Setup a dedicated server in experimental or normal mini-how-to

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by rewt, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. rewt

    rewt Lieutenant

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I don't think it's wise to run a game server via an OS emulator. :(
  2. Andre Lanvermann

    Andre Lanvermann Ensign

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Many people do this for several other indie games. Abd iam willing to Experiment. Ist Not that i want to Run a Public Server that Way. Nur Until The devs create Linux Server binaries, its better than nothing.
  3. Nookriot

    Nookriot Ensign

    Jan 5, 2017
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    I am experimenting with a server on Nitrado currently. I will report back my detailed findings. Wish me luck!

  4. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
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    There is a file "adminconfig.yaml" in your save folder that needs your 64 bit Steam ID in it, the long number.

    The file has directions on what "level" of admin you need, and any bans are listed in here IIRC.

    (not at home so I can't verify the filename right now but hope that puts you on the right track)
  5. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

    • Moderator
    Jan 13, 2017
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    question about setting starter planets....i see the files mentions ou must place true after the planet info, but i have tried this in may different ways without success. I see the other starter planets have things like Human1, humanoid1, explorer2 where true is suppose to be?
  6. Castiel

    Castiel Ensign

    Jan 14, 2017
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    I have some Difficulties to create a server hosting in my own pc, can anyone help me with that?
    And im asking, how i can reset resources or POi in a planet without destroy players Structures, this is possible?
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Linux may not work, but you can copy and paste the entire Empyrion Dedicated Folder overto the Linux machine and run it from the exe in the folder, there was a post on Ubunti and Empyrion in the past people have tried to get it running, some with success some not, but if I remember correctly it was rather fiddly to get up and running properly.

    Just have to give it a try I guess.
    I don't run Limux at all so I cant help.
    Good luck.
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Hosting a server and playing on the same machine, most problems we see are modem port errors.
    Hard to help there without knowing a lot more.

    As for POI replacement , yes, no, and its tricky.
    If your not worried about players builds being wiped then its easy, just delete that planets playfield folder in the games save folder.

    Replacing them without a wipe, can be tricky, very time consuming, but not impossible.
    You can manually go in , in godmode and spawn whole new POI and stuff around setting faction so its alien. You need to be alone, cant just do it while people are playing on the server, requires restarts.
    Or if the POIs that were taken out still have some blocks you can do a file swap from a save where all the POIs are in tact, this also allows you to insert different POIs you may have made.

    The BEST practice for this though is to simply delete the playfield folder in the save folder of the planet you want to re-new.
    Its the safe bet against bugs, corruption and plain human error.
    It also allows for new updates to take effect.
    It is what I would recommend.

    Get everyone to load all there stuff into a CV and go park in space, then wipe the planet, then you don't suffer problems.

    If its just you and a couple of mates, tell em to take a BP, then set the admin config file so there all admins for an hour and they can spawn in there bases, if you trust them, or you can go to the shared folder in the games save folder, and take a copy of all the player builds and then, wipe planet, lay new starter blocks where ever you want to put there bases and go a file swap out to get there original bases back into the new map.
    Complicated and don't recommend that for inexperienced server operators. But doable.
    Castiel likes this.
  9. Castiel

    Castiel Ensign

    Jan 14, 2017
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    Thanks for the wipe information, i ll try the delete playfield folder, and save BP. ! I ll try to solve modem port config !
  10. SpaceRunner

    SpaceRunner Ensign

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Relatively new to Empyrion here, but thought I would post this as it took a bit of digging on my part - hopefully this helps some folks out!

    First up, thank you for the setup walkthrough! Really helpful, and I never knew about SteamCMD before, which is now officially known as 'the shiznit' in my mind.

    I have a reasonably spec'd Win2012 VM so I tend to be the guy that hosts the server for my circle of friends whenever we try out a new dedicated server MP game. I try to automate as much day-to-day stuff as I can, since I'm a forgetful SOB :) I usually use SrvAny.exe to install as services to make sure things come up after restarts/without interactive login to the server, and I like to have a weeks worth of daily backups just in case.

    The SrvAny.exe approach worked just fine for me for starting the server with a minimum of fuss, but since EmpyrionDedicated.exe spawns a process for each playfield, stopping the services got a little more complex. I didn't like the idea of just killing the processes, but since I'm starting without the GUI the only other way I could find to stop the services cleanly was through telnet.

    After a little digging, I found a really useful powershell script for connecting and executing telnet commands, and it seems to work like a champ so far (links below)

    Long story short - Here's my nightly backup/update setup, which is basically just a .cmd file that runs at 3am via task scheduler. It creates a folder for each day of the week (Sun-Sat) and just cycles through those so it doesn't chew up endless disk space, and does 5 tasks:
    1. Stops the EmpyrionServer service (which is what I called the srvany service running Empyrion)
    2. Uses a powershell script to connect to port 30004, enter the password and issue the "saveandexit 0" command
    3. Runs 7zip to back up the Empyrion Saves\Games folders to a zipped archive
    4. Runs the SteamCMD.exe app update to update the server if needed
    5. Restarts the EmpyrionServer service

    Win server of some sort
    srvany.exe (from MS, free) - I imagine it will work with alternatives like AlwaysUp as well
    7Zip (for compressing backups)
    SteamCMD (from the instructions earlier in the thread)

    Step 1: Creating the powershell script to exit Empyrion cleanly
    The telnet PS script I refered to can be found at the link just below.

    I only had to change 2 things to get this to work for Empyrion
    1. Update [string]$Port = "30004" (the default Empyrion telnet port)
    2. The command at the bottom to call the function. Updated to:
    Get-Telnet -RemoteHost "localhost" -Commands "YourPasswordHere","saveandexit 0" -OutputPath "empscript.txt"

    IMPORTANT - you will probably need to change your script execution policy in powershell to run unsigned scripts in order for this to work. You can get more info at the link below, but basically you'll need to allow powershell to run an unsigned script with :
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

    Step 2: The backup/update batch (just create a text file called <whateverthehellyouwant.cmd>):

    for /f %%d in ('echo %date%') do set ThisDay=%%d
    net stop EmpyrionServer /y
    powershell -File "<driveletter>:\steamcmd\empquit.ps1"
    <7zip Directory>\7z a -r -tzip <Backup Path> <Empyrion Game Saves Path>\*.*
    <SteamCMD Directory>\SteamCMD.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir <Empyrion Directory> +app_update 530870 validate +quit
    net start EmpyrionServer /y

    So.. hopefully this is useful to some. I glossed over a few bits like the SRVANY setup as I think this is well covered elsewhere, but shout if that would be helpful to expand on here.

    Happy gaming all!
  11. rickxp

    rickxp Ensign

    Mar 28, 2017
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    I have a few questions about a dedicated server. Please help me. Thank you
    1, how to use Scenarios in a dedicated server, such as'Invader vs Defender'?
    2, how to add automatic mining system, such as through the AM: command to operate?
    3, how to make the start planet regularly refresh?
    I can't find the answers in Wiki, if you know, please help me, thanks again!
  12. Murderinspree

    Murderinspree Ensign

    Mar 30, 2017
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    i run an empyrion server on a dell R710 server blade. I am trying to find out if there is any way to tell empyrion to use a specific IP address. i have 4 gigabit ports on the server blade and would like to be able to specify an address to make sure my other game servers aren't interfering. it would make it easier to know that my games are running on the NICs that i have the ports opened for. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    U cant. I have done it on my server with changeing the metric of the adapters. But that means it changes everything. Then the dedicated server favored the one with the IP address i wanted to use for it.
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    1. So far i know not possible atm
    2. use HWS EAH (Empyrion Admin Helper) then u have a auto miner system
    3. Same as 2 it has options for automatic whipes or reset
  15. VUVossi

    VUVossi Lieutenant

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Hi does someone know the steam app_update ID for server experimental ?
  16. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    According to the dev tracker, it's 1715598.
  17. VUVossi

    VUVossi Lieutenant

    Jan 9, 2017
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    That is the build ID not the Steam ID that you need to use steamcmd
  18. Murderinspree

    Murderinspree Ensign

    Mar 30, 2017
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    update on my situation. i have tried a few different things on my server blade and discovered that if i disable the other gigabit ports on the server, the game shows up just fine. i left the game running and enabled the other ports and it stopped showing up in the server list in game. that is the part that is confusing me. all ports are open correctly on the firewall and forwarded in the router. there has got to be a way for the Devs to allow assigning an ip address either in the yaml or to add a line in the command script that launches the server. Im about ready to give up on this game completely after enjoying it for so long. it has become way too much of a headache. if any Devs read this please let me know what i can do or if anyone else in the forums has a solution i would appreciate it.
  19. VUVossi

    VUVossi Lieutenant

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Hi Murderinspree,
    have you tryed it with nicteaming ?
  20. Murderinspree

    Murderinspree Ensign

    Mar 30, 2017
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    i have thought about it but not sure if it would help. i would have to team all 4 nics or only use a couple. if it is a problem of empyrion wandering IPs then it would probably still do it if i only teamed a couple of them.

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