
Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Galactic Survivalists,

    this topic is meant for feedback in anyway regarding the official servers.

    What do you like / don't like? What can we improve or change?

    Thanks for your constructive input!

  2. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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    So you play the Official 2? Servers and have lost your ship due to a bug? When did you report this. Are you sure your even in the right section. Did you post logs, follow the big reporting formatting, etc.
  3. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    What a warm welcome,
    I understand where you are coming however your frustration is directed to the general Early Access Alpha game - this has nothing to do with the Feedback we want from you regarding the two official servers:

    Since I see that you not played on the two servers yet I just can welcome you to them and hearing feedback about them, not general feedback.

    As Kane said - bugs are reported in the proper section.
  4. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Hi , made a couple of screenshots last night to capture the fps during certain actions in the game, but it didn't capture at all.
    My mistake, because i use steam's version of showing fps on screen and hit ingame F7 screenshots to capture. So no shots today :/

    Anyway, the point i wanted to bring up is the current bad performance of the server. Lag is allready very present, even tho there's no battle action involved. Taking out a meteorrite with T2 drill drops framerate as low to 18 - 20 fps. Flying in an SV with a friend, either in 1 or 2 vehicles allready shows rubberbanding with lowest recorded fps of 22... My friend experienced the same .Wish i could post those pics now, but yh.

    Just to show it is not so much on my end :
    Intel 7-4770 cpu @ 3.40 ghz (8cpu's)
    Nvidea GTX 770 (4gb)
    8 gb RAM
    internet speed of 100 M

    So i'm afraid with the current capability of the server this is not going to go well.
    Server needs to be beefed.
  5. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    definetly on your end ;).

    Thanks a lot for the information.
    Which one were you playing on?
    And could you maybe tell us around which time you were on, having this laggs. Or is it constantly/reproducable (with the actions you mentioned above)?
    That Info would be helpfull so that we can figure out all the other data like what Playfields/Amount of other Player online/CPU, RAM usage/"windows updates" etc...


  6. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    We are playing on the european one. It isn't constantly, or better yet it was during those perticular actions. It was around midnight GMT +1 for me. There were roughly 20 ppl online. Currently we are on the starterplanet Earth.

    I'm using the win 10 home version, my friend is still on win 7 i believe.
    The specs of his pc isn't that good, as a matter of fact his only best piece is his graphics card.
    Will get you the exact data later if u need it, don't know it by heart, lol.
    But he needs an upgrade for sure ...
    We're not new players and even played on yr HWS EU for like roughly 6-8 months ago, back then the performance there wasn't as bad as on here now . But i understand those we're no nitrado hosted servers. Fairly surprised this host was chosen, tried it myself and wasn't pleased with it.

    One of the other problems, yet i assume that is still part of the game bugs, is that desychronisation still occures between clients and client/server.
    Mostly occuring when re-entering surface from orbit. Re-logging fixes that, but i thought i'd mention it anyway.

    On another note, might i suggest to increase the difficulty lvl on progress rate for example, as everything is way too easy.
    As we joined there's allready no threat whatsoever and leveling goes way too fast, imo.

    Thank you for the respons.
  7. Mr.Dead

    Mr.Dead Ensign

    Feb 25, 2017
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    To add my pc specs(hangs head in shame:) )

    Intel I7 860
    Gtx 950 SC
    8Gig Corsair Ram DDR3
    Vertex 2 120gb ssd
    Win 7 Pro

    90% of the time im getting 60 fps but when drilling near anyone else its drops to about 20 to 30 fps.
    While flying as a passenger it rubber bands all over the place and does the same when i pilot and Bigfeet is the passenger in a SV

    Also i joined the server 2 days ago and am now level 20 which is far to fast to level up and the transition from spcae into the atmosphere i get rendering issues as in the planet does not draw in or there is floating grass or weird artifacts so i have to restart my game.
    Another thing i noticed is when passing through the green mist and land my sv hop out my sv teleports to the spot where i went through the green mist. Apart from a few other bugs which i expect from an Alpha im happy enough with the game but trying to sort them out is a long process.
  8. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey thanks a lot for your responce.
    Will check it tomorrow. Maybe I can see how the server was doing.

    So you get on the server "Lost Connection to Dedicated Server" Messges. Does it also happen a lot while opening boxes or drilling?

    We heard about it quite a lot. But were never able to reproduce it again. Does it happen a lot. Any way to allways reproduce ot?
  9. Mr.Dead

    Mr.Dead Ensign

    Feb 25, 2017
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    do not get a lost connection to server message at all its when comming back into a planets atmosphere the planet does not render fully and has artifacts and has flosting grass as in those that are on the side of a slope but theres no ground below the grass.

    The only way to reproduce the teleporting sv is to keep trying lol next time it happens i will remember to screenshot it.I should ha said when the sv teleports away from where i get out of it to the spot i went through the mist when i got to where it is showing on the map it teleports to the spot where i got out of the sv.
  10. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    No, i meant like parts of the world not rendering or walking up a mountain where that mountain is couple of meters underneath me.
    Basicly seeing the position bit differently then it actually is.

    This seems part of that de-sync, server to client.
    Reproducability is random at best ...

    Seen this on more servers aswell
  11. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Yeah I saw this once.. but so far we were not able to give the devs any "proof" how to repro it :(
  12. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    hm CPU of the server was not high at all. 60% max and that is right now. Otherwise it was around 20-40%
    FPS of course is a client thing... depends of course also on what is build on the playfields/surrounding. Will keep an eye on it.
  13. Mr.Dead

    Mr.Dead Ensign

    Feb 25, 2017
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    Nps m8 i shall get screenshots and try and get a vid of it happening and get it linked to this thread
  14. BoostHungry

    BoostHungry Ensign

    Jan 27, 2016
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    What's up with the max 37 players on the new Official US Servers? Will the max player count increase as the server popularity increases or is that fixed to control lag?

    Personally, when I see a max of 37 players on a server I'm turned off because it looks like a lack of room for growth of the server. What's great about HWS is there can be 100+ people actually online and that's great. I know it will take some time for this server to gain popularity and it will require some players biting the bullet and being some of the first few to join the server so that others see the popularity growing and therefor join the server themselves.

    What are your thoughts on the plan for growth of this server?
  15. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    the 37 players limit is the highest amount we can do because of the low spec of the server. With that said the performance should be as good as possible there.
    The idea is to have multiple smaller servers than one big one.

    The HWS servers have a high price for the big slots..

    Maybe there can be an upgrade in the future but for now this is the way to go.
  16. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Looks like the side choosing went all wrong.
    The defenders side is way overcrowded versus the invaders.
    I think it would be best to have a max amount that prevents this.
    Game seems to be won by default ...
  17. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    It is interesting for sure but here and there explainable.

    1. Earth is the best bet for humans, I guess. You pick what you know so to speak. If Defender or Invader, who cares. So yeah... check
    2. It shows that people are really that focussed on easy mode though
    3. 1 good Invader can bring down 10 Defenders.

    So I won't go this far to declare a lost game or overcrowd already. The bad guys are always a minority if you look at movies or whatever.
    And better the Defenders learn the game the easy way to want later go the hard way instead of the other way round.

    Anyways we will observe it and adjust balancement if needed.
  18. SAP

    SAP Lieutenant

    Mar 2, 2017
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    For me this game has just killed itself and I have uninstalled it and this is why.

    1. Guns that can tell when you on a planet WTF
    2. CV can't shoot on planets WTF
    3. Items despawn immediately after killing the core. WTF
    4. Guns destroy your interior without touching the exterior blocks WTF.

    Please fix bugs not aesthetics.
    Are you guys are listening to the whiners instead of the players that want to play PvP and not Barbie doll house?
    Choose either a PvP game or a simulator game. Both do not work together, just like the robocraft stuffup.
    ZipSnipe likes this.
  19. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    I don't PVP - but I try to acknowledge that people want different things from the same game. But guys like you really make me want to become anti-PVP - I mean, why bother? Why is it that its always a PVP player that has the need to rain his wrath upon all others who play the game "wrong"? You really think you have more entitlement to this game just because you PVP?

    If you follow these forums you might know that "1" & "2" are because of temporary CV/BA/SV/HV balancing, "3" probably a bug (no idea), "4" definately a bug that is being looked into but doesn't have easy solution or fix so we most likely have to wait until larger CV overhaul. Having said that, this was in a 5.5 patch note:

  20. SAP

    SAP Lieutenant

    Mar 2, 2017
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    ?? whiner i see

    I PvP a bit but not mutch love building ships and I like the artistic side of the game.
    ferther i recomend for you single player or a Privet server insted of wrecking a perfect game in to a barby doll house

    there explaned for you to understand as you might need that help

    1: A gun is a gun nomatter wher i shoot it it always shoots
    2: CV's dont fly on planets hmmm... Han Solo and Chewbacca used The Millennium Falcon in star wars on the planet it had warp so it is a Cv ??
    3: been from 3.5 patch and reported many times
    4: been from patch 2.0 and reported many times

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