Suggestion for Tutorial

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by WolfEyes, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Yesterday , after deciding to do the tut since it has been so long that I have been able to play, everything was fine until I accidentally opted out of the tut.

    So my suggestion is, on that last window where you click the OK button to confirm, there should be a Cancel button as well. I didn't want to opt out but once I got to that point there was no going back and starting another tut just didn't seem worth doing all that work all over again.

    What I am asking for is a way to cancel the opt out at the last moment. Seems to me the simplest (and maybe easiest) way is to code in a cancel button on that last screen. So two buttons, one to confirm, one to cancel.

    Or did I miss something in my frantic efforts to abort?
  2. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    No, you didn't miss anything, in the PDA log the tutorial steps (and any steps of a scenario mission btw) are listed with a checkbox, once this is box activated or if you 'skip' that part there is no return to the previous state possible unless you use the console command 'pda' to reset . But if you click on an entire chapter or on the main tutorial branch, you can always 'deactivate' that mission or the tutorial and play on later when you like ('activate'). Generally you deactivate tutorials and missions if you are not interested in them or because you know how they develop or because you never want to play them and instead roam on your own.

    So, in short , or you deactivate a branch and continue later, or you have it activated and go on; there is no need to cancel anything. Only real problem is: Sometimes mission dialogues will not show-up in the PDA log, meaning if you didn't do that mission for a long time and then continue weeks later you may not know what to do exactly because of these missing dialogues. In this case, it's better to reset the mission.

    Restting a mission: THAT'S what should be in the game as an option, not the cancel button.

    To completly reset a mission or tutorial, go in the console and type
    'help pda'
    to list the various options and operations related to missions.Then chose the right command.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  3. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Thanks but that really isn't relevant to what I meant. I know I can still go through the tut "manually" but that isn't what I wanted. Like I said I didn't end the tut on purpose. It had been months since I'd played (alpha 10) and only updated to 1.5 two days ago so I wanted to see what was different and what was new in the tut itself by going through it.

    My whole point was there should be that one last opportunity to NOT end the tut on that last window where once you click ok, it's over. A last minute bail out.

    It's nothing critical but it sure would be a life saver for a new player.
  4. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Be aware that my post is updated with new text, I don't always write linearly. Read from 'in short...'

    You say: "NOT end the tut on that last window where once you click ok, it's over"
    That doesn't make any sense to me, you need to elaborate further on this. If you end the tutorial it's because you have done all the steps, right? And these are protocolled in the PDA so you can review them. Where is the problem?
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  5. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Also in order to see changes in 1.5 it's mandatory that you start a new game. Continuning with your old save will NOT show you all changes.
  6. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    The problem is I was no where near finishing the tut when I accidentally ended it because on that particular window there is no way to NOT end it because there is only an OK button to click to end it. What part of "I did not want to end the tut but at that point I had no choice but to end it. There was no way to opt out of ending it" do you not understand? There was nothing else to click on except the button to end the tut. The OK button. It's the very last window of the process.

    I did not continue with an old game. I started a brand new tutorial.

    I am not new to EMP. I have over 1800 hours on it.

    Since you are not one of the devs I don't think I need clarify any further unless they need me to clarify further.

    A simple suggestion so that new players don't inadvertently opt out of the tut before even getting one fourth of the way through it and having to complete it manually, which is a PITA. Eleon wants to retain new players, not discourage them. I don't see what is so difficult to understand about that.

    I'm not interested in starting the tut completely over. I simply wanted to run through it so that I wouldn't need to be trying to figure things out that have changed. I'd already know. Now I have to choose to either start the tut over, complete it manually or just jump in. None of those choices are appealing. It's up to the devs as to when or even if, they address such things. So maybe, at that point, one of them will remember this and they won't need to worry as much about player retention once the game is in full release.
  7. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Ok, I understand your concern now after reading your last post (and only then!). Hopefully a dev reading this will also understand and give you a feedback, so my intervention was not totally futile.
    If you hit accidentally to end the tutorial, you simply re-activate it to go on (as I explained above), I think even a beginner can find this out, a cancel button would not avoid him accidentally chose to end the tut anyway, generally if you want to do something you hit yes to confirm unless all your data is at risk and you think twice (before formatting a disk or alike...) which is not the case here. With a cancel button you assume the player doesn't know what he does. How's that?
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
  8. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I don't think you are getting it and there is no point in me wasting my time trying to explain it to you any further.

    I didn't start a new game. I started a new tutorial which is not the same option as a new game. Luckily I don't have to do a screencap as someone already did one.

  9. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    There is also a tutorial in the survival game, you should have put this screen in your first post or mentioned the tutorial GAME MODE IN THE MAIN MENU. You were asking for confusion. Congrats for trapping me in...That's apparently what you wanted anyway, right...And good luck for getting votes on your crazy suggestion.
  10. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    So what part of "the tut" was not clear? The tut is not the same thing as the in-game tut. Most people realize the difference.

    Who said anything about votes? What votes? I'm simply making a suggestion for future reference and you've blown it way out of proportion.

    Strange, you seem to be the only person who has an issue with any of this.

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