Picking up signals in the pda.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Haravin, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. Haravin

    Haravin Lieutenant

    Sep 14, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I can't seem to get this to work. I have a sensor that detects the player and broadcasts a signal called "PassThroughDoor". I want this signal to end the PDA mission. This is my yaml code:

    Creator: Haravin
      - ChapterTitle: Chapter1
        Category: SoloMission
        Description: Chapter1_description
        PictureFile: "cryochambers.jpg"
        PlayerLevel: 1
        Visibility: Always
        Activatable: Always
        AutoActivateOnGameStart: true
        CompletedMessage: Chapter1_completed
          - TaskTitle: placeholderTaskTitle_0
              - ActionTitle: placeholderActionTitle_0_0
                Description: placeholderActionDescription_0_0
                Check: Signal
                CompletedMessage: placeholderActionTitle_0_0_CompletedMessage
                  - PassThroughDoor
            Headline: Chapter1_placeholderTaskTitle_0_0_Headline
        VisibleOnStartPlayfield: Unknown
        Preamble: Chapter1_preamble
    When it says Unknown, it means the actual playfield is called "Unknown". This is taking place in a secret location.

    I want two things to happen, which aren't happening:

    1. I want the mission to show a briefing window when the player starts the mission, which will cover up the player's screen.
    2. I want the sensor that broadcasts the signal to actually work.
    However, the mission is starting, and I can see it in the PDA. It just isn't doing it as I want it to.

    Here is the whole scenario uploaded so far to the steam workshop. The area with this issue is the starting zone, so you should find it right after you start the game.
    amaus1209[DE][BRB] likes this.
  2. Haravin

    Haravin Lieutenant

    Sep 14, 2017
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    I figured out how to get the sensor to work. You have to make it a global signal, by putting an astrix (*) in front of it in the blueprint. I wish this was documented somewhere...

    Hopefully people who get confused by this will find this thread at least.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
    amaus1209[DE][BRB] likes this.
  3. amaus1209[DE][BRB]

    amaus1209[DE][BRB] Lieutenant

    Mar 20, 2017
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    so if signals from the PDA to blaupause would send then I must in the name of Blaupause * with indicate? or how exactly does it work?

    try to understand the signals from the PDA all the time so I can control different things.

    many times helps me also a photo next?


    also wenn Signale vom PDA zur Blaupause sendenmöchte dann muss ich im namen der Blaupause * mit angeben ? oder wie genau funktioniert das ?

    versuche ganze zeit die Signale vom PDA zu verstehen damit ich daduch verschiedene Sachen steuern kann.

    vieleicht hilft mir auch ein Foto weiter ?!

    ich kann dir jetzt folgen

    im blueprint muss das TX Signal mit *vorran so heißen wie im PDA

    zb. Bluprint: TX Signal an einer Tür:

    Tür Start TX Signal *Tür start

    im PDA: check section signal auswählen und dann das TX Signal vom Blueprint ohne * einfügen

    Signal: Tür start

    Danke für diese tolle hilfe

    edit 2

    um den Fehler *$ wegzubekommen muss man das Feld "Action Description:" mit "Placeholder for undefined" belegen und im Feld "Action Completed Message:" kann man dann sein Test eintragen dann kommt zumindest keine Fehler Meldung mehr.

    I can follow you now

    in the blueprint the TX signal with * vorran hot as in the PDA

    eg. Bluprint: TX Signal at a door:

    Door start TX Signal * Door start

    in the PDA: check section signal and then insert the TX signal from the blueprint without *

    Signal: Door start

    Thanks for this great help

    edit 2

    to get the error * $, you have to fill the field "Action Description:" with "Placeholder for undefined" and in the field "Action Completed Message:" you can then enter your test then at least no error message comes.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2017

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