The Engine Limitation on crafting recipes

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Morrigan, Dec 22, 2022.

  1. Morrigan

    Morrigan Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    As I understand it, engine limitations prevent there being multiple recipes to create the same thing. But I think I've thought of a workaround.

    The datapads demonstrate that an item can be used as a trigger when opening up the inventory. How about 'placeholder' items to be crafted that, when the crafting inventory is opened, replaces the stack of the placeholder with the appropriate resource?

    Carbon substrate can currently be crafted from crushed stone. What if plant fibers could be crafted into a 'Carbon Substrate' placeholder that, once opening the inventory, triggers to replace the stack with the actual crafting material Carbon Substrate? This wouldn't place a huge burden on processing power; a single stack would only trigger it once, and the stack replacement would be a single 'item count' variable that's already in use anyway. It would also give the dev teams more flexibility with what they assign for recipes.

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