Rechargeable personal shields.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Feel My Burn, Oct 22, 2021.


Personal rechargeable shields

Poll closed Nov 5, 2021.
  1. No! That will throw the whole balance of the game out of whack!

  2. Yeah! Rechargeable shields! I'm Master Chief now! So much fun to have the option!

  1. Feel My Burn

    Feel My Burn Ensign

    May 29, 2019
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    Was wondering if this would be a neat item to obtain in the game. A personal rechargable shield might be a cool addition in my opinion. Maybe it runs on pentaxid or something? There will be a slot for it in the armor locker or maybe it will just take up a mod slot. What say the people?
  2. Stampy

    Stampy Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2020
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    I voted no. It's a great idea, but as soon as I discover it, the Zirax will steal it and then everyone will have personal shields except me on my next playthrough.

    Maybe as a unique item you can find in loot, or based on legacy tech so you don't get it until end game (in PE/RE) and only legacy space entities have it...
    Feel My Burn likes this.

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