpawnResource: ["GoldResource:1-2"]
              ResourceDistance: 200       
                - Key: Music
                  Value: barren     
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720       
            - GroupName: PlanetVesselBase
              PlanetVesselBaseSetup: PlanetVesselBaseSetup
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              DroneProb: 1.0
              DronesMinMax: [ 2, 3 ]   
              ReserveCount: 3   
              SpawnPOINear: [DroneBaseAestus]
              POIDistance: 800     
              SpawnResource: ["SathiumResource:1-2","GoldResource:1-2"]
              ResourceDistance: 200       
                - Key: Music
                  Value: lava2     
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720         
            - GroupName: TS_Aestus
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              DroneProb: 0
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
              ReserveCount: 1
              TroopTransport: False   
              SpawnPOIAvoid: [PlanetVesselBase, DroneBaseAestus] 
              POIDistance: 1000     
                - Key: Music
                  Value: NebularClouds 
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720       
            - GroupName: CivilSettlement
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              DroneProb: 1
              DronesMinMax: [ 3, 4 ]
              ReserveCount: 3
              TroopTransport: True
                - Key: MapMarker
                  Value: Neutral     
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720       
            - GroupName: CrashedShip
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              DroneProb: 1.0
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              ReserveCount: 4
              TroopTransport: False
                - Key: MapMarker
                  Value: Neutral     
            - GroupName: Artifacts
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]         
              DroneProb: 1.0
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
              ReserveCount: 4
              TroopTransport: True
              POIDistance: 800       
                - Key: Music
                  Value: DarkSoundscape3     
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720         
            - GroupName: GhostTierI
              CountMinMax: [ 3, 5 ]         
              DroneProb: 1.0               
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]       
              ReserveCount: 3
              TroopTransport: True   
              SpawnPOIAvoid: [TS_Aestus] 
              POIDistance: 1000           
                - Key: Music
                  Value: lava2     
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720         
            - Mode: Survival
              Spawn: EscapePod
              Armor: ArmorMedium
              Items: [ "Pistol, 50Caliber:250, Medikit02:3, AntidotePills:3, EmergencyRations:4, WaterBottle:2, EnergyCell:5, Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:4, ConstructorSurvival, AutoMinerCore:5, Core, TomatoStage1, WheatStage1, CornStage1, PumpkinStage1, PearthingStage1, DurianRoot, EVABoost, OreScanner", "Pistol, 50Caliber:175, Medikit02:2, AntidotePills:2, EmergencyRations:2, WaterBottle:2, EnergyCell:4, Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:3, ConstructorSurvival, AutoMinerCore:4, Core, PumpkinStage1, PearthingStage1, DurianRoot, EVABoost, OreScanner", "Pistol, 50Caliber:150, Medikit02:1, AntidotePills:1, EmergencyRations:1, WaterBottle:1, EnergyCell:3, Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:2, ConstructorSurvival, AutoMinerCore:3, DurianRoot, EVABoost", "#FreshStart: Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:2, ConstructorSurvival" ]
    ### Drones
            - GroupName: DroneBaseSetup
              DronesMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]        # range of number of drones that defend drone base
              ReserveCount: 6               # number of drones that will be replaced when defending drones got killed
              DroneProb: 1.0                # probability that drones will defend drone base
              Difficulty: 6                 # 0..4 -> 0 = no drone attack base ... 4 = max difficulty level (5, 6, 7 = low, medium, high difficulty but with infinite drone waves)
              PresetStyle: 3                # 0..4 -> see comment above
              # BaseAttack: DroneSmallAttackBase
                  - Name: DroneSmallFast01Plasma
                    Amount: 200
                    Extra: 0   
                  - Name: DroneLargeSlow01Plasma
                    Amount: 200
                    Extra: 0
                  - Name: EnemyDroneV2Minigun
                    Amount: 300
                    Extra: 0
                  - Name: DroneLargeSlow02Cannon
                    Amount: 200
                    Extra: 0
                  - Name: DroneLargeAttackBase   # Base attack drones
                    Amount: Infinite
                    Extra: 1     
                  - Name: EnemyDroneV2Plasma       # Base attack drones
                    Amount: Infinite
                    Extra: 1                         
                  - Name: DroneTroopsTransport01
                    Amount: Infinite
                    Extra: 2
                  - Name: ZiraxLaser
                    Amount: 500
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: ZiraxRocket
                    Amount: 500
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: Crawler
                    Amount: 250
                    Extra: 3
                  - Name: TotalHorror
                    Amount: 250
                    Extra: 3
                  Name: PlanetVesselBaseSetup
                  Position3D: [ 0, 102, 0]
                  BaseType: PlanetVesselBase
                  KeyId: 0                  # Unique Key Id
                    - Name: Patrol-XS-Hard           # GroupName
                      Mission: PlanetPatrol
                      FixedMaxSpeed: 10          # Max speed of a freighter in m/sec
                      RangePatrolCenter: [ -1500, 0 ]
                      RangePatrolRadius: 800
                      RangePatrolAltitude: 80
                      RespawnDelay: 12
            - DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ]
              CenterX: -2500
              Radius: 1500
            - DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ]
              CenterX: 2500
              Radius: 1500
    ### Creatures
        - Biome: LavaPlains
            - Name: Overseers
              Period: Day              #  Night / Day / Always
              Amount: 2
              Delay: 0
            - Name: TotalHorrors
              Period: Night
              Amount: 2
              Delay: 0
        - Biome: Mountains
            - Name: AlienBugs02
              Period: Always
              Amount: 1
              Delay: 0
        - Biome: Lava
            - Name: TotalHorrors
              Period: Always
              Amount: 3
              Delay: 0
    Build: 1179
    It's basically Aestus with an extra mountain level.
  2. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Hi KnowItAllDM!

    Playfield textures are overridden by an .ecf file, if it is in the same folder.
    .ecf control splatmap based textures.

    A deleted ecf will be replaced automatically in a standard planet world, e.g. a planet named 'Aestus'. Better create a different planet. Then copy Aestus' playfield, but not the ecf.
    The playfield textures will then work and look like as on the 'classic', seed-based planets.

    For changing splatmap textures:
    - You need an ecf in the planet's folder
    - Open in-game console, type 'te'
    This is the texture editor. You have 5 textures, but up to 8 different (fixed) regions to place / mix them on the planet. The mountaintops are one of the slots with the numbers on the bottom. A number there means, that this amount of texture is mixed in at that spot. '1.0' is full strength.
    (Don't know, if textures still keep their special properties, there... like water generation)

    Have fun building worlds! :)

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