The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration Scenario - Over 200 playfields.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. 2yysforu

    2yysforu Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    how can I how can I go about adding this to the existing saved world? Or do I need to start the server again?

    Thank you again for the scenario, it's great!
  2. Sixara™

    Sixara™ Ensign

    Feb 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the fix, Piddlefoot! Are the corrections also in the original download link? I just need to copy over to my multiplayer server's scenario folder via FTP.

    totally agree about this being an awesome scenario!

  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes I updated the original link also yesterday so the only file to use now is the one on Steam.
  4. Sixara™

    Sixara™ Ensign

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Thanks for the quick reply and again for the fix!

    I subscribed and do not see it in the scenario folder on my HDD. Which is where I was going to just drag the correction to my multiplayer server. How do I get the corrected files for upload to my public multiplayer server which is at a different IP address.

  5. Loch

    Loch Lieutenant

    Nov 12, 2016
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    Ok, maybe i am not getting how the Scenario thing works for Dedicated Servers. Initially, you had a direct link to a zip file and all was good. but since the update, i have subscribed to the MP scenario in the workshop based on the link in the first post.

    First observation, it does not download the scenario into the Scenarios folder of my client (i was hoping to just grab it and ftp it to the server)

    Second observation, it downloaded the sector file and the playfield files into the new game i started based on the scenario into the saves folder

    Third observation, it doesnt do it instantly...i stayed in the game long enough to crash my pod and it had gotten about half the playfields. I had to go back into the game and load the save and sit for a bit for it to grab the rest of the playfields.

    Fourth observation, it doesnt seem to download the prefab folder items at all...maybe the client is fetching them in real time? but how is that gonna work in a DS environment.

    Any thoughts? has anyone successfully gotten a scenario directly from the workshop to download completely and be playable on a DS?
    Sixara™ likes this.
  6. OneHundretMoons

    OneHundretMoons Lieutenant

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Hey Mate

    I am having issues getting actually the dedicated server running with the Scenario..I can connect to my Server but it keeps loading and loading and nothing happens with the emp admin helper tool.

    For the Workshop Scenario File, it is located here:

    Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\383120\945796566

    Since in your Scenario Folder from your Dedicated Folder Structure you have no Folder for it, you may need to create one and paste the content of "945796566" inside it. Open up the dedicated.yaml file and adjust the Settings to your needs. Then I am not sure if I need to copy the dedicated yaml file over to the root folder of the Empyrion Dedicated Server Folder Structure or not.

    Server runs but I can't connect. You may have better luck then I do :)

  7. OneHundretMoons

    OneHundretMoons Lieutenant

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Ok I got it working now.

    The Content of "945796566" needs to be copied into a newly created Folder named exactly as this: The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration. Make a copy of your original dedicated.yaml file and alter the dedicated.yaml file to your liking which resides inside the "The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration" Folder Structure. Once the changes are done, copy it over to the root folder and overwrite the original dedicated.yaml file. Launch your Server and Enjoy :)
  8. 2yysforu

    2yysforu Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Started a fresh server everyone seems to be loving the new scenario works well, thank you again!!
  9. Krumptz

    Krumptz Ensign

    Jun 12, 2017
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    at first GREAT JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ok i stop spamming but it s hudge men !! and it give another life to that game.
    Keep going on ! plz !!!

    i wait for your answer and me and my friends are ready to jump in !

  10. 2yysforu

    2yysforu Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    What do u need help with? just getting it uploaded?
  11. 2yysforu

    2yysforu Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Do what he says, here is what I do to not to have my dedicated.yaml file overwritten every update. I make a new dedicated.yaml named anything u like ex 2yysforu.yaml and launch my server via bat file like this
    @echo off
    EmpyrionLauncher -startDedi -dedicated 2yysforu.yaml
    echo Dedicated server was started as background process
    echo Enable Telnet (default port 30004) via dedicated.yaml and connect to it locally
    echo for configuration of the server (type 'help' for console commands)
  12. Krumptz

    Krumptz Ensign

    Jun 12, 2017
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    i would like to put it on an online server provider by Nitrado, and i really dont know how to do that with the scenario.
    i apologyse for the quality of my english...
    i already drop files on it like, new planets but it doesn't seem similar to me.
    in fact i dont know how to find the scenerio files (look likes "The Content of "945796566" may be), and drop into the nitro sserv and changing the dedicated file ?
    sorry i m not really used to that, thx for time spending in explaination .
    2yysforu likes this.
  13. 2yysforu

    2yysforu Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Create Folder named exactly as this: The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration, in your server Scenario folder. Then get all the files from Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\383120\947185338. then put in in your server folder Scenario The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration

    then u need to set up your dedicated file. ex
    # Dedicated server settings
    # To use your own dedicated.yaml (e.g., "MyDedicatedConfig.yaml"), add "-dedicated MyDedicatedConfig.yaml" to the corresponding batch file
        Srv_Port: 2000
        Srv_Name: Petunia Server NEW Lost City Of Sol
        Srv_MaxPlayers: 120
        # Srv_ReservePlayfields: 1  # Idle playfield servers held in reserve. For busy public servers, we recommend at least 2 (default = 1)
        # Server description shown in Server Browser
        # max 127 chars: "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        # Srv_Description: "Server info, can contain [b]bold[/b] text or a [u][]link[/url][/u]."
        # All playfield servers will be automatically stopped every <n> real time hours. Players will get some warning messages before
        # Srv_StopPeriod: 48
        # Tel_Enabled: true   # Activate Telnet server
        # Tel_Port: 30004
        # Tel_Pwd: Abc
        # EACActive: false    # Activate Easy Anti Cheat (clients have to enable EAC via Options -> Misc to connect to a EAC protected server)
        # SaveDirectory: Saves
        # Restrict allowed Blueprint size class: restricted types are not allowed to be produced or spawned
        # 1 = allow only small blueprints, ... , 10 = allow very large blueprints, 0 = no limits (Warning: large blueprints can have very strong performance impact)
        MaxAllowedSizeClass: 0
        # Restrict Blueprint types allowed for production in factory
        # None      = Blueprint system completely disabled
        # StockOnly = only stock blueprints can be produced
        # All       = all types allowed (default)
        AllowedBlueprints: All
        # Timeout in seconds after which a playfield server will be killed (and all players on it disconnected)
        # if it does no longer send heartbeat messages to the dedi (0 = feature disabled)
        HeartbeatServer: 15
        # Timeout in seconds after which a client will be disconnected if it
        # does no longer send heartbeat messages to the dedi (0 = feature disabled)
        # HeartbeatClient: 30
        # Enable extra log outputs (for debugging purposes)
        # Defined flags: (add together the values if more than one group should be active at the same time)
        # 1 = EAC
        # 2 = EAC_all_details (includes EAC - Note: this generates a lot of log lines)
        # LogFlags: 2
        # Uncomment the following line if you want to prohibit Steam Family Sharers playing (only the game owner can play then)
        # DisableSteamFamilySharing: True
        # Players with a ping higher than the value specified below will be locked out of the game. We recommend to not allow
        # too high pings as this can result in player cheating
        # KickPlayerWithPing: 300
        GameName: NEW Lost City Of Sol                      # Determines name of the save game
        Mode: Survival                           # Survival or Creative
        Seed: 3031973                            # The seed determines how the world is procedurally generated - the same seed means the same world
        CustomScenario: The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration      # Enable custom scenario. Name of custom scenario from folder Content\Scenarios
        # CustomScenario: Invader vs Defender    # We recommend trying out this multiplayer scenario. Use OriginDefault: Defender for this scenario
        # Note: All times are given in real time hours, 1h real time = approximately 24h in game (Important: Timer counts down as long as the dedicated process is active - deactivated playfields do not stop the timer)
        DecayTime: 2                 # Time after which player-built structures without core or less than 10 blocks get removed when not visited (0 = disabled)
        WipeTime: 0                  # Time after which any player-built structures get removed when not visited (0 = disabled)
        ProtectTime: 2160              # Time during which structures are offline protected
        MaxStructures: 200           # Max number of structures per playfield (limit = 255, reduce on performance problems)
        AntiGriefDistance: 30        # Distance (in m) around a faction's base where no other faction's base can be built
        AntiGriefZone: PvE           # Zone where the AntiGriefDistance is valid (All, PvP, PvE)
        AntiGriefOresDistance: 30    # Distance (in m) around ore deposits where no other faction's base can be built
        AntiGriefOresZone: PvE       # Zone where the AntiGriefOresDistance is valid (All, PvP, PvE)
        EnableTrading: GlobalVirtual # Enables a global virtual marketplace for player-to-player trading
        EnableMaxBlockCount: True    # Enable or disable the max counting of blocks such as the weapon limit
        OriginDefault: Human      # The name of the default Origin
        # OriginDefault: Defender      # Use this default origin when playing Invader vs Defender multiplayer scenario
        OriginAccessOthers: True     # False will not allow any alliances with or join to factions from other Origins
        OriginAutoAlliance: True     # Factions are per default allied if they are in the same Origin
        FriendlyFireInPvP: False     # False will not damage any allied structure even in PvP. Still does hurt players
        # --- Difficulty settings ---
        # Notice: Changing some of the difficulty settings require to start a new game in order to take effect
        DiffEscapePodContent: Easy        # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Determines the content of your equipment when you start a new game
        DiffPlayerProgression: Faster       # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall player progression speed by earning more or less XP
        DiffDegradationSpeed: Low        # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the speed of degradation when using weapons and tools
        DiffRadiationTemperature: Normal    # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the impact of temperature and radiation on the player
        DiffAmountOfOre: Rich             # Rich, Normal, Poor --- Influences the average amount of ore that a deposit contains
        DiffNumberOfDeposits: Plenty        # Plenty, Normal, Few --- Influences the average number of deposits per planet
        DiffDroneBaseAttack: Medium         # Easy, Medium, Hard, Off --- Influences the difficulty of the drone base attacks (infinite waves, number of waves etc.)
        DiffDronePresence: High           # Low, Normal, High, Off --- Influences the overall number of drones that are present on a planet
        DiffEnemySpawnRate: High          # Low, Normal, High --- Influences the spawn rate of enemy NPCs on a planet
        DiffAttackStrength: Medium          # Easy, Medium, Hard --- Influences the overall difficulty when attacking enemies
        DiffConstrCraftTime: Faster         # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall craft speed of constructors
        DiffBpProdTime: Faster              # Faster, Normal, Slower --- Influences the overall production speed of the blueprint factory
    Make sure u have this part right "
    GameName: NEW Lost City Of Sol # Determines name of the save game
    Mode: Survival # Survival or Creative
    Seed: 3031973 # The seed determines how the world is procedurally generated - the same seed means the same world
    CustomScenario: The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration # Enable custom scenario. Name of custom scenario from folder Content\Scenarios
    # CustomScenario: Invader vs Defender # We recommend trying out this multiplayer scenario. Use OriginDefault: Defender for this scenario" the rest change to what u like.

    here is what I do to not to have my dedicated.yaml file overwritten every update. I make a new dedicated.yaml named anything u like ex 2yysforu.yaml and launch my server via bat file like this
    @echo off
    EmpyrionLauncher -startDedi -dedicated 2yysforu.yaml
    echo Dedicated server was started as background process
    echo Enable Telnet (default port 30004) via dedicated.yaml and connect to it locally
    echo for configuration of the server (type 'help' for console commands)
    Hope that helps, hit me up if u need more help
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
    ButtonPusher likes this.
  14. Loch

    Loch Lieutenant

    Nov 12, 2016
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    This is great info and probably should be added to the first post :)
    2yysforu likes this.
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yea sorry guys I wasn't sure about where it was located and I worked it all out yesterday but others have posted how to do it in here already so thanks to those people.

    What your servers name, I come visit.
    Sixara™ likes this.
  16. Krumptz

    Krumptz Ensign

    Jun 12, 2017
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    ok perfect it seem s to work nicely with that:
    Srv_Port: 20100
    Srv_Name: 'The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration'
    Srv_MaxPlayers: 4
    MaxAllowedSizeClass: 0
    AllowedBlueprints: All
    HeartbeatServer: 15
    Tel_Port: 20104
    SaveDirectory: Saves
    Srv_Password: 75369
    Srv_StopPeriod: 24
    Tel_Pwd: HfDLAc
    Srv_Description: 'A Piddlefoot Space Story'
    GameName: 'Exploration Final Testing'
    Mode: Survival
    Seed: 3031973
    CustomScenario: 'The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration'
    DecayTime: 2
    WipeTime: 0
    ProtectTime: 2160
    MaxStructures: 200
    AntiGriefDistance: 30
    AntiGriefZone: PvE
    AntiGriefOresDistance: 30
    AntiGriefOresZone: PvE
    EnableTrading: GlobalVirtual
    EnableMaxBlockCount: 'true'
    OriginDefault: Human
    OriginAccessOthers: 'true'
    OriginAutoAlliance: 'true'
    DiffEscapePodContent: Easy
    DiffPlayerProgression: Faster
    DiffDegradationSpeed: Normal
    DiffRadiationTemperature: Normal
    DiffAmountOfOre: Normal
    DiffNumberOfDeposits: Normal
    DiffDroneBaseAttack: Medium
    DiffDronePresence: High
    DiffEnemySpawnRate: High
    DiffAttackStrength: Medium
    DiffConstrCraftTime: Faster
    DiffBpProdTime: Faster

    finaly the only line i change is
    FriendlyFireInPvP: False

    if i add it into this file, in comparaison with the one you send me, it doesn t work as it should ( i just stay in orbit of the earth, no way to see the ground coming).

    if you see something "broken" inside that file dedicated, plz let me know here or on steam.

    thanks for the help, we gone try to survive now, in that hudge adventure!.
    many thanks to you Piddlefoot, again and again, even if we find troubles inside, you made a hugde work ! many thanks !
  17. 2yysforu

    2yysforu Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    You may want to change all your passwords now
  18. 2yysforu

    2yysforu Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    I'm not seeing anything wrong
  19. Extaz93

    Extaz93 Ensign

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Can't wait for SP version ! :)
  20. Krumptz

    Krumptz Ensign

    Jun 12, 2017
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    ok thx ! really nice to play that story !

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