Problems with a custom planet. Can anybody help?

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by KnowItAllDM, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. KnowItAllDM

    KnowItAllDM Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    So, I've been working on my first custom planet which is not heavily based on any one existing planet.
    I have three problems, two of which may be linked:

    1. Creatures don't seem to want to spawn.

    2. The biomes in-game say "bm" before the name. (ie. the "IrradiateOcean" biome says "bmIrradiatedOcean" in game.)

    3. For some reason, the planet is able to be started on, when it shouldn't be.

    # Playfield Configuration
    # IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs - tab indentation is forbidden:
    # For more detailed explanations of the different parameters, see examples in Empyrion\Content\Playfields\ExamplePlanet and ExampleSpace
    # Please do not use long comments here because in a multiplayer game the yaml file has to be sent from server to client
    # Playfield Characteristics
    RealRadius: 1303.797294             
    ScaledRadius: 1300                 
    Gravity: -38.2                     
    AtmosphereDensity: 3.113           
    AtmosphereO2: 0.0                   
    AtmosphereBreathable: False     
    TemperatureDay: 0                   
    TemperatureNight: -20               
    Music: default
    Radiation: 8
    DayLength: 24                       
    PlanetType: Abandoned                 
    Moons: 0                           
    Water: WaterBrown                   
    SeaLevel: 81                       
    PvP: True                         
    #Seed: 123456                       
    #UseFixed: False
    # Playfield Difficulty
    Difficulty: 5             
    # Planet or Space
    PlayfieldType: Planet   
    Description: "Anomaly was once an inhabited Alien planet. However, several decades ago, a disaster occured, which caused its gravity to increase threefold, and caused its surface to become severely irradiated. Caution is recommended when exploring the planet."
    # Sun                               
    SunFlare: EnvironmentalEffects/SunFlareWhite4
    # Atmosphere and Sky
    AtmosphereEnabled: True   
    AtmosphereColor: "0.30,1,0"
    SkyColor: "0.30,1,0"                 
    SkyHorizonColor: "0.30,1,0"       
    # Light
    DayLightIntensity: 0.1             
    NightLightIntensity: 0.1           
    DayShadowStrength: 0.01       
    NightLightColor: "1, 1, 1"     # Color of moon light, default is blueish "0.67,0.65,0.99"       
    # Fog
    AtmosphereFog: 1.0     
    FogCloudIntensity: 1.0               
    FogIntensity: 1.0                   
    FogStartDistance: 25               
    GroundFogIntensity: 1.0               
    GroundFogHeight: 0                 
    # Clouds
    CloudsDensity: 1.0                 
    CloudsSharpness: 0.3               
    CloudsBrightness: 1.0             
    CloudsOpacity: 1.0                 
    CloudsZenithColor: "0.30,1,0" 
    CloudsHorizonColor: "0.30,1,0"     
    # Wind Speed
    WindSpeed: 4                       
    # Special Effects         
    # Weather
      - Name: Fog
        Type: Weather
        InitialDelay: 0   
        Delay: 0         
        Lifetime: 9000   
    # Global Effect
      - Name: MeteorShower
        Time: Always
        InitialDelay: 3.5   
        Delay: 5
        Lifetime: 60
        PlyDist: 200
        SpawnY: 100
        Struct: Avoid
    ### Terrain and Decorations
    # Terrain and Local Decoration
        Name: Moonstone                   
        PoleLevel: 30   
        PerlinCol: 1                   
        NoiseStrength: 0.2               
            YFadeCenter: 80               
            YFadeRange: 20                 
            YFadeMin: 0.1                 
            YFadeMax: -0.15               
            - [ RockBlack, 3 ] 
            - [ RockGrey08, 0 ]
            - [ Bedrock, 2 ] 
    # Biome Definition and Main Decoration
    # Underwater
       - Altitude: [ 10, 65 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 45 ]
             - Name: "IrradiatedOcean"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
               Radiation: 8
                   - [ RealRock8Water, 0.5]
                   - [ RealRock9Water, 0.5]
                   - [ CrystalsPyramidBlue, 3]
                   - [ SkeletonWhaleFull, 0.6]
                   - [ PromethiumStone, 1]
       - Altitude: [ 65, 75 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 35 ]
             - Name: "IrradiatedOcean"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
               Radiation: 6
                   - [ PromethiumStone, 0.5]
                   - [ SkeletonWhaleFull, 1]
                   - [ RealRock1Water, 0.2]
                   - [ RealRock5Water, 0.2]
       - Altitude: [ 75, 83 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 35 ]
             - Name: "IrradiatedOcean"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
               Radiation: 4
                   - [ SkeletonWhaleFull, 0.4]
    # Plains
       - Altitude: [ 83, 96 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Plains"
               Id: 1
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
       - Altitude: [ 96, 106 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 12]
             - Name: "Plains"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 30
               NbOfClusters: 80
                   - [ AridRockBrown01, 0.01]           
                   - [ AridRockBrown02, 0.01]           
                   - [ AridRockBrown03, 0.01] 
                   - [ RealRock1, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock10, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock3, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock4, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.05] 
                   - [ SkeletonWhaleFull, 0.4] 
                   - [ SkeletonMammothTorso, 0.2]
       - Altitude: [ 96, 106 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Plains"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
    # Higher altitude plaines
       - Altitude: [ 106, 135 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 12 ]
             - Name: "Plains"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 150
               NbOfClusters: 30
                   - [ RealRock10, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock3, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock4, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.05]
                   - [ SkeletonMammothTorso, 0.2]
             - Name: "Plains"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ RealRock1, 0.1]
                   - [ RealRock7, 0.1]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.05]     
                   - [ AridRockBrown01, 1]           
                   - [ AridRockBrown02, 1]           
                   - [ AridRockBrown03, 1] 
                   - [ RealRock10, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock3, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock4, 0.05]
                   - [ RealRock5, 0.05]     
    # Steep Hills
       - Altitude: [ 106, 135 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 25 ]
             - Name: "Hills"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
       - Altitude: [ 106, 135 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Hills"
               Id: 2
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ SkeletonMammothTorso, 0.2]     
       - Altitude: [ 135, 250 ]
         Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
             - Name: "Hills"
               Id: 3
               ClusterSize: 0
               NbOfClusters: 0
                   - [ SkeletonMammothTorso, 0.2]     
    # ===================================================
    ### Resource Deposits
        - Name: IronResource
          CountMinMax: [ 3, 5 ]   
          SizeMinMax: [ 5, 9 ] 
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 10 ]   
          DroneProb: 0
          MaxDroneCount: 1
            FreqDirChange: 0.5 
            DirChangeMagnitude: 0.2
            MaxLength: 50
            DeepnessType: 2
        - Name: GoldResource
          CountMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]   
          SizeMinMax: [ 2, 5 ] 
          DepthMinMax: [ 0, 10 ]   
          DroneProb: 0
          MaxDroneCount: 2
            FreqDirChange: 0.5 
            DirChangeMagnitude: 0.2
            MaxLength: 50
            DeepnessType: 2
    ### Resource Asteroids
         - Name: IronResource             
           Threshold: 0.6
           Amount: 0.4
    ### POIs
        - GroupName: AnomalyResearchFacility      #Custom POI
          CountMinMax: [1, 1]
          DroneProb: 0
          DronesMinMax: [0, 0]
          ReserveCount: 1
          InitPower: True
          SpawnPOINear: []
          SpawnPOIAvoid: []
            - Key: PersonalContainer
              Value: ArmorMedium:1, PlayerBike:1
        - GroupName: AbandonedPOI
          CountMinMax: [ 3, 5 ]
          DroneProb: 0
          DronesMinMax: [ 0, 0 ]
          ReserveCount: 1
          TroopTransport: False 
          SpawnPOIAvoid: ["Anomaly Research Facility"]
          POIDistance: 1300
          SpawnResource: ["IronResource:0-2"]
          ResourceDistance: 300
            - Key: Music
              Value: DarkSoundscape   
            - Key: RegenAfter
              Value: 720         
        - GroupName: CrashedShip      # Do not use regeneration with burried POIs
          CountMinMax: [ 1, 3 ]
          DroneProb: 0
          DronesMinMax: [ 0, 0 ]
          ReserveCount: 4
          TroopTransport: False
          SpawnPOIAvoid: ["Anomaly Research Facility"]
          POIDistance: 800 
            - Key: MapMarker
              Value: Neutral       
            - DronesMinMax: [ 0, 0 ]   
              CenterX: -2500             
        - Biome: Plains
            - Name: TotalHorrors
              Period: Night
              Amount: 2
              Delay: 0
            - Name: AlienBugs02
              Period: Day
              Amount: 5
              Delay: 0
        - Biome: Hills
            - Name: AlienBugs02
              Period: Always
              Amount: 5
              Delay: 0
        - Biome: IrradiatedOcean
            - Name: TotalHorrors
              Period: Always
              Amount: 3
              Delay: 0
    The planet is meant to be a dead planet with nothing but Abandoned Structures, a single research facility (Custom POI), no Drones, but a few Nightmares and Alien Scorpions.
  2. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
    Likes Received:
    First of all: Are you working in the singleplayer game folder or in the dedicated server folder?

    Where is the playfield.yaml that you are editing here located in your folder structure?

    or are you editing and already started savegame in the
    If so, which one?

    Predators (Hostile creatures) like Overseers only spawn after 24 in-game hours have passed.
    You can test if they do spawn, when you move time ahead one or two days in debug menu.
    Editing creatures after a savegame is created means either wiping the playfield again or starting a fresh game. Creatures don't update in an existing savgame anymore.

    You have used custom names for biomes. The game now creates a key out of your name via adding a prefix 'bm' to your name. If that bothers you, you would have to define their localized names in localization.csv.
    example: bmIrradiatedOcean | Irradiated Ocean | (Translated name) | (other translated name) according the localization.csv
    But that would only work in single player anyway, as everyone else in the MP group would need to have the same localization file, to read their localized names accordingly.

    I would highly suggest to only use predefined names like OpenPlains, TropicalForest, ... Take a look at the other playfield.yamls to get a list.
    If you use custom biome names, you also have no environment sounds in that biome, because those are hardcoded into the predefined biome names.

    This is defined in the sector.yaml.
    Have you edited an existing playfield template like NewTemperate, .... Meaning one that is already used in the sectors file? Then this playfield is maybe already defined as starting planet.

  3. KnowItAllDM

    KnowItAllDM Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I'm editing it in:
    Content\Scenarios\[SCENARIO NAME]\Playfields\Anomaly\

    Speeding up the game with the debug menu allowed them to spawn. Thanks! :)

    Thanks for the info. I don't mind the 'bm' in front of it, and the lack of environmental sound makes it even creepier, like it should be. lol.

    I don't see this anywhere in the sector.yaml:
    - Coordinates:
      - 0
      - 0
      - 0
      Color: 0, 0, 0
      Icon: No
      - - 0, 0, 0
        - Sun
        - Sun
        - ''
      Allow: []
      Deny: []
    - Coordinates:
      - -149
      - -115
      - 295
      Color: 1, 1, 1
      Icon: Diamond
      - - 0, 0, 0
        - Outer Rim
        - SpaceOuterRim
        - true:0
      - - -6500, 4000, 9500
        - Anomaly
        - Anomaly
        - true:0 #Tried changing this to "false" but it didn't seem to do anything.
        - ''
      Allow: []
      Deny: []
    I started the playfield from scratch, but copied and pasted things within it from various planets to get the terrain, water level, and creatures what I wanted.

    Edit: I removed the "-true:0" line entirely, and it worked!!! Thanks for all your help!!!!!
    jmcburn likes this.

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