v1.5 EXP: New AI behavior

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, May 18, 2021.

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  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    In our latest blog, we detailed the new mechanics on some new AI behavior: https://empyriononline.com/threads/version-1-5-dev-blog-new-ai-behaviors.97628/unread

    This is your chance to give dedicated feedback on what you see in the EXP version. :)

    Note: This thread is SPECIFICALLY about feedback on the NEW mechanics, bugs and other remarks!

    We'd love to have your thoughts on that general topic, but would be great to use the blog post for suggestions and keep this thread here a working thread for the presented AI changes themselves. ;)
  2. Radgrim

    Radgrim Ensign

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Killed (repeatedly) by roving bands of Leaf Cutters. Oh, the Humanity!

    I logged out for lunch in a solo game, and when I came back, there were about 10 of these vicious things right at the place I logged out. My point is that they respawned en mass while I was gone for only 1 second game time. Perhaps I put my tent on their respawn spot, lol.

    I see very little difference in behavior of the new Leaf Cutter and the old spider. They are very aggressive, attack in groups, and are fast. Maybe that is as intended. No chance against these without a shotgun.

    Now, on to encounter my first "new" spider...
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Did you log out from a local singleplayer or on a server?
  4. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    For all intents an purposes the leafcutters seem to act more like predators for me now, attacking nearly directly (or with a slight delay) when i get only remotely near them. I have gone to shooting them on sight because of that.

    I also had a case of them respawning while I was logged out for a short while in their area. Funny enough I logged back in standing on a SV and had two of them instantly climb the SV to attack me. In a single player game.

    Perhaps it would make sense to give them some kind of fear of vehicles, there isnt much they can do to any vehicle anyways.
  5. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    perhaps there's something in your ship's electronics that's attracting it :)
  6. Radgrim

    Radgrim Ensign

    Jan 1, 2021
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    It was single player.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    All NPC's can damage your Vehicle. Quite some time ago NPC/AI was trained to climb Walls, Stairs and even Vehicles to get you.
    They also get stuck from time to time;).
  8. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Just saw a bunch of Raptors go after a passing troop of herbivores and attack them... very nice to see. Haven't seen any of the feeding behaviour of the veggies yet, though I did notice that when I arrived in an area I'd not been before, some plants had been harvested, and I wondered if they had been 'eaten' (if the AI actually does this?)
  9. Omegahsc

    Omegahsc Ensign

    May 30, 2019
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    Hello DEVS........ Game is very beautiful and glows a lot....NICE...

    I think is NOT A BUG , but need some atention.....

    version EXP: 1.5 Survaivor mode with no hacks or cheats.... vannila game

    --- I read you update " Alien Insects territorial behavior in 30 meters range"

    PROBLEM HERE: if allien insect atacks because we are in range of theyr territory, WE CANNOT DEFEND OUR SELlFS, BECAUSE we are inside an faction terrictory, because we lose faction points by atacking back that insects...
    And the allien insects, are too fast for we run away......I CAN RUN away, but lose at least 50% stamina

    Logical solution 1 : if we atacks 1st , they atack back , and we lose faction points if we kill it.

    Logical solution 2:: if they atack 1st, we should deffend ourselfs, and we dont lose any faction points....

    Question- is supose some allien atack us inside factions territory, if we kill the atacker we keep lossing faction points and we cannot defend our selfs???

    Sorry my bad Inglish...
    Pach and Germanicus like this.
  10. Runebane

    Runebane Ensign

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Alien insects have definitely changed and should be now considered predator instead of prey. Anything that attacks without provocation (it randomly walking around and getting close to me then attacking because I am close to it is not a prey action, that is definitely predator)

    Spiders have had a lobotomy? At least in the elder's tomb they seem to have. They are very lethargic and don't really seem to want to go past certain boundaries which aren't separated by anything other than dirt and concrete. I've done the elder's tomb before 1.5 and they were much more aggressive and didn't get stuck very much. However, I do have to say I have never done Elder's Tomb on vanilla until now. It may have been Reforged Eden that fixed the spider behavior.

    Raptors appear the same to me, they've always hunted in groups. Now I've not run into any where herbivores were nearby so I've not been able to see them attack them (I hear they do). But player vs raptor seems the same as ever. But I've not run into a lot of them yet. AI can get borked easily.

    Speaking of... First day of playing 1.5 and I had to go AFK for a while (10-20 minutes) and paused the game. When I came back no NPC would move or defend themselves. Now, I didn't trying humanoid NPCs with guns, but creatures were paused and wouldn't run away or attack. They wouldn't move at all. I was able to replicate that again (taking care of a disabled family member so sometimes when I afk it's for a while) after a reboot.

    -AKEVA-BANSHEE- Commander

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Tellpods run away then just stop becoming target practice.

    So here is what I have seen. Our base is near a lot of tellepod spawns so when we log in we go out and kill em for meat or just so they don't howl at us or more often just so they don't look at us funny. Anyways. I shot them once with a shotty then they start running away scared. They run about 30 meters or so they just stop. Stop responding tm shootting them stop basically everything. Recently I decided to leave one alone after it stopped. I came back a little while later and its still there. Free target practice and XP I guess.

    Minor immersion breaking bug, but not really a serious issue I don't think.
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
  12. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    So, I started a temperate game to play with the new RP and the new AI.

    Twice now I have been one-shot killed by one of the alien bugs (the ones with a big circle of teeth... leaf cutters?) that wasn't there 30 seconds before (after the first time, I've been very carefully watching for them).

    I think they are spawning in right on top of me/behind me, and aggroing immediately.

    There is no audible warning before they attack. Just instantly DEAD with one bite (remember there is no armor on temperate start). This is happening while following the steps in the RP (one was right beside the teleport station, and I was just leaving to go make a tent).

    Most creatures in the wild make warning sounds before attacking. Can we get an audible that something isn't right before we get ganked? :)

    And/or... move them further away from the questline POIs.

    And/or... establish a "no spawn zone" around the player in the crash zone.

    And/or... reduce the damage they do.

    Personally, I don't care about the damage they do, or the spawn zone, but having them pop in and one-shot kill me with zero warning while I'm doing the tutorial would be a ragequit and possibly refund if I were playing for the first time.

    -AKEVA-BANSHEE- Commander

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Those leaf Cutters or their lazy coding name (AlienBug 01V2) make the giant mantis creatures, night raptors and raptors cute and cuddly in comparison. Without an epic shotty or epic weaponry and medium, heavy or better yet Epic Armor to deal with them they kill you in seconds.. They should not be on starter planets. A level one leaf cutter can stun you take half your health then one of his buddies and kill you half a second later. 2 hits to kill you in light armor. And just stunning you without armor is an insta-kill.
  14. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Hahaha I have also died at the hands of those leaf cutters! The survival tool is useless before them. Two of these bugs attacking at the same time are very dangerous!

    ¡Jajaja yo también he muerto a manos de esos cortadores de hojas! La herramienta de supervivencia es inútil ante ellos. ¡Dos de estos bichos atacando al mismo tiempo son muy peligrosos!
    Germanicus likes this.
  15. PickleJar

    PickleJar Lieutenant

    Jul 13, 2020
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    In the "radiated fog" area on the starter temperate world there are promethium deposits guarded by about a dozen + legacy scorpions and a couple big butt spitter bugs.

    The scorpions don't move. Just wait to be killed. And if the spitter bugs manage to hit one of them, they begin fighting each other.

    Odd behavior for sure.
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