Important announcement for the official servers - rebalance and rules

Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Hi Survivalists,

    after some successful weeks of running the official servers I gathered a lot of information and insights how they are gonna be played.
    Some met my expectations some not. So we will implement due of these data some important changes - please make sure to read / understand and spread the word about it so everyone knows them.

    One Way Warp

    The biggest issue (as always) is that veterans returning to starter planets. Of course with big CVs, of course having a backup base there and obviously having millions of Auto Miner there.
    This is not good for beginner, not for the server performance and takes away the exploration for the veterans at least.

    So we implement the way that you can warp out of Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy but can't return anymore to there. Please make sure to prepare yourself to leave since you really only can go back to the things you left there by suicide > Fresh Start.

    Surface Wipe of the Starter Planets

    Connected to this we have to surface wipe the starter planets to give new players again a better start on the planets.
    A surface wipe means:

    * Planets affected are: Earth, Moon, Mars, Kelt, Anovoon, M32
    * ALL of your self built structures will stay
    * the terrain will be reset. So if you build something underground you have to drill it out again
    * ALL Auto Miner will be gone. So pick them up before
    * Drones will be up again. So don't forget some tiny defenses
    * Deposits and POIs are back again

    The main problem we are facing currently is that Earth is the first major pick for the most people.
    See here:

    Really crazy but I guess because they think "Earth is what I know, it has to be good".
    I recommend to watch the movie "Wall-E" in combination with that meaning... ;)

    Anyways with the One Way Warp we will see how things will settle. Most of the structures will be wiped by the server setting because of people not able to "touch" the structures anymore.
    Remember: the max. limit of cores is 217. After that amount real problems can happen!

    When will this be applied?
    On sunday the 12th of march at 11PM [Europe] (UTC + 1) which is 5PM [New York, US] (UTC - 5)

    Introducing rules

    Another expectation which became true are rules. Some people just need a boundary to not go full yolo mode or whatever and also to provide a nice environment for everyone.

    This means there will be a rules section everyone should know of and stick to them. What this means in general:

    1. not knowing the rules is no excuse
    2. the rules are active now. No backward punishment
    3. if we catch people breaking the rules they will be punished depending on the issue. Either be kicked, temp banned or in serious cases perma banned
    Now the important part:
    4. if you find anyone breaking a rule you have - I repeat - you have to make screenshots and / or a video of it and give a full context / details. We will just overread every single plain text accusation without the mentioned conditions. Period.

    Link to the rules

    This should provide a good gameplay till Alpha 6.0 for everyone.

    Thanks for reading and stay alive!

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
    JBHitman likes this.
  2. Walkingdead007

    Walkingdead007 Ensign

    Mar 9, 2017
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    SO if we are not going to have access to Earth anymore. Where are we going to be able to get water and o2 , Hydrogen. Setting up those devise on Pandora well result in coming back the next day to find all is gone!
  3. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    Looks like according to Rex's map there will still be non-pvp planets available for you to still be able to setup hydrogen gens safely.
  4. Walkingdead007

    Walkingdead007 Ensign

    Mar 9, 2017
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    Not so traders has no water .. the other 2 are a lava and desert with no water on them.
    Bigfeet likes this.

    PDXHAF Ensign

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Forgive my noobosity but I have yet to even explore the system I'm in. Can I still build or even return to any of the other planets not on the reset list in my local?

    edit: Never mind this question I looked again at the map posted above and I think I get it now. The arrows and X's kind of point the way don't they. =P

    Does this mean if we leave a structure and switch it to public, anyone that comes along after will be able to use it?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
  6. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Basically this means you either happily live on the starter planets and never leave OR you are forced to fight for the resources of PVP worlds. You can certainly acquire everything you need on the starter planets but not in vast or large amounts, you will also be crowded by people. This is a step in the right direction. PVP worlds have so much to offer, but they come with a price. For those who are interested in getting started in PVP and want to learn to defend your homes and worlds from others I invite you to come to Pandora system. While my alliance controls the entire planet of Pandora we have left a section of it open and free of defenses for the following reason:

    If you are tired of living on starter worlds please contact me on steam and let me know you are interested in a non aggression pact. If you seem like a standup person we will accept that and allow you to construct one base on Pandora (just one). You may fully arm that base and use offline protection and we will not attack you, there are a select few resources left on the planet that are not defended by our turrets and you would be welcome to setup autominers on those. We will not ally with you however as that opens our defense up to betrayal from the inside, so we will simply exist side by side, but not within weapon range of each other. The only condition to this is that you must maintain a fleet of SVs and be ready to defend the planet if we are ever threatened. Likewise, our alliance will defend you and your base if you are ever attacked while on our planet.

    This is a mutually beneficial agreement for both parties. You receive the protection and safety provided by our alliance on Pandora and in exchange you contribute to planetary defense.

    If we discover that you have constructed more than 1 base, are manually mining the resources, or have made any type of aggressive act towards any of the alliance bases you will be purged from the planet. We will also require you to have Discord and a mic, you must be in comms when logged in.

    If you are interested in getting a head start on this before the changes go live on Sunday feel free to hit me up on steam whenever.
  7. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    @RexXxuS A note on the one way warp. There is nothing to stop people from simply doing the fresh spawn to return to their stuff on the starter planet if/when they lose in the PVP worlds. Would it be possible to impose a feature that, upon clicking fresh start, every structure/SV/CV/HV that player owns get wiped? Even with the one way warp that just prevents them from bringing resources back to the start worlds, it doesnt prevent the whole issue of farming up mats on Earth to just go freely engage people in PVP with zero risk to themselves. I believe that upon leaving the starter planet ALL their things left their should despawn, this removes the no risk PVP as the only other non starter PVE worlds dont have the resources to survive so they would be forced to travel to the PVP worlds in order to continue progressing. If they can grab resources on a PVP and run that back to one of the nonstarter PVE worlds I don't see a problem with that as they would still have to keep coming back to the PVP worlds all the time to keep their resource count up.
  8. Runningwithhamster

    Runningwithhamster Captain

    Oct 5, 2016
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    As far as I know when you do a fresh start, contents of your blueprint factory and resources in it stay intact, so you still can bring back a ready to spawn CV+SV/HV collect everything you need and warp back to PvP worlds ;).

    Regarding riskless PvP I believe there is no such thing, because building CV blueprint or assembling it block by block on field requires time, lots of precious hours. So your main risk is wasting time spent on creating your PvP ships/bases even if you farm recouses on starter planets.
  9. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    The BP factory lets you avoid wasting time. You dump all the loot from your PVP adventures into the factory and then fresh start back to safety. Your ships build while offline and you can literally pre build dozens of them and just spawn them as needed so yes, riskless PVP in the sense that you are only risking what you can afford to lose. The players who live on the PVP worlds risk everything they have in the hopes they are well equipped enough to defend it. If someone can just keep gathering tons and tons of free resources from their autominers on the starter planet and then only attack when they have tons of excess stuff and then if they manage to wipe out a PVP base they just drop the loot into the BP factory and disassemble their CV and then fresh spawn back to safety. If they lose their CV in the process of attacking the PVPers then they still havent really risked anything since they wouldn't be carrying anything of value in it besides ammo.

    Thats what I mean by riskless PVP. If everything I have is always at risk because I choose to PVP then anyone who wants to take what I have should also have everything they own at risk and not be able to hide in the starter worlds. Plus if you can never return to the starter planet anyways then there is no reason your structures should even remain once you leave the system.
  10. Runningwithhamster

    Runningwithhamster Captain

    Oct 5, 2016
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    But what prevents you from keeping part of your resources in a blueprint factory or store it on PVE base? Don't store all your eggs in one basket!
    Besides starter planets there is another PVE playfields where you can establish base or space station and use it for soring resources that you can not afford to loose.
  11. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Those other PVE fields dont contain all the resources needed to survive, you would eventually run dry on certain things and be forced to risk more and more by coming to the PVP worlds to recoup your stock piles. It also provides an incentive to establish permanent bases on PVP worlds and secure the resources on those planets. As for the BP factory, I don't think there is much they can do about it aside from imposing a penalty for "storing" resources there. Maybe every 24 hours you lose 25% of all unspent resources sitting in the factory. I think that would be a fair tradeoff. Dont drop resources into it that you cant use right away.

    Id be completely happy if I knew that so long as I controlled certain PVP worlds it would force people to fight me for my resources or start all over on Earth. If they manage to do a successful raid and retreat to a non-starter PVE world with all their loot thats good on them, I would still be able to rebuild and prepare on the PVP world for when they inevitably come back.
  12. siuil bais

    siuil bais Ensign

    Mar 9, 2017
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    so where do we find these so called "rules" that we have no excuse not knowing but you have no link for and are nowhere in this list?
  13. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    I'm not sure that Trader's not having water is supposed to be that way considering there are huge "lake" areas, where water should be. These areas even have seaweed and other underwater flora growing there. Hopefully, the reset on the starter worlds will resolve this issue.
  14. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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  15. siuil bais

    siuil bais Ensign

    Mar 9, 2017
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  16. Walkingdead007

    Walkingdead007 Ensign

    Mar 9, 2017
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    No they made the planet that way which was fine. when we had earth to travel back fourth to get water, hydrogen and O2. Which coasted warp fuel and fuel. That was fine we started on that planet knowing that we'd have water access. Now all water is in PVP zone. Knowing darn well every generator is going to get found and removed.
  17. JBHitman

    JBHitman Lieutenant

    Feb 27, 2017
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    If that's truly the case then, then something will have to be done about the issue of not being able to have access to water on PVE Non-Starter worlds. It's been my impression that this server was supposed to allow for the coexistence of PVP and PVE players. So I think the real question is that we need to find out the end purpose of the server. Is it truly a equal amount of PVE and PVP game-play opportunity? Or is the "end-game" succeeding in PVP?

    I guess @RexXxuS is really the only one to know exactly what his vision of the server is. However, having by far the most play time on the server, I can say that from what I've seen, most players are really only interested in PVE, as is reflected in the official survey that was put out a few months back, and by my 200+ hours of player interactions I've had or observed on the server. Since the announcement was made last night about the changes, many players are unhappy with the prospect of having to deal with PVP areas just so they can continue to enjoy proceeding in the game.

    Ultimately, if indeed the end-game is PVP focused then that needs to be made known to all from the start. If the intended goal is to have PVP and PVE players exist side-by-side on the server, then some further adjustments and balances will need to be made. One suggestion would be to create a PvE planet like the alien world, that's far away from the starter worlds that would have more advanced resources, but have a VERY hostile environment.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
    Iluminator, Aurex and Walkingdead007 like this.
  18. Aysar

    Aysar Ensign

    Mar 10, 2017
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    Pretty new to the server and the new changes are bit confusing; however, I get it that we need to fix the max number of buildings and resetting POI for new players. Maybe for the water problem and not only that also pentaxit as well. Build a device like a moisture vaporator from star wars to put in your base or closer to it to collect the water. For Pentaxit, maybe around large water a player can use a mine drone to collect it or go to a trading base or station to trade out items for pentaxit but have it cap and a waiting period before they can trade to get more.
  19. Iluminator

    Iluminator Lieutenant

    Feb 7, 2017
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    This changes the server will destabilize normal game on it. Way ? Because, take me for example, players on this server arrived about the opportunity to play PVE and develop and then one day go on an adventure. No changes alter the balance between PVE and PVP in favor of PVP and for whom, the couple of players that live in this area who will destroy anyone who does not know how to survive in it, or will it become a work force for protection.
    It should allow the players on the server who prefer PvE to have the non starter planets the conditions to which they can refer to further settlement. Perhaps the ultimate goal that the players go to other servers. I do not know if I will stay here I do not know whether it makes sense after Sunday even play on this server. I am a pure PVE player and I like other players to live and build next to me. And I would love one day to get out of a home security but sure enough and strong enough to survive in an unknown. I doubt that it would ever be possible with changes in favor of PVP and qualitative balance between that of the two.

    (sorry for my bad english i use google translate)
  20. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    The big part of a game like this is spending the resources you have to expand. If you just want to play a building simulator you can certainly go into a private server that is PVE only. Just like popular games like minecraft there will be divided player groups who prefer 1 or the other. There is no replay value for me if I never lose anything, whats the point of building a big CV if you never use it to fight? Or the point of using more than 1 cannon turret on a base since that single turret can kill every AI unit in the game currently. Just as there will be a community of people who like to pirate and pillage their way to victory you will have people like me who have offered an open invitation to new players who want to jump into PVP. I've offered them a home, protection, and assistance. That is why I am on the official server, if there was no PVP element to this game I would find it as boring as minecraft singleplayer.

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