LCD Screen Maximum Characters

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by tachyon, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. tachyon

    tachyon Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I am currently working on a damage monitoring script using @ASTIC s scripting mod:

    Unfortunately it seems as if LCD screens have a maximum character count of about 2000 characters and I hit that, now. Would it be possible to increase the character count or provide an option to set the maximum allowed characters on a server or SP game?
    Or even better give us a scripting block that can hold an "unlimited" amount of (unformatted) characters. One of the deco consoles could be hijacked for this.
    Foghail and Average like this.
  2. Foghail

    Foghail Ensign

    Jun 11, 2016
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    This is a super reasonable request, i'm sort of at a loss that this hasn't been done yet as it was requested back in Alpha 2 along with basic script support (which @ASTIC after waiting forever for it to be implemented or even acknowledged by the devs if it was a WIP for one of the upcoming updates (just more of the usual radio silence, so @ASTIC & Co hacked it in and did a great job from everything I've seen so far) and would be a HUGE QoL improvement for any of us that play the game for anything more then quick PVP.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Characters in LCD are not simple ASCII symbols, they are geometry. The game (Unity) uses TextMeshPro to represent letters in a 3d world, and each letter /character requires 2 triangles to be rendered, on which the symbol is displayed. Eleon stated a few times already that because of this, LCDs were very costly for performance if not used sparringly, and advised players to limit their usage if possible.

    A display with 2000 symbols represents 4000 triangles : the player character can be anywhere between 4000 and 10 000 triangles, so a single display can represent as much geometry as a NPC model, in other words.

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