
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    So here dude is what the creative menu looks like when you press H.

    To move stuff fast in bulk you press right-shift down and click on the item you want to move it will move whole stack.

  2. FalloutBoy

    FalloutBoy Ensign

    Aug 6, 2015
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    I just tried starting the game in Survival mode today and went to build my first base but I cant for the life of me get used to the flattening tool that is required to be used before the first base block is laid, is there some combination of shift or CTRL or something along those lines that makes the Terrain level to the same point and if so how do you set what that point is?
  3. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    You don't need to use the flatten tool to make flat land for a base. Blocks can easily be placed into the ground. Though if you're flattening land for aesthetic purposes, I'm afraid I can't help as I haven't used the flatten tool myself.
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Think of the terrain as dirt-covered "block". What means: if you point the flatten tool on the ground in front of you, it will flatten the sourrounding, higher area (= the"dirt" thats covering your block) down to "your" level. However..if you happen to stand at a kind of a ramp, the flatten tool will create a "step". Just play around with should come in handy quite fast. Its quite complicated to explain this via text ;-)
  5. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Yeah I wish the flattening tool would actually flatten better. Right now it seems to just take the landscape to the extremes, if there is any elevation difference you end up with the dramatic pits and spikes.
  6. migisan

    migisan Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2015
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    you are most probably using the wrong mouse key with the flatening tool ;)
  7. Gust

    Gust Ensign

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I love the game, but the lightning is not nice. Due to "realistic" long nights half of the game happens in darkness, and we need to bring our own light source. But all of them produce very sharp light, that makes the surroundings very contrast (pretty much black and white) and hard to see through. Mining in night, even with loads of light, is very uncomfortable. I think, light should be much softer, warmer and "colourful".

    Also, all ores should have much brighter colour, so that it can be easily distinguished from rock and ground.
  8. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Yeah, I love the idea of the freestanding lights, but their contrast makes them useless, it's easier to see without them.

    Also, the wattage usage for lights needs to be reduced DRAMATICALLY. Right now, each light takes up 1 KILOWATT, instead they should be using maybe 0.05 Kilowatts.
  9. migisan

    migisan Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2015
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    The use of the ground vehicle is very limited since it has extreme problems climbing the mountains and cross the canyons.
    On the other hand i really would like to use them, because GV is the only small vehicle that can be equipped with turrents. As long as you have alien drones on a planet, the turrents can be very handy :)
    Eviscerator and Captain_Brian like this.
  10. DNA_ERR

    DNA_ERR Ensign

    Aug 12, 2015
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    My first post. Nice game, I think that it will be a really good game at some point. I am playing around with the survival game. Some general feedback:

    - Sleep - in the single player game, sleep can be helpful for a couple reasons. (a) there should be a health bonus, even if only slight, and at the fair exchange that you might get hurt or miss an event; (b) sometimes you just need to wait until morning in a vehicle, and it is a pain to wait 11 or 12 minutes until morning.
    - The stars don't move in the sky but the planet turns and the moons go around the planet... odd. ;)
    - Creatures spawn/appear too close to allow a decent reaction. If you had a creature whose strategy was to hide underground, well ok. But instead the nasty snake headed things are spawned 2 feet away after getting out of a vehicle.
    - Frankly, guns and damage are not balanced. The first bad creature is a arachnid that takes a clip and a half of .50 caliber bullets. The first drones take about a clip and a half from an automatic rifle. I understand the need to use resources wisely in a survival game, as well as tough creatures, but the bad guys seem too strong.
    - The tech tree is hard to navigate. (Not hard to understand... hard to navigate) I think that it somewhat has to do with the interface. In many of the screens only two lines of stuff are visible at a time, I have to keep scrolling and clicking back and forth among the tech tabs. Some machines need products from other units. Sometimes, it feels like a trip to the post office where I have to get a form from this window and fill it out for another window to get a notarized document so I can do something else .... a little more bureaucratic, than creative or crafty. A diagrammatic approach might help resolve this - an interface that actually shows the tech tree.
    - The narrow font looks cool, but at high resolutions it is very hard to read, especially as I play games on my tv while sitting on the couch. A wider font (i.e.: Eurostyle) will still have a tech look while being easier to read.
    - A tad difficult to save and pause (a real pause that stops the game while I go get another beer.) The saving needs to allow shorter save names ("_backup" is too long). And, it needs to be easier to save a variation - control S or an automatic save. Maybe include a thumbnail of the saved screen?

    Anyway, I like the game. It's been fun so far.
    Captain_Brian likes this.
  11. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I usually only use about 2/3s of a assault rifle's magazine to kill the drones, but I'm usually shooting them right in the center which might be a weak spot or something. I haven't really had much trouble with any enemies, but I think the assault rifle is the best weapon and all the others I've tried are poor in comparison. The pistol is a starter weapon so that's fine, but I think the sniper rifle should have at least double the range that it does.
    RobDog likes this.
  12. The Blue Thunder

    The Blue Thunder Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I love the game and can't wait for PvP and factions to come :D
    RobDog likes this.
  13. frizzank

    frizzank Ensign

    Aug 14, 2015
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    New player impressions
    I understand its alpha and many things are in the works so this is just unfiltered feedback.

    Drone ship encounters,
    Flying around the planet, exploring buildings and ships.
    The progression from just surviving to building a capital ship.
    The ability to go to space and then back to the ground.

    Random aliens in ships
    Character upgrades, health armor inventory space, Better Jet-pack!
    Survey scanner for planets while in orbit
    Industrial drills for vehicles.
    Shield generator

    Don't like
    Darkness, my flash light was inadequate for lighting up the night.
    Multiple guns/ammo for building/destroying.
    Should have one gun for building with different modes.
    Fixing a mistake was painful.
    A build mode would be nice so I can add and remove blocks easily.
    Worlds felt empty, plant and animal life distribution should be more clumpy less random placement.
    Alien trees are needed!
    It was really easy to get disoriented and lost in space. Icons for home planet, and ship?

    The mouse controls for flying are a bit rough. I would like to see it fallow other space sims and give you the option to switch between relative and absolute controls.
    Duckroll and Madman1701 like this.
  14. N_Draakje

    N_Draakje Ensign

    Jan 15, 2015
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    The photo with a tip looks like a photo from the past. I don't think that people in the year 2473 use this sort of pictures. It doesn't seem logical to me.
    View attachment 848 View attachment 849
  15. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Ehhh.... let's not overthink things lol. That's just a universally understood representation of a picture, which gets the loading screen hint across in a visually pleasing way. If you really need it to be logically explained, just try to think of it as being a "retro" interest of one of the astronauts. ;)
    N_Draakje and RobDog like this.
  16. frizzank

    frizzank Ensign

    Aug 14, 2015
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    Hipster astronauts?
  17. Madman1701

    Madman1701 Ensign

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Okay so my first post. I have about 32 hours into the game so far spread out over only a few days. I love the game and it has so much potential. So here are the notes I have been making as I play:

    -It would be nice to move crafted items after placing them. It happens sometimes when things are not placed quite right and then you have to destroy it and re-craft, which kinda sucks.

    -More than 2 rows visible in the constructor, food processor, etc. There is definitely enough room on the screen to make the window taller.

    -Laser pistol/rifle do not hit targets at close range (bug?).

    -Make depleted resources go away from the map. The number of times I have returned to one mined out is painful.

    -A working map in space would be nice. Also more than 1km of detection in space so you don't lose your base or ship if you didn't place it in the asteroid field. I struggled finding my new base until I built it big enough that it was noticeable.

    -Repair tool aim/building blocks aim is a bit off. Also sometimes it just simply won't repair a block for some reason.

    -Primary/Secondary weapons groups for ships.

    -Auto defence turrets for bases and cap ships would be a nice addition.

    -The removing tool often damages the block directly behind it on the last shot.

    -Being able to enter a QTY to craft an item would be nice so I don't have click a block 200+ times for a mass production of something.

    -I have noticed that in my space base when I log off and log back on I spawn on top of the constructor, which I find odd.

    Other than this the game is great. I have been adding items that say "not active yet" which is nice to know that there are plans to have them proper working devices.
    solo6490 likes this.
  18. martin

    martin Ensign

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I think that things in space should be easier to find and the Devs should increase the speed limit on planets
    Other than that I love the game so far, I do see my fair share of bugs once in a while but I'm sure you guys (Devs)
    Will get onto it soon , one bug for example was that the omicron moon was like integrated into the omicron planet (view from space) maybe it was the atmosphere playing around with my eyes but I think you should take a look on that.
  19. Domo

    Domo Ensign

    Aug 15, 2015
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    I see right now no point at building a ground vehicle. I mean, I just build a small spaceship right away to explore the planet and to leave later on the planet with it.
  20. Vale902

    Vale902 Ensign

    Aug 11, 2015
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    In the General this game can offer a lot if it will be focused in the PVE.
    In the actual state is good even in a pre alpha, spending resources for focus in pvp..will be so bad. This game can be so beautiful after the compartment complete in the core (mob, resources, galaxy etc.)
    Manni.Ac likes this.

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