HWS EU |Custom Universe|Story|Active|PvPvE|Mods

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by RexXxuS, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    General HWS EU Server Information (Click here for NA)

    Name: HWS EU |Custom Universe|Story|Active|PvPvE|Mods
    : 177
    EAC: Active

    Server Location: France

    Admin Ingame Name: RexXxuS, Jascha
    Admin Forum contact: RexXxuS, Jascha

    Offers donations or perks: Yes
    Infolink to donations: https://empyrion-homeworld.net/support-us
    Uses 3rd Party Tool: (HWS) EAH

    Savegame started with version: 9.0.0 build 2076
    Mode: Survival
    Seed: 777777777

    MP Type: default scenario
    Scenario Name: Custom
    Scenario Workshop link: Custom

    Maximal Blueprint Spawn Class: 7
    Allowed BP Types: ALL (owned, subscribed, stock)

    Decay Time: 24
    (Time after which player-built structures without core or less than 10 blocks get removed when not visited)
    Wipe Time: 360
    (Time after which any player-built structures get removed when not visited)
    Protect Time: 24
    (Time during which structures are offline protected)
    Protect Delay: 1800
    (In seconds when the OP will be activated after the last member logged off)
    AutoMinerDepletion: True
    (Tell the game that autominer devices should deplete the deposit)
    GroundedStructureSpawn: True
    (You need to spawn blueprints on a carrier depending of the type)

    Maximum Structures per playfield: 7000
    Antigrief Distance: ---
    AntiGrief Zones: ---
    AntiGriefDistancePvE: 70
    AntiGriefDistancePvP: 350
    AntiGrief Ore Distance: 77
    AntiGrief Ore Zones: PvE
    Max Block Count: Active
    (Max count for certain devices per vessel or structure, e.g. turrets, fixed weapons..)

    Allow alliances between Origins: Yes
    (Yes = will allow alliances with or join factions from other Origins)
    Auto-allied within Origin: No
    (Yes = Factions of the same Origin are allied per default)
    FriendlyFire in PvP: Yes
    (Yes = will not damage any allied structure even in PvP. Will still hurt players)

    Global Marketplace: Available

    Difficulty Settings: Hard (except Radiation/Temperature/Time things like Constructor)

    Additional Info: See below

    Verified Servers are neither run, nor owned by Eleon Game Studio staff, but are 100% driven by community members only (Owners). Eleon Game Studios only provides the dedicated server files for free. Any costs that results from 3rd party hosters are fully up to their individual contracts and offers. The Verified Server initiative does not offer compensation or other monetary gifts or other, similar advantages for the owners of such servers.

    The owners are fully responsible what happens on their server(s) in terms of user management and world layout. If you do not agree with their administration, please file a complaint directly at their admins. Eleon Game Studios staff can not moderate or manage such complaints.

    If you run into a game issue, please report this at our bug forums: http://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

    Although the servers with the Verified Server lable have been chosen after a careful review, Eleon Games Studios can not be held responsible for bad behavior of either the owners or their admins towards their players - although this will lead to a removal of the Verified Server label. Same applies to update frequency of the server and technical issues that are not related to the game itself (aka "bugs").

    How to report issues

    1. Lost a ship or base / vanished > please create a "Get Support" Ticket in the forum: https://goo.gl/3zWXif (respect the guidelines for that: https://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/t/read-first-will-you-receive-support-yes-or-no/72)
    2. Crashed/CoQ/Freeze > please create a "Get Support" Ticket in the forum: https://goo.gl/3zWXif (respect the guidelines for that: https://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/t/read-first-will-you-receive-support-yes-or-no/72)
    3. Run into a gameplay bug > please create a "Get Support" Ticket in the forum: https://goo.gl/3zWXif (respect the guidelines for that: https://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/t/read-first-will-you-receive-support-yes-or-no/72)
    4. Want to discuss about the server world and setup? Feel free to add a comment below (other comments will be removed) or create a post in the General Discussion topic: https://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/c/hws-general-discussion


    Hey everyone,

    [Temporary Announcement]

    Here is our HWS 8.0.0 Teaser ( read more in our forum )


    Welcome to HWS (Homeworld Server). Below you will find some useful and interesting information about the server, our community and us.

    [Quick Introduction]

    HWS started on march 2016 by Jascha and me. Since then we always tried to implement more and more features into the game / HWS and create a big community which enjoy to play the game in Multiplayer.

    We have two servers location in Europe and America with a current active member base of ~ 700 players. In total over 11000 players joined HWS.
    We have over 20 people with a playtime on the server of 1000 hours and looking back at 8 big (new) universe changes so far.

    [Gameplay on HWS]

    Since the beginning we tried to push the game and its possibilities to a next level. Since both Jascha and me are coders we create in that way a tool (EAH) and a website (HWS Connect) which adds a total new gameplay to the game. For example:

    • Orbital Cargo Drone (OCD) which will store your items throughout full wipes (which are needed in the current state of the game)
    • Elemental Bank (EB) which gives you a full economy feature set like pay in/out your credits, have Bank interests, sending money to other people or live your dream and buy / sell ships / play lottery
    • 3 unique to play Origins: Freelancer, Alliance, Lawless. Each of them has their strengths and weaknesses and each of them get unique missions / rewards along the way
    • Reputation System: not only used as a currency but also to play the game as you wish
    • HWS Connect: a website which connects the game to every location you need (smartphone or whatever). It is possible to play the game partially with the website like sending your faction messages from anywhere, manage your OCD or Credits online, check information about the structures built in the universe, see who is guilty on the Hunter Board and more
    • Big community interaction with a Black Market and Elemental Garage where you can buy / sell rare alien artifacts (to boost your RP) or buy / sell special pimped ships
    • A "living" / dynamic universe with rotational playfields from PvP to PvE and warp destinations mapped to specific times
    • (PDA) Missions to boost your Singleplayer experience even in a Multiplayer game and hunting this way for big rewards - dependent on your Origin you have chosen
    • Much, much more really like Story driven start locations, NPC Traders, Orbital Auto Miner, Helping Centers, unique and lots of POIs and Cross Server Warp, which ultimately connects both universes - EU and NA - together
    [Impressions of HWS 8.0.0]

    EGS Flying City


    Golden Globe (Red Gold crust)


    HWS Connect Preview



    HWS Skill Tree gives you the unique addition to enhance your ingame Player stats such as up to 1000 health instead of the default 500

    [HWS Guide / Help / Commuinty]

    We try to update our big guide everytime and as soon as possible to help you with the questions and rules we have on HWS.

    In general HWS is quite complex and not as easy as you expect but once you learned some stuff (which is also possible within the game with our ingame PDA) then you might like the new gameplay.

    Last but not least again: the most important thing and what we are proud of is our community. They are not only helping us in running these expensive servers but also beginner by helping them as good as they can.

    Thank you all for making HWS a nice and never boring place where everyone from everywhere can play.

    Your HWS Team

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
  2. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    The first event was very successful. Thank you guys for your anticipation! :)
    The next event is alread in planning and will be coming maybe with the complete wipe / server update next week.

    Stay tuned.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Taun Hawk

    Taun Hawk Lieutenant

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Have you guys considered or tried just setting those starter planets to PVP for a day rather than doing scheduled wipes? Liberland did this on Sunday. It was so much fun just with PVP, looting, and dealing with heavily fortified bases that players built. There was no wipes and no rollbacks, everyone got to keep what they could get. There was one faction who could not be beat, not sure if it was a cheat, but it appeared to be a well organized faction with a well built defense. I think this is a really good concept to allow players to build up strong bases in a PVE time frame such as a week then let the door open up for PVP one day and only the strongest and organized survives. Then back to PVE. This faction was able to secure new locations during the PVP day and hold those till Akua went back to PVE. They now have till the next PVP event to rebuild and refortify their wins. Let the players create their own environment to do PVP in rather than admins coming up with special events.
    Xenophon likes this.
  4. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey Taun,
    thanks for your suggestion. Interesting...
    If it is ok for you, can you please remember or say the names who was so well organized? In the liberland thread you wrote it was the faction DEA. But which members? Just interesting for me...

    Well, so Liberland doing this every sunday? A complete week without wipe? How they handle the core limit? Do you know the number of how many cores are allowed placed on PvE planets?
    Because the only problem I see in this is that our server has 20-30 new players coming per day! If everyone of them placing a core on Earth (Akua) then we reach the core limit in 4-5 days. New players can't build stuff then anymore. Though I have 9 starting planets set somehow everyone want to start on Earth ;)
    The other problem I see is what if a large base / faction can't be killed on Earth? If I have a core limit of 100 and the large base / faction contains of 20 cores then 20 people less can build stuff the coming week.
    Maybe a special Taxi faction comes in place then..
    The last problem I see is that after 3 weeks corruption happens here and there. As an admin you can't control it really so every server has to complete wipe after some time.
    If you never wiping planets the chances are high that corruption starting.

    Other then that it is a good way to keep players stuff... somehow. Many are complaining about the regular wipes. As an event before the alpha it is a good thing I think. When the alpha will be released we will see if the bugs / corruptions get addressed. Then this could be a good way instead of wiping regulary.
    Taun Hawk likes this.
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Alot of servers are doing starter planet regular wipes, this seems to be the only way to keep the starter planets ''open'' for new players at the moment, when the core limit is removed the new problem will be lag from unused builds, so a new/modified/updated cleaning system will be needed for unused structures to be automatically removed.

    Starter planet wipes appear to cause less corruption than trying to keep it running indefinitely on the same map and rolling it over to PvP to destroy alot of the stuff, this increase's the save file size , and a fresh map doesnt have to remember any extra data, like holes that have been dug.

    Until Eleon correct some of these problems I would go with the regular starter planet wipes.

    Some servers are wiping the starter planets every week, Im not sure what the best balance is, depends on your traffic flow to server.

    One thing is for sure though, people dont like wipes or roll backs of any kind.

    What Ive noticed especially with rollbacks is it might fix a bugged player, but it always disadvantages more than one other player, a sure way to loose there interest.

    Clearing the play area and wiping that play area only , is another on the spot fix and if bases are situated in that play area you have the same issue of people loosing stuff and being disadvantaged.

    The fairest way is a PLY file delete and that leaves the bugged person starting a new game, not perfect but better than letting one persons bug disadvantage a hand full of other players and potentially corrupt there inventories.
    The biggest problem with this is if the player has factioned builds in PvE areas.
    What I do is then just import what the player lost or equivalent in ore/ingots to replace.
  6. Wustuv

    Wustuv Lieutenant

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Nice one, was also already working on several events for my server. Maybe we can join forces, pm me if interested
  7. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Send you a steam invite.

    Thanks piddlefoot for your answer. Our last step with our Admin Tool and knowledge about the game is how the connection between the Playfield and Shared folder works. Well we know that they are communicate with each other but the .area files are not so easy to read like the .ply files. The .ply files are now completley open for us. ;)

    Lastly we had an cheater or a big bug, that tried to warp to Omicron Orbit. But I don't have an Omicron Orbit in my custom server! x) Very weird, BUT this caused the server to eat up 24 GB RAM!! You can really mess it up easy when your sectors.yaml is messed up.

    But other then that our server runned for almost four weeks + big event without problems.

    Sure there are always people who didn't read the announcements and wondering why their stuff is gone. Very sad but in terms of the core limit for example it is necassary too.

    Hm, removing the .ply file / reset the player normally does not effect the playfields / vessels. The .ply file is more or less isolated and just relocated in the correct playfield and connected with a ship. Problems causing the playfields or vessels. Well you are right... like a written above... when a guy tries to enter a playfield which does NOT exist, yeah... then you have a problem and need to delete him instantley.

    I really hope the alpha has more try / catch error blocks so the game does not eat up all your RAM till your windows crashes. A bit easier way which ships are located to which person in the Shared folder would be nice too.
  8. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    it is almost saturday what means that two things will happen:

    • complete Server wipe
    • Server upgrade

      What does it mean exactly:

      Complete Server wipe
      If you are no donator you will lose everything cause everything will be wiped, please make sure you have a blueprint of everything made.
      The last 3 weeks were great for testing and seeing how players react to my galaxy and planets idea. With that feedback I can make a much better galaxy system now on saturday

      In addition I love science fiction and story telling. So I will add a bit of story what is going on in this galaxy ;)

      The amount and variation of resources will change a lot due more planets comes into play. Also the amount of planets in one orbit will change for better orientation.

      The name will now really changed to HWS (Homeworld Server) for better filtering and more room for better information.

      Donators: most of you sent me the workshop blueprint of your ships already and asking how it will be made tomorrow.
      With our Admin Tool it gonna be very easy:
      You logout, we set the needed resources in your factory for the ship and starting it. As soon as you login back again you can spawn it where you want :) This is just awesome and only possible on our server ;)
      For the resources you had in your ship we can't give you the exact amount back - it would be a too big trusting thing.
      So in this case we give you a resource package depending on your playtime on the server which we can see in our Admin Tool aswell.
      And of course you keep your level and inventory.

      Server upgrade
      Because of the great support of the donators I can also upgrade to much better server now. This will almost only be possible with the help of donation because 200 Dollars per month are a lot for me privatley.
      This will mean that more players, more orbits and more planets are possible. Regarding the alpha it should handle any more performance lacks (trees, etc.) too.

      So I am glad to see this server growing and thanks again for your support! :)

      See you on the server.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
  9. Yolofessional

    Yolofessional Captain

    Aug 13, 2015
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    so you are exchanging in game goods and services for money? also, your server is pay to win, since non donators will start fresh?

    sadly, yours is not the only server which can do this. infact, some have been doing this since before bp spawn in survival was introduced.
  10. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey Yolo,

    well I spoke with Hummel and ingame item purchases are not allowed what many people asked me which I refused... but other servers are doing this. .
    I don't see bp spawn help from my site as pay to win. It is kind of quid pro quo for the player. If they help me I help them so to speak.
    Sure they have an advantage against new players but the donators played a long time on my server before so why punish them with a wipe.

    If people abusing their bp spawn to kill newcomers I will definitley cancel the offer and find a way to deal with it.
  11. Yolofessional

    Yolofessional Captain

    Aug 13, 2015
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    server funding is a tricky subject right now. as we both mentioned, there are currently servers doing much worse than your policy. and in the end, players on a server have given de facto consent for whatever policies are in place on that server, by playing on that server. i think as long as these policies are clearly outlined to prospective players, and until we get more concrete guidlines from the devs, then it is a buyer beware situation, and consenting parties should be allowed to do whatever. i wish you luck with the server, and hope you strive for a fair application of whatever policies you see fit.

    edit- i do not think we are refering to the same server when talking about pay to win policies.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
  12. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks Yolo. I am in contact with Hummel and he told me that he will check the law about it. Since the devs and me comes from germany with a very strict law system it is very important to me. A possible way is to do it like Majong (Minecraft) here: https://mojang.com/2014/06/lets-talk-server-monetisation/
    Really tricky, yes.

    Sure it is unfair that other server owner exploiting this situation and 200 Euro per months are a lot for me now without doing it. But with our great admin tool players surley will see the profit of playing without cheaters and helped out in any situation.
    (Funny thing is that the other server owner are asking for our admin tool ;))
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    This is the most secure server of ALL Empyrion servers when it comes to hackers.
    There software for removing exploiters / hackers at the moment is second to none.
    It is custom software they have written themselves, it has been tested and is the only one that works properly so far, in game on the fly bans.
    Its probably not perfect, but is a mark above any other we have tested.

    For this alone they deserve a high player count on there server, and the work they have done with the developers in relation to this is outstanding and will improve the game for everyone.

    I definitely recommend this server if your looking for a semi role playing well structured server.
    You do need to stay up to date with there forum posts is all.
    RexXxuS and Jascha like this.
  14. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Wow... thank you very much piddlefoot! We are very glad you recommend us and support us.

    Well, indeed Jascha put a lot effort into this program and we are doing all we can to be a good or maybe the best server out there ;)
    We launched today a complete fresh server, I managed to release the website / forum and we are still not done.

    Teamspeak is gonna come soon and events of course.
    Our program got another big update concerning the ents.dat / .ply files / Shared Folder connection and we are happy to help you in any needs.

    So if you are a cheater you are welcome to test our program / automechanism. If you are a player who wants fun playing Empyrion you are more than welcome and not alone. :)
    piddlefoot likes this.
  15. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    :) wow, thanks. I'm honored. Did not think my tool would be that great.

    But its true. It helps us a lot and its all designed to help our players.

    I cant tell you in detail what it does against cheaters ... but it uses alot of algorithms and game-laws to check if someone is cheating.
    Real cheaters have a very very short lifespan before our tool kicks in. Just a blink of an eye ;-) Sorry.
    Possible cheaters are also automatically on our watch list.
    It gives us a detailed view into the cheaters, their steam profile down to their blueprint factory. It even allows us to get into their vessles and bases by just a click.

    So why is that tool so important for players on our server?

    Besides getting rid of most cheaters, who destroy the gameplay, it helps us to:
    - make you blueprints in seconds (for ex. in case a game bug made your vessel disappear)
    - fill or edit your inventory
    - give you a restart or starter inventory (so you don't lose your character and level)
    - change factions
    - warp you
    - find your vessels
    - find out who stole your vessels and bases (in case it was a cheater)
    - takes automatic backups and makes restarts... so everything is save
    - helps us to see your Help cry's in the chat faster
    -.... and and and...

    And of course it gives us valuable statistics about the Game, the Server and the Players. So we know where we are standing.

    Its still growing and not done yet, and definetly not perfect. As Rex said... we are learning more and more about the game every day... but it definitely kept cheaters away and made our life as Admins a lot easier. And that is to the benefit of our players!

    So enjoy the Server!
    piddlefoot and RexXxuS like this.
  16. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    In eigener Sache: ich suche einen dritten Full Admin. Die Anforderungen sind sehr hoch, aber vielleicht findet sich ja der / die passender/e :) einfach auf steam adden: RexXxuS
  17. Sarge4ID

    Sarge4ID Ensign

    Feb 22, 2016
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    Rex I added sent you a friend request, you have accepted it by the time you read this. I'd like to talk to you privately about something. Thanks!
  18. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I'd like to see more of your server but it never seems to be up when I try and look for it
  19. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hey Fenra,
    the server is up 24/7. Just filter for HWS.
    But I see in our tool you already joined the server on 05.04.2016 at 3:04am ;)
  20. Xenophon

    Xenophon Commander

    Oct 1, 2015
    Likes Received:
    sounds like fun.
    Should so have this.

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