
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Xerexs86

    Xerexs86 Lieutenant

    Apr 22, 2017
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    really cool trade system
    WHM DaddyStu likes this.
  2. WHM DaddyStu

    WHM DaddyStu Lieutenant

    May 5, 2017
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    Not sure I agree with everything you're saying but.... love the way you say it :)
  3. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Ensign

    May 5, 2017
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    I love the game I just can't rebuild my pic to play it plus I think it would be fun to play with my Xbox friends and I love this game and all the progress it has made. Much like why I like 7 days to die cause of how much the game developer gets on YouTube and shows us how much there working and what they're working on.
  4. scorpion2399

    scorpion2399 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I absolutely love you guys first off... haha... My 2 cents, is we need controller support. It would also be nice to fly ships with it.
    tehmashby likes this.
  5. Xerexs86

    Xerexs86 Lieutenant

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Really cool that you took away the ability to control the day night cycle in creative mode. Great idea. I love building in the dark.
  6. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Are You also into BDSM? :D
  7. Xerexs86

    Xerexs86 Lieutenant

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Since I am not a sycophant, fanboy, my opinion does not count.
  8. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Great attitude. It hasn't been taken away. And if you can't change it anymore, its a bug. Debugmenu works in SP atleast, haven't tested creative recently (been building in space).
    Pyston likes this.
  9. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    About the air issue - Im sorry if you feel that way but I couldn't repeat it either. In those cases savegame is super helpful - they can't fix something solely based on video if they can't reproduce it in game.
    Pyston likes this.
  10. Xerexs86

    Xerexs86 Lieutenant

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Cool debugmenu worked, thanks
    rainyday likes this.
  11. Green

    Green Ensign

    May 22, 2017
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    After playing pretty solid for the last week, here is some general feedback.

    Spiders have a strange hit box, and I don't get any solid feedback if I'm scoring hits.
    Most monsters seem to have a wee bit of lag on the server, so dodging blows, and collision boxes are hard to deal with. Could use a bit of polish.

    Because you get XP with ship guns. In addition to the fact you get 100 bullets per 5 mag (15mm), it makes almost no sense to fight outdoor monsters with anything but a ship. At this point unless some additional mitigation is added to armor, the additions of short lived shields, or actual armor shields to the player anything but using the gat guns on a SV, or HV using the page up/page down to get the x-hairs on the mob makes little sense. In addition getting 20 per mag, vs 5 per mag (15mm vs 5.8mm). Not sure... I realize that in theory the pulse rifle gets 60 damage per bullet, vs 7. So your damage efficiency when you get to a pulse rifle is over 2x more per resource than shooting the gat. However it doesn't damage structures, in addition, without any armor between you and the bad guy, it turns into a zerg rush. Personal combat needs some work.

    Camera Control
    While on the ship, using V to go 3rd person works fairly well, not much lag. Going 3rd person above your actual dude man adds significant lag feeling. In addition, it's not really mentioned well in the controls, that alt can go free cam, it doesn't lock your camera zoom/position, it doesn't list page up/down to move your POV, as well as it looses 'lock' in free look mode if you move too fast, and snaps behind the vehicle again.

    Combat Options
    I touched on this above, but the space man feels very weak. Without additional mitigation options, on normal, most turrets take you out very quickly. It feels like a 'better' strategy to zerg rush than to stay alive. Options to stay alive are fairly limited at that. Other than poking around every corner, and using a rocket, or maybe using the F5 drone to do all scouting, I'm not sure. Basically, it's level, then buy a gun to out range the bases, blow them up at range with low risk. Then a 'death fest' to clear the insides.

    I'd like to see some physical shields, or force shields, or other mechanics added, lean around corners, or something completely new, like armed drones. Something to avoid the zerg rush, spawn rinses and repeat.

    I like how the spaceships are built, and that you can cover parts without destroying them like other games. However, concussive damage, and how much damage some large guns do, makes the SV and HV very easy to disable. There also isn't an easy way to repair them, and blocks like armor don't seem to share HP with adjacent blocks. I'd love to see armor split damage with all adjacent armor, so you could take hits for a while longer. (Block hit takes a 33% of damage, adjacent armor takes the other 66% or something to make it so you still take damage, but don't lose single blocks of armor in 2 hits from a big gun.) Not sure, feels like your vessel is constantly being picked apart, and armor doesn't really add protection like most games. The 1 block feel of it is odd. Needs something to even out the damage to lose blocks a bit less often, so repair feels more repair, not replace.

    Base Clearing
    The prefabs i cleared yesterday were a lot of fun. Traps, big monsters, spawn pads, lots of interesting twists and tricks. The bad thing is, I don't feel like my toon can respond with clever responses to all the variations.

    You round the corner, and shoot till you kill the mob/gun, or you die. Pretty much it.

    You can jump traps, you can shoot off sensors you see. I'm cool with those.... I'm not sure how to deal with a sentry at the end of a hall. I guess just rockets... There aren't jammers, or smoke, or shields, or force fields, or grenades, or thrown explosives, or cloaking devices. All these things can cost resources or energy of some kind. Maybe I'm missing it. But it seems like rockets, and maybe spot with drone is all you can do?

    Overall, it's worth every penny, and I'm enjoying the game a lot. I found a few bugs with the 02 station, sometimes blowing up things causes an error, I've been kicked out of game due to random glitch once... But overall. Great game, and it's not even complete. So, congrats, good effort, good ideas, fun to play, enjoying it.

    Smooth out a few bumps in the progression, and it will be a 5 star game! It's already a 4 star game.
    tehmashby likes this.
  12. Xerexs86

    Xerexs86 Lieutenant

    Apr 22, 2017
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    @Green, pretty much sums it up, especially the "death fest" part. You don't have too many options besides standing there and shooting it out.

    And I would like to add the fact that they put in a "trading system," that can charitably be called half baked. Works like this, if you have made any progress, the system crashes. If you have just started out and have no money, it "works" fine (no crashes). So, if you can buy anything, you really can't because the game crashes. If you have reinstalled and are starting over, yeah, go ahead and buy something with the money you don't have. It's a fine, well thought out system. And you can't hide behind, "it's an alpha" trope, you didn't have to put in a trading system so poorly designed
    Last edited: May 22, 2017
  13. arg821

    arg821 Commander

    Sep 6, 2015
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    DEVS: Please, when in 'godmode invisible' can you get rid of the player's green arrow cursor on the map, and also disable the audio footsteps.

    If we are in godmode invisible it is so we can't be SEEN, therefore, having footsteps and a big green cursor on the radar is a bit pointless for being able to track players on our server that we believe could be cheating.


  14. Green

    Green Ensign

    May 22, 2017
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    More feedback after more playtime.


    After landing a fairly large ship on top of a larger ship, and locking it. The physics engine went nuts, and just took my larger ship, and made it spin, forever on a corner, like a top. This of course, makes all 3 ships docked to my capital ship, useless, because you can't get in them. I had to restart the server to 'stop' the infinite movement glitch. So someplace... Momentum is added, and that shouldn't EVER happy, just changes in direction, with momentum LOST!

    CV Ships

    I like all the ship scale ups, however, I'd like to see landing gear on the CV that are leveling!!!! So i can land on slightly uneven terrain and have the landing gear with a bit of give to account for that, creating a nice level land! I build my ships with 3 gear just to get that triangle solid contact with the ground, and if I could get some self leveling out of my gear, even better!

    In addition, I'd love to see a ship elevator... I suppose I could just have rolling doors, and stick the ship with a landing pad right on the top... And the have it fall out the bottom.... But an elevator would also be cool.

    Lack of drone attacks, warping, and mobile makes the CV pretty much the standard... Building a base... Seems silly. Just build a capital vessel with no engines.... Then you can get all the benefits of a base, and none of the drawbacks. /shrug

    Then again having a base, draws in 'free loot'.

    HV Miners

    I haven't messed around here for hours and hours... But I can already tell while the mining drills on an HV are AWESOME they still create too many bumps and too much torque on the HV they are mounted on. Maybe back that off by a few percentage to make it feel less bumpy. This creates a jagged surface to hover over, and of course that makes the HV start to want to lean and list, making it even more of a PITA.

    Maybe have a scraper function or some other way to adjust how the drills work as well. More of a level function etc.

    Scenarios - Dawn of Galaxy

    Ultimately the fact you do not consistently spawn near the "temp base" on the desert planet is a problem. I've spawned just a few hundred meters from the ADM trade station, hop in there, teleport back to the planet with air, and have an easy start using blueprints and salvage to build ships, without ever needing a craft station.

    |The fact you can teleport from planet to planet... Defeats the whole start. So I would remove that...

    In addition, if you start on the air planet or the desert planet... I would make sure that the 'goal' is 1 warp jump away. If it isn't... Then you can just get a small ship, and be up on the base in... 15 minutes. (Close to it.)


    Player combat still needs a lot more options/gear. Holograms, emp, cloaking, with the change that I can't spawn my F5 in bases, and use it to collect my body.... It has become that much harder to raid, and the gameplay there is still rather slug it out... yawn fest.

    Spiders hit boxes still are frustrating. In addition your newest "improvements" to the spiders make them more deadly the flying death drones in the sky!!!

    That is correct, a spider that shoots poison is far more a fearsome creature then a rocket launching space drone!

    Also the reticle is too small, (on 4k monitor) and I would like to see options when you have a weapon in hand, to modify that. (I don't care if it's loot, or levels, or skill points, or a weapon mod system, or in the default UI. I just want to be able to modify it.)


    Where is my sort button? I can filter recipes, but the damn crates in this game take electronic components. Use them to sort the gear, or preset what I want, or hide gear with a filter on chests!

    Also you have a loot all, but not a drop all. Get some signal logic in there, to dump items already in a chest, into the chest. So I can fast dump my phat loots into chests. (More of a suggestion I know, but chests... ugh!)

    Dedicated Server

    I have not been able to tweak the difficulty on the dedicated server. If you uncomment any of the difficulty settings, it just won't start. So playing single player the combat can be set to easy, and that is... easy. However medium is ugh, I can only imagine how many bullets you would spit thru on hard.
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
    tehmashby likes this.
  15. Nunnya

    Nunnya Ensign

    May 29, 2017
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    Two Things that need to be fixed because they are so (*^& pointless. A) Anti griefing measures on Alien Buildings Ok i get it i cant pull them apart but I should be able to look for the Core Replace it and mine the place for resources should i choose to. this is really is more of a slap to SP players in the face Its open world "do what you want game" except that not that or that or that. so please remove that no digging or damaging enemy structures when in SP or the ability to turn it off when you generate a level.

    B) Remove the bike its a MASSIVE fail wheels of salami. Cant climb hills Cant turn its like the developers Secretly Hate the players SLow the max speed on the bike Make it maneuverable and its fine. the level of Frustration and Shear stupidity of dealings with that thing I can Climb better then the bike on foot and despite its speed the Jetpack is a better form of transportation. Remove the bike it serves absolutely no point but to make you think you have a form of transportation and a wasted inventory slot

    Other wise games doing well I am glad i bought the game for my friends 6.0 looks like it will be fun i am just severely pissed off at this stupid protections BS because I like digging for the core and pulling buildings apart for my resources. It costs me a Core but its a fair trade off in the Hunt. maybe even better a few of the same buildings with different core locations to make it harder to find i get you have to destroy blocks to use the method but worth it. this God mode building **** makes me feel like i am playing GTA or some child's game where hes super protective of his creations and doesnt want you to change anything. So devs Keep up the great work
    Xerexs86 likes this.
  16. Christianholmes

    Christianholmes Captain

    Jul 27, 2016
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    The "playfield" command is broken.
  17. Green

    Green Ensign

    May 22, 2017
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    Make it a hover bike, without storage, or upgrades, and we're golden. The motor bike feel is kinda garbage compared to the rest.

    I'm now 'end game' I've played a ton, another 20 or 30 hours now, and most my feedback is still the same.

    I do agree that the single tier level system needs some love... Make mining and building give you a LOT of XP (similar to combat) and make that whole system reliant on mining and building.

    If you want combat XP, GREAT! But do things like faster reloading, or critical strikes, or aim helpers, things that feel combat, for combat XP.

    As far as PVP, if you do add combat XP, make combat XP/Functions/Abiliites not work against players, OR, lock everyone in PVP from attacking other players structures, till everyone is at combat XP cap.
  18. Seorn

    Seorn Ensign

    Apr 5, 2017
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    it's A6, and you still haven't fixed faction ships shooting at privately owned ships that belong to people IN the faction, and privately owned ships of ppl IN a faction, shooting at their OWN faction's ships/bases, which makes it impossible for you to have defenses against OTHER factions, if your ships/bases are within firing range.
  19. AndyofBorg

    AndyofBorg Ensign

    May 21, 2017
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    QoL complaints I would love to see fixed:
    1) Having to turn on my suit light EVERY TIME I GET IN A SHIP. Can we PLEASE!!!! PLEASE!!! have the setting persist?????
    2) Game is too dark at night. It's dark constantly. The group I play with all agreed. This game might as well be called Pitch Black. Can we either get longer days, and/or moonlight? This game is miserable to play at night, if there's a hack or cheat I'm game. This is not 7 days where zombies come out at night, it's just fucking inconvenient.
    3) Can hunger not cripple us immediately? It's ridiculous that as soon as I get hungry I can't even walk to the fridge to feed myself. How about a hunger sound at 100 food, with a light penalty, and save the serious not being able to move stuff for 0 food? It's just ridiculous to get so little warning and such a severe penalty. I've died because I can't run/jump to get back to my ship to get to the fucking fridge!
    4) If we get shot down outside an enemy POI, we can't disassemble our own ships??? I can core the POI and disassemble the thing down to the foundation, but my own ship which crashed next to it cannot be fixed or disassembled because we're not allowed to build near an enemy base.

    PLEASE HELP!!! :)
  20. KRDucky

    KRDucky Ensign

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Please add Vulkan Support. It is in Unity 5.6 and would drastically improve performance especially for those of us with weaker specs.

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