Impervious Terrain?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dichebach, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Has anyone else noticed sections of impervious terrain around ore deposits and POIs? I had this happen on the Anvil Season 6 server on a planet that other players had exploited (basically all the POIs were defeated and salvaged), but I was just trying to harvest ore. Planetary ore deposits on that server are set to regen every Friday at 3am and while I imagine the players who had been there before me had exploited much or even all of the ore on the planet (Barren Metal with Zas and Eres), all of the deposits showed as 100% so it must have been a week or so since they had been there. I tried to harvest a half dozen ore deposits and whenever I would get close to them, the terrain seemed impervious to drilling (using four mechanical drills on an SV).

    I just had something similar happen in singleplayer session but this time it was near a Zirax POI I was going to breach into from below to steal his Zas and Erestrum.

    A search on Empyrion "Impervious Terrain" turned up a Steam discussion from 2020 but nothing more recent.

    I remember playing on a server in the past where the admins had flicked some switches in some config files to make ALL TERRAIN within a large area around any NPC POIs impervious, which was interesting. This seems to be something different though as it is just the terrain immediately adjacent to ore deposits and POIs . . . like ~20m at most.

    Any hints on what this might be? A bug (as that 2+ year old thread discusses) a setting in the scenario I'm playing (Reforged Eden)? Cosmic rays bouncing off my connections in my CPU?
  2. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    I hate impervious terrain !!!

    I have seen it at some poi's but not at deposits
  3. Llador

    Llador Ensign

    Jul 6, 2023
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    I posted the following on Steam yesterday about this very thing:

    The replies I have got so far tell me it's not a bug and it can be changed by editing the game files. I just don't get why I need to change the game files to play the default, solo game.
  4. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    The devs reply was:

    "About 99.99% of the rest of the galaxy has destructable terrain - for Omicron (as it is a specific story planet) - it is an intended exception from that. ;)"

    I have to wonder -- if you cannot mine on Omicron, then why are there ore deposits on Omicron?

    I suggest that removing the ore deposits from Omicron would remove peoples inclinations to attempt to mine there.
    Mazen IIXIS and Llador like this.
  5. Llador

    Llador Ensign

    Jul 6, 2023
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    Interesting., thank you. I noticed they reduced the number of deposits to just 1 of each (with replenishing meteorites). Kind of sucks if you don't want to replay the storyline and just want to go your own way though. Before this latest update I never had a problem of gathering enough materials to build my own ship to head for the stars and explore. Not sure I like being forced to replay the storyline each time I start a new game. I know the devs put a lot of work into the storyline but I like to just 'do my own thing' and not worry too much about it :NewSunglasses:
    Slam Jones likes this.
  6. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I imagine most who play sandbox games feel the same way :)

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