
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I just want to point out that in many, many "open world" games, the player must use his wits to evaluate the risks of attacking certain places too hard for his actual level. Since the game is "open world" and there is no real restriction on the choice of targets, the player can just skip the hardest places and come back later when he has the weapons / level / resources to tackle such targets. I think what you are asking now is a "shortcut" to avoid having to retreat when encountering opposition that is over your actual capacity in game.
    rainyday likes this.
  2. Zedd

    Zedd Captain

    Feb 23, 2016
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    I know I'm gonna sound like a broken record here, but I have to second this :D
  3. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    SV vs HV

    The engagement distance advantage is in favor to the HV:

    It is working well to preserve HV dominance against potshotting SVs. And the restiction of max 4 missile and plas
    on the HV feels dialed in as well.

    I would make a suggestion to allow unguided SV rockets the ability to strike with a base of 900, for all of the reasons.

    For starters this allows a competant SV pilot the ability to drop a very heavy alpha of 4 unguided rockets at long range as legitimate, and fear inducing like the old x21 plasma guns used to do to HV pilots.

    Further, I never understood at all why SV plasma was changed to the HV rate of fire and damage format for the very reasons just stated.

    So, in the advent it seems to be just too big of a stretch to consider altering t1 SV rockets as stated, that because of the significance of the resource investment for SV plasma, perhaps you would consider changing plasma back to its old format.

    It should be stated however, that if you did just flatly retool plasma to their old damage ie. 250ish per projectile, the velocity is so much faster than t1 sv rockets that it would be obliterating to any target, not just HVs.

    Hence my suggestion on a t1 SV range retool.

    So to sum:[in order of priority] t1 sv rockets would be ideal to give 900 base range to because :

    Unguided counterweight to HVs at standoff Ranges.

    Weapon favors skill and opportunity NOT guided potshots behind terrain.

    Diversifies SV engagement strategy by role design.


    A poor or overconfident HV pilot, that flips themselves over or gets stuck a lot by way of bad design or damage, should be ounished for lack of skill, engineering, or bad luck.

    I suggest this information because since the beginning of live pvp, I have been an HV pilot... and rail guns are not filling their role in this matter, for whatever reason.... and I regularly win now in 6.0 roughly 19 out of 20 battles, and I have yet to see an SV pilot follow up correctly....because they are all using t2 homing/guided rockets, and almost no rails.

    Bring back the plasma Bomber
  4. Menos

    Menos Commander

    Jan 2, 2017
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    After playing on the official server right after the wipe on the PvP starter, I sadly realized how heavily unbalanced weapons are in this game.

    If you build a base above ground then no matter how you build it and how you defend it, all it takes to destroy the base is a single HV with a single artillery cannon. As that cannon out-ranges every other existing turret, the base is effectively undefended. The only thing that can hit you is a base artillery, but the shot travels so slow that it is easy to evade, and since the base doesn't move, you get the enemy artillery down within a few seconds.

    As a result people don't even bother to setup turrets and just build their bases underground with an entrance beneath a body of water, which make the base completely impossible to attack. You cannot destroy the terrain, you cannot destroy any blocks (as there are none in range), and if you enter the base through the entrance underwater you cannot bring any vehicles, so the defense turrets will simply kill you as soon as you put your foot into the base.

    As a side-note: player-built sentry turrets currently ignore armor and are excessively resilient to hand-gun fire. So all it takes is 2 of them to make sure no player ever enters your structure. But even if that is fixed, the defender can just put down laser turrets for the same insta-death effect.

    To make the PvP aspect of this game worth playing there needs to be a revamp of all weapons. Not only the range is an issue, but the damage is as well. Players get one-shot by almost everything, so foot-soldiers aren't a thing. SVs/HVs get destroyed within seconds if hit, so people in general avoid any confrontation in them, and PvP without confrontation is no PvP. CVs are the only ships that can take a few hits, but those generate so much lag, that ship battles are no fun at all. PvP that is over in a second because the first shot a base rockets take out any SV/HV is effectively no PvP. To enjoy PvP damage needs to be low enough so that you can actually spend time in PvP.
  5. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    Half of your problem, and I am willing to bet a stack of power coils on this, is that you are picking a poor position to place your [BA].

    You ideally want a puddle surrounded by mountains in a bowl shape.

    This is because it forces HVs to engage on both unfavorable terrain, and unfavorable ranges.


    There are three [BA] weapons at your disposal that strike at tge same ranges as [HV] Artillery; [BA] Artillery, [BA] Plasma, and [BA] Flack.

    Give that "hint" a try, and do your best to ignore poor and not participate on the level of poor sportsman by : not building [BA]s under water, or have subducted guns that shoot through the terrain..among other things.

    Because once those exploits are corrected, those types of players usually move on, because they can not adapt to develop an actual sportsmanlike strategy.

    Now go get your boots on, wipe off those tears and load up on ammo and go PVP.
  6. Menos

    Menos Commander

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Dude... I am the one destroying the bases with an HV. XD

    We attacked one guy recently that had his base in a canyon of perfect size, so the moment you put your nose over the edge of the mountain you had 20 weapons firing at you, and those weapons were almost completely buried in terrain that you could barely spot them.

    So what we did was to simply cut a hole in the mountain just outside range, and the advantage was gone. Alternatively you could fire the HV from a CV, but I never encountered a base where that was necessary so far.

    Also you forget that not all weapons are at the same range if you attack a base as they are not all in the exact same spot. So you of course attack from the direction where the enemy artillery cannot hit you first, take out as many turrets as you can (or even the core) before engaging the enemy artillery. And the shots of that thing fly so slowly, it is barely an effort to evade them.
  7. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    What planet are you fighting on? Because me and my parter have controlled the pvp planet we are on since 6.0 went live...both times.

    It sounds like we are missing out on a lot of action.

    However. When you say you "just dig a hole" and the advantages are gone....it makes me wonder two things....

    Are you using two people per HV? ie. A driver and a gunner?

    And did you specifically give your HV very high reverse thrust?
  8. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I bet this works with just one person, and the artillery turret set to target anything; might be slower than having a human do the targeting, of course. Plus, at worst, I assume you could drive to just out of range, pop into the turret, and splash damage the base until the enemy turret is destroyed.

    I'd further guess that the HV in question has extremely high acceleration in all directions to facilitate dodging.
  9. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    a flamethrower will be cool.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Menos

    Menos Commander

    Jan 2, 2017
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    More like a driver/shooter and one that carries ammo and repairs occasionally. ;)
    Sometimes we use driver + shooter because it is more convenient in certain situations, but never necessary.

    There are two concepts with the hole-idea: for once you can simply dig a real long and wide hole, but that takes a lot of time. The second is using the way weapons target to your advantage. In many situations, especially when the weapon is set to target cores, it is possible to lower the mountain top just enough so that the HV can fire. But since the targeting spot for enemy fire is at a different location than the point where the shot is fired, the guns below you still have no clear line of sight. Effectively you can fire and the enemy cannot.

    The HV doesn't have high acceleration btw. as it is not necessary to evade enemy artillery shots at max range. It takes several seconds for such a bullet till impact, enough time to move away.
    geostar1024 likes this.
  11. cat59

    cat59 Ensign

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Don't know if this has been said yet, but thoughts on energy bows/blades?
  12. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    not sure how an Energy bow would work form a practical point of view, I would much rather stick with things that are at least theoretically possible, Energy blades maybe as a tool... more like the Honor Harrington force knife then the Jedi's light saber, Maybe as a tear 2 chain saw. that can also be used as a weapon
  13. cat59

    cat59 Ensign

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Like the Nightsisters from the Star Wars animated series. Basically a bow with a 'string' of plasma, that has a grip point in the middle. Ammo would be similar to energy weapons, and when it's out of 'ammo' the plasma string would be gone, and the grip would be held against the bow itself.

    I meant blades as just any kind of melee weapon. I honestly don't actually like guns, believe it or not, and would rather have melee-esque weapons, not tools that can double as melee in a pinch.
  14. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I know a lot of people are not fond of guns, but there just tools... but then so are knives and axes for that matter, but then so would just a common bow or cross bow. as will all tools you should use the right tool for the job. you would not use a 3 lb sledge hammer to drive a nail to hang a picture on the wall. you would not use a tack hammer to brake up a lump of granite... I have always assumed we had a knife as I not sure how else we would clean the animals we kill
  15. cat59

    cat59 Ensign

    Jun 27, 2017
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    So, what's the problem with just adding in more options? Talk of tools all you'd like, but the game even makes the distinction between a weapon and a tool. A bow or melee weapon, is a weapon, not a tool, like how guns are weapons, not tools. I just wanna feel/look cool, and use my weapon of choice is this pretty decent game.
  16. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    oh I just dont see what principles of physics, an energy bow would work off of that is all when I said a bow or cross bow would be more like modern cross bows and survival bows. that still use arrows, and might a nice add to survival but these bows and crossbows would still need arrows or bolts. and can be quit effective with exposave heads and so forth and would be quit easy and chip to build . As cool as the night sisters bows would be I just assumed they where tools the used used to focus the force, so I do not really see a cay the can work.... now with a wookie bow caster or something like it, its basically a electro-megnegitic rail gun that shot a exposive bolt, or a "plasma bolt" I guess it might be posable to put something in an Arrow head that would generate a plasma field around the head
  17. cat59

    cat59 Ensign

    Jun 27, 2017
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    'The bowstrings and arrows of the weapon were made of pure plasma. In the middle of the bowstring was a grip, so that the weapon could be fired without harming the user.'

    Direct from the wiki talking about the bows. It would function the same as laser or pulse rifles, just fire slower with perhaps more damage, while looking cooler. Regular bows could be a precursor to it, but that's tiering, honestly. Most of the Nightsisters didn't actually use the force, it was the witches who used magick, the hunters who used the bows, just had agility and the bow itself, namely, which was purely technology based.
  18. Menos

    Menos Commander

    Jan 2, 2017
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    What would be the purpose of the bow beside looking cool? What would be the advantage if compared to a laser rifle?
  19. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    A properLy built base always without exception needs a pilot and gunner.

    The "p" escape after a shot is made by a solo pilot to escape incoming BA artillery is exploitative, and really needs to be addressed as such....such as as to either make it impossible to leave gunviee or render a projectile innert or dissapear if you have to enter "p" to maneuver.

    That is the reason I asked, specifically.

    Now. I am not going to slam you as a noob. Its clear you have actually done some base breaking. That said, I believe its enough to get the point across.

    The next point is: bases are not designed to defend themselves unoccupied. They are there for only two "real" strategic reasons. Everything else is a matter of convenience and those two are:

    1) to provide a temporary boost to the defense of a position


    1) facilitate either an advance or withdrawl from a position on an active battlefield.

    They have never been designed to be permanent. Infact they only barely come up to the point of semi-permanent.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Supercrab

    Supercrab Commander

    Jun 8, 2017
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    another idea= Lightsabers! these melee weapons would not need to be powered and could be crafted from a lot of esturume, zaxstrume and pentaxide crystals.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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