Save Game Compatibility Post-Alpha

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Clivos, Aug 5, 2020.

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  1. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Now that the game is out of early access, can you ensure that each new update will NOT break save game compatibility please. This has been the main reason why I stopped playing this game.

    So, when v1.1 comes out, I want my v1 save game to load.
    When v2.0 comes out, I want to load my v1.x save game, and so on.

    Will this be the case?
  2. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I think that this would be impossible to promise.
    This was discussed in another thread.
    I pointed out that I only play a few open world games, like Minecraft & 7D2D. I know that when they do major changes they also recommend restarting.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    It's still Alpha. But not Alpha. Like my wife.
    I love the game as I do love my wife. So I can cope with that. But it's not Alpha anymore, it's Alpha from now.
    Got it ?
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
    SylenThunder and Kassonnade like this.
  4. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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    7D2D is still in Alpha.
    My point, is that now that Empyrion has come out of alpha/early access, then it should be a given that save games will always be compatible with future updates.

    Will this be the case?
  5. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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    It certainly looks that way. If so, then I expect many negative reviews will be incoming (* especially from new players that purchase the game from now on).
  6. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Nah. I purchased the game at (actual) Alpha 11.5 and still love it.
    If priced differently tho, it may hurt some ppl, then you would be right.
    For 20 euros in late alpha stage, this game is the best buy I have done in *years*.
    But it's not alpha anymore, it just became alpha.
    By the way, there is somethin related to the 'Early Access' term with regard to Steam.
    What is obvious to me is that this renaming is 100% marketing-driven and not at all based on the game's development.
    So for everyone who already plays the game, has bought it before... wtf the nice story just goes on. Noone asks you for putting more money in it, or to expect something spectacular as a game changer.

    So stop whining guys !

    Cheers !
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
    Kassonnade likes this.
  7. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    This is true. As the devs have said, they will still be working on Empyrion and is not finished.

    It all depends on your thinking mate.
    If you do not want any of the changes the devs do then you can stick to 1.0, if you do want the changes then you might have to do a restart.
    As I said in the other thread, with the release of 1.16 for Minecraft (23rd June 2020) many people had to delete the Nether file to get the full affect of the release.
    These things happen.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I don't think any game developer can ever promise this. Ever. At all. None. You're asking for an impossible promise.

    However most likely you won't have to restart your save game unless you want new content.
    Bigtoad and Kassonnade like this.
  9. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    If this is what causes you anger (you should not, fear and anger are the dark side) there is a workaround, a very basic one.
    You can run the game as a copy of the original Steam folder. Just go to Steam/steamapps/common/bla-bla. Copy the whole folder to another location. Then run the game from this latter one. I've done it to avoid 'Release ONE' and even if it looks just like Alpha 12.3.4, I don't mind. You can maintain as many versions of the game as you want. Blueprints from the workshop tho, need to be downloaded from the main game folder and then copied to that you want. It's no rocket science.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  10. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Thank you for the workaround.

    However, I stand by the principle that a RELEASED game must ALWAYS have backward save-game compatibility in future updates.

    If that is not to be the case here, then:
    1. Empyrion should have stayed in early-access.
    2. No big deal for me. I'm disappointed not to play this game and see it reach its potential. I will not play a game that wipes my save games after an update.
    3. Like I said, expect a LOT of negative reviews from new purchasers, who WILL feel cheated.

    Not a whine, like you said. I genuinely want this game to succeed, be FUN for me and make money for the devs.
  11. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    To throw a contrasting opinion in here... That is the last thing I would ever want for a released game, or any game that is still under active support. That is how you get stagnant and boring games with no new features and no bugfixes. No thanks. Please, devs, adjust the save file format as needed!

    Also, as a programmer, I have to agree with ravien_ff - this is impossible unless the game is to become an unsupported orphan.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  12. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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    I am also a programmer and I have to strongly disagree with you. I think you will find that the vast majority of RELEASED games will always ensure backwards save game compatibility. To not do so, is folly.

    Plus, I am a gamer of many decades, I have played many thousands of games. Like I said, I want this game to succeed, but I will not play it, if it wipes my saves post-alpha. Many others will agree with me. It comes down to design. If the devs cannot guarantee backwards save game compatibility, then pfft, I'm gonna look elsewhere, review accordingly, no big deal for me!
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The vast majority of games are not like Empyrion at all. The closest that comes to mind is Minecraft, and it works exactly like Empyrion for "backwards compatibility". Old save games can be loaded, but new content will not be in there (obviously) and old, deprecated content may cause bugs, but that is the exception usually caused by using mods that are no longer supported.

    I would have to read again the recent statements from the developers, but I did not see this as an issue that would arise at each update, as these should not "change" content. Next steps have been announced to be mostly bug fixes and optimisation, and if they have new features being worked on they can very well open an "experimental branch" prior to release on the public version.

    Anyways, they clearly mentioned that they do not follow a "classical" closed development system, being open to adding more features if possible. In this, imagin if they some day announce that "players can walk on a moving ship, but you will need a fresh game start". Would it be so bad ?
  14. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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    The majority of the gaming industry works like this: They put out updates/bug fixes/new features to their RELEASED game - the LAST thing they want is to NUKE players save games - because they will lose those players, and the company will get a bad rep!
  15. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    That describes me too. I'm not here to have an appendage-measuring contest. I'm just saying that this old gamer disagrees with that old gamer, and nothing you've said changes my mind. :)
    Kassonnade likes this.
  16. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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    I don't play minecraft (that's for kids, right?)
    Your argument does not stand up, I'm afraid. This game has been in early access for FIVE years. The devs should have sorted out the save-game compatibility issue by now.
  17. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Lol, you have assumed I'm male.
    That aside, my point was to emphasise that I have a ton of experience playing video games and the situation with Empyrion moving forward is rare, if save-game compatibility is not guaranteed.
  18. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Not really. I purposely didn't specify which appendage would be measured. Besides, that's not what I'm here for anyway. I'm long past feeling like I have to prove anything to anybody. :)
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Just search on youtube and you'll see mostly adults posting all kinds of videos where they "play" the game. And some adults still play with their kids, yes. I'm guilty of it. And it's voxel-based, construction and survival, many common points with Empyrion. It even has fluid water ! :cool:

    You'll have to wait and see like all of us then. No point in making doom predictions now, and I honestly think this is not going to move the developer's stance. You can read the recent announcements to get a better idea of their determination. I'm not going to repeat what they said regarding "classical development".

    Spoon likes this.
  20. Clivos

    Clivos Ensign

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Well I did ask the question of minecraft, a game that has never interested me and was certainly popular amongst kids at some time (nothing wrong with that).

    As for "classical development", I'm gonna say this one last time:
    1. Backwards save-gave compatibility is essential if I am to play this game post-alpha.
    2. Many new purchasers will feel cheated. Negative reviews will soar. Devs won't make the money they deserve, which is a shame.

    That's it. I won't respond further. Good luck Empyrion Devs - I wish you the best.
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