Simple modding possible?

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Máethorel, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Máethorel

    Máethorel Lieutenant

    Dec 23, 2019
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    I've been digging around in the game files (and searching this forum for support) trying to see whether it is possible to do some simple modding for singleplayer/custom multiplayer scenarios - e.g., my friends and I have a server where we'd like to increase the max amount of repair bays to two and increase the range of sniper rifles. Is there a data file somewhere that can be modified to achieve these and similar goals?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I believe this is in the ecf or ecg - something like that, file. I'm pretty sure that even changing the number of placeable repair bays will not allow both to be used. The first one place will function, the second will be "decorative".

    However, all is not lost. I do know a means to skirt around this, but requires one of two "tricks".

    The simplest method is to create 2 bases, with separate cores. One that is your actual base, with all the things you like to stuff in it.
    The second is just a landing pad, with a repair bay, fuel supply*, and repair console. You construct this as close to your actual base as you can, and create the illusion of multiple repair pads.

    The second, slightly trickier method is to build a large, flat CV. Like the "second base" method, this CV needs very little - a power source, a repair bay, a repair console. You can add thrusters to maneuver it into place and either remove or keep them. I rather like a mobile repair pad myself. I have a couple decent ones I may just upload to the workshop when I get a chance.

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