Server Port Usage

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by smokified, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. smokified

    smokified Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    I am attempting to run a couple of dedicated servers on 1 external IP address. Due to this, multiple port ranges are necessary. I have a few questions.

    1) What ports are doing what? By default, the game uses port 30000. This is the only port that actually needs to be open for clients to connect. If you don't open 30001-30003, your server does not seem to show up in the multiplayer server list. What function does each port serve? What process is being used for the server to check into the multiplayer list? It seems kind of silly that there actually needs to be a port open for this. I did not open port 30004 because opening your telnet port to the internet is dumb. Don't do it.

    2) My second server is using a port range of 30005-30008 with telnet on 30009. Do I actually need this port range? It really seems like only 30005 is needed. This server does not show up in the multiplayer game list, but I can connect to it from the outside world.

    In short, both of my servers are online and can be connected to from the outside world. Only one of them shows up in the multiplayer game list. Why?
  2. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I run my server through the port 26,000 to 26003 and I run my client on the default 30,000 to 30,003

    You can set up the dedicated server port to ANY port that's not in use though, so its not a problem usually.
    Just make sure the dedicated YAML reflects the port you have selected on the modem.
  3. smokified

    smokified Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    I am not sure you actually read my post. I do not need help with NAT.

    Also, you are not running your server on different ports than your client is connecting on unless you are doing port translation. Either way, this doesn't even answer 1 of the questions I asked.

    Does your server show up in the Multiplayer server list if it is running on 26000-26003? Are you running multiple servers?
  4. smokified

    smokified Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    Is there not anyone from the Empyrion team that might have an answer for this?
  5. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    I don't think so, this would be more of a steam support question or something(No offense guys)

    Not all of us know exactly why it is the way it is, we just know how to use it.

    and if you want them both to show up, like Piddle said, make sure the .yaml for the servers reflects what you want for port ranges and double check everything :p Having several servers to maintain can be a pain in the rear.

    Anyways, good luck finding the answer to this, because its going to be a very small group you are hunting down to say the least.
  6. Starmage21

    Starmage21 Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2017
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    TL;DR of the initial question: Which port provides for which functions?
    Assuming default game port 30000 is set:
    30000: Game Port (Configurable in the Dedicated.yaml)
    30001: ? (Not configurable. Based on the game port + 1)
    30002: ? (Not configurable. Based on the game port + 2)
    30003: Telnet (this is configurable in the Dedicated.yaml)
  7. smokified

    smokified Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    Steam has nothing to do with the Empyrion server.

    An update:
    I am not sure what the process is, but suddenly (about 15 hours after building the server) both of my servers are showing up in the master list. I fully understand how to setup servers and the config files.

    Since it doesn't appear that anyone has an answer for this, I am going to do some testing to see if I can map out what each port is being used for and if a 4 port range is even necessary.
  8. smokified

    smokified Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    30004 is telnet by default. As stated in my original post, I understand that port 30000 is the game port. The question is what are the other ports.

    Please don't answer if you don't actually have an answer.
  9. Ewan_Whatarmy

    Ewan_Whatarmy Ensign

    Feb 9, 2018
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    Hey there,

    based on some basic troubleshooting I can answer 30001.
    I still have no idea about 30002.

    So in my case, game port is 30000 and telnet is 30004.

    After starting the server I noticed that my server would never get published in the game's server browser online.
    Later I noticed in my firewall logs that incoming port 30001 was being dropped by the firewall because my port forward
    was only set up for 30000.

    I set up a port forward for 30001 to the server and voila, my server is now published in the in-game server browser.


    30001 is related to server being published in the in-game server browser.

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