[TOOL] [DISCONTINUED] Empyrion Playfield Designer Alpha7 v1.36.1 [deprecated version]

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by jmcburn, Feb 16, 2017.

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  1. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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    I'm really digging this cooperative spirit!
    This will do a great job at lowering the barrier to playfield modification. \o/
    Side note, can't bloody wait for chance to start redesigning the Space Moles homeworld, and more...
  2. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    ... combined efforts ...

    As Jascha just mentioned, we're combining our powers to deliver a hopefully better and bigger solution to the playfield generator. He's a great guy and i know, we will be an efficient team.

    It really makes sense to combine playfield and sector designer into one package to give you an out of the box solution.

    And with the full support of the devs, which are really nice guys btw, version changes will be faster and easier to handle.

    It's all still early in the process, but with our tools combined into one at some point, i really think we can speed up the process of creating custom worlds even more and make it even more intuitive for you guys.

    • At the moment i'm still working to get the last functions and modules implemented to edit the playfields.
    • 'Edit' Code is really working quite well already.
    • Still missing - and giving me a hard time for the last 2 two days - is the 'add item' and 'delete item' function in the lists. Maybe some changes n the autoBuild process need to be done here, but no real inspiration yet, on how to do it best. Mostly try and error. So i'm testing on an experimental branch at the moment to figure this out.
    • The approach of creating the UI dynamically works great so far, but is on the other hand really hard to debug, when you're not seeing everything at design time and jumping from method to method and property to property recursively. :D
    • Implemented some of the new playfield data as of version 5.5
    TODO till first alpha:
    • getting 'adding new' and 'deleting' items AutoBuilders to work as expected
    • finishing the last few UI modules
    • input validators

    Will have to test and try out things here a little longer i guess, so please be patient. I know you're all really waiting for the first version to come out, but i can't make it happen any faster.

    Biome Designer current state:
    The interface still looks rather dull at the moment, but it's not on my priority list at the moment to beautify and simplify.

    POIs Editor:

    Kaeser, rainyday, oojimaflip and 2 others like this.
  3. handuk420

    handuk420 Ensign

    Feb 2, 2016
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    i have some code already done for editing sector file and would be happy to work together to get even more features to the designer your working on. maybe we could combine all the 3 editors =P
  4. Hatagumi

    Hatagumi Ensign

    Feb 1, 2017
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    greats news and i cant wait for this new powered up version
  5. jcddmdad

    jcddmdad Ensign

    Feb 6, 2017
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    I was thinking about making planets for my little private server, until I read this post. I'm going to sit tight, until a released version comes out. I am so glad I found this topic! Good luck, we're all rooting for you!
  6. Achilles

    Achilles Captain

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I wish i would of had this when i first started, Months of trial and error, now i'm a yaml ninja but really exited to see the doors open to a lot of inexperienced players so we can start sharing some more incredible planets :)
  7. VUVossi

    VUVossi Lieutenant

    Jan 9, 2017
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    looking forward to test the tool !!!!!
  8. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    ... lots of work done, some still todo ...

    Well, have been busy days. And kinda nerve-racking.

    For those who know how WPF works:

    • Had been extremely comlicated to implement 'add Item' features to listBuilders due to WPF DataContext and DataBinding.
    • EventHandlers don't seem to be fond of beeing created dynamically, either. :D
    • Still partially a hack, but it works. Maybe we can figure it out some time and change it.
    Fixes, Changes since last update:
    • Added 'Add Item' Functionality to Lists
    • Added 'Delete Item' Functionality on Lists
    • Added 'Drone Base Setup', 'DroneSpawing AutoBuilders'
    • Added 'POIs'
    • Added 'Creatures'
    • Added more Properties, that were still missing.
    • FIXED: ColorPicker SelectedColor didn't auto update on playfield load.
    • FIXED: DropDowns of Database Bound Items like Resources, ... didn't initialize SelectedItem to the correct item Name. Didn't preselct anything, really. :D
    • LOTS of minor changes fixes, and updates. Too many to mention... ;)
    TODO before first release:
    • Basic input validators, so you won't crash that much in the first alpha releases. ;)
    • Fill Databases with basic elements/items to select from for a start. More, respectively all items some time later.
    • probably early release still without preview images of items.


    upload_2017-3-4_21-11-49.png upload_2017-3-4_21-12-18.png upload_2017-3-4_21-12-44.png upload_2017-3-4_21-13-3.png upload_2017-3-4_21-14-5.png

    So, we're maneuvering slowly somewhere closer to an alpha release date. Can't promise too much though, 'cause i don't know, how work's keeping me busy in the next time, but i'll do my best.

    dcirilos, RexXxuS, Jascha and 2 others like this.
  9. Astralism

    Astralism Ensign

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Hold your good work up!
    I am still sitting on my test-server with over 100 Planets and nearly 500 POI`s now, but it`s hard making all by hand... so your Tool will be really welcomed.
  10. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    ... and another little update ...

    Playfields Browser implemented. Double Click for a quick open and edit.

    Helped to find me some more little buggies in my Yaml Parser, i have to correct. ;)


    Galaxy, Kieve, Astralism and 2 others like this.
  11. Nyfaria

    Nyfaria Ensign

    Feb 12, 2017
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    Man i was 10 seconds away from developing my own version of this when i found this post.. good work man, can't wait til its ready..
  12. VUVossi

    VUVossi Lieutenant

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Yes it looks great, looking forward to test it
  13. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    ...The wait is finally over...


    Well it is by far not done, of course. But first it would be great to have some feedback, what to change. Thus the early release with maybe a bit more bugs than expected.

    Known Issues:

    • Input Validation (Types, min/max Value limitation, ...) still missing, have to figure out best way to do it.
      So please be careful, what you enter. Playfield might crash otherwise on load.
    • Biome Names on Effects have to be entered manually as string. No preselection of already created BiomeClusterData yet. But will come in some early patch.
    • When selecting 'Space' as playfield Type, all the properties needed for planet are also created. And you can enter information, and it will be saved into playfield yaml. But as far as i tested, the game only picks out the information it needs to create playfield. So redundant information in playfield shouldn't be a problem. But please test and share your expereience with me.
    • There might be constellations in playfield yaml, that don' work together. But as I have created just a few planets myself, i'm trusting in you guys to share information about dependencies and troubling constellations of settings.
    So please let me know what you think and post your bug reports here. Hopefully there are no gamebreaking bugs in, but i'm trying to patch them as soon as possible of course.

    Also it would be great, if some of you with experience in creating playfields already share there wisdom to improve further development.

    So have FUN and let the terraforming begin...

    Download Link:
    Use Hotfix v1.01 some posts down

    Chrome may warn about strange download. Don't know, what to do about it. :D

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
    Taelyn, panddshea, Nyfaria and 3 others like this.
  14. Xzystance

    Xzystance Ensign

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Awesome, I'll download and test it when I get home from work in the morning and let you know!

  15. Nyfaria

    Nyfaria Ensign

    Feb 12, 2017
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    When trying to add a POI i get this error upon clicking the Add button, no idea if this info helps but it's all i get.

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
    Problem Signature 01: EPD.exe
    Problem Signature 02:
    Problem Signature 03: 58c2bd2c
    Problem Signature 04: PresentationFramework
    Problem Signature 05: 4.6.1590.0
    Problem Signature 06: 5787fd16
    Problem Signature 07: 4eb9
    Problem Signature 08: e
    Problem Signature 09: System.ArgumentOutOfRange
    OS Version: 6.3.9600.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: 5861
    Additional Information 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2
    Additional Information 3: bb02
    Additional Information 4: bb02c3b29c3f075104f1d0629e885cfc

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  16. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    HOTFIX (v1.01)

    - BUGFIX: when adding a new Item to any List (e.g. POI), if Item Name was not found, thus preselected incorrectly, ListIndex was set to -1 and resulted in crash.

    Download Link:

    • But found a bigger issue. When adding or editing Global Special Effects and trying to add a Biome Name or edit Biome Name, either no control shows up in Editor, or no change of name possible.
      Will be looked into right away.

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
    oojimaflip likes this.
  17. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    HOTFIX (v1.01.2)

    - FIXED: Global Special Effects, Local Special Effects: Biome Name editing and Biome Name adding should work now.
    - FIXED: BuildModule TextBox for Long Values (Strings) wasn't fixed width, but changed with Text Length instead.
    - CHANGE: SpashScreen on startup scaled down a bit.

    Download Link:

    Known Issues:

    List items (added or edited), that consist of any combination of Text Values, may not be updated immediately after clicking OK. This is just a visual issue, The items ARE updated correctly in Playfield. If you click on edit again, the list entry should be refreshed. The correct value is always published to yaml on save.
    oojimaflip likes this.
  18. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    UPDATE (v1.02)

    • Biome Names are now preselectable from previously created Biome Names in Biome Editor. No more manually typing Biome Names into e.g. Global Special Effects or CreatureSpawing TextBoxes necessary.
      Should be implemented everywhere, where Biome Names occur in Editor. If not - please report.
    • Added Sub Biomes: Those were missing completely. Somehow i must have complete missed that group in my playfield class to assign to PropetyParser. Sorry.
    Download Link:

    Taelyn likes this.
  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest


    Nicely done but got a bug or maybe i do something wrong. If u do import content folder it looks for the empyrion - galaxtic survival map. On my dedicated server i have the dedicated server tool downloaded and that is called empyrion - dedicated server inseed of galaxtic survival. So it wont find anything =)
  20. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Does the program start correctly?

    What happens on first start is:
    EPD first looks for default installation folders "C:\\program files..\..\steamapps\common\Emyprion - Galactic Survival", if not found, then it looks for the dedicated server also in the default installation folder on drive C.

    If still not found, it asks for the folder, where 'empyrion.exe' or 'empyriondedicated.exe' is located, if you select either one, it should work.

    maybe take a look in the config.xml in \config folder.
    Can you post your config.xml here?

    Maybe delete epd config file "\config\config.xml". Then it should ask for the folder again on next start.

    If still not working take a look into logs/epd.log, if there is any information about it.

    I tried it with game folder, dedicated server folder, even on network location. worked so far for me. But maybe i'm overlooking something here, keep me posted. THX.

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