Hi, I wanted to add assault rifle T2 eanbled on selling at at least Bertrams & Interweap NPC sellers. I have edited TraderNPCConfig.ecf and added a new entry at the end of the sellable items of Bertrams seller : Item26: "AssaultRifleT2, mf=1.1-1.2, 50-100, mf=0.8-0.9, 150-500" => It works fine when I go to the trading station on the starter planet. Then I decided to add the same item + the assault rifle T1 to Interweap seller, hoping to find it at the conference room in the orbitabl trading station and inserted : Item42: "AssaultRifle, mf=1.1-1.2, 50-100, mf=0.8-0.9, 55-150" Item43: "AssaultRifleT2, mf=1.1-1.2, 50-100, mf=0.8-0.9, 55-150" The file works on game loading, but it doesn't show anything at the described trader.... It seems that it is the good one, since he has 41 items for sale (vanilla) + the 2 I set. I don't think I have to start a new game, since my changes work as ususal on a saved game, and it is ok for Bertrams ! Wondering if it was a max items limitations list, I made a test with disabling the existing item 40 & 41 and replacing them with mines, but it didn't showed anyway. Any clue ? Thk !
You either have to visit a new station in a playfield you've never been to before, or wait for the trader to restock.
Ah, OK, I was wondering if there was a sort of cooldown timer, but since it worked instantly with Bertrams I thought it would be the same with the other. I'll post the result if someone else is curious. Thk
After test I confirm that both work, as Ravien said, for Interweap I guess the trader had to "restock"...