What do you like to do Mid Game and End Game Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Brehon, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. Brehon

    Brehon Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2019
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    Please note this is not a request for systems or abilities not already in the game. As I get closer and closer to finishing my scenario, I have a nagging question. I have already asked this of the server community I belong to, but I would really love to hear from more folks. So here it is:

    Considering Empyrion, what do you as a player enjoy doing the most Mid Game and end Game Empyrion. If you don't play mid game or end game empyrion, what would make you play mid game and end game Empyrion?

    Thank you very much in advance for answering :) Have a great day!

    willderyes, A Mueller, Fenris and 2 others like this.
  2. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I place relay teleporters near neutral stations to overcome the 30 LY limit so I can explore easily far away systems and eventually return to my space stations. I focus on attacking POIs which I didn't before and often change my CVs to see different stragegies, but I notice they all pretty play the same. Late in the game the survival aspect isn't that much important any longer, I would like Eleon to change that, also adding more gameplay that justifies more ship or base building.
  3. Brehon

    Brehon Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2019
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    Thank you for responding :)
  4. Fenris

    Fenris Commander

    Jul 19, 2018
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    I've actually been thinking about this question a lot lol.

    For me it is a bit hard to determine when mid game and late game starts for a survival game. I've always felt that being in the starting system is early game, especially now (actually awhile ago) that the starting planet and most planets in the starting system are so boring. My first CV is still early game for me, it is just a means to carry any loot and the few vehicles I have to someplace more interesting.

    Mid game for me is about the time I can spawn in my second CV, one that doesn't have to run from most enemies. I have my preferred craft for exploring, defanging POIs, and salvaging said POIs. And looting, lots and lots of looting.

    Somewhere during my mid game, I have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of each resource, cargo bays full of fuel, O2, pentaxid, epic weapons and armor, and enough food to feed an empire. But I never quite make it to end game. End game for me would be a CV that can take on 99% of enemies without a second thought and come out with little to no damage. And even though I have my preferred SVs already, I suppose I could make better ones, there is just no reason to. Once I get to where I could go into end game, there is no reason to and I get bored and put the game away for awhile or start a new one with a different play style. End game in Empyrion just seems to be about getting more stuff. Stuff I already have in abundance. So why loot when I already have everything?

    So to answer your question "what would make you play mid game and end game Empyrion?", I really don't know. I wish there was an answer, I just don't know what it is :D But this is a problem with every survival game. I love survival games, they are my preferred game of choice, but all end up becoming a game of who has the most stuff. Eventually you get to the point where you have all the stuff.
    michaelhartman89 and willderyes like this.
  5. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Trying to understand what "mid-game" or "end-game" are here. The closest thing I can come up with is "mid-game" being that point when you've unlocked half the tech tree, and end-game being when you've unlocked the entire tech tree.

    For me, this usually happens about 2-3 hours into the game, and I've reached that "end game" status right about the same time I go "Time to build a CV and get off this rock", as once you've constructed a self-sustaining CV, there really isn't anything left to do - aside from the couple of structures that cannot be build on a CV (ATM, Deconstrutor, Furnace), you really have no need to be on a planet any longer, and with no means of returning to Earth, or any event that triggers the rolling of credits, there isn't any actual end to the game itself.

    When I opt to play on the multiplayer server (Official NA Vanilla), I tend to spend my post CV-time helping out new players or randomly delivering pizzas to people, because there really isn't anything else to actually do, and who doesn't like a pizza?
    willderyes likes this.
  6. XLJedi

    XLJedi Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2021
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    A valid economy or at least a commodity trade system that would make a smuggler or merchant cargo hauler career viable.

    The unusual pricing of a few select items just destroys it for me.
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Collect resources in general. Mostly create fusion cells and collect as much gold to convert to money and money cards as possible. I have amassed tons over the years storing them all in a special save game I have only for storage cargo. I use the Empyrion game copy tool to copy cargo between saves of course.
  8. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I figure mid game starts once I'm loose out in the galaxy to explore. First priority is to find a basing site. An abundant energy supply is the highest priority. Automineable resources are also important, the closer the better. Trade stations are also a plus.

    This is when I get my infrastructure going. I build farms, factories, storage facilities, repair stations. I have a blueprint for a battleship that takes 35 hours to bake. If I make its more than 22K hull blocks myself, that delay goes away. It takes six full cargo controllers to hold that much combat steel and other blocks. If I assign four advanced constructors to each one, I can tell them to each make about a thousand combat steel blocks. I will likely house it all in multiple adjacent factory BAs, and store the products in an unpowered (and therefor CPU agnostic) cold storage BA. This setup performs, shall we say, in a Satisfactory fashion.

    This is also the time when I get my economy going. I scout around for stations and note their traders. With a bit of seed money and a good cargo CV, I start running commodities. Robotics, toxic waste, autominer cores, luxury goods, crew blocks, anything I can buy cheap and sell dear. The transactions soon value in the millions. Volume grows beyond what individual traders can handle. I try to avoid cheese when million credit trades are placed literally across the room from each other (looking at you, Theta-4), but the temptation is great when you're spending seven million to fully arm and supply a large CV.

    End game is when I have all my ships built, supplied, and ready to deploy. Repair and replenishment have already been taken care of, likely in the form of a stack of credits and list of friendly trade stations. It's time to go hunt OPVs, battle stations, fortresses, whatever is necessary.

    It's going to be a long war. I have prepared. My magazines are full. My sword is sharp. Whatever ancient evil plagues this galaxy, I will find it and cut it away with burning steel and burning hatred, and I will not stop until nothing of it remains but ashes and dust drifting between stars.

    Then I'll probably get distracted by some other game and forget about Empyrion for a while, until some new thing happens to draw me back and I start a new game. Top priority will be to put a CV together and get loose out in the galaxy. And so the cycle continues.
    michaelhartman89 and A Mueller like this.
  9. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    pick my expeditions, pack for the trip. explore all types of planets and uncover every poi and do ones i never did.
    jadefalcon likes this.
  10. willderyes

    willderyes Ensign

    Jul 3, 2017
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    You mention that you place teleporters to overcome long distances, but I thought teleporters on teleport you personally, not your ship or inventory. Can you explain in a little more detail or enlighten me?

  11. Minelaus

    Minelaus Captain

    Sep 12, 2016
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    If you play without needing a structure to place ship , you can teleport and simple spawn one out of youre factory .

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