Looking for casual PvE or building members!

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Murtagh, May 9, 2017.

  1. Murtagh

    Murtagh Ensign

    May 9, 2017
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    Hey everyone! Galaxy Guardians are currently 5 strong with 2 very active members. we are set up already with approximately 40 autominers, and tons of ships and bases and what not. The upkeep is a bit much so we are just looking for some people who dont mind doing their own thing, on our planets or on a new planet, doesnt matter we will set you up with whatever you need. We like to use discord for coordination on play times, and PvE raid times, as well as resource sharing.

    We are on 24/7 CAA dedicated server, so just join up, and look for us to get online. usually 2 of us on a few hours every day. Just DM me on here, or shoot me or someone in the faction a message in game and they will let me know!

    Thanks guys,
    Last edited: May 15, 2017

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