How do I update my Scenarios

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Nightring, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. Nightring

    Nightring Ensign

    Jun 15, 2017
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    Hey all... Do I need to overwrite my scenarios and then re-type in every little change I originally made every time we have an update, hotfix or patch???

    So I have a few little single player scenarios up on steam that I just modified from the default scenario...

    So I hit the update button in game, it said it was currently updating scenario data, then that was it...

    Is that all I need to do??? or do I need to go in and overwrite my scenario files with the updated default scenario files, then re-type every little change that I originally had in my first un-updated scenario, then hit that button???

    Sorry for being such a noob...
    brand new to this and trying to figure it all out...
  2. Nightring

    Nightring Ensign

    Jun 15, 2017
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    OK folks...
    I have really screwed the pooch now... I was trying to make a mine-ey grindy scenario out of the Invader vs Defender scenario... and was upping the ore amounts and whatnot on the planets...
    Somehow I managed to get on the original scenario yaml while I was comparing amounts between the original scenario and my Mining Frenzy IvD scenario... And I upped their content instead... AAAAAANNNNND I saved em... saved em all LOL....

    So my question is, if I verify the integrity of my game files through steam, will it correct the original invader vs defender scenario? and will it erase all of my uploaded and other personal scenarios I haven't uploaded???

    Boy oh boy... I need some help...
    Just an old ex construction worker here, now too sick to work from having my body beat to death in the construction industry, with no background in programming or computers besides the tiny tiny amount that I somehow managed to learn on my own...
  3. Nightring

    Nightring Ensign

    Jun 15, 2017
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    Oh wait!!! I've got 6.0.0 1076 and 1077 backed up on my desktop!!! They should have a clean copy of the scenario folder in em!!!
    I am truly a noobish idiot...

    Yeppers just looked... it's right there!!!
  4. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    and for future reference, if you edit the original files, "Verify Game Files" should fix it, as does downloading a new patch.
    Nightring likes this.
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Its not a good idea to modify any of the default scenarios or you may render them humped for good.

    Copy and paste the whole thing to a new folder on desktop, then rename it completely so the name of the scenario and folder are different from original, now the scenario is your to mess with, without risk of messing other parts of the default game up.

    If you create a scenario on the PC your playing on, and call it anything, lets call it Bobs Building , then the name of the folder the entire scenario sits in is called Bobs Building.

    Inside that folder there needs to be a prefab folder, a sector folder and a playfields folder, there can be more but they are the bare min you need to get a scenario to work.

    If you do some editing of those files AFTER its already uploaded to steam as a scenario, there SHOULD be a tab at the bottom of the page when your starting the scenario to play that says update scenario. Its as simple as clicking that button to update the scenario, Never change the name of the scenario after its been uploaded to Steam, lol, for obvious reasons.
    Nightring likes this.
  6. Nightring

    Nightring Ensign

    Jun 15, 2017
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    Will do... And thank you both...

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